
 2023-08-18 18:53:45

Fault diagnostic systems for agricultural machinery

Geert Craessaerts, Josse De Baerdemaeker, Wouter Saeys

Fault detection and diagnosis in process industry have attracted a lot of attention recently. There is an abundance of literature on process fault diagnosis ranging from analytical methods to artificial and statistical methods. From a modelling perspective, the methods can rely on quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative models. At the other end of the spectrum, there are historical data-based methods that do not make use of any form of model information but rely only on historical process data. The basic aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of introducing more advanced multivariate fault diagnostic systems on agricultural machinery. Up till now, farmers and contractors still observe the process in order to detect process and sensor failures which can disturb the actions of the controllers and cause severe damage to the machine. In the future, the complete reliance on human operators for the correct functioning of these systems will become too risky, due to the increasing complexity of this type of machinery. A systematic and comparative study of various fault diagnostic methods, from an agricultural machinery perspective, is provided in this study. The different fault diagnostic techniques, investigated in scientific literature, are compared and evaluated on a common set of criteria. Typical requirements of a fault diagnostic system for agricultural machinery are adaptability to process changes, user-friendliness, quick detection and robustness. Based on these findings, a hybrid framework of qualitative model-based fault detection techniques and pattern recognition-based methods, which rely on historical process data, is proposed as the most suitable fault diagnostic technique.

As a first step towards more advanced fault detection and isolation systems, the general applicability of intelligent neural network techniques like supervised self-organizing maps (SOMs) and back-propagation neural networks is illustrated for the detection and isolation of sensor failures on a New Holland CX combine harvester. Pattern recognition techniques, such as neural networks, were found to be very suitable for this kind of application because a lot of historical process data is available since the recent generation of combine harvesters is equipped with a wide range of sensors and actuators, which are continuously monitored. Moreover, these pattern recognition techniques allow quick detection, are easy to use and are able to adapt their structure and/or model parameters based on new measurement data. Since there is room for improvement of these standard techniques, suggestions for future research concerning fault diagnosis on agricultural machinery are given as well.

1. Introduction

The introduction of process control has made a remarkable contribution to the world of agricultural technology. In the past, different processes on agricultural machinery were performed by human operators, but now the larger part is handled in an automatic manner by low and high-level control actions (Coen, Saeys, Missotten, amp; De Baerdemaeker, 2007; Coen, Vanrenterghem, Saeys, amp; De Baerdemaeker,2008; Craessaerts, Saeys, Missotten, amp; De Baerdemaeker, in press). At a supervisory level, human operators still observe the process in order to detect process malfunctions, abnormal events and/or sensor failures which can disturb the actions of the controllers and cause severe damage to the whole process. However, this supervisory task becomes increasingly difficult for agricultural machinery operators due to the ever increasing workload and machine complexity they have to deal with. As a result, human operators often make erroneous decisions concerning the supervisory control of these machines which can have a significant economic, environmental and/or safety impact. Operating on uncertain or missing data may cause improper control actions and consequently the system will not be operating optimally. One of the next challenges for control engineers involved with the automation of agricultural machinery will be the automation of fault detection and diagnosis to further lighten the job of the operator.

In this context, a fault can be defined as a departure from an acceptable range of an observed variable or a calculated parameter associated with a process (Himmelblau, 1978). This defines a fault as a process abnormality or symptom, such as too high a pressure or too high a temperature of a hydrostatic pump. Faults can have different sources and can be classified into three classes of failures: caused by malfunctioning sensors and/or actuators, structural changes in the process or a sudden change of model parameters. The latter one is mainly caused by external disturbances whose dynamics are not taken into account in the process model. In this paper, an overview will be given of the different diagnostic techniques described in the literature for fault detection and diagnosis. Up till now, most of these techniques have been applied in the process industry because of the critical safety norms these processes deal with. It will be shown that fault diagnostic systems have not been given much attention yet in agricultural machinery research. However, these techniques could be of high value at a supervisory control level for agricultural machinery. Based on a formulation of the specific characteristics that a fault diagnostic system for agricultural machinery should include, a suggestion will be made of the most suitable diagnostic methods. Finally, the usefulness of artificial neural networks as a fault diagnostic tool for sensor failure detection will be investigated for an example case. This case study encompasses the detection and isolation of sensor failures on a New Holland CX combine harvester



Geert Craessaerts, Josse De Baerdemaeker, Wouter Saeys




过程控制引进世界农业技术已取得了显著的贡献。过去,虽然在不同的过程中对农业机械进行人工操作,但现在比较重要的部分是自动地处理低和高层次的控制行动(Coen, Saeys, Missotten, amp; De Baerdemaeker, 2007; Coen, Vanrenterghem, Saeys, amp; De Baerdemaeker,2008; Craessaerts, Saeys, Missotten, amp; De Baerdemaeker, in press)。监管水平上在人工操作过程中注意观察,以便及时发现过程中出现故障、异常事件及/或传感器故障,控制器可以扰乱行动并对全过程造成严重破坏。然而,由于不断增加的工作量和、机器的复杂性和他们必须处理的农机作业,这种监督的任务变得越来越困难。


在这方面,一个故障可以被定义为可接受的范围内观察到的变量或计算参数的处理(Himmelblau, 1978)与偏离。这就定义了一个过程中的异常或故障,如压力过高或过高的温度下的静水压泵故障。故障可以有不同的来源,可分为3类:引起的故障的传感器和/或致动器,在这个过程中的结构变化或突然发生变化的模型参数。而后者则主要是由外部干扰引起的,这在动态过程中的模型不考虑。在本文的概述中,将给出在不同的文献中描述的用于故障检测和诊断的技术。到目前为止,这些技术大部分已被应用到不同行业种,因为这些流程处理的关键是安全规范。故障诊断系统还没有被重视但已经用于农业机械的研究。然而,这些技术在监控水平上可能是高价值的农业机械。根据具体特性基础上做的制剂,会用最合适的诊断方法用于农业机械的故障诊断系统应。



基于他们使用的类型和量的先验知识文献大致可分为三类故障诊断方法。基于模型的定量方法,基于定性模型和基于历史记录的方法(Venkatasubramanian, Rengaswamy, Yin, and Kavuri, 2003),方法和过程之间是有区别的。故障诊断中所需要的一组先验知识的可能会说明故障、观测(症状)和失败之间的关系。这是一个可能来自先验领域的知识:

- 利用第一原理模型:过程的知识称为一个基于了解因果关系或基于模型的知识,

- 过程中的历史数据,在这种情况下,知识被称为处理历史数据为基础的知识。基于模型的先验知识,大致可分类为定性或定量的。模型通常是建立在对一些基本的物理过程的理解上。在量化模型中,这种认识表示系统的输入和输出之间的数学函数关系。相反,在定性模型方程表示这些关系时周围不同的单元在一个进程中的启发式功能在缓慢改变。

不同的故障检测与隔离(FDI)功能在Venkatasubramanian, Rengaswamy, and Kavuri (2003); Venkatasubramanian, Rengaswamy, Kavuri, and Yin (2003); Venkatasubramanian, Rengaswamy, Yin, et al. (2003) 的科学文献中被给出。在本节中,为了突出所讨论的技术的优点和缺点将简要地表述这些不同的技术。这个关键的评估将基于理想的故障诊断系统情况下去制定。从这篇评论的结论中可以看出,作者将高度重视读者希望实施一个FDI其特定的应用系统的愿望。


在Venkatasubramanian, Rengaswamy, Yin, et al. (2003)中,概述了理想的故障诊断应系统应具备的特点:

- 快速故障检测和诊断:一个应该在快速的故障检测和测量噪声的敏感性之间权衡的特性。对噪声的敏感度高,在正常操作期间会导致误报频繁。

- 隔离故障:故障诊断系统应该能够区分不同类型的故障。

- 鲁棒性:因为测量噪声和模型具有不确定性,所以故障诊断系统应该是坚实的。

- 新颖性:识别的故障诊断系统应该是能够认识到新的故障的发生,而不是作为一个已知的故障或正常操作错误去分类新的故障。

- 分类误差估计:使系统提供给用户故障分类会发生的错误的先验估计。

- 适应性:在现实世界中的大多数过程是随时间变化的,因为环境条件和/或产品特性的变化。该诊断系统应该能适应这些变化。

- 说明设施:除了系统识别故障源的能力,诊断系统还应提供故障如何起源和如何传播的解释。

- 低建模要求:诊断分类应该是尽可能在低建模中工作。

- 较低的计算要求:故障诊断系统具有算法复杂度低的特点。

- 多故障识别:故障诊断系统能够识别多个在同一时间发生的故障。



如上文所述,生成的诊断残差需要一个显式的系统的数学模型。因此,得到的故障诊断系统的复杂性和可靠性取决于采用什么样的建模方法和比较策略(Venkatasubramanian, Rengaswamy, Yin, et al., 2003)。无论是第一原理模型或黑箱统计模型都可以使用。

第一性原理的模型是基于一个物理过程的理解和高度复杂的监控和诊断往往具有非线性的特性。其结果是,很少用第一原理模型进行故障诊断。大部分的故障诊断模型的方法是使用离散黑盒和/或统计模型,如假设线性输入输出状态的空间模型(Venkatasubramanian, Rengaswamy, Yin, et al., 2003)。

过程故障通常会导致状态变量的变化,或者会改变模型中的参数和在输出过程中的变化。可以据此在模型中估算状态估计和参数估计方法所观察到的投入和产出所使用的状态变量模型参数。在故障诊断中所用的典型状态估计方法是Kalman滤波器和Luemberger观察员(Clark, 1978; Frank, 1986; Patton, Chen, amp; Nielsen, 1995)。这些重构的测量数据是基于测量值或子集的未知状态上得到的。该Luemberger观察者通常用于在一个确定性的环境中的随机过程中(Betta and Pietrosanto, 2000)的Kalman滤波器。结果是正常情况下的模型参数和/或状态变量的偏差(残差)可以用来作为一个故障指示器。同样,对等关系(Gertler, 1995; Willsky, 1976)的检查有助于在建模流程输出的值与真实测量过程的输出值具有一致性。任何观察到的数值的不一致会导致高输出的地方会产生残差,并发生了典型故障。残差可以被评估并被计算出。用方法计算残差时,应权衡故障检测之间的快速性和可靠性的关系。在大多数应用中观察残差需要用到一个简单的阈值函数。然而,我们发现了更科学的统计和/或神经网络分类器(Koppen-Seliger, Frank, amp; Wolff, 1995)。


但是由于去耦的方法受干扰,鲁棒性可以最大化扰动未知的东西,如测量噪声和过程噪声,未建模过程中的行为的影响可以达到最小化。在这种方法中,所有的不确定性被视为干扰,这些可以在去耦过程中区分过滤器的设计(Frank amp; Wunnenberg, 1989; Viswanadham amp; Srichander, 1987)的故障和不确定性的影响。


如上所述,当一个先验领域知识从根本上认识的时候,物理过程中的知识被称为以因果关系模型为基础的知识。一个定量的建模方法在物理过程中被用于表示上一节中提到的系统的输入、输出和状态之间的数学函数关系。当物理关系为定性时,非量化的功能的装置所表示的术语在建模中也为定性使用。我们应该正确区分因果模型和抽象层次之间的关系(Rengaswamy Venkatasubramanian,Kavuri,2003)。

第一次尝试时,基于知识的专家系统模仿人类专家的故障检测方法,是用于故障诊断的一种工具。规则库中包括“if-then”的规则,就是快速增长与增加系统的复杂性之间的关系。这种方法的另一个问题是缺乏对物理系统的观察,这意味着当遇到新的条件中没有定义的规则库时它就会失败(Rengaswamy Venkatasubramanian,Kavuri,2003)。这就需要系统建模工具进行推理,它可以以定性的方式形容它的因果结构。数值分析的模式导致了不同的定性建模方法的发展不像有向图和故障树结构那么固定(Rengaswamy Venkatasubramanian,Kavuri,2003)。

二个字母代表的是有因果关系的系统节点之间的有向弧。有向弧是从起因节点指向效果节点。它是在以图形方式表示所观察到的状态或是在故障模式的一种有效方式。Maurya, Rengeswany, and Venkatasubramanian (2007)提出了一种基于有向图的故障检测框架在可能的候选组中选择一个过程中的初期反应故障。





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