
 2022-08-17 10:49:13


LABVIEW software introduction

1.LabVIEW is a program development environment by National Instruments (NI) company developed, similar to the C and BASIC development environment, but a significant difference between LabVIEW and other computer language: other computer languages are used to generate code based on text language, while the LabVIEW is using the G graphical programming language editors. The program is a block diagram form. LabVIEW software is the core of the NI design platform, is also ideal for development of measurement and control system. LabVIEW integrated development environment for engineers and scientists to quickly build all kinds of Application of all the tools needed to help engineers and scientists solve problems, improve productivity and innovation

2.Analysis: like C and BASIC, LabVIEW programming system is general, there is a complete any programming task huge.LabVIEW library functions including data acquisition, GPIB, serial control, data display and data storage and so on,.LabVIEW also has the traditional program debugging tools, such as setting breakpoints, and display data subroutine approach to animation (VI) the results of step, to facilitate the process of debugging.LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument E Ngineering Workbench) is a kind of icon instead of lines of text to create applications using the graphical programming language. The traditional text programming language according to the statements and instructions in the order of determining the sequence of execution, while the LabVIEW uses data flow programming, data flow diagram of the node determines the execution order of.VI VI and the function of the finger virtual instrument,.LabVIEW LabVIEW program module provides the look and traditional instruments (such as oscilloscope, multimeter) similar to the controls, can be used to easily create user interface user interface. The surface is called the front panel in LabVIEW. The use of icons and connection can be controlled by programming on the objects on the front panel. This is the graphical source code, also known as the G code.LabVIEW graphical source code in a way similar to the flow chart, it is also known as the program code.

3.Features: as far as possible the use of common hardware, differences between the various instruments are mainly software. Can give full play to the computers ability to have strong data processing function, can create a more powerful instrument. Users can be defined according to their needs and manufacturing all kinds of instruments. The future research of the virtual instrument is another problem connected interconnection a variety of standard equipment and computer. Is currently using more IEEE488 or GPIB protocol. The future instrument should also be networked. LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual instrument Engi Neering Workbench) is a graphical programming language development environment, it is widely accepted by the industry, academia and research laboratories as a standard data acquisition and instrument control software.LabVIEW integrated with VXI, meet GPIB, all functions of communication hardware and data acquisition card RS-232 and RS-485 protocol. It is also built to facilitate application of TCP/IP Library function, ActiveX software standard. It is a powerful and flexible software. It can be convenient to use to build their own virtual instrument, The graphical interface makes programming and the use process is interesting. Graphical programming language, also known as the 'G' language. Using the language programming, basically dont write code, instead of chart or diagram. It is possible to use the technical personnel, scientists, engineers are familiar with terminology, icons and concepts, therefore, LabVIEW is a tool for the end user. It can enhance your ability to build their own scientific and engineering system, provides a convenient way to realize instrument programming and data acquisition system. It is used the principle of research, design, implementation and testing instrument system, can Greatly improve work efficiency. The use of LabVIEW, can produce a stand-alone executable file, it is a true 32 bit /64 bit compiler. Like many important software like LabVIEW, UNIX, Linux provides Windows, various versions of the Macintosh. It is convenient, a hardware, can by changing the software, you can achieve different instrumentation function, very convenient, is the equivalent of software hardware! Now graphic is mainly the upper system, China has now developed a graphical programming system System (support 32 bit embedded system, and can be extended), continuous improvement (we can search CPUVIEW will have more detailed information);

4.Virtual instrument is the instrument based on computer. The close combination of computer and instrument is an important direction of instrument development. Roughly speaking, this combination of two ways, one is the computer into the instrument, instrument and its typical example is the so-called intelligent. With computer functions more powerful and the the volume gradually reduced, this kind of instrument is getting more and more powerful, has instruments containing embedded system. Another way is to put the instrument into the computer. In general computer hardware and operating system based on various instruments. Virtual instrument mainly refers to this way is actually a virtual instrument. The organization in accordance with the needs of the instrument data acquisition system. The research of virtual instrument in basic theory mainly involved in computer data acquisition and digital signal processing. At present in this field, widely used computer language is NI LabVIEW. The origin of the virtual instrument can be traced back to 1970s, when the computer control system in national defense, aerospace and other fields have appear


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  1. LabVIEW是一种程序开发环境,由美国国家仪器(NI)公司研制开发,类似于C和BASIC开发环境,但是LabVIEW与其他计算机语言的显著区别是:其他计算机语言都是采用基于文本的语言产生代码,而LabVIEW使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。 LabVIEW软件是NI设计平台的核心,也是开发测量或控制系统的理想选择。 LabVIEW开发环境集成了工程师和科学家快速构建各种应用所需的所有工具,旨在帮助工程师和科学家解决问题、提高生产力和不断创新。
  2. 解析:与 C 和BASIC 一样,LabVIEW 也是通用的编程系统,有一个完成任何编程任务的庞大函数库。LabVIEW 的函数库包括数据采集、GPIB、串口控制、数据分析显示及数据存储,等等。LabVIEW 也有传统的程序调试工具,如设置断点、以动画方式显示数据及其子程序(子VI)的结果、单步执行等等,便于程序的调试。LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench)是一种用图标代替文本行创建应用程序的图形化编程语言。传统文本编程语言根据语句和指令的先后顺序决定程序执行顺序,而 LabVIEW 则采用数据流编程方式,程序框图中节点之间的数据流向决定了VI及函数的执行顺序。VI指虚拟仪器,是 LabVIEW 的程序模块。LabVIEW 提供很多外观与传统仪器(如示波器、万用表)类似的控件,可用来方便地创建用户界面。用户界面在 LabVIEW 中被称为前面板。使用图标和连线,可以通过编程对前面板上的对象进行控制。这就是图形化源代码,又称G代码。LabVIEW 的图形化源代码在某种程度上类似于流程图,因此又被称作程序框图代码。
  3. 特点:尽可能采用了通用的硬件,各种仪器的差异主要是软件。可充分发挥计算机的能力,有强大的数据处理功能,可以创造出功能更强的仪器。用户可以根据自己的需要定义和制造各种仪器。未来虚拟仪器研究的另一个问题是各种标准仪器的互连及与计算机的连接。目前使用较多的是IEEE488 或 GPIB协议。未来的仪器也应当是网络化的。 LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual instrument Engineering Workbench)是一种图形化的编程语言的开发环境,它广泛地被工业界、学术界和研究实验室所接受,视为一个标准的数据采集和仪器控制软件。LabVIEW 集成了与满足 GPIB、VXI、RS-232和 RS-485 协议的硬件及数据采集卡通讯的全部功能。它还内置了便于应用TCP/IPActiveX等软件标准的库函数。这是一个功能强大且灵活的软件。利用它可以方便地建立自己的虚拟仪器,其图形化的界面使得编程及使用过程都生动有趣。图形化的程序语言,又称为 “G” 语言。使用这种语言编程时,基本上不写程序代码,取而代之的是流程图框图。它尽可能利用了技术人员、科学家工程师所熟悉的术语、图标和概念,因此,LabVIEW是一个面向最终用户的工具。它可以增强你构建自己的科学和工程系统的能力,提供了实现仪器编程和数据采集系统的便捷途径。使用它进行原理研究、设计、测试并实现仪器系统时,可以大大提高工作效率。利用 LabVIEW,可产生独立运行的可执行文件,它是一个真正的32位/64位编译器。像许多重要的软件一样,LabVIEW 提供了WindowsUNIXLinuxMacintosh的多种版本。它主要的方便就是,一个硬件的情况下,可以通过改变软件,就可以实现不同的仪器仪表的功能,非常方便,是相当于软件即硬件!现在的图形化主要是上层的系统,国内现在已经开发出图形化的单片机编程系统(支持32位的嵌入式系统,并且可以扩展的),不断完善中(大家可以搜索 CPUVIEW 会有更详细信息;)
  4. 虚拟仪器:是基于计算机的仪器。计算机和仪器的密切结合是目前仪器发展的一个重要方向。粗略地说这种结合有两种方式,一种是将计算机装入仪器,其典型的例子就是所谓智能化的仪器。随着计算机功能的日益强大以及其体积的日趋缩小,这类仪器功能也越来越强大,目前已经出现含嵌入式系统的仪器。另一种方式是将仪器装入计算机。以通用的计算机硬件及操作系统为依托,实现各种仪器功能。虚拟仪器主要是指这种方式。虚拟仪器实际上是一个按照仪器需求组织的数据采集系统。虚拟仪器的研究中涉及的基础理论主要有计算机数据采集和数字信号处理。目前在这一领域内,使用较为广泛的计算机语言是lt;a data-cke-saved-href='美国' href='美国' target='http://baike.b



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