
 2023-02-24 14:40:06

1. Scope of Supply

    1. ZPMC will design, manufacture, install, erect, deliver to site, test, commission and handover the container crane to the User and will provide technical service in compliance with the Contract. Detail supply scope is described in the Contract document.
    2. The crane will be supplied with one single mode telescopic container spreader.
    3. One cargo beam and the spreader head block will be supplied.
    4. Crane stowage device and the drawings of dock embedded part. The buyer will make and install the stowage socket on the dock.
    5. Storm tie-downs (structure on the crane and steel cable) and their installation. The connection parts on the dock will be made and installed by the buyer. ZPMC will supply the drawings.
    6. Trailing cable of the crane for traveling distance of 250m each side of high voltage feeding point.
    7. ZPMC will provide drawings for the dockside high-voltage power supply cable junction box and anchorage device. The junction box will be made and installed by the buyer. The HV junction box shall be located at the inner side of waterside gantry and in the middle of whole traveling distance.
    8. One 40ft water container for 60T test weight.
    9. Remote Crane Management System and electric anti-way system is not required for this project.

2. Standards and codes

The followings international recognized standards and codes would be used for designing and construction of the cranes:

For structure: FEM

For material: DIN, ASTM, GB (Chinese Standard)

For mechanical: FEM

For gearing: ISO/GB/AGMA

For electrical: IEC

For painting: SIS, SSPC

For welding: AWS

For measuring unit: International unit system (for major equipment)

For safety: EN ISO 14122-4 / GB3811

For the items which no international standard can be found Chinese standard GB 3811 “Design rule for cranes” will be used.

3. Environmental conditions on work site

The crane will be designed and constructed to be fully capable of operating safely and withstanding the following climatic conditions.

  1. Ambient temperature -20℃ to 30℃
  2. Relative humidity Max. 90%
  3. Wind speed of operation condition up to 20m/s
  4. Storm wind speed 42m/s with peak

There is height limitation of power lines in the voyage channel of the transportation vessel access to the Buyerrsquo;s dock. The safety passage height from water level to the power line is 58m. The Buyer should provide the official document of the power line height limit and channel sea map for ZPMC confirmation.

4. The way of delivery and erection

The crane will be delivered as fully-erected to the buyerrsquo;s terminal and off-loaded on the designated rail track by ZPMC. ZPMC will be responsible for all the risk and cost of shipment, insurance, unloading, erection, connection to power supply and testing until a provisional certificate of acceptance is issued by the buyer.

To enable the crane to be constructed to match with the dock structure, it is preferred that relevant drawings of the dock structure and its load bearing capacity shall be given to ZPMC immediately after the contract has been signed. ZPMC will design related parts in accordance with the given structure and dimensions of the dock for successful operation of the crane.

ZPMC will submit detailed procedure of shipment of fully-erected crane and roll-off (unloading) process together with predicted shipment schedule for the buyerrsquo;s approval and necessary cooperation three (3) months prior to the crane shipment.

The buyer will supply pilot service into the buyerrsquo;s harbor and towboat and berthing free of charge.

5. Basic technical specification of the crane

5.1 Type of structure: Dual box section type boom and girder, AC driven crane with self-propelled trolley.

5.2 Principal technical particulars:

5.2.1 Rated capacity:

under single telescopic spreader 40 t

under hook beam 60 t

5.2.2 Type of container to be handled: ISO containers of 20/40/45

5.2.3 Type of spreader: 20 /40 /45rsquo;telescopic spreader

5.2.4 Rail gauge: 20.3 m

5.2.5 Outreach: 38 m

5.2.7 Backreach: 23 m

5.2.8 Lift above rail top: 29 m

below rail top: 12 m

5.2.9 Clearance between gantry legs: gt;16.5m

5.2.10 Clearance height under portal tie beam gt;15 m

5.2.11 Crane overall height 54.5m

5.2.12 Overall width (gantry bumper to bumper) 30m

Gantry bumper height from rail top 400mm

5.2.13 Speed

a. Main hoisting: hoisting speed 70 m/min

(with rated load under spreader)

150 m/min

(no load under spreader)

Lowering speed 70 m/min

(with rated load under spreader)

150 m/min

(no load under spreader)

b. Trolley: 150 m/min

c. Gantry: 45m/min

d. Boom hoisting: 5min (single way)

5.2.14 Trim 3

5.2.15 List 3

5.2.16 Skew 3

5.2.17 Elevator Capacity is 400kg from the bottom landing to the horizontal beam and operatorrsquo;s cab and machinery house elevation. It is of rack-pinion type.

6. Crane Classification

6.1 Structure

Class of utilization U7

State of loading Q3

Group classification A8

6.2 Mechanical

Description class utilization state of loading group classification

Main hoist T8 L3 M8

Trolley traverse T8 L3 M8

Boom hoist T5 L2 M5

Gantry travel T4 L3 M5

6.3 Gantry stability

The crane will


1. 供应范围

1.1 ZPMC 将设计、制造、安装、建造、安装、现场交付、测试、调试和将集装箱起重机移交给用户,并按照合同提供技术服务。合同文件中描述了详细的供应范围。

1.2 起重机将配备一个伸缩集装箱吊具。

1.3 将提供一个货梁和吊具头块。

1.4 起重机存放装置和码头埋件图。买方需要将在码头上制造并安装存放插座。

1.5 风暴系结(起重机和钢缆上的结构)及其安装。码头上的连接部件将由买方制造并安装。ZPMC 将提供图纸。

1.6 起重机的拖曳电缆将要用于高压供电处每侧 250 米的行驶距离。

1.7 ZPMC 将为码头侧高压电源电缆接线盒和锚固装置提供图纸。接线盒将由买方制造并安装。HV 接线盒应位于水边龙门的内侧和整个行驶距离的中间。

1.8 一个40英尺水容器用于测试60T 测试重量。

1.9 本项目不需要远程起重机管理系统和电动防溜系统。

2. 标准和守则


结构: FEM

材料: DIN、ASTM、GB(中文标准)

机械: FEM


电气: IEC


焊接: AWS


安全: EN ISO 14122-4 / GB3811

对于没有国际标准的项目,将采用中国标准GB 3811'起重机设计规则'。

3. 工地环境条件


(1)环境温度 -20°C至 30°C

(2)相对湿度 最大 90%

(3)运行条件的风速 最高20m/s

(4)风暴风速 峰值42米/s

运输船进入买方码头的航程通道存在电力线的高度限制。从水位到电力线路的安全通道高度为58米。买方应提供电力线路高度限制和航程海图的正式文件,以便 ZPMC 确认。

4. 交付和安装方式

起重机将作为完全安装货物交付给买方终端,并由 ZPMC 在指定的轨道上卸载。ZPMC 将负责装运、保险、卸载、安装、连接电源和测试的所有风险和成本,直到买方签发临时验收证书。

为了使起重机的构造与码头结构相匹配,最好在合同签订后立即将码头结构及其承载能力的相关图纸交给ZPMC。ZPMC 将根据码头的给定结构和尺寸设计相关部件,以便起重机成功运行。

ZPMC 将在起重机装运前三(3)个月提交完全装入起重机和滚装(卸载)流程的详细装运流程,以及买方批准和必要合作的预测装运时间表。


5. 起重机的基本技术规范


5.2 主要技术细节:

5.2.1 额定容量:

单伸缩扩张器 40 t

下钩梁 60 t

5.2.2 需要处理的容器类型: ISO 容器20/40/45

5.2.3 分流器类型: 20 /40 /45 伸缩吊具

5.2.4 导轨仪表: 20.3 m

5.2.5 外展: 38 m

5.2.7 背达: 23 m

5.2.8 升轨 上轨顶部: 29 米

下轨顶部: 12 m

5.2.9 龙门腿之间的间隙: >16.5m

5.2.10 间隙高度下门户梁 >15 m

5.2.11 起重机整体高度 54.5m

5.2.12 总宽度(龙门保险杠到保险杠) 30 米

从导轨顶部到龙门保险杠高度 400mm

5.2.13 速度

a. 主起重: 起重速度 70 m/min


150 m/min


降低速度 70 m/min


150 m/min


b.小车: 150 米/分钟

c.龙门: 45米/分钟

d. 动臂起重: 5分钟(单程)

5.2.14修剪 3

5.2.15清单 3

5.2.16倾斜 3

5.2.17电梯 从底部着陆到水平梁和驾驶室和设备房高度,容量为 400 kg。它是机架式。

6. 起重机分类

6.1 结构

利用率等级 U7

加载状态 Q3

组分类 A8

6.2 机械


主起重机 T8 L3 M8

小车横移 T8 L3 M8

悬臂起重机 T5 L2 M5

龙门行走 T4 L3 M5

6.3 门架稳定性


6.4 车轮负载


最大车轮载荷 410KN/轮

最大负载感应车轮负载 410KN/轮

7. 材料

用于起重机施工的材料将符合 ASTM 标准或 GB 3811,并且将是优质材料。所有材料在储存前都经过检查,并带有出厂合格证。对用于基本部件的材料将分析化学成分,并测试其机械性能。将对材料进行跟踪,以确保材料用于指定用途。

1) 对于结构件: Q345B或 Q235

2) 用于滚筒: Q345B

3) 用于滑轮: 精铸合金 (42SiMn)

4) 用于齿轮: 20CrMnMo, 35CrMo, 45

5) 对于轴,联轴器: 42CrMo、45、35CrMo


工程将符合 AISC 规范、允许应力设计以及 AWS D1.1-2002 的循环载荷结构要求。焊接程序和焊接条将在施工图纸上显示。


8.1 钢板表面应根据SIS Sa 21/2进行喷丸或喷砂处理。

8.2 切割采用数控切割机进行,禁止手工切割,必要时必须消除手工切割的痕迹。

8.3 焊接和焊接程序 焊接接头设计符合 AWS 标准。最好采用全自动切割工艺。焊接将由合格的焊工进行。必要的焊缝将通过无损检测方法east(NDT)进行检测。根据AWS标准规定,以下位置的无损检测范围为:

受拉的主要结构构件的所有全熔透焊缝 100%UT

主体结构的所有全熔透焊缝仅承受压缩 25% UT

关键结构(FCM)上的角焊缝 100% MT

其他圆角焊缝 10% MT

焊接过程和控制将符合 AWS 1.1-2002 标准,满足以下要求:







8.4 所有外露螺栓和螺母均经过防腐处理。直径小于12mm 的螺栓为不锈钢。其他主要暴露螺栓和螺母将采用涤纶(通过涂覆涤纶涂层进行防腐的一种方法)或其他防锈方法。

8.5 将采用最新的涂装程序。将使用富锌环氧底漆。涂层总干膜厚度不小于190um。有关详细信息,请参阅下面的相关章节。

9. 降低噪音和振动的手段

9.1 ZPMC将致力于通过减少旋转零部件对支撑结构的影响来降低噪音和振动。

9.2 隔离振动源,例如,驾驶室和小车之间的橡胶垫,齿轮减速器采用刚性公共底座等。

a. 操作过程中操作驾驶室内小于 75dB(A),空调打开,门窗关闭。

b. 机房内的最大噪音水平不超过105 dBA。

c. 机房电气室最大噪音级小于95dB(A)。

10. 防碰撞保护





11. 钢结构



11.1 门架



11.2 吊杆和大梁

11.2.1 动臂和梁为焊接双箱型结构,钢轨支撑梁安装在大梁和大梁的下部。


11.2.2 小车轨道无接头,并放置在梁的导轨支撑梁上,导轨安装的吊杆精度符合 FEM 标准。在钢轨和钢轨支撑梁之间使用增强的橡胶垫和导轨夹,以减少和隔离振动

11.2.3 在梁和吊杆走道上,提供楼梯和平台,以便安全、方便地维护安装在梁和动臂上的设备,并在滑车位于梁或吊杆上的任意位置时为操作员提供安全



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