
 2022-12-20 21:23:01

Safety Culture

Safety culture is one of a number of ideas currently seen as offering organizations a way to achieve higher standards of safety. A second concept which seems to spark interest whenever it is mentioned is collective mindfulness,advocated by Karl Weick and his associates. Risk-awareness is a third,related concept. These ideas all involve a cultural approach to safety and,as I shall show,are essentially alternative ways of talking about the same cultural phenomena.

It is crucial to have a clear idea of the concept of culture before embarking on any analysis of the cultural approaches to safety.This article therefore contains an extended discussion of the topic and also of the vital role that leadership plays in creating cultures. It begins,though,with an account of why the cultural approach is now so prominent.

Why the Cultural Approach?

The attention now being paid to the cultural approach to safety stems in part from a recognition of the limitations of safety management systems as means of achieving safety. For the last couple of decades,safety professionals,regulators and others have been arguing that safety is not simply a matter of compliance with externally imposed regulations. Instead,organizations need to manage safety proactively in the same way that they manage their other activities. They need,in short,to develop safety management systems.

Experience with safety management systems suggests,however,that they are not infallible. Major accidents are frequently traced to failures in safety management systems,and investigations sometimes reveal that safety management systems are little more than sets of manuals occupying meters of shelf space and bearing little relation to what goes on in the workplace. They are virtual safety management systems,existing in theory but not in practice.

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Essos gas plant explosion near Melbourne in 1998 came close to describing the safety management system at the site as virtual. Esso was using a system developed by the parent company Exxon,known as OIMS(Operations Integrity Management System).

What the Commission had to say about the system:

“OIMS,together with all the supporting manuals,comprised a complex management system. It was repetitive,circular, and contained unnecessary cross-referencing. Much of its language was impenetrable. These characteristics made the system difficult to comprehend by management and by operations personnel.

The Commission gained the distinct impression that there was tendency for the administration of OIMS to take on a life of its own,divorced from operations in the field. Indeed it seemed that in some respects concentration upon the development and maintenance of the system diverted attention from what was actually happening in the practical functioning of the plants at Langford.”

It would be hard to imagine a more devastating critique of a safety management system.

Evidence of another sort comes from a study carried out some years ago of safety management systems in South African mines. Safety management at these mines had been assessed using the International Safety Rating System (the five star system). The study sought to correlate the number of stars achieved by these mines with their fatality and reportable injury rates. It found no correlation. In other words, companies which had perfected their systems and whose achievement had been recognized with a five star rating were no safer than companies whose safety management systems were judged to be inferior.This is a sobering finding,reinforcing the view that safety cannot be assured simply by introducing a safety management system.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence as well. An Australian company which consistently achieved five star ratings for years, became aware of a disturbing number of “near misses”. One particular near miss brought matters to head:its electrical isolation procedures failed and an electrician began work on a live piece of high-voltage equipment. Evidently its five star system was not good enough.

None of this is to suggest that safety management systems are unnecessary. It is simply that something else is needed to bring them to life,to make them work——and that something is an appropriate organizational culture.

Here is how one of the foremost writers in this area,Jim Reason, puts it in an article entitled “Beyond the limitations of safety systems”:

“[There is a]widely spread misconception ... that somehow systems sit apart from culture. It is this belief that drives managers over-reliance on systems on the one hand,and an insufficient understanding of, and emphasis on,workplace culture, on the other.They believe, mistakenly, that compliance with such rules and procedures can be achieved simply by the imposition of systems, while ignoring the crucial cultural dimension. Yet it is the latter that ultimately determines the success or failure of such systems.”

To repeat,the cultural perspective does not replace the system perspective,it augments it. No one is saying,“ignore systems,all we need to do is get the culture right”; on the contrary, the right culture is necessary to make safety systems work.

Culture: A Characteristic of Individuals or Groups?

So far the concepts of culture and safety culture have been left vague. It seems obvious enough that safety culture can be defined,at least in a preliminary way, as “a special case of ... culture, one in which safety has a special place in the concerns of those who work for the organization”. But what is culture? If we are to understand the relationship of culture to safety we must explore the meaning of culture in more detail.

Social scientists insist that culture in general,and safety culture in particular,is a characteristic of groups, not of individuals. Organizations may have multiple cultures and cultures m



在众多让组织达到更高安全标准的方法中,第一个是目前被广泛认可的安全文化;而第二个——Karl Weick及其同事提倡的集体意识,以及第三个,风险意识,也同样引起了人们的兴趣。正如我接下来所说,这些想法都涉及到了安全文化,他们只是用不同的方法谈论同一个文化现象。





在对1998年墨尔本附近埃索(Esso)天然气厂爆炸事件的调查中,英国皇家调查委员会(Royal Commission of Inquiry)认为现场的安全管理系统形同虚设。埃索使用的是由母公司埃克森美孚开发的系统, OIMS(Operations Integrity Management System运营完整性管理系统)。








以下是该领域最重要的作家之一,Jim Reason,在题为《超越安全系统的局限性》的文章中所写:























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