A Design of the Temperature Test System Based on Grouping DS18B20
Abstract: All the DS18B20 sensors, used for the multipoint test temperature, are connected with MCU on one of IO bus, and temperature data are collected by turns. If the system has a large amount of sensors, the time of MCU used in processing the temperature data is obviously prolonged, so the cycle of alternate test gets longer. In this paper, a new method that DS18B20 are rationally grouped is presented, and some measures are taken in software; as a result, the speed of alternate test advances distinctly.
Key words: DS18B20 Group, temperature test, time spent on the alternate test.
As the simple structure, convenient installment, low loss and wide range of temperature test, DS18B20 temperature test sensors are applied to the fields which need the multipoint temperature test, such as the chemical industry, the grain, the environment supervision and so on. Because of the adoption of one bus in the DS18B20 multipoint temperature test system, all DS18B20 are hung on one bus, and then the temperature conversion value of each test point is read by turns. As the conversion value must be read after reading-pin state for 8 times, and position and store data must be moved, so time spend much in reading one point of the data system by every time. If the temperature test system is large-scaled, the system loss caused by it is rather much, and then the alternate test speed of the system decreases obviously, which influences the efficiency of the multipoint temperature test system seriously. In this paper, DS18B20 are hung on some I/O buses by grouping DS18B20 evenly, and the conversion temperature data is obtained by reading the state of DS18B20, then the system loss decreases and the alternate test speed increases obviously, which wonrsquo;t influence the precision and the reliability of the conversion. A set of multipoint temperature test of artificial environment laboratory is achieved in this paper, which increases the test efficiency of the former system.
DS18B20 is the single bus digital temperature sensor from American Dallas Company. DS18B20 is consisted of the 64 figures ROM engraved by laser, the temperature sensitivity component, non-volatile temperature alarms trigger (Device TH and TL).DS18B20 communicates with the microprocessor by the single bus port and the test range of DS18B20 is from -55 centigrade to 125 centigrade, and the incremental value is 0.5 centigrade. The temperature can be changed into figures within 720ms and each DS18B20 has the sole 64 figures serial number.The specific content is revealed as Fig 1: There are two 8 figures storages (No.0 and No.1) for storing temperature value in DS18B20. No.0 storage stores complement of the temperature value, and No.1 stores symbols of the temperature value. The user can define non-volatile temperature alarms sets and distinguish the alarms search order and seek the component temperature alarms state outside the scheduled limit. There are two alternative ways of power supply: Signal bus high-level borrow power is adopted, or the 5v power supply externally is adopted directly.
Fig 1 DS18B20 64bit ROM
This paper illustrates the grouping method with the interface of DS18B20 and 89C52. Assuming the amount of the buses on P1 port is 4 and the temperature test system needs 100 DS18B20 sensors, which can be distributed equally to the 4 I/O lines. If the number of sensors cannot be divided by the number of buses even, the number disparity of sensors on buses is no more than one, which can be handled while reading numbers. The power is supplied externally. Owning to the synchronistic conversion in each DS18B20, the intense current is needed, and the signal bus cannot be used for the power supply, otherwise the system cannot work in order. The schematic circuit is shown as Fig 2 (the DS18B20 signal buses of the same group are hung on some buses of P1 port). When read and write the DS18B20, the strict schedule must be kept. First a reversion pulse is sent to all DS18B20. After the reversion, Skip ROM order is sent to each circuit simultaneously from the I/O port, and the conversion order is sent, then all sensors begin transform. After the conversion, Match Rom order is sent to each circuit simultaneously, and 64 bits serial number is sent. DS18B20 is selected for each group, and Scratch Pad data is read. Finally the data is transformed. The data of serial-read is transformed into the actual temperature value. One alternate test is finished after the DS18B20 temperature data is read completely by the cyclical reading for 25 times.
Fig 2 DS18B20 grouping sketch map
Now the time-consuming in the test system of the single bus and the grouping analyses method is illustrated respectively. The reversion period of DS18B20 is 495us-1020us; the writing period of one bit is 60us-120us; the reading period of one bit is above 60us; the span of writing or reading the next bit is 1us. As the A/D conversion time is 97.35ms (9 precisions), if it is counted by the shortest way, the total time-consuming of alternate test is calculated respectively as follows:
(1) Single bus
495us 2*(8*60 7)us 97.35ms 495us 100*(64*60 63 8*60 7 9*60 8)us=552.534ms
(2) Grouping mode
495us 2*(8*60 7)us 97.35ms 20(64*60 63 8*60 7 9*60 8)us=189.804ms
As the small proportion of the numeration system conversion and the storage time in the whole period, the unknown crystal-oscillator frequency, the numeration system conversion and storage time is not counted. Accordingly, the alternate test time which grouping mode consumes is much shorter than single bus mode obviously.
1 引言
DS18B20温度传感器由于其结构简单、安装方便、低损耗以及测温范围宽而被广泛应用于需要多点测温的地方,像化工,粮食存贮,环境监测等。由于多点温度测试系统采用的是单总线方式,所有的DS18B20传感器挂在一根总线上,然后轮流读取每一个测试点的温度转换值。由于读取单个传感器的转换值需要读 8次管脚状态,并要进行移位存储数据,所以系统读取每一点的数据花费的时间不小,如果测温系统规模较大的话,由此造成的系统损耗也是相当大的,从而导致系统的交替检测速度明显下降,极大的影响了多点测温系统的检测效率。本文中,DS18B20平均分组挂到多根I/O线上,通过同时读取DS18B20的状态得到转换的温度数据,从而明显提高交替检测速度并降低系统开销,同时又不影响转换精度及可靠性。本文设计了一套人工环境实验室的多点温度测试系统,明显提高了现有测试系统的检测效率。
2 DS18B20的特性
DS18B20是由美国Dallas公司设计的单线数字温度传感器。它由64位激光光刻ROM、温度传感元件、非易失性温度报警触发器(TH和TL器件)三个部分组成,其与单片机的通信采用单线接口,DS18B20的测量范围是-55℃到 125℃,增量值为0.5℃。温度可在720ms内变换为数字,每一个DS18B20具有唯一的64位的序列号(图1),DS18B20内部有两个8位存储器RAM用来储存温度值(0号和1号),其中0号存储器存放温度值的补码,1号存储器存储温度值的符号。用户可以定义非易失性的温度报警设置并且区分报警搜索命令,寻求组件温度警报状态以外的预定的限制。有两种供电方式:利用信号线高电平时借电供电,或直接用 5V电源供电。
图1 DS18B20的64位ROM
3 应用分组测试方法
本文以DS18B20与89C52的接口说明分组测试方法,假定P1口上的总线数为4,温度测试系统需要100个DS18B20传感器,可将100个传感器平均分配到4根I/O线上,如果传感器数量不能被总线数整除,可使连在总线上的传感器数量差别不超过1个,这样读数时就能解决。电源采取外部供电,由于每个DS18B20都是同步转换,所以需要较强电流,不能用信号线供电,否则系统无法正常工作。电路原理图2所示(同组的DS18B20信号线都连接在P1口的一根总线上)。当对DS18B20进行读写时,必须严格保持时序要求。首先给所有的DS18B20发一个复位脉冲,复位后从各I/O口发送跳转ROM命令,转换以后向各路同时发匹配ROM命令,接着发送64位序列号,每组选择一个DS18B20,读取Scratch Pad数据,最后进行数据转换,将串行读取的数据转换成实际值,循环读取25次将所有DSl8B20温度数据完全读完,一次交替测试完成。
图2 DS18B20的分组示意图
现在来分别说明单总线方式和分组方式测试系统耗时。DS18B20的复位时间为495us~1020us,写一位时间为60us~20us,读一位时间为60us以上,读写相临一位时间间隔为1us。因为A/D转换时间为97.35ms(9位精度),整个交替检测时间分别为: (1)单总线:
495us 2*(8*60 7)us 97.35ms 495us 100*(64*60 63 8*60 7 9*60 8)us=552.534ms
495us 2*(8*60 7)us 97.35ms 20(64*60 63 8*60 7 9*60 8)us=189.804ms
4 设计实例
4.1 系统硬件
考虑到主控芯片需存储多点的温度值并进行数值转换,需要较多内部RAM,因此采用ATMEL公司89C52单片机,其带有256字节RAM和8KB E2PROM程序存储器。因为要对DS18B20的序列号进行区分和编码,所以增加了液晶模块和键盘模块,无线数传部分则选用收发一体式无线模块PTR2000,该模块可以有两个业余频段选择,波特率可调(最高可达20Kbit/s),单芯片微机串口的数据可以直接接收。
DS18B20采用电源供电方式,分为8组挂在P1口(P1.0-P1.7口)。无线模块直接挂在串口上,硬件看门狗采用MAX813芯片。当系统加电时,89C52的复位信号由MAX813的复位管脚输出,复位脉冲的值为200 ms。程序正常运行时,必须在小于1.6s的时间间隔内向MAX813的WDI管脚发送一个脉冲信号,以清除芯片内部看门狗定时器。若超过1.6s,该管脚都没收到脉冲信号,则使89C52复位。考虑到系统须存取120个DSl8B20的序列号。所以扩展了一片8K带掉电保护功能的数据存取器DSl225。
4.2 系统软件功能和流程
5 结论
1 引言
图1 载玻片干燥机的机械布局
2 问题阐述
设定温度接口 |
范围 精度 |
60-99°C 1°C |
设定温度显示 |
范围 精度 |
60-99°C 1°C |
室内温度显示 |
范围 精度 准确度 |
60-99°C 1°C plusmn;1°C |
室内温度阶梯响应 |
范围(稳定状态) 精度(稳定状态) 最大超调 设定时间(到plusmn;1°) |
60-99°C plusmn;1°C 1°C 120s |
表1 精确的规格说明
3 系统设计
图2 温度控制器硬件结构图
图3 单片机原理图
4 设计过程
图4 集总元件热模型