
 2022-08-19 16:03:15

附录B 外文原文

Design based on the ARM7 embedded appliance control system

The ARM7s Profile

The ARM7 lead series processors are mainstream embedded processor designed by the British company ARM ARM7 core is 0.9MIPS/MHz the three lines and Von Neumann structure; ARM9-based core is a 5-stage pipeline, provide 1.1MIPS/MHz the Harvard architecture . The ARM7 no MMU, the ARM720T is the MMU, ARM9 ARM9TDMI and ARM9E-S Series ARM9 is the MMU ARM940T Memory protection unit is not a complete MMU.

Basic information

ARM9-clock frequency is higher than the ARM7, a Harvard architecture distinguishes between the data bus and instruction bus, ARM7 processor with three pipeline, while the ARM9 five pipeline, five pipeline to deal with the allocation of each instruction to 5 clock cycles in each clock cycle at the same time, five instructions in execution. ARM9TDMI processor clock frequency of the ARM7TDMI from 1.8 to 2.2 times in the same process.

Instruction cycle

The improvement of instruction cycle:

2.1 loads instructions spear n stores instructions:The most obvious improvement of the instruction cycle number is loads of instructions and stores instructions. From ARM7 to ARM9 these two commands, the execution time reduced by 30%. The instruction cycle is due to two basic micro-processing structure within both the ARM7 and ARM9 processor.

(1) ARM9-based independent instruction and data memory interface, and allows the processor to fetch and read and write data. This is called a modified Harvard architecture. ARM7 only data memory interface, it is also used to fetch and data access. (2) 5-stage pipeline to introduce a separate memory and written back to the assembly line, were used to access memory and write the results back to the register. Two more than one cycle to complete loads instructions and stores instructions.

Interlocking (interlocks) technology

When the instruction data because the previous instruction is not executed is not ready will have a pipeline interlock since the lock. When the pipeline interlock occurs, the hardware will stop the execution of this instruction until the data is ready. Although this technique will increase the code execution time, but provides great convenience for the early designers. Compiler and assembly language programmers can re-design of the code sequence or other methods to reduce the number of pipeline interlock. Branch instruction

ARM9 and ARM7-branching instruction cycle is the same. ARM9TDMI and ARM9E-S does not branch instruction to predict. The ARM9 structure and characteristics

Introduced ARM9E-S as an example the main structure and characteristics of the ARM9 processor. (1) 32bit fixed-point RISC processor, improved the ARM / Thumb code intertwined, enhance sexual multiplier design, support real-time (real-time) debugging; (2) on-chip instruction and data SRAM, and the instruction and data memory capacity is adjustable;

(3) on-chip instruction and data caches (cache) capacity from 4K bytes to 1M bytes;

(4) is set protection unit (protcction unit), and is ideal for embedded applications, memory segmentation and protection;

(5) using the AMBA AHB bus interfaces and peripherals to provide a unified address and data bus;

(6) support for external coprocessor instruction and data buses with a simple handshake signaling support;

(7) to support standards-based scan test methodology, and support the BIST (built-in-self-test); (8) Support the Embedded Trace Macrocell, to support real-time tracking instructions and data;

Basic introduction

ARM offers a range of kernel, system extensions, microprocessors and system-on-chip program. All products are a common software system, so the same software can be run in all products (in theory). Typical products are as follows. ① the CPU core

- ARM7: Small, fast, low-power, integrated RISC core for mobile communications.

- The ARM7TDMI (Thumb): This is the authorized user of a product, the ARM7 instruction set with Thumb extensions together to reduce the memory capacity and system cost. Also use the embedded ICE debug technology to simplify system design, and a DSP-enhanced extensions to improve performance. The typical use of the product is a digital cellular phones and hard drives.

- ARM9TDMI: a 5-stage pipeline of ARM9 core with Thumb extensions, debugging and Harvard Bus. The ARM7TDMI, the same production process, performance up to twice as many. Commonly used in networking and set-top boxes. ② system expansion - Thumb: 16 cost of the system, to provide 32-bit RISC performance, special attention is the required memory capacity is very small. ③ embedded ICE Debugging The integration of the ICE-like CPU core debugging techniques, prototyping and system-on-chip debugging has been greatly simplified. ④ microprocessor - ARM710 series, including the ARM710, ARM710T, ARM720T and ARM740T: low-cost, low power consumption, packaging conventional system microprocessor with cache (Cache), memory management, write buffer and the JTAG. Widely used in handheld computing, data communications and consumer multimedia. - ARM940T, 920T series: low-cost, low power, high-performance system microprocessor, with the Cache, memory management and the write buffer. Used in advanced engine management, security systems, set-top boxes (STBs), portable computers and high-end printer. - The StrongARM: high performance, while meeting the needs of conventional application of a microprocessor, jointly developed with DEC and subsequently licensed to Intel SA110 processor chip SA1100 PDA system and SA1500 multimedia processor chips using this technology. www.docin.com- ARM7500


附录A 译文


一、 ARM7的简介

ARM7引系列处理器是英国ARM公司设计的主流嵌入式处理器 ARM7内核是0.9MIPS/MHz的三级流水线和冯·诺伊曼结构; ARM9内核是5级流水线,提供1.1MIPS/MHz的哈佛结构。 ARM7没有MMU,ARM720T是MMU的,ARM9主要包括ARM9TDMI和ARM9E-S等系列ARM9是有MMU的,ARM940T只有内存保护单元,不是一个完整的MMU。 1.1 基本信息 ARM9的时钟频率比ARM7更高,采用哈佛结构区分了数据总线和指令总线, ARM7处理器采用3级流水线,而ARM9采用5级流水线,5级流水线能够将每一个指令处理分配到5个时钟周期内,在每一个时钟周期内同时有5个指令在执行。在同样的加工工艺下ARM9TDMI处理器的时钟频率是ARM7TDMI的1.8-2.2倍。

1.2 指令周期

1.2.1 指令周期的改进:

loads 指令和stores指令: 指令周期数的改进最明显的是loads指令和stores指令。从ARM7到ARM9这两条指令的执行时间减少了30%。指令周期的减少是由于ARM7和ARM9两种处理器内的两个基本的微处理结构不同所造成的。 (1) ARM9有独立的指令和数据存储器接口,允许处理器同时进行取指和读写数据。这叫作改进型哈佛结构。而ARM7只有数据存储器接口,它同时用来取指令和数据访问。 (2) 5级流水线引入了独立的存储器和写回流水线,分别用来访问存储器和将结果写回寄存器。 以上两点实现了一个周期完成loads指令和stores指令。 1.2.2 互锁(interlocks)技术


1.2.3 分枝指令


1.3 ARM9结构及特点

1.3.1 以ARM9E-S为例介绍ARM9处理器的主要结构及其特点。

(1) 32bit定点RISC处理器:改进型ARM/Thumb代码交织,增强性乘法器设计,支持实时(real-time)调试。

(2) 片内指令和数据SRAM:指令和数据的存储器容量可调。(3) 片内指令和数据高速缓冲器 (cache):容量从4K字节到1M字节。

(4) 设置保护单元(protcction unit):非常适合嵌入式应用中对存储器进行分段和保护。

(5) 采用AMBA AHB总线接口:为外设提供统一的地址和数据总线。

(6) 支持外部协处理器:指令和数据总线有简单的握手信令支持。

(7) 支持标准基础扫描测试方法学,而且支持BIST (built-in-self-test)。


1.3.2 基本介绍


(1) CPU内核


-- ARM7TDMI(Thumb):这是公司授权用户最多的一项产品,将ARM7指令集同Thumb扩展组合在一起,以减少内存容量和系统成本。同时,它还利用嵌入式ICE调试技术来简化系统设计,并用一个DSP增强扩展来改进性能。该产品的典型用途是数字蜂窝电话和硬盘驱动器。


(2) 体系扩展

-- Thumb:以16位系统的成本,提供32位RISC性能,特别注意的是它所需的内存容量非常小。

(3) 嵌入式ICE调试


(4) 微处理器




SA110处理器、SA1100 PDA系统芯片和SA1500多媒体处理器芯片均采用了这一技术。 ARM7500和ARM7500FE:高度集成的单芯片RISC计算机,基于一个缓存式ARM7 32位内核,拥有内存和I/O控制器、3个DMA通道、片上视频控制器和调色板以及立体声端口;ARM7500FE则增加了一个浮点运算单元以及对EDO DRAM的支持。特别适合电视顶置盒和网络计算机(NC)。


根据IEEE( 电器和电子工程协会)的定义,嵌入式系统是“控制、监视或者辅助装置、机器和设备运行的装置”(devices used to control, monitor, or assist the operation of equipment, machinery or plants)。从中可以看出嵌入式系统是软件和硬件的综合体,还可以涵盖机械等附属装置。目前国内一个普遍被认同的定义是:以应用为中心、以计算机技术为基础、软件硬件可裁剪、适应应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗严格要求的专用计算机系统。

2.1 简介


(1) 嵌入式微处理器

(2) 外围硬件设备

(3) 嵌入式操作系统

(4) 特定的应用程序

2.2 定义







2.3 关联概念


2.3.1 嵌入式处理器


2.3.2 实时操作系统

实时操作系统 (RTOS-Real Time Operating System): 嵌入式系统目前最主要的组成部分。根据操作系统的工作特性,实时是指物理进程的真实时间。实时操作系统具有实时性,能从硬件方面支持实时控制系统工作的操作系统。其中实时性是第一要求,需要调度一切可利用的资源完成实时控制任务,其次才着眼于提高计算机系统的使用效率,重要特点是要满足对时间的限制和要求。

2.3.3 分时操作系统




2.3.5 实时操作系统中的重要概念

(1) 系统响应时间(System response time):系统发出处理要求到系统给出应答信号的时间。

(2) 任务换道时间(Context-switching time):任务之间切换而使用的时间。

(3) 中断延迟(Interrupt latency):计算机接收到中断信号到操作系统作出响应,并完成换道转入中断服务程序的时间。

2.3.6 实时操作系统的工作状态


(1) 运行:获得CPU控制权。

(2) 就绪:进入任务等待队列,通过调度转为运行状态。

(3) 挂起:任务发生阻塞,移出任务等待队列,等待系统实时事件的发生而唤醒,从而转为就绪或运行。

(4) 休眠:任务完成或错误等原因被清除的任务,也可以认为是系统中不存在的任务。 任何时刻系统中只能有一个任务在运行状态,各任务按级别通过时间片分别获得对CPU的访问权。

2.4 系统组成 2.4.1 简介 一个嵌入式系统装置一般都由嵌入式计算机系统和执行装置组成,嵌入式计算机系统是整个嵌入式系统的核心,由硬件层、中间层、系统软件层和应用软件层组成。执行装置也称为被控对象,它可以接受嵌入式计算机系统发出的控制命令,执行所规定的操作或任务。执行装置可以很简单,如手机上的一个微小型的电机,当手机处于震动接收状态时打开;也可以很复杂,如SONY 智能机器狗,上面集成了多个微小型控制电机和多种传感器,从而可以执行各种复杂的动作和感受各种状态信息。


2.4.2 硬件层


(1) 嵌入式微处理器

嵌入式系统硬件层的核心是嵌入式微处理器,嵌入式微处理器与通用CPU最大的不同在于嵌入式微处理器大多工作在为特定用户群所专用设计的系统中,它将通用CPU许多由板卡完成的任务集成在芯片内部,从而有利于嵌入式系统在设计时趋于小型化,同时还具有很高的效率和可靠性。 嵌入式微处理器



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