Research on a Kind of Wireless Sensor Relay
Zha Xiaofei, Wang Dahu, Zhang Tong, and Huang Keming
Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo Henan 454000, China
Abstract. The goal of our system is to quickly and accurately measure current on a transmission line and relay this information wirelessly by sending a trip signal to a circuit breaker. Right now, Samp;Crsquo;s line of circuit switching devices does not monitor the current on a transmission line between a circuit switcher and a transformer. So the goal is to get this current measurement without making a physical connection to the transmission line and sending the current magnitude wirelessly to flag a trip signal at the circuit switcher depending on the value of the line current.
Keywords: sensor relay, wireless overcurrent, Crowbar Circuit.
The goals of our system are to accurately measuring current on a transmission line, and to relay this information wirelessly by sending a trip signal to a circuit breaker. Right now, Samp;Crsquo;s line of circuit switching devices does not monitor the current on a transmission line between a circuit switcher and a transformer. So the goal is to get this current measurement without making a physical connection to the transmission line and sending the current magnitude wirelessly to flag a trip signal at the circuit switcher depending on the value of the line current.
Also, our system will be self-powered in the sense that it will use the current in the transmission line to power itself. It will need no source of external power. The device will have the ability to store power in order to successfully shut down after a trip signal is sent since then there would be no line current to harvest energy from. The high level goal is to have a functioning product at the end of the semester that Samp;C can use to implement this for a full three phase device.
Device Features:
Wireless radio allows versatile placement of sensor Quick overcurrent signaling
Stores energy to power down itself after a fault Real-time current monitoring Device Benefits
Overcurrent protection between circuit switcher and transformer Energy efficient via self-powering from the lines
Low to no maintenance design Fig1 – Software Flow Chart
Y. Zhang (Ed.): Future Communication, Computing, Control and Management, LNEE 142, pp. 181–186. copy; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
The purpose of the crowbar circuit is to protect the storage capacitor and the DC-Link from overvoltage conditions. During a fault, the voltage induced in the secondary of the CT may exceed the rated voltages of the capacitor and the DC-Link. Two reverse parallel SCRs are used to short the secondary of the CT when such a condition occurs. When the supply voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage of the Zener Diodes (D13 and D14) the SCRs are triggered reducing the voltage across load.
Is Op-amp 2 Data max?
Do DFT to set |x| to var x
Start on Power Up
Init In/Out Port Pins Initialize LCD Display
Set Operating Timer Stop WDT
Output to XBee=0
Variable x = Op-amp 2 Data
Output to XBee=1
Variable x = Op-amp 1 Data
Get Data from Op-amp 2 High gain {for low current}
Get Data from Op-amp 1 Low gain {for high current}
Fig. 1. The Block Diagram of the System
Is |x|gt;600A?
Display |x| on LCD
The circuit operation is evident from the simulation plots below in Figure 2. Figure 2 represents the voltage across the load and the current through the SCRs. In this simulation, the input voltage is below the Zener breakdown and the crowbar remains inactive; that is no current flows through the SCRs. The load sees input sinusoidal voltage equal to the input voltage. Under these conditions the storage capacitor will be charged to the input voltage (secondary of the CT).
The input voltage however is now increased to above the Zener reverse breakdown. Every time the breakdown voltage is exceeded the SCRs are triggered and the CT is shorted. Thus the voltage across the load decreases to about 2-4V. Once triggered the SCRs remain active until azero crossing of the current waveform. This allows the capacitor to charge even if the overvoltage condition continues indefinitely(which can only occur in case of Fig.2 - Crowbar Simulation Schematiccommunication malfunction and the circuit switcher remains closed).
Energy storage is needed to allow the device to remain powered during crowbar operation. A storage capacitor will provide smooth power to the electronics and allow the device to remain operational for a short amount of time after the circuit switcher has been triggered. Figure 4 describes how the storage capacitor is connected to the crowbar. A bridge rectifier is used to convert the AC input voltage. In this configuration the capacitor also provides filtering for the rectified AC signal.
Below is a simulation plot describing how the overall power supply operates. It can be seen that the capacitor reaches rated voltage within 2 cycles. The red and purple traces represent the how the Zener breakdown operation and SCR triggering.
Fig. 2. Crowbar Simulation Schematic Fig. 3. Crowbar amp; Storage Simulation
The DC-Link draws power directly from the storage capacitor and converts it to adequate voltage to power the MSP430 microcontroller, XBee communications, and the Rogowski coil signal conditioning circuitry. It is based on the Supertex HV9961 LED driver and is a modified switching power supply. According to the manufacturer, the HV9961 is capable of operati
简介: 我们系统的目标是快速准确地测量传输线上的电流,并通过向断路器发送跳闸信号来无线传输该信息。 目前,S&C的电路交换设备系列不监控电路切换器和变压器之间传输线上的电流。 因此,目标是在不与传输线进行物理连接的情况下获得该电流测量,并且无线地发送电流幅度以根据线电流的值标记电路切换器处的跳闸信号。
低到无维护设计图1 - 软件流程图
消弧电路的目的是保护存储电容和DC-Link免受过压条件的影响。 在故障期间,CT次级中感应的电压可能超过电容器和DC-Link的额定电压。 当出现这种情况时,两个反向并联SCR用于缩短CT的次级。 当电源电压超过齐纳二极管(D13和D14)的击穿电压时,SCR会被触发,从而降低负载两端的电压。
电路操作从图2中的仿真图中可以看出。图2表示负载两端的电压和通过SCR的电流。 在此模拟中,输入电压低于齐纳击穿,撬棍保持无效; 没有电流流过SCR。 负载看到输入正弦电压等于输入电压。 在这些条件下,存储电容器将被充电至输入电压(CT的次级)。
然而,输入电压现在增加到齐纳反向击穿之上。每次超过击穿电压时,SCR都会被触发并且CT会短路。因此,负载两端的电压降低到大约2-4V。一旦触发,SCR保持活动状态,直到超过当前波形。即使过压状态无限期地持续,这也允许电容器充电(这只能在图2的情况下发生 - Crowbar Simulation SchematicCommunication故障并且电路切换器保持关闭)。
图2. Crowbar仿真示意图 图3. Crowbar和存储模拟概要
DC-Link直接从存储电容获取电能,并将其转换为适当的电压,为MSP430微控制器,XBee通信和Rogowski线圈信号调理电路供电。它基于Supertex HV9961 LED驱动器,是一种改进的开关电源。根据制造商的说法,HV9961能够在8-450V整流AC范围内工作,能够调节165mA电流。鉴于电压和电流规格,图3中的DC-Link应能够处理电源需求。
MSP430通过两个A / D通道连接到传感器电路。 它将分析信号并决定发送或不通过XBee无线电发送跳闸信号。 它还可以实时测量和显示线路上的电流.XBee发送器从MSP430接收串行数据并以无线方式进行广播。 当发送跳闸信号时,XBee接收器将设置一个标志(例如点亮一个LED)作为跳闸的指示。
图4. DC-Link原理图 图5.信号调理和MSP430概要
传感模块应使用低功耗处理器,负责协调传感模块的所有信号和操作。为此,我们选择使用MSP430 FG4618。传感模块应包括将跳闸命令传送到接收器模块的方法。应使用无线通信,并且发射器必须能够安全地传输跳闸信号50英尺的距离,并且工作电压小于150 mW。对于此操作,我们选择实施XBee无线电,因为它为我们提供了满足上述[1]要求的安全传输。
我们项目中的许多要求都是由S&C Electric提供给我们的。虽然我们正在尝试实现相同的一般要求,但我们的系统比他们打算实施的整个系统要少得多。因此,我们修改了其内部公司提案[2]中所述的一些要求,我们不会透露这些要求。但是,我们正在引用该文档以满足下面列出的许多要求。
我们首先测试传感器(Rogowski线圈),然后通过它传输电流并记录输出电压。我们将在Everitt Lab的地下室使用Grainger Power Lab。由于我们无法在实验室中提供600A,我们计划使用12号线并通过它推动15A。为了模拟我们需要测试的600A,我们将通过线圈将导线送回40次。我们将研究电流与电压的关系,并计算传感器的每安培电压比。然后我们还必须用放大器测试传感器。这是因为我们需要检测大范围的电流,并且放大器将具有不同的增益以将传感器输出信号置于优选范围内。我们还必须仔细测试来自电源的信号中的噪声。我们还没有Rogowski线圈,所以不可能说我们的放大器需要增益。但是,根据TAEHWATRANS INC Rogowski线圈数据表,输出电压将在16.72mV和17.22uV之间,如[3]中所述。
对于无线功能,我们将使用XBee设备。该模块的要求是它必须至少传输50英尺的视线距离。但是,我们将确保设备可以在大于此距离的情况下进行传输。我们将如何测试此功能是不言自明的。我们还将测试来自传输线的噪声不会阻止成功的XBee传输。为此,我们将简单地将XBee发射器放置在尽可能接近电源的位置,并在线路上施加高电流并执行传输。就模块化测试而言,我们将使用处理器模拟从5A到大于600A的传感器读数,并确保XBee将发送,接收和中继跳闸信号。 XBee应该是该模块的可行来源,因为数据表明它能够在室外(视距)传输100英尺,这对我们的系统来说已经足够了。它还使用了不到150 mW的功率[1]。
完成对模块化组件的测试后,我们将在a处测试系统整体水平较高。为此,我们将在不同级别的线路上测试系统当前。我们将检查600 A(实际为15 A)以下的各种电流并进行测量我们传感系统的准确性。 此外,我们将通过这个非常接近600 A.线以确保系统不会过早发送跳闸信号。 最后,我们将测试在大于600 A时,确保跳闸信号确实无线发送到接收单元并点亮我们的LED。
[1]. Wang,L.-G.,Jing,L.电气点火特性测试系统的研究本安电路中的电弧放电.河南理工大学学报28(1),94-99(2009年)
[2]. Zeng,Z.-H.,Luuml;,H.,Li,Y.,Che,J.-. J.:智能防火屋顶和防盗屋顶的设计家庭报警系统. 河南理工大学学报28(1),207-210(2009)
[3]. Li,Q.-C.,Zhang,H.-W。:微型计算机多传感器信号处理的研究配料系统。 河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)28(2)(四月2009)
[4]. Qu,B.-Z.,Zhang,J.-T.,Liu,Y.-Z.:基于电路的仿真分析与设计Multisim的. 河南理工大学学报28(3),329-336(2009)