Yur Khersonsky,Moni Islam,Kevin Peterson.
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.2007,3(43):838-844.
Abstract - Ship service electrical power consumption at the pier side is rapidly growing and now exceeds 10MW power range on many of the latest commercial ships. Short circuit current interruption capability of the switchgear and cables servicing the ship load at the port dictate the use of medium voltage power distribution systems at voltages from 5 to 21 KV range. Many of the high power medium voltage electrical loads must operate during unloading and loading of the docked ships. At the same time Environment protection regulations in many sea ports (Californias largest ports are
examples of the most restrictive requirements) do not allow ships to operate their prime movers inside the ports. Many ships operators and port authorities are struggling with the absence of appropriate standards and specifications for interconnecting the ship service loads to on-shore power distribution systems. The intent of this paper is first to review the theory, practice and existing interconnection standards and then to outline what can be done to achieve secure, reliable, safe and cost effective operation of the ship service loads inside international ports. The paper will review current state of cold ironing and existing applicable standards for ship interconnections to shore power, proven techniques for shore power interconnections, as well as approaches to mitigate challenges of high power and high voltage shore power.
International shipping has improved quality of life tremendously by transporting refrigerated goods container ships, cruise ship industry, bulk goods carriers, tankers loading and unloading oil etc. In present day technology the speed of performing these tasks provides economic advantage for the ports. The shore side operation of these ships (vessels by ABS and Lloyd Register definitions) demands more electrical power then the traditional ship board shore power. Natural Resources Defense Council in its August 2004 report 'Strategies to Clean up the US Ports [1] indicated that marine ships contribute substantial quantities of air pollution by running onboard diesel auxiliary engines for power while they are at dock. This hoteling,' as it is known, contributes significant but unnecessary pollution, aggravated by auxiliary engines run on bunker fuel-the dirtiest grade of diesel. This measure therefore employs a strategy of hooking docked marine ships to less polluting power sources and is a critical step to reducing emissions from marine ships.
Plugging in to- shore-side power, also known as 'cold ironing,' should make use of near-zero or zero emissions technology to provide cleaner power to docked ships. Several ports throughout the world, including Los Angeles,
California; Juneau, Alaska; and Gothenburg, Sweden, have already implemented shoreside power measures. Specifically, this measure calls for ports to:
1. require shore-side power as a condition of new
terminal leases or renewals;
2. invest in infrastructure for electric power;
3. develop shoreside power for port-operated facilities;
4. subsidize the development of shoreside power for
harbor craft;
5. provide funding to offset the costs of retrofitting
ships to accommodate shoreside power.
The Swedish port of Gothenburg has led the way on commercial shoreside power installations. The system has operated since the year 2000 without problems. It utilizes a 10 kV cable and transforms the electricity on-board to 400
volts DC. Shore-power is supplied by local surplus wind generated power. Terminal operators make the power connections and disconnections. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete the process.
Ships hotelling power demand ranges from 1 to 1.5 MW. The Gothenburg project alone has reduced 80 tons of NOx, 60 tons of SOx, and 2 tons of PM emissions annually because of shoreside power used by ferries and several cargo ships. Efforts are currently under way to replace fossil-fuel- based shoreside energy with nearby wind energy.
The Princess Tours cruise line followed suit in 2001, installing shoreside power at its terminal in Juneau, Alaska, after incurring several fines averaging $27,500 each for visible smoke from its cruise ships. Although some minor technical difficulties arose during the design and construction phases of the project, they proved surmountable. In fact, Princess reports that the project is working well and that it is pleased with the program overall.
In 2002, the City of Los Angeles signed a MOU with six shipping lines to participate in the development of the Alternative Maritime Power (AMP) program at the Port of Los Angeles. This MOU acknowledged the signatories
intent to research and develop an electric infrastructure that would allow ships to plug into electric power while at berth (shoreside power).
The Port of Los Angeles unveiled the worlds first electrified container terminal in June 2004, where ships can plug in to shoreside power while at berth instead of continuously running their dirty diesel engines to generate electricity. The new China Shipping Line terminal facility is expected to eliminate at least 1 ton per day of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter for each ship that plugs in, and can accommodate two ships at one time, according to the Port of Los Angeles.
The Port of Long Beach, California completed its year-long feasibility study in early 2004 on electric power for ships at berth and found shoreside power to be cost-effective for some applications including cruise and container ships [2].
作者Khersonsky, Y; Islam, M; Peterson, K
发表于IEEE工业应用, 2007, 卷 43, 期 3,第838-844页.
船种类 |
船名 |
总注册吨位 |
发电机数量 |
发电机装机容量(千瓦) |
平均负荷(千瓦) |
负载系数(容量%) |
成本效益是/否 |
集装箱船 |
Victoria Bridge |
47,541 |
4 |
5,440 |
600 |
11% |
否 |
Hanjin Paris |
65,453 |
4 |
7,600 |
4,800 |
63% |
是 |
Lihue OOCL California 2 |
26,746 66,046 |
2 4 |
2,700 8,400 |
1,700 950 |
63% 62% |
否 是 |
冷藏船 游船 |
Chiquita Joy Ecstasy |
8,665 70,367 |
5 2 |
5,620 10,560 |
3,500 7,000 |
62% 66% |
是 是 |
油轮 |
Alaskan Frontier |
185,000 |
4 |
25,200 |
3,780 |
15% |
是 |
Chevron Washington |
22,761 |
2 |
2,600 |
2,300 |
89% |
否 |
Groton |
23,914 |
2 |
1,300 |
300 |
23% |
否 |
干货船 汽车船 |
Ansac Harmony Pyxis |
28,527 43,425 |
2 3 |
1,250 2,160 |
625 1,510 |
50% 70% |
否 否 |
破冰船 |
Thorseggen |
15,136 |
3 |
2,100 |
600 |
29% |
否 |
表1 船上平均电能需求
岸电是由阿拉斯加电光源及电源公司(AEL amp;P)从其本地富余水电供电。
朱诺岸电系统同时提供了电力和蒸汽,蒸汽是由一个电热锅炉产生。应当指出,为了防止锅炉在启动时过度冒烟,即使船舶在码头靠泊时锅炉也是在一个低火模式下运行。使船电和岸电保持同步而进行的改造船舶电源管理系统需要很大的成本(约$ 150,000每艘)。每艘船舶都安装了一个新的门,电气连接柜,以及一些必要的自动将船舶电网连接到陆地电网的设备。
每艘船的技术办公区第四层甲板作为电源连接进入的点。一个2.5米长的钢4-舱壁被安装到相邻的钢甲板之间为连接到一个高电压(6.6 KV)电源提供所需的A-0防火级的条件。太阳级船舶有四个苏尔寿16ZAV40S发动机驱动四个GEC发电机提供6.6KV,3相,60 Hz的电源。每个太阳级船最初是在其配电板设置一台备用6.6千伏断路器,船上的电缆连接是采用的传统的插头/插座连接,这种连接方式由美国的采矿业得来的。
浦项钢铁公司(POSCO)从加利福尼亚州匹兹堡港承包了4艘干散货船进行韩国和旧金山湾区之间的海洋运输。这些船都在浦项制铁公司的匹兹堡船坞安装了岸电系统,四艘船都在1991年到1997年之间在韩国完成建造,全部都安装了岸电设备。浦项制铁公司的匹兹堡港是这些船舶连接岸电的唯一地方。在浦项制铁公司的匹兹堡港口连接到岸电的第一艘船是在1991年。这些船通常载重38,000吨,约180米长。岸电是由两个440伏的电缆传输。总电路安装了一个800安培的断路器,将负荷限制到0.5兆瓦。船舶每次到访平均能有48 小时的泊位。船停泊后,由两名船员拉电源线到船上将其连接到船上的电路,并测试极性。浦项制铁公司的终端操作员根据船舶操作员的请求接通岸电回路。这需要三个人长达20分钟才能完成该过程。根据操作员,电源要在没有消隐发生时达到同步。