Offline solutions of the optimal control problems relating to diesel engines provide implications for causal control strategies and serve as a tool to automate the engine calibration process.However,the numerical solution of these dynamic optimisation problems is challenging.Above all,the model evaluations are expensive,integral and local inequality constraints are present , and the time horizon to be considered is long.Generally,the continuous problem is transcribed into an onlinearma the matical program,which has a runtime that increases superlinearly with the problemsize.In the literature,the time-domain decomposition of unconstrained and control-constrained problems is proposed to alleviate this of ten prohibiting increase in computational time.This paper extends the decomposition approach to problems with integral inequality constraints by utilisingapartiallydual formulation to derive equivalence conditions.To achieve the seconditions,exact and approximate iteration schemes are proposed. The time domain decomposition is combined with an iterative meshrefinement and a parallelisation of the model evaluations, which dominate the runtime of the solution process.On a standard personal computer, an overall speedup factor of 25 is achieved for a realistically size dinstance of the dieselengine problem.
1. Introduction
The results from an offline solution of optimal control problems (OCPs) of diesel engines provide implications for a suitable causal control strategy and may be used as a tool to automate the dynamic engine calibration (Asprion, Chinellato, Onder, amp;Guzzella, 2013, 2014a). The main idea thereby is to replace the physical engine by an accurate physical model. This model is used to calculate optimal trajectories of the control inputs and the state variables by means of a numerical optimisation. The objective of this optimisation is the minimisation of the fuel consumption while the cumulative pollutant-emission limits, imposed by legislation, have to be respected. The analysis of the optimal trajectories reveals suitable controller structures and optimal reference and feedforward maps.
However, the OCP of a diesel engine features several challenging properties. First, the system is highly nonlinear. The mathematical models required tocapture its behaviour arecomplex and often comprise map lookups as well as case switches, rendering their evaluation computationally expensive. Second, the system isstiff since the fast pressure dynamics contrast with the slow turbocharger dynamics. Third, the limits on the cumulative emissions impose integral inequality constraints. Fourth, the problem is time-varying since the prescribed driving cycle largely influences the system dynamics. Finally, a long time horizon is typically considered. In heavy-duty transient cycles, intervals not separated by an idling phase are up to 300 seconds long.
Direct methods have become a popular approach for the numerical solution of OCPs. They transform the underlying continuous-time problem into a finite-dimensional nonlinear program (NLP) (Betts, 1998; Rao, 2009). The NLP describing the diesel-engine OCP has aspecific structure. Especially, many linear and nearly linear inequality constraints are present. The former result from limited actuator ranges and mechanical limits on the state variables, whereas the latter stem from the discretisation of the time-variable torque constraint (Asprion, Onder, amp; Guzzella,2013). Therefore, active-set (AS) methods (Nocedal amp; Wright,2006, chap. 18), such as the one implemented in SNOPT (Gill,Murray, amp; Saunders, 2005), are found to be most efficient in solving these NLPs (Asprion et al., 2014a). Even when a quasiNewton (QN) approximation isapplied toavoid the computationally expensive calculation of the exact second derivatives, the iteration count remains low as long as small problem instances are considered.
In contrast, interior-point (IP) methods (Nocedal amp; Wright,2006, chap.19)perform worse on the diesel-engine OCP,especially if QN updates are used. Conversely, IP methods are able to exploit exact second-order information, while AS approaches are not(Gillamp; Wong, 2012). In this case, slightly fewer iterations are required by the IP solver IPOPT (W?chter amp; Biegler, 2006) and the SQP-IP solver WORHP (Buuml;skens amp; Wassel, 2013), as compared to SNOPT.However, since the model evaluations are expensive, the runtime is prolonged significantly.
Another advantage of IP solvers is that the structure of the KKT system1 is invariant over the NLP iterations.Consequently, direct solvers can be applied to ef?ciently solve this linear system. In contrast, AS methods usually calculate and update a factorisation of the KKT system. In combination with the dense linear algebra required to operate on the reduced system, a typical runtime between Oen2T and Oen3T results (Haws amp; Meyer, 2001;Kirches,Bock,Schloder,amp;Sager,2011).Here,n represents the total number of NLP variables, which is proportional to the number of discretisation points.This paper presents a methodology which combines a linear increase of the runtime w.r.t. the time horizon with the advantages of a QN AS solver for the problem at hand, i.e. a fast convergence and the reliance on first-order information only. The key idea is stated next.Time-domain decomposition: An unconstrained OCP can be divided into smaller subproblems (Chang, Chang, amp; Luh,1989). From this subdivision of the time horizon, a two-stage problem structure results: the high-level problem solves for the optimal state at each interval boundary, whereas the individual subproblems are OCPs with a prescribed start and end state.An extension to control-constrained problems is possible(Litvinchev, 1992). Applying asynchronous iteration schemes(Jarraya amp; Baz, 2002) allows for an efficient parall
从离线解的最优控制问题的结果(OCPs)影响柴油引擎提供一个合适的因果控制策略,可以作为一种工具来实现动态的发动机标定(Asprion, Chinellato, Onder, amp;Guzzella, 2013, 2014a)。其主要思想是通过一个精确的物理模型来代替物理引擎。这个模型是通过一个数值优化来计算最优轨迹的控制输入和状态变量。这种优化的目的是燃料消耗最小化同时限制累积污染物的排放,因为法律方面的限制,必须得到尊重。分析最佳的轨迹,揭示了合适的控制器结构和最佳的前馈图和参考。然而,柴油发动机的最优控制问题具有一些挑战性的性能特点。首先,该系统是高度非线性的。数学模型需要捕捉它的复杂行为,通常包括地图查找以及案例的开关,使他们的评价计算昂贵。二,系统是刚性的,因为快速压力动态对比与缓慢的涡轮增压器动力学。第三,对累积排放限制的限制,对积分不等式的限制。第四,问题是随时间变化的,因为规定的驾驶周期内在很大程度上影响系统动力学。最后,长时间观测也是需要重点考虑的。在重载的瞬态周期中,一个不被空闲阶段分隔的间隔是300秒长的。
直接方法已经成为一种流行最优控制问题的数值解的方法。他们改造的基础连续时间问题成为一个有限维非线性程序(NLP)(Betts, 1998; Rao, 2009)。有限维非线性程序(NLP)描述柴油机OCP有特定结构。特别是,许多线性和几乎线性不等式约束的存在。从有限的执行结果的范围和状态变量的机械限制,从而得到时间变矩约束的离散后的结果(Asprion, Onder, amp; Guzzella,2013)。因此,有效集(AS)方法(Nocedal amp; Wright,2006、18章),如实施SNOPT(Gill,Murray, amp; Saunders, 2005),被发现是最有效的解决解决这些NLPs。即使QuasiNewton(QN)和有效集方法近似,但是为了避免昂贵精确的二阶导数的计算,迭代计数很低,因此只被认为是很小的问题实例。
相反,内点(IP)方法(Nocedal amp; Wright,2006、chap.19)在柴油发动机上的OCP表现较差,特别是当如果使用QN更新时。相反,内点(IP)方法能够利用精确的二阶信息,而AS方法不是能(Gillamp; Wong, 2012)。在这种情况下,有更少的迭代次数由IP求解IPOPT(Wauml;chter amp; Biegler, 2006)和用SQP-IP求解WORHP(Buuml;skens amp; Wassel,2013),然而,由于运行时间明显的延长了,所以该模型SNOPT评价是昂贵的。
时域分解:一个无约束的OCP可分成更小的子问题(Chang, Chang,
Luh,1989)。从这个细分的时间跨度来看,一个两阶段的问题结构的结果:解决了在每个时间间隔的边界最优状态的高层次问题,鉴于处于规定的开始和结束的状态OCP中单独的子问题。控制约束问题的扩展是可能的(Litvinchev, 1992)。采用异步迭代计划(Jarraya amp; Baz, 2002)允许一个有效的并行化。
时域分解不依赖于由此产生的OCPs的数值解的具体方法。在这里,直接配置在Radau点(Hairer amp;Wanner, 1999; Kameswaran amp; Biegler, 2008)。这种方法被证明是适合在asprion等方面的问题(2014a)。现成的工具实施OCPs的直接的方法也可以应用,例如ACADO(Houska,ferreau,amp; Diehl,2011),GPOPS(Rao et al.,2010),PSOPT(Becerra,2010),或一个框架的基础上CasADi(Andersson,kesson, amp; Diehl, 2012).
迭代求精(Betts, 2010; Darby, Hager,amp;Rao,2011)::
稀疏技术的开发:从一个OCP的直接转录产生的NLP是稀疏的,这使得数量模型评估的NLP求解过程中要减少(Asprion, Chinellato, amp; Guzzella, 2014b; Betts, 2010;Patterson amp; Rao, 2012)。在本文中,稀疏的问题结构还利用应用共享内存并行编程对模型的评价。
发动机优先考虑的是重型,六气缸的发动机拥有排气量8.7升具有可变涡轮(VGT),但没有配备排气再循环系统(EGR)。在N = 4的控制输入端的位置,开始注射,共轨压力和燃油注入被考虑到的每个燃烧循环和气缸。
空气路径模型是一个平均值模型(Guzzella amp; Onder,2010)。它有Nx=5状态变量和被转换为一个常微分方程组x=f(u,x)。NOx排放量计算的物理模型进行了Asprion,Chinellato, and Guzzella (2013a),它是集成在一个优化型空气路径模型在Asprion,Chinellato, and Guzzella (2013a),烟尘排放为蓝本的共轨压力和空燃比光滑的地图(Asprion et al.,2013)。氮氧化物的排放量和燃料消费的预测没有偏差和相对标准偏差分别为3.3%和0.6%。烟尘模型正确预测的相关趋势。
世界统一的瞬态循环(WHTC)(Giakoumis and Alafouzos, 2010)作为驱动周期。本文件规定了所需的发动机转速和负载转矩的每一秒。图1显示整个周期以及用于测试算法的段。由于在采样时刻的发动机转速和负载转矩的轮廓要求值,保形三次样条曲线用于插补。负的负载转矩的值表示阻力阶段。在这些间隔期间,注射被切断,发动机使机器处在在规定的转速。
由式(1)的OCP是转录成一个有限的空间规划的一阶Radau配置,这就是著名的 Euler向后方案。在转录的所有细节,由此产生的NLP的结构,和解决方案的过程中提供asprion等人(2014A,2014B)。通过求解器SNOPT需要解决的NLP的时间相对于模型评价的运行。测试用例1被使用,和一个统一步骤的离散变化例如产生不同大小的问题。这个程序允许问题的结构保持不变,即一些活跃的约束和自由度增长到NLP变量个数比例。此外,所有的问题都遵循类似的路径。在最初的几次迭代,有效集从而KKT系统结构变化显著。只有几次迭代后,一个接近的猜测,在上述的活动集得到。因为大问题的矩阵因子是在这个阶段可以是显性的,只有三个NLP迭代进行。图2显示的时间要求没有模型评价SNOPT。NLP的变量的数目是网格点x的数目成比例也因此而成正比的长的时间跨度。显然,运行时是n2:5近似成正比。另一个量的利益需要解决NLP,被用于模型评估的总时间的比例。为了评估这一比,25NLP进行迭代,这是接近需要解决的所有问题的迭代步长选择的总数。结果是在图3.如果没有并行化应用前图所示,NLP求解开始主导运行在Nu=2600。手上的问题,这批NLP变量相当于n = 289的离散点或0.2步长的测试案例,盈亏平衡点转移到更小的问题时,并行计算应用到模型的评价,如下所述。
OCP的连续时间产生一个稀疏的NLP的直接转录,即对应的雅可比矩阵的非零只有几项。事实上,只有相邻的网格点直接相关的离散动态约束的向后Euler离散。当NLP变量和约束被放置在阶沿时间轴,一块对角约束雅可比结果。同样,拉格朗日是可分的,因此其Hessian是一块对角矩阵的可分性也因此而稀疏保留高阶离散格式(asprionetal,2014B;帕特森amp; Rao,2012)。
一个问题的稀疏性完美的开发是从这些模型衍生物构建NLP雅可比对应的。换句话说,该模型不能被评估较少的时间来构建的。用正演方法计算了模型的导数。因此,一个额外的模型评价各偏导数,得到一个总的N·(1 Nx Nv)模型,然后用雅可比评价。一个3times;0.000001的扰动被发现是一种很好的选择手中的问题的方法。
在严格的条件下,一个NLP的数据可以区分关于任意参数的问题,直接利用二阶信息(Buuml;skens amp;毛瑞尔,2000)。2个主要障碍阻碍了应用这种有些的方式获得最实际的问题,如一个在手的敏感性
首先,由于模型的复杂性Hessian矩阵的符号运算,即第二部分的衍生物也许是不可能计算的。此外,一些原理也许可能不是典型可微的,如开关,绝对值或查找地图,用有限差分法计算第二衍生物产量约ε1=4 mach 104.
真正的问题,因为一个比机器精度高的扰动εmach 要使用所以一个更低的精度预期已被使用。由于只提供近似信息在NLP求解器的最后几次迭代方向,一个QN和Hessian近似 并不合适。