
 2023-04-19 19:48:29



The following theorem gives us a characterization for local uniform boundedness when the metric space is a subset ofor.

Theorem 8.4.12 A family of complex valued functionson a subsetofis locally uniformly bounded inif and only ifis uniformly bounded on every compact subset of .

Proof. () This is an immediate consequence of the observation that the closure of a neighborhood inoris compact.

() Supposeis locally uniformly bounded on a domainandandis a compact subset of. Then, for eachthere exists a neighborhood of , and a positive real number, , such that

Sincecovers, we know that there exists a finite subcover, say . Then, for,,for all , and we conclude thatis uniformly bounded on.

Remark 8.4.13 Note that Theorem 8.4.12 made specific use of the Heine-Borel Theorem; i.e., the fact that we were in a space where compactness is equivalent to being closed and bounded.

Remark 8.4.14 In our text, an example is given to illustrate that a uniformly bounded

sequence of real-valued continuous functions on a compact metric space need not yield a subsequence that converges (even) pointwise on the metric space. Because

the veriiquest;cation of the claim appeals to a theorem given in Chapter 11 of the text, at

this point we accept the example as a reminder to be cautious.

Remark 8.4.15 Again by way of example, the author of our text illustrates that it

is not the case that every convergent sequence of functions contains a uniformly

convergent subsequence. We offer it as our next excursion, providing space for you

to justify the claims.

Excursion 8.4.16 Let and


  1. Show thatis uniformly bounded in.
  2. Find the pointwise limit offor.
  3. Justify that no subsequence ofcan converge uniformly on .

***For (a), observing thatforandfor each yields thatfor. In (b), since the only occurrence ofis in the denominator of each, for each fixed, the corresponding sequence of real goes to 0 as. For (c), in view of the negation of the definition of uniform convergence of a sequence, the behavior of the sequenceat the points allows us to conclude that no subsequences ofwill converge uniformly on.***

Now we know that we donrsquo;t have a “straight” analog for the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem when we are in the realm of families of functions in . This poses the challenge of finding an additional property (or set of properties) that will yield such an analog. Towards that end, we introduce define a property that requires “local and global” uniform behavior over a family.

Definition 8.4.17 A familyof complexvalued functions defined on a metric space

is equicontinuous onif and only if


Remark 8.4.18 If is equicontinuous on , then eachis clearly uniformly

continuous in.

Excursion 8.4.19 On the other hand, for, show that each function in is uniformly continuous on thoughis not equicontinuous on .

Excursion 8.4.20 Use the Mean-Value Theorem to justify that

is equicontinuous in

The next result is particularly useful when we can designate a denumerable subset of the domains on which our functions are defined. When the domain is an open connected subset of or, then the rationals or points with the real and imaginary parts as rational work very nicely. In each case the denumerable subset is dense in the set under consideration.

Lemma 8.4.21 Ifis a pointwise bounded sequence of complex-valued functions

on a denumerable set, thenhas a subsequencethat converges

pointwise on.

Excursion 8.4.22 Finish the following proof.

Proof. Letbe sequence of complexvalued functions that is pointwise bounded on a denumerable set. Then the setcan be realized as a sequenceof distinct points. This is a natural setting for application of the Cantor diagonalization process that we saw earlier in the proof of the denumerability of the rationals. From the Bolzano–Weierstrass Theorem,bounded implies that there exists a convergent subsequence. The process can be applied to to obtain a subsequence that is convergent.

In general, is such that is convergent and is a

subsequence of each of for. Now consider

*** For, there exists an such that. Then is a

subsequence of from which it follows that is convergent

at. ***

The next result tells us that if we restrict ourselves to domainsthat are compact metric spaces that any uniformly convergent sequence inis also an equicontinuous family.

Theorem 8.4.23 Suppose that is a compact metric space and the sequence

of functions is such that. If converges

uniformly on, then is equicontinuous on.

Proof. Suppose that is a compact metric space, the sequence of functions

converges uniformly onandis given. By Theorem 8.2.3,

is uniforml


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注意到定理8.4 . 12具体利用了Heine - Borel定理;也就是说,我们处在一个紧致性等价于封闭和有界的空间中.











现在我们知道,当我们处在函数族的范畴内时,对于博尔扎诺 - Weierstrass定理,我们并没有一个'直'的类比。这就提出了寻找一个额外的属性( 或属性集合 )来产生这样的类似物的挑战。为此,我们引入定义一个属性,该属性要求对一个家庭进行lsquo;局部和全局rsquo;的统一行为.

定义8.4 . 17度量空间上定义的复值函数族是等连续的当且仅当








执行部分8.4 . 22完成以下证明.


这是一个应用Cantor对角化过程的自然设置,我们在对有理函数可枚举性的证明中较早看到了这一点。从博尔扎诺 - Weierstrass定理,有界意味着存在收敛子序列。该过程可应用于,以获得收敛的子序列.


*** 对于,存在一个 使得t.那么 是

的子序列。由此可知 收敛于. ***



证明。假设是紧度量空间,给出了函数序列一致收敛于且满足。由定理8.2 . 3,是一致收敛于上的.因此,存在一个正整数使得,这意味着。尤其是,对于



让 . 那么

. (8.7)

对于和使得t,我们也知道.( 8.8 )

由( 8.7 )和( 8.8 )以及任意的事实,我们得出结论。


我们现在已经准备好为其中的一个子族提供条件,这将使我们类似于博尔扎诺 - Weierstrass定理.





证明。假设是一个紧度量空间,函数序列使得,的族是点有界的,并且是等连续的。部分( a )的证明:

部分( a )的证明:




. (8.10)



但当由此产生对于。从( 8.10 )开始,我们得出结论对所有。既然是任意性的,就这样


大部分( b )部分的证明:

如果是有限的,我们将完成。对于无穷大,设其中稠密的一个可数子集。( 这部分证明标题中的lsquo;差不多rsquo;的原因是我们没有做第 45页的练习 # 25作作业。如果or,因此 ,有理函数的密度立即导致满足期望性质的集合 ;在任意度量空间的一般情况下 ,第 45页的演习 # 25指示了如何使用具有合理半径的开复盖来获得这样的集合。 )因为在E上,由引理8.4.21,存在一个的子序列,即对每个,都收敛.




. (8.11)


设从( 8.11 )式中,存在这样一个使得。然后说明




***可接受的响应是:( 1 )开复盖,( 2 ),( 3 ),( 4 ),( 5 ),( 6 )所有,( 7 )一致有界,( 8 )点有界,( 9 ),( 10 ),( 11 )一致Cauchy有界。***


定义8.4 . 26定义在度量空间上的复值函数族称为正规,只有当每个序列都有一个子序列一致收敛于紧子集上.




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The following theorem gives us a characterization for local uniform boundedness when the metric space is a subset ofor.

Theorem 8.4.12 A family of complex valued functionson a subsetofis locally uniformly bounded inif and only ifis uniformly bounded on every compact subset of .

Proof. () This is an immediate consequence of the observation that the closure of a neighborhood inoris compact.

() Supposeis locally uniformly bounded on a domainandandis a compact subset of. Then, for eachthere exists a neighborhood of , and a positive real number, , such that

Sincecovers, we know that there exists a finite subcover, say . Then, for,,for all , and we conclude thatis uniformly bounded on.

Remark 8.4.13 Note that Theorem 8.4.12 made specific use of the Heine-Borel Theorem; i.e., the fact that we were in a space where compactness is equivalent to being closed and bounded.

Remark 8.4.14 In our text, an example is given to illustrate that a uniformly bounded

sequence of real-valued continuous functions on a compact metric space need not yield a subsequence that converges (even) pointwise on the metric space. Because

the veriiquest;cation of the claim appeals to a theorem given in Chapter 11 of the text, at

this point we accept the example as a reminder to be cautious.

Remark 8.4.15 Again by way of example, the author of our text illustrates that it

is not the case that every convergent sequence of functions contains a uniformly

convergent subsequence. We offer it as our next excursion, providing space for you

to justify the claims.

Excursion 8.4.16 Let and


  1. Show thatis uniformly bounded in.
  2. Find the pointwise limit offor.
  3. Justify that no subsequence ofcan converge uniformly on .

***For (a), observing thatforandfor each yields thatfor. In (b), since the only occurrence ofis in the denominator of each, for each fixed, the corresponding sequence of real goes to 0 as. For (c), in view of the negation of the definition of uniform convergence of a sequence, the behavior of the sequenceat the points allows us to conclude that no subsequences ofwill converge uniformly on.***

Now we know that we donrsquo;t have a “straight” analog for the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem when we are in the realm of families of



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