Analysis of Examination-Oriented Education in China
Abstract: Since the 21st century, the economic globalization trend has been increased very obviously and the intellectual economy era is coming. Human society existence and development depend more and more on the innovation talent. The defects of examination-oriented education in cultivating talents becoming more and more obvious. Faced with the challenge of intellectual economy, we should change the traditional education mode. This paper summarizes the conditions of the examination-oriented education in China nowadays. Analyzed the default and effect of examination-oriented education. Some suggestions were proposed which relative to educational reform and development in China education.
Keywords: examination-oriented education, quality-oriented education, student evaluation system comprehensive ability
1. A description of disadvantage of traditional student evaluation system in China
Examination-Oriented Education has become a tendency which is simple for coping examination and striving for high score and one-side pursuing the high rate of entrance enrollment. From the first day in the school, we have just accepted all sorts of rendering based in society. If we can get a high mark, we will enter one key-middle school, a key-high middle school, a key-university. The exam scores decide which school we can attend. Only score can decide that you can get it or not. The score can decide all of your life. In one word, score is everything. Of course, we should try to obtain high marks in examination. But it is meaningless for us only to seek high marks in exam. We do not care about the moral cultivation, the survivability, the independence of our students, causing they have high marks but low abilities.
- The background of examination-oriented education in current
Under the social background of examination-oriented education, people are busy with dealing with various kinds of examinations in their prime; and after all the necessary examination shave been passed, he or she is already old, like an arrow at the end of its flights and unable to do as much as one would like to. Then, who is the China rely on for scientific and technological innovation?
Education without broad, high-level and clear cultural consciousness, as Ed. Spranger (1920) argues, would remain a limited craft. The history of education must also be history of culture. The structure of education reflects the cultural consciousness and codes prevailing in the historical situation which the education take place. The aim of education is to teach the people science, technology and knowledge. In the world, most people get the education from school and institute, while the others learn by themselves. For every learner, the examination is very important as it is the measurement to test whether the knowledge have been mastered well or not. At meanwhile, the examination is always treated as the criteria to judge the quality of students. Many schools and universities absorb their students by sitting examination, the negative aspect is more and more outstanding.
- The development of examination-oriented education in China
The examination-oriented education in China has a long history. The earliest examination-oriented education is imperial examinations. The first imperial examination was hold in Han Dynasty, and as the only standard and concrete measure which were established through to Ching Dynasty. But the affection is deep and long. At present, you can find that many employment units and enterprises requested the talents with high educational background when they recruited. The requirement is university degree or above, or even master or doctor. The employer think that the higher of educational background for the employees which means the more knowledge and higher of their abilities. There are still amount of people who have not get a job yet, one side is due to the low degree, on the other hand is due to the low abilities. In fact, this phenomenon was caused by examination-oriented education.
Despite of its widespread use, the traditional examination system has many problems. Ying amp; Fan (2001) pointed out several limitations in their case study of the traditional comprehensive Traditional examination system. One limitation is that the traditional focus on “objective” evaluation of student performance, which not match the ability of student in the China and emphasizes studentsrsquo; point number. The second, traditional focus on reward and punishment lead student to focus on the point number rather than their own character development. The third, traditional evaluation system focuses on point number, which does not “scientifically” (morality, diligence, ability, and student performance). The fourth, studentrsquo;s political stand is an important issue in the traditional evaluation system. Ying amp; Fan (2001) think student evaluation should instead emphasize “overall ability” as a student than only emphasize political variables. The traditional evaluation system focuses too much on quantitative data, including variables which are not appropriate for quantification. At the last, traditional evaluation system does not have systematic criteria based on scientific evidence.
Thus, many part-time schools are appearing in the recent years. Many parents pay more attentions on their young boys and girls score in examination rather than their interests or hobbies, even their mental health. Teachers also always ask for more homework and examination to improve the studentsrsquo; ability which deal with the key sitting examination in summer. Heavier and heavier burden is put on their shoulders. In the sight of the youth, they could not be interested in the study if they were in such circumstances, and their real interest would have been restrained in whole. Excessive ex
当代学生面临独特的经济,环境和人道主义挑战。 解决这些挑战所需解决的问题需要以前从未考虑过的解决方案。 为了解决这些问题,教师必须挑战数学课中使用的传统问题解决方法,并通过整合艺术和促进创造性的问题解决来促进新的解决问题的策略。 本文将探讨围绕创造力,艺术和创造性问题解决的研究,并提出数学课堂中未来创造力的应用。
创造力是处理21世纪经济,环境和人道主义挑战的必要和重要工具(Sheridan-Rabideau,2010),并帮助为现实世界准备孩子(Sternberg,2006年)。创意是在大多数学科和专业中受到尊重和重视的基本要求(Gardner,2009; Christensen,Johnson,&Horn,2008)。
考虑到这一点,人们期望在学校环境中培育和鼓励创造力。不幸的是,基于技能的重视在当代教育中继续存在,有利于更直接地指导数学和阅读能力(Gardner,2006)。传统的数学指导没有鼓励创造力的方法。在当代社会,成员可以通过计算器,计算机和其他工具获取事实和算法。虽然了解事实和算法对于基础数学技能很重要,但通过这些工具的应用,使用和创造变得更加易于使用。数学应用和解决问题的潜力已经增加,并鼓励对数学能力有不同的定义。加德纳(Gardner,1993)将逻辑/数学智力描述为“识别重大问题,然后解决问题的能力”。这个定义挑战了许多学生所学的“遵循算法”的数学定义(Tsao,2005)和encou - 通过强化重大问题的识别和解决来解决问题解决过程中的创造力。创意是头脑风暴,策划和解决问题的必要工具(Wallace,Abbott,&Blary,2007)。通过整合艺术和学生主导的解决问题的策略,可以开发创造性的解决问题。
艺术,包括音乐,运动,艺术和戏剧,大大有助于数学的理解和应用(Wilson,2009; Schattschneider,2006; Gardner,2006; Jensen,2005)。孩子们在艺术中表现出不同程度的创造力,包括技术技能,视觉思维和创造力(Wilson,2009)。艺术的技术技能是通过“学生操纵材料传达预定目的的能力”来证明的(Wilson,2009)。教师可以利用这个定义,让学生有机会画图来解决问题,使用图形组织者,提供数学表达的选择,并通过提供机会来呈现信息(Wilson,2009)。视觉思维是“人们理解和解读视觉信息的能力”(Wilson,2009)。教师可以通过邀请孩子创建故事板来演示算法,组织图,视觉故事问题和数学概念的其他视觉表示(Wilson,2009)的步骤来利用这种学习方法。图1阐明了幼儿园学生视觉上解决问题解决策略的能力。
音乐和艺术虽然被忽视,但是当代课程的必要组成部分,有助于数学知识和理解的发展(Sloboda,2001)。音乐任务为学生提供了通过节奏,节奏,节奏,时间和规模发展数字概念的机会(Harris,2008; Hardesty,2008)。音乐理解为频率,几何进度,比例和比例的数学理解奠定了基础(Harris,2008)。音乐有助于为小时候的空间推理建立一个基础(Harris,2008; Royal,2007),并且与较高的数学成就考试成绩有关(Rauscher,1998)。运动鼓励探索时间,测量,数量,节奏和位置。对于一些学生来说,数学知识在传统的领域是没有意义的,但在不同的活动和领域应用时,理解就会展开(Hirsh,2004)。