Translating Western Mathematical Textbooks into Chinese and Japanese:A Study of De Morganrsquo;s Monograph on Algebra and of Loomisrsquo;s on Calculus
Lee Chia Hua
(Department of History and Philosophy of Science,The University of Tokyo,Tokyo)
Since the middle until the end of the nineteenth century,a number of Western mathematical textbooks had been translated into Chinese and Japanese. This lecture discusses two of these texts as been written by the British mathematician Augustus De Morganrsquo;s Elements of Algebra and the American mathematician Elias Loomisrsquo; Elements of Analytical Geometry and of the Differential and Integral Calculus.By examining the versions of their translations,it becomes clear how the Western mathematics was translated works.The significance of these translations and their influence on mathematics in East Asia are also re-examined by the investigation of the translatorsrsquo; background and their affinities.
Before discussing how modern Western mathematics was transmitted into China and Japan,I should first pay attention to the state of mathematics in Europe of the early nineteenth century. By the end of the eighteenth century, algebra, analytic geometry,and the differential and integral calculus had taken a clear shape thanks to Euler,Lagrange and the other mathematicians.With the founding of the Ecole polytechnique soon after the French Revolution, the institutional basis of their branches of modern mathematics also began to have firm roots,especially by the efforts of Monge,Lagrange, and Lacroix, all of whom taught at the Ecole polytechnique.They published well-written textbooks on analytical subjects for educational purposes and many of their works had a greet influence throughout Europe and the United States.
In the middle of the nineteenth century,mathematical textbooks of the West were introduced into China by the collaboration of Christian missionaries and Chinese mathematicians. At the same time,a number of these Chinese translations were also brought into Japan and read by some mathematicians of the old Japanese school who happened to struggle for the existence of their science. Among these translated texts,two are selected for study in our present study, the British mathematician Augustus De Morganrsquo;s Elements of Algebra(1835) and the American mathematician Elias Loomisrsquo; Elements of Analytical Geometry and of the Differential and Integral Calculus(1851). I will examine these works, because both of them were the very firstly introduced textbooks of modern Western mathematics on algebra and the calculus. They appeared at an important time for the early period of modernization of China and Japan, the Self-Strengthening movement in China and the Bakumatsu and early Meiji period in Japan. Then, both the Chinese and Japanese governments strongly promoted the import of Western scientific knowledge, which was regarded as the sole way to strengthen their countries and prevent the aggression of Western powers.
In what follows, I will focus on the comparison between the original texts and their renditions, and the historical background of the translators. To examine these will show us how modern Western mathematics was transmitted to East Asian countries in the late nineteenth century.
2.The Comparison between the originals and their translations
- The Chinese Versions
The Chinese edition of De Morganrsquo;s textbook of algebra titled Dai Shu Xue(代数学) was co-translated by Li Shan-lan and Alexander Wylie, and published in Shanghai in the autumn of 1859. Earlier in the summer, the Chinese edition of Elias Loomisrsquo; textbook of the calculus was also issued under the title of Da Wei Ji Shi Ji by the collaboration of the same translators. Comparing the translated works with the original ones, we know that Li Shan-lan and Wylie made the Chinese versions rather freely than literally. For one reason for this attitude of translation, the texts are supposed to have been for the use of readers with basic mathematical knowledge such as arithmetic and a little more advanced subject. Moreover, another reason may be that Chinese intellectuals at that time were not fully familiar with its mathematical contents. Although both the texts were written for those who wanted to learn the calculus, De Morganrsquo;s is supposed to have been learned as a preliminary study and Loomisrsquo; as a substantial. As pioneers of the introduction of modern Western mathematics into China, Li and Wylie coined many Chinese mathematical terms for making their renditions ,particularly in Dai Wei Ji Shi Ji.
- The Japanese Versions
In April 1872, the Japanese revision of the Chinese translation Dai Shu Xue was published by Tsukamoto Akitake with the very same title. A few months later, Fukuda Hanrsquo;s translation of Loomisrsquo; textbooks also became available. Besides, there was one more rewriting of the Chinese translation Dai Wei Ji Shi Ji by Omura Isshu. We donrsquo;t know the exact time of the publication of the lastone by Omura. By comparing and examining these three texts, there affinities become clear as are discussed in the following.
First, the Japanese revision of Dai Shu Xue was completed for only the first three chapters(the original text has 13 chapters). Here, Tsukamoto used the socalled “kunteen method” or guiding marks for rendering Chinese into Japanese so that the version made it appear relatively complicated thus easily confound the readers. However, one difference between the Chinese and Japanese texts is noticed in the introductory chapter. All the names of people, which appeared in De Morganrsquo;s text, were totally translated into their corresponding Chinese words. While Tsukamoto precisely appeared English spellings horizontally to Chinese translated characters.
On the other hand, O
文一: 翻译西方数学教科书为汉语和日语:一个研究摩根代数的专著和卢米斯的微积分
在第十九世纪中叶,西方的数学教材通过基督教传教士和中国数学家的合作 引入到中国。与此同时,一些中国翻译也被带到了日本,并被一些日本古代学校的为他们的科学存在而斗争的数学家们阅读。在这些翻译文本中,本研究选取两个进行研究,英国的数学家德·摩根的代数元素(1835)和美国数学家伊莱亚斯·卢米斯的解析几何和微积分(1851)。我将检查这些作品,因为他们都是最早引进的关于现代西方数学的代数和微积分的教科书。他们出现在对中国和日本早期现代化的一个重要的时间,中国的洋务运动和日本明治初期的Bakumatsu。中日两国政府大力推动西方科学知识的引进,这是让他们的国家变得强大和防止西方列强侵略的唯一途径。
- 原文与译文的比较
1872四月,戴树雪翻译的日本修订用同样的标题由冢本 Akitake出版了。由福田汉翻译的卢米斯教科书也成为可获得的。此外,还有一个由大村重写的中文翻译代微积十级。我们不知道大村最后一个的发布的确切时间。通过比较和研究这三个文本,它们的亲和力变得清晰,如下面所讨论的。
- 影响
在重写中文版本之前,戴树雪、Tsukamoto精通伟烈亚力和李珊兰写的1862年被带到日本之后的中国文本。从22岁起,冢本在长崎的Kaigun Denshusho或海军训练学院受教育,在那里他学习了数学和航海的西方科学。在成为日本数学家界的杰出人物后,冢本通过查阅怀利的书《数学启蒙》出版了题为《笔算训蒙》的书。虽然在其作品的风格和内容上有相似之处,但冢本他的《笔算训蒙》 比怀利的《数学启蒙》提供了更多的实践,西方数学符号和阿拉伯数字。《笔算训蒙》被认为是第一个系统的,现代的西方教材,从而日本明治引入初等算术。
文二:Jain Agams早期文学对数学的重要性
Mahavir Raj Gelra
古印度对数学的发展做出了巨大贡献。最古老的印第安人数学知识的证据是在印度河山谷文明(公元前300年)。在同一时期,公元前第三到公元前第四世纪耆那教数学学院盛行于印度。当中国和希腊人的古代文化有助于数学的发展。著名的耆那教agams包括数学解决自然的更深层次的问题是:Sthanang Sutra,Krutang,Prajnapana,佛经,Satkhandagam和其他人。在早期,耆那教数学不是知识的一个独立分支。在公元498年之前的数学是没有系统可用;什么都可以通过该数学包含在他们的宗教文本里。在中世纪的印度,第七至第十二世纪(650~1150),艺术文化和商业抱负的需求促成了数学的发展。这一时期的作品,patiganita的增长包含了日常生活需要和测定以及解决问题作为数学的一个固有方面的算术基础的地方。这是在第九世纪中叶(850a D.),耆那教的文本ganitasare samgraha mahaviracharya以处理数学自主。耆那教学者通过过去五十年的努力提出了Jain Agams的数学内容。
- 几何
数字几何学以直觉感觉知识为基础进行了太多直观的思考。耆那教徒所描述的人物包括:宇宙、黑洞和许多其他人认为他们,并以简单的和家用物品的比喻说明他们。为了对这些几何图形提供支持,耆那教徒描述空间距离测量和进化的特殊计量单位,称为lsquo;Yojna-Rajjursquo;。在耆那教的文本rsquo;Jambudvipa Prajnaptirsquo; 和rsquo;Sutra Bhagwatirsquo;提出了各种形状。耆那教发展宇宙八个中心点的概念来定义三维坐标的宇宙。他们为了精神的目的利用神秘的图,包括计数、计算和测量。为了避免对几何图形的依赖,开发了数字测度。
- 数字测度
- 无穷数
在数学文献中“无穷”一词的不变使用意义重大。毕达哥拉斯时代,已经开始了无穷的讨论,但芝诺悖论的论点(第五世纪)已经在走向无穷的分析上创造了恐惧。在伽利略之后,当George Cantor(1845至1918)开始了对无穷集的工作,数学家们开始说,这个主题早就被带到了百年之前。然而,在印度无尽、无限的关于无穷的描述可以追溯到Rig Veda和其他许多古代作品,包括那些由Jain和佛教学者的描述。无穷的一个精细的分类和哲学解释却在Jain Agams被发现。
- 可计算数
可计算数包括无数的数和可数的数。无数的数意味着太多的数字由于随机性或不确定性而无法计算。Jain Agams描述的最小计算单位分成两类。
空间、时间和物质的无穷小的单位分别被称为Pradesh, Samaya 和原子 。他们还试图在物质、空间和时间等最小的理想单位之间建立起关系,个人的对这种关系的讨论将需要一个单独的处理。
当试图理解宇宙空间的本质时,它被认为是容纳宇宙其他现实的首要现实(看的见的和看不见的)。Jain Agams的特殊的优点是他们把空间归类为两个部分,即