
 2023-01-01 19:28:31




作者:Jose Manuel Diego-Mantecoacute;n;Teresa F. Blanco;Joseacute; Benito Buacute;a Ares;Pablo Gonzaacute;lez Sequeiros


出处:Journal of Mathematics and the Arts

摘要:This article discusses a review of the relationship between art andmathematics in Spanish secondary school mathematics textbooks.The art-mathematics connection identified in the textbooks was analyzed under six dimensions: (1) art for ornamental purposes; (2) art incalculation and measurement; (3) art to master concepts; (4) art to use technological resources in mathematics; (5) mathematical analysis of art; and (6) creating art with mathematics. Dimensions 1, 2 and 3 clearly prevailed over dimensions 4, 5 and 6, which called for more active participation and analytical reflection. Most of the activities attempted to illustrate the mathematics-art connection with real-world examples, but rarely entailed verifying a hypothesis or assumption nor did they encourage critical thinking for analyzing and creating art with mathematical or technological tools.
















本研究选择的西班牙语教科书是中学最常使用的教科书。分析的教科书涵盖了义务教育的所有四年,即12至16岁的学生使用的义务教育。它们在2007年至2017年之间由八家发行商发行:Anaya,Bruntilde;o,Edebe,Marea Verde,Marfil,Oxford,SM和Vector。这是一个有目的的抽样,选择了西班牙北部两所大学使用的特定教科书,这些作者可以使用这些教科书。上述大学是西班牙最常见的教科书出版商的一个选择。这两所大学都使用这些书来培训职前教师的PGCE(教育学研究生证书)课程。 PGCE是西班牙的一年制高等教育课程,它提供培训以使毕业生成为中学教育的老师。请注意,这并不是西班牙所有教科书的完整样本,因此结果无法推广到西班牙的所有教科书。









总共发现了64个关于体系结构的典故。 第一维度(用于装饰目的的建筑)占典故的34.3%。结构照片,例如

表 1 每个艺术数学维度在每个艺术形式中的百分比














Is the relationship between art and mathematics addressed thoroughly in Spanish secondary school textbooks?

ABSTRACT:This article discusses a review of the relationship between art andmathematics in Spanish secondary school mathematics textbooks.The art-mathematics connection identified in the textbooks was analyzed under six dimensions: (1) art for ornamental purposes; (2) art incalculation and measurement; (3) art to master concepts; (4) art to use technological resources in mathematics; (5) mathematical analysis of art; and (6) creating art with mathematics. Dimensions 1, 2 and 3 clearly prevailed over dimensions 4, 5 and 6, which called for more active participation and analytical reflection. Most of the activities attempted to illustrate the mathematics-art connection with real-world examples, but rarely entailed verifying a hypothesis or assumption nor did they encourage critical thinking for analyzing and creating art with mathematical or technological tools.

KEYWORDS:Art; mathematics; textbooks;secondary education;curriculum

1. Introduction

Art and mathematics, two expressions of human creativity, share many distinctive traits,such as the friction between creation and technique, intuition and rigour, certainty and uncertainty. The relationship between the two disciplines is complex and can be broached from at least two perspectives [5,11]. For the artist, artistic creation prevails over mathematics, being considered little more than a tool to generate forms and constructions.It often supplies geometric concepts and procedures, which, given their properties, are technically useful. The artistic creations in which mathematics is used are closely related to mathematical notions and properties. For the mathematician, whilst a mathematical notion may on occasion give rise to something that could be regarded as an artistic creation, that outcome is no more than a consequence of the mathematical notion [6,9]. Its lsquo;beautyrsquo; might be said to lie in the mathematical notion itself, the embodiment and sensory perceptibility of which are secondary.

As a result of European recommendations for educators, the relationship between art and mathematics has steadily acquired greater importance nowadays [7,27]. The question is whether that relationship has found its way onto real world curricula. On the grounds of reference frameworks for Spanish curricula, the answer would appear to be affirmative [20,26,31]. Nonetheless, curricular trends and guidelines do not always translate into classroom practice [30]. In fact, the discordance between the intended and implemented mathematics curriculum has been widely reported across different educational contexts [21,32]. Although there is a large number of studies addressing the relationship between art and mathematics from both a research and educational perspective, see, for example, [6,18,28,29], as far as we know, there is a lack of studies focusing on how this art-mathematics relationship is established in the school lessons.

In the Spanish context, school lessons are strongly influenced by textbooks. These are basic resources for teachers, not only as instructional support, but also as a substantive component in lesson planning [1,14,19,24,33]. Textbooks may therefore be used as an indicator of the content addressed in the classroom. An analysis of the relationship between art and mathematics may be conducted under that premise, seeking to ascertain the extent to which the interaction between them is addressed in the classroom. This article broaches the question by specifically analyzing the presence of art in secondary school mathematics textbooks in Spain. For this purpose, what we mean by art is limited to visual arts and music. This approach is justified from a curricular point of view and excludes literature because of its independence from the other two disciplines, in the Spanish scholar itineraries.

2. Todayrsquo;s methodological and curricular trends

The European Unionrsquo;s recommendations for increasing the number of students enrolling scientific-technological subjects encourage the implementation of STEAM activities [10].These activities integrate all scientific areas (Science and Mathematics) and their most prominent applications in modern society (Engineering, Technology and Art) [8,12].Interdisciplinarity plays an essential role in these activities, deliberately eschewing a traditional educational approach in which knowledge appears to be divided into uncon?nected subjects [16,25].

The priorities defined by the EU have had visible consequences for Spainrsquo;s official compulsory secondary education (Spanish abbreviation, ESO) and baccalaureate curricula[20]. The new approaches to learning and assessment aim to promote student basic competences such as linguistic and STEAM skills. The methodology is primarily active and participative, furthering interdisciplinary investigative learning based on problem solving, teamwork and interactive groups [13,15]. A number of skills must be integrated in planning and conducting teaching and learning activities to attain the ultimate goal of enabling students to apply their academic learning to other contexts [4,17]. Information and communication technologies are routinely used in learning activities, in particular in information searches and analyzes, as well as in the presentation of the research work conducted [23]. In the specific case addressed here, mathematics and art, the Spanish curriculum for secondary schoo



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