人们越来越认识到函数是数学中最重要的统一概念之一。函数构成了所有数学中最重要的一个概念,无论是在理解主题方面,还是在探索数学中的其他主题方面(Romberg, Carpenter, amp; Fennema, 1993, p.i)。考虑到与此概念相关的表示形式的多样性,以及在阐明涉及问题解决的适当表示系统的过程中出现的困难,理解函数似乎并不容易(Yamada, 2000)。虽然它是复杂和困难的,获得一个深刻和丰富的理解函数的概念是在数学方面取得成功一个至关重要的因素。然而,尽管其重要性,许多研究表明,许多学生,包括职前教师(甚至,1993年),表现出对函数概念浅层的理解(Sfard, 1992年)。
在本研究中,“表征”一词被解释为用来表示数学概念的工具,如表、方程和图。表征在数学教学中的作用越来越受到人们的关注。NCTM的《学校数学原理与标准》(2000)文件中包含了一个新的处理表征的过程标准(第67页),而函数表示的地位得到了进一步的提高。不同表达方式的使用和它们之间的联系代表了数学教育的一个初始点,学生使用一个符号系统来扩展和理解另一个符号系统(Leinhardt, Zaslavsky, amp; Stein, 1990, p. 2)。
一些研究人员强调了函数中不同表示模式之间的联系和解决问题的重要性(Moschkovich, Schoenfeld, amp; Arcavi, 1993;山田,2000)。学生对不同表现形式的处理允许在函数中构造概念的心理图像。
此外,不同表示方式之间的联系影响数学学习,增强学生使用函数的数学概念的能力(Romberg, Fennema, amp; Carpenter, 1993, p.iii)。Knuth(2000)指出,学生在解释图形和处理与函数相关的符号时,很难将不同的函数表示形式(公式、图形、图表和单词描述)联系起来。
本研究使用的理论视角与Moschkovich, Schoenfeld, amp; Arcavi(1993)开发的框架的维度有关。根据这个维度,从两个基本不同的角度来看待函数。已经描述了流程透视图和对象透视图。从过程的角度来看,函数被理解为连接x和y值:对于x的每个值,函数都有一个对应的y值。从这个角度看函数的学生可以把x的值代入方程,计算出y的结果值,或者找到x和y的值对来作图。 相比之下,从对象的角度来看,函数和它的任何表示或关系被认为是实体的例子,用代数方法作为参数化的类的成员,或在平面图形,被认为是“捡起整个”来旋转或翻译(Moschkovich et al ., 1993)。学生视图函数在这个角度可以认识到直线方程的形式y = 3 x b是平行或可以画这些线不涉及计算,如果他们已经画一行或者他们可以填补两个函数值表(例如,f (x) = 2 x, g (x) = 2 x 2)利用它们之间的关系(例如,g (x) = f (x) 2) (Knuth, 2000)。代数方法相对更有效地突出函数作为过程的本质,而几何方法相对更有效地突出函数作为对象的本质(Yerushalmy amp; Schwartz, 1993)。
Sfard(1992)认为,将函数视为对象的能力对于深入理解数学是不可或缺的。此外,开发具有功能的能力意味着转向对象视角和图形表示(Moschkovich et al., 1993)。学生能够有效地运用对象视角,可以在功能上获得深刻而连贯的理解。我们相信这种点到点的方法,也就是代数方法,只给学生一个函数概念的局部图像。相反,几何方法为学生提供了函数概念的全局方法,使学生能够更好地处理和使用它,从而更好地解决复杂的几何问题。
本研究使用的仪器有两种。第一个包括四个任务,用函数实现简单的任务。在每个任务中,都有两个线性或二次函数。这两个函数都是代数形式的,其中一个也是图形表示的。两个函数之间总是有关系(如f (x) = xsup2;, g (x) = xsup2; 2)。学生们被要求用图形来解释第二个函数。第二个测试由两个问题组成。第一个问题包括关于一个装有初始汽油量的油箱和一辆装满汽油的油罐车的文本信息。学生们被要求用这些信息画出这两个线性函数的曲线图,并找出油箱和车里的汽油量何时相等。第二个问题是一个函数的一般形式f (x) = axsup2; bx c。数字a,b和 c是实数当x=2时f(x) = 4当x=7时f(x) = -6。学生被要求找到对方程axsup2; bx c有多少真正的解决方法并解释他们的答案。这些测试由研究人员在代数课上以60分钟的时间对学生进行。
有关学生对上述任务和问题的回答的结果,以三种方式整理成文: (a)用“A”表示任务和问题的“代数方法—函数作为过程”。(b)“G”代表采用“几何方法——函数是一个实体”的学生。(c)符号“W”用于编码错误的答案。解决编码为“代数”,如果学生没有使用提供的信息图的第一个函数,接着第二个函数构造的图像通过对x和y的值。相反,一个解决方案是编码为“图形”如果学生观察和使用两个函数之间的关系(例如g (x) = f (x) 2)在构建的图g (x)。本文主要研究前两种类型的响应。此外,我们还使用了implicative analysis (Gras, Peter, Briand amp; Philippe, 1997)来确定学生在任务和问题中的可能反应之间的关系。因此,十二个不同的变量代表代数和几何方法出现了。更具体地说,在研究中使用了以下符号来表示解决方案:(a)符号“T1A”、“T2A”、“T3A”和“T4A”表示任务的正确代数方法,“P1A”表示第一个问题(第二个问题不能用代数方法解决)。(b)类似地,符号“T1G”、“T2G”、“T3G”和“T4G”表示任务的正确几何方法,“P1G”和“P2G”分别表示问题的正确图形解。
对收集到的数据进行分析处理,采用统计软件CHIC进行隐含统计分析。由此产生了相似图和层次树。相似度图表示一组变量,基于学生对这些变量反应的相似度。层次树显示了变量集之间的含义(A - B)。这意味着A的成功意味着B的成功(Gras等,1997)。
任务和问题 |
T1** |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
P1 |
P2 |
带正确答案的几何方法 |
24.5* |
23.2 |
19 |
21 |
16 |
11.6 |
带正确答案的代数方法 |
59 |
56.8 |
22.1 |
24.3 |
11.4 |
0 |
错误的答案 |
16.8 |
20 |
20 |
58.9 |
72.6 |
88.4 |
集群1 集群2
在层次树中可以观察到变量之间的重要隐含关系,如图2所示。首先,可以确定三组隐含关系。第一组和第三组隐含关系是关于使用几何方法的变量—对象透视和关于解决几何问题的变量。第二组支持变量之间存在一种联系,这种联系与代数求解过程透视图的使用有关。这一发现与相似图中的发现一致。这些链接组的形成再次表明了学生对功能任务和问题提供解决方案的一致性。第二,隐含关系(P2G, P1G, T2G, T1G)表明,通过应用正确的图形解决方案来解决第二个问题的学生,已经隐含了对另一个问题和四个任务的图形表示——对象视角的应用。一种解释是,对函数有扎实、连贯的理解的学生,能够识别复杂几何问题中的关系和联系,从而在方程对与其图形之间建立必要的联系,并能轻松地将几何方法应用于求解函数中的简单任务。
第一组 第二组 第三组
本研究最重要的发现是,对于职前教师群体,有两个不同的子群体的格式是一致的:代数方法组和几何方法组。大多数学生的函数学习都局限于代数方法的领域,所有的任务都遵循这个过程。因此,很少有学生发展灵活运用和选择图形表示的能力,因此几何方法。本研究与之前的研究结果一致,表明学生不能有效地使用几何方法,而几何方法产生于物体视角(Knuth, 2000)。事实上,大多数的学生还是选择了一个代数方法(过程的角度),也证明了代数方法的一致性在他们选择即使在任务和问题的几何方法(对象角度)似乎更有效或者他们未能显示图形的方法,尤其不幸发现参与了这项研究的学生被认为是代表我们的最好的学生。
此外,一个重要的发现是图形方法和几何问题求解之间的关系。这一发现与之前的研究结果一致(Knuth, 2000;(Moschkovich et al., 1993),指出几何方法使学生能够将函数作为一个实体来操作,从而使学生能够发现问题中涉及的不同表示之间的联系和关系。这里提供的数据表明,对函数概念(几何方法)有一致理解的学生可以很容易地理解问题中符号和图形表示之间的关系,并能够提供成功的解决方案。此外,数据支持在函数中
Nikos Mousoulides and Athanasios Gagatsis Department of Education, University of Cyprus
This study explores studentsrsquo; algebraic and geometric approach in solving tasks in functions and the relation of these approaches with complex geometric problem solving. Data were obtained from 95 sophomore pre-service teachers, enrolled in a basic algebra course. Implicative statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the relation between studentsrsquo; approach and their ability to solve geometric problems. Results provided support for studentsrsquo; intention to use the algebraic approach to solve simple function tasks. Students who were able to use geometric approach had better results in solving complex geometric problems. Implications of findings for teaching functions are discussed.
There is an increasing recognition that functions are among the most important unifying ideas in mathematics. Functions form the single most important idea in all mathematics, in terms of understanding the subject as well as for using it for exploring other topics in mathematics (Romberg, Carpenter, amp; Fennema, 1993, p.i). The understanding of functions does not appear to be easy, given the diversity of representations associated with this concept, and the difficulties presented in the processes of articulating the appropriate systems of representation involved in problem solving (Yamada, 2000). Although it is complex and difficult, attaining a deep and rich understanding of the concept of function is crucial for success in mathematics. Yet, despite its importance, numerous studies suggest that many students, including pre-service teachers (Even, 1993), demonstrate an instrumental understanding of the concept of function (Sfard, 1992).
In this study the term representations is interpreted as the tools used for representing mathematical ideas such as tables, equations and graphs. Concern has been growing about the role of representations in teaching and learning mathematics. The NCTMrsquo;s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000) document includes a new process standard that addresses representations (p. 67), while the status of function representations has been elevated even further. The use of different modes of representations and connections between them represents an initial point in mathematics education at which students use one symbolic system to expand and understand another (Leinhardt, Zaslavsky, amp; Stein, 1990, p. 2).
Several researchers addressed the importance of connections between the different modes of representations in functions and in solving problems (Moschkovich, Schoenfeld, amp; Arcavi, 1993; Yamada, 2000). Studentsrsquo; handling of different representations permits ways of constructing mental images of concepts in functions.
Moreover, the connections between the different modes of representations influence mathematical learning and strengthen studentsrsquo; ability in using mathematical concepts of functions (Romberg, Fennema, amp; Carpenter, 1993, p.iii). Knuth (2000), indicated that students have difficulties in making the connections between different representations of functions (formulas, graphs, diagrams, and word descriptions), in interpreting graphs and manipulating symbols related to functions.
The theoretical perspective used in the present study is related to a dimension of the framework developed by Moschkovich, Schoenfeld, amp; Arcavi (1993). According to this dimension, there are two fundamentally different perspectives from which a function is viewed. The process perspective and the object perspective have been described. From the process perspective, a function is perceived of as linking x and y values: For each value of x, the function has a corresponding y value. Students who view functions under this perspective could substitute a value for x into an equation and calculate the resulting value for y or could find pairs of values for x and y to draw a graph. In contrast, from the object perspective, a function or relation and any of its representations are thought of as entities—for example, algebraically as members of parameterized classes, or in the plane as graphs that are thought of as being lsquo;picked up wholersquo; and rotated or translated (Moschkovich et al., 1993). Students who view functions under this perspective could recognize that equations of lines with the form y = 3x b are parallel or could draw these lines without calculations if they have already drawn one line or they can fill a table of values for two functions (e.g., f(x) =2x, g(x) = 2x 2) using the relationship between them (e.g., g(x) = f(x) 2) (Knuth,2000). The algebraic approach is relatively more effective in making salient the nature of the function as a process while the geometric approach is relatively more effective in making salient the nature of function as an object (Yerushalmy amp;Schwartz, 1993).
Sfard (1992) has argued that the ability of seeing a function as an object is indispensable for deep understanding of mathematics. Furthermore, developing competency with functions means moving towards the object perspective and graphical representation (Moschkovich et al., 1993). Students being able to profitably employ object perspective can achieve a deep and coherent understanding in functions. We believe that this point to point approach, that is the algebraic approach, gives students only a mere and local image of the concept of function. On the contrary, the geometric approach gives students a global approach of the concept of functions, so that students, who can manipulate and use it, will perform better in solving complex geometric problems.
The purpose in this study is to contribute to the mathematics educational research communityrsquo;s understanding of the algebraic and geomet