
 2023-01-12 11:52:34









一些没有接受过正式培训的数学教师经常问我从培训学校他们能获得哪些好的东西。他们更倾向于主张很少的培训学校有排在前列的数学家,因此他们也不能有效地解决课程问题;即使培训学校能够打动当地的数学家成为他们的职员也起不了多大的作用,因为一个大学教授能够教我数学却不能教我如何教导学生。Sir Percy Nunn教授第一个承认这样的观点不是没有道理,但这些狭隘的观点当然不适用于所有的培训学校。











Skill in Teaching: Training

Then as to teaching. How can a mathematical Training College student claim to be an efficient teacher at the end of his training year? Skill in any art can be acquired only by much practice, and the art of teaching is a particularly difficult art. Although mathematics is one of the easiest,- perhaps the easiest, of all subjects to teach, it is a rare thing for a mathematical teacher to be able to feel at all satisfied with his professional skill before the age of .30. He is lucky if other people adjudge him efficient before the age of 35. Every mathematical subject is full of teaching problems. Everyone of these problems can be solved in a variety of ways.

Every one of these ways is worth testing. And all this takes along time. As for lucidity of presentation a prime necessity in all mathematical teaching that is in itself an art which half a life-time does not seem long enough to perfect.

I have often been asked by mathematical: teachers who have not been formally trained what good they would have done by going to a Training College. They are inclined to argue that very few of the Training Colleges have on their Staff sa front-rank mathematician, and that therefore such Train in Colleges are not in a position to deal with the subject effectively; that even if the Training Colleges are able to impress into their service members of the mathematical staff of the local University, little real help is obtainable, for although ha University Professor can teach me mathematics, he cannot teach me how to teach boys mathematics '. The general content ion is not without its points, but the strictures certainly do not apply to all Training Colleges, as trained mathematical teachers who have been through the hands of, say, Professor Sir Percy Nunn are the first to admit. The further criticism that the time spent on Psychology at the Training Colleges is 'absolutely wasted ', since' it has no practical value in the solution of actual classroom problems', is, perhaps, rather more justified. It is possibly true that the almost useless introspective psychology of half a century ago still hangs about some of the Training Colleges; I do not know. But young teachers should make themselves acquainted with the valuable experimental work which is now being done by psychologists all over the world. These experiment are often based on masses of actual data derived from the classroom. It is true that the definite results obtained so far are rather patchy; a complete body of psychological doctrine has yet to be built up into something that may claim to be 'science '. But no teacher can afford to ignore the work that has been done and is being done, if only because such a large part of it has a very close bearing on present-day school practice.

One broad distinction between the outlook of a teacher who has been through a Training College and that of one who has not is that the trained teacher has usually had knocked out of him prejudice which he (very naturally ) felt for his own special subject ,whether mathematics, classics , or what not. He has learnt that in the Common Room he will become a member of a community representing all the subjects of the curriculum , and that “all these subjects ,not his own subject alone, answer to deep-seated needs of the human spirit ,all of them essential currents in the great stream of movement called civilization ”. The training College dose its best, of course, to turn out competent craftsmen, but it does much more. It leads its students to understand the real meaning of education and something of its significance in relation to the many-sided business of life. It shows them how much wider education is than mere teaching. Moreover, the students are day by day in contact with men who have reflected deeply upon both education in the broader sense and teaching in the technical sense.

In a good Training College, the embryo mathematical teacher is taught not only how to convey to his pupils a knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and the rest, but also how to make himself, in the greatest measure possible, an active intellectual adventurer in the realms of number and space, how to follow up the lab ours of the great masters of mathematical thought, and how to catch something of their spirit and outlook. He is encouraged to question accepted mathematical values, and to inquire, in a critical spirit, what parts of the traditional curriculum are really vital and what parts have only a conventional value. He is made aware that many of the textbooks contain a considerable amount of useless lumber, and he is taught: how to discriminate between methods that are sound and methods that are otherwise.

Then again, in a good Training College the student is able to obtain expert advice on every kind of difficulty he may meet with in his teaching practice. At what stage, for example, should ' intuition ' work in geometry give way to rigorous proof? How can the best approach be made in the teaching of ratio and proportion? 'How is the theory of parallels to be treated? The Training College may have to tell him frankly that in his present state of pupilage he is probably not yet fitted to deal with the theory of parallels except in an empirical way, since the inherent difficulties of the theory can only be grappled with after a prolonged and careful study of the researches of modern geometry; only then will he be in a position to disentangle logic from intuition, and so be able to devise a treatment suitable for Sixth Form boys. Briefly, the Training College will point out quick sands, as well as firm rock, for in mathematical teaching quick sands abound. A teacher who is not trained will often not only get into the quick sands but take his boys with him.

boys with him.

It may be said that the great majority of Secondary School teachers, especially teachers in the Conference * schools, are not trained. That



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