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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1033–1042

DOI 10.1007/s00170-010-3018-3


Prediction of surface roughness in CNC end milling

by machine vision system using artificial neural network based on 2D Fourier transform

S. Palani amp; U. Natarajan

Received: 26 April 2010 / Accepted: 1 November 2010 / Published online: 25 November 2010

# The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract This paper presents a system for automated, non-contact, and flexible prediction of surface roughness of end-milled parts through a machine vision system which is integrated with an artificial neural network (ANN). The images of milled surface grabbed by the machine vision system could be extracted using the algorithm developed in this work, in the spatial frequency domain using a two-dimensional Fourier transform to get the features of image texture (major peak frequency F1, principal component magnitude squared value F2, and the average gray level Ga). Since F1 is the distance between the major peak and the origin, it is a robust measure to overcome the effect of lighting of the environment. The periodically occurring features such as feed marks and tool marks present in the gray-level image can be easily observed from the principal component magnitude squared value F2. The experimental machining variables speed S, feedrate F, depth of cut D, and the response extracted image variables F1, F2, and Ga could be used as input data, and the response surface roughness Ra measured by Surfcorder SE-1100 (traditional stylus method) could be used as output data of an ANN ability to construct the relationships between input and output variables. The ANN was trained using the back-propagation algorithm developed in this work due to its superior strength in pattern recognition and reasonable speed. Using the trained ANN,

S. Palani (*)

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology, Pudukkotai, Tamilnadu, India

e-mail: subbiah_palani@yahoo.co.in

U. Natarajan

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

A.C. College of Engineering and Technology,

Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India

the experimental result had shown that the surface roughness of milled parts predicted by machine vision system over a wide range of machining conditions could be got with a reasonable accuracy compared with those measured by traditional stylus method. Compared with the stylus method, the constructed machine vision system is a useful method for prediction of the surface roughness faster, with a lower price, and lower environment noise in manufacturing process. Experimental results have shown that the proposed machine vision system can be implemented for automated prediction of surface roughness with accuracy of 97.53%. The results are encouraging that machine vision system can be extended to many real-time industrial prediction applications.

Keywords CNC end milling . Surface roughness . Machine vision . Fourier transform . ANN

1 Introduction

The quality of components produced is of main concern to the manufacturing industry, which normally refers to dimensional accuracy, form, and surface finish. Surface roughness of work parts plays an important role on mechanical properties. The proper functioning of a ma-chined part is, in many instances, largely dependent on the quality of its surface. Engineering properties such as fatigue, hardness, and heat transfer are affected by surface finish. The traditional stylus method is the most widely used technique in industry. A precision diamond stylus is drawn through the surface being detected and the perpen-dicular motion is amplified electronically [1–3]. The accuracy of stylus method depends on the radii of diamond tips. When the surface roughness falls below 2.5 mu;m, the stylus instruments are affected by large system error. The

1034 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1033–1042

major disadvantage for such methods is that they require directed physical contact and line sampling which may not represent the real characteristics of the surface [4].

In this study, we investigate the assessment of surface roughness of end-mill parts using machine vision. Machine vision allows the assessment of surface roughness without touching or scratching the surface. It provides the advan-tages of a measurement process for 100% inspection and the flexibility for measuring the part under test without fixing it in the precise position. In contrast to the stylus-based methods that trace the surface roughness in one dimension, machine vision can generate many more read-ings of a 2D surface in a given time, and this makes the estimation method for roughness measurement more reli-able. Extensive research has been performed on machine vision applications in manufacturing because it has the advantage of being non-contact and as well faster than the contact methods.

Using machine vision, it is possible to evaluate and analyze the area of the surface, which makes it a 2D evaluation [5].

In recent years, many optical measuring methods have been applied to overcome the limitations of stylus method in measuring the surface roughness of work parts. Galante applied an image processing technique for the on-line control of the surface roughness in the finishing turning operation by means of tool image detection and processing. The authors also built a model to estimate the value of the effective roughness of the work pieces from one related to the deal profile. Yet, tests varying the cutting speed were not carried out in their study [6]. Choudhury, I.A. used a model for surface roughness prediction using the response surface method by co



  1. Palani amp; U. Natarajan


本文提出了一种通过与人工神经网络(ANN)集成的具有自动化,非接触式和灵活预测等性能的利用机器视觉预测端铣零件表面粗糙度的系统。机器视觉系统抓取的铣削表面图像可以使用本文中开发的算法,在空间频率域中使用二维傅立叶变换来提取已获得图像纹理的特征(主要峰值频率F 1,主要分量幅度平方值F 2和平均灰度级G a)。因为F1是主峰和原点之间的距离,所以它是克服环境照明效应的有力措施。我们可以很容易地从主成分量值平方值F 2中观察到在梯度图像中存在的周期性出现的特征,例如进给标志和工具标志。我们可以使用实验加工变量速度S,进给速度F,切削深度D和响应提取图像变量F 1,F 2和G a作为输入数据,用Surfcorder SE-1100测量的响应表面粗糙度R a (传统的触笔方法)作为ANN能力的输出数据,以此来构造输入输出变量之间的关系。由于其在模式识别和常规速度方面的优越性,ANN使用本工作中开发的反向传播算法进行演算。实验结果表明,训练后的人工神经网络系统与传统测针法相比,机器视觉系统在广泛的加工条件下预测的铣削零件的表面粗糙度精度更高。与手写笔方法相比,构建机器视觉系统是一种快速预测表面粗糙度,降低制造成本,降低环境噪声的有效方法。实验结果表明,现提出的机器视觉系统可以自动预测表面粗糙度,准确率为97.53%。令人振奋的结论就是机器视觉系统可以延伸到许多实时工业预测应用程序。

关键词 数控端铣 表面粗糙度 机器视觉 傅里叶变换ANN



近年来,为了克服测针方法在测量工件表面粗糙度方面的局限性,我们使用了很多的光学测量方法。Galante采用图像处理技术,通过刀具图像检测和处理,在精加工车削过程中在线控制表面粗糙度。作者还从一个相关的交易概况中建立了一个模型来估算工件的有效粗糙度的值。然而,他们的研究中并没有使用不同的切削速度来建模。Choudhury,I.A. 使用响应面法将表面粗糙度预测模型与其开发的实验因子设计相结合。 Dimla.E在研究过的金属车削操作中采用了感知型神经网络来进行工具状态分类。他们调查分析了单层网络和多层网络,发现多层网络比单层工具状态分类具有更好的性能。Al-Kindi评估了工程表面自动化检测系统。他们获得的参数是基于间隔峰值和灰度图像中每单位长度扫描线的峰

值数量。这个一维(1D)图像对照明和噪音很敏感。Luk和Huynh使用表面图像的灰度直方图来表征表面粗糙度。他们发现“光学粗糙度参数 (R)=frac14;std. dev./rms” ”是平均表面粗糙度的非线性递增函数。由于他们的方法基于直方图,因此它对所呈现的光照的均匀性和程度很敏感。K.Venkata Ramana检查了用于表征表面粗糙度和质量的表面图像的强度直方图。诸如共生矩阵方法,幅度变化率统计方法和行程矩阵统计方法也被用于加工表面的纹理特征的比较。Hoy和Yu将Luk和Huyuh算法应用于表征表面粗糙度。他们发现一个例外,其中该比率的值可能导致不正确的测量。因此,他们使用傅里叶变换(FT)来表征频域中的表面粗糙度。然而,他们没有发现关于测量表面粗糙度的FT特征的定量描述。Risbood等人通过测量车削过程中的切削力和振动来研究表面粗糙度和尺寸偏差的预测。在他们的工作中,通过将刀架的径向振动加速度作为反馈,可以以合理的精度预测表面光洁度。Lee等人提出了一种测量车削零件表面粗糙度的系统,该系统运用了计算机视觉系统和完善的溯因网络。Brezocnik等人提出了一种遗传编程方法来预测末端铣削过程中的表面粗糙度。遗传编程是一种演化计算方法,最初由Koza在1992年引入。它旨在找出计算机程序(称为染色体),其大小和结构在仿真进化过程中动态变化,是解决问题的最好方法。它使用切削参数,即主轴转速,进给量和切削深度以及刀具和工件之间的振动来预测表面粗糙度,并且作者发现所有涉及这些变量的模型都能准确地预测表面粗糙度。Reddy和Rao开发了一种用于中碳钢端铣的实验表面粗糙度模型,其参数使用遗传算法(GA)进行了优化。Oktem等人确定了铣削操作中最小表面粗糙度的最佳切削条件,基于响应面法对表面粗糙度进行建模,并使用遗传算法优化切割条件。Reddy和Rao使用遗传算法来优化刀具几何形状,即径向前角和刀尖半径以及切削条件,即切削速度和进给速率以在干端铣加工中获得期望的表面质量。Prakasvudhisarn等人提出了一种确定最终切削条件以获得所需表面粗糙度的方法。该方法由两部分组成:“支持向量”机器学习技术预测表面粗糙度和粒子群优化技术进行参数优化。作者发现PSO能够很轻松的显示出一致的几乎最完美的解决方案。Chen和Savage使用基于模糊网络的模型来预测表面粗糙度以用于端铣加工的不同工具和工件组合。

速度,进给和切削深度,振动,刀具直径,刀具材料和工件材料被用作模糊系统的输入变量。作者发现,改方案预测的表面粗糙度误差在10%。Iqbal等人开发了用于参数优化的模糊专家系统,该系统包括在硬铣削(具有45HRC硬度的钢的高速铣削)过程中预测刀具寿命和表面光洁度。S.-S. Liu在加性噪声过程中的分析和区分倾向于显著地改变局部空间强度变化,同时在空间频率上具有相对一致的表示。

多年来,研究人员都在用非接触光学方法进行表面粗糙度的预测。其中大多数方法都是基于空间域中灰度图像的统计度量。在他们的实验中,他们发现了一个例外,其中扩散比例和灰度分布的均值与表面粗糙程度并不呈标准的递增性。因此,比率的值可能导致测量的不准确。上面提到的大多数研究通过一次考虑一个变量来研究切割变量对表面粗糙度的影响,当考虑到以前的研究时,我们可以看到还有一些问题需要解决。关于表面粗糙度所开发的模型必须可用于所有工艺类型,并且必须包含所有切削参数。本文论述了切削参数切削速度S,进给率F和切削深度D以及相应的,同步获得的响应变量例如F 1,F 2和G a,并且可获得对应于期望的表面粗糙度的切割变量。机器视觉粗糙度评估的首要任务,也是最重要的任务就是提取表面粗糙度特征。频域特征应该比空间域特征对噪声更不敏感。

因此,本研究中作者所做的主要努力是构建一个机器视觉系统,用于自动预测端铣过程中的表面粗糙度。我们选择使用2D FT在空间频率域中提取表面粗糙度的特征。由于刀具磨损痕迹,灰尘和污垢,FT在噪声条件下特别适用于表面提取。FT用频率分量表征表面图像。从主分量幅度平方值F 2可容易地观察到存在于灰度级图像中的诸如馈送标记和工具标记等周期性发生的特征。表示图像中的进给标记的频率(或波长)的主峰值频率F 1通常优于其他粗糙度特征。由于F 1是主峰与原点之间的距离,因此它是克服环境照明效应的有力措施。


为了实时预测表面粗糙度,我们神经网络反向传播算法来构建输入变量加工参数(切削速度S,进给率F,切削深度D)之间的关系,提取的图像纹理(主峰值频率F 1,主分量幅度平方值F 2,平均灰度级G a)和输出可变切割性能(表面粗糙度R a)的特征。




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