
 2023-01-06 11:40:36




抑郁症普遍存在于婴儿或幼儿母亲群体中,并对幼儿的认知和语言能力及社会情感能力发展造成了显著影响(Downey amp;Coyne, 1990; Goodman amp; Gotlib, 2002)。受损育儿方式则是该影响增加的一个基本原因(Dix amp; Meunier, 2009;Downey amp; Coyne, 1990; Goodman et al., 2011)。通常来说,患有抑郁的母亲高抑郁的症状是消极的,具有破坏性的,孤僻的,反应迟钝的(Lovejoy, Graczyk, Orsquo;Hare, amp; Neuman,2000)。不过,抑郁的母亲是一个多元化的群体。 在养育孩子和孩子发展方面存在相当的差异(Goodman et al., 2011; NICHD, 1999)。有些抑郁的母亲是具有破坏性的,她们消极地反应,而一些则是孤僻,其他的一些既不孤僻也不具有破坏性 。至于这些差异存在的原因及对孩子的影响是未知的。为解决这些问题,本文探讨4个问题。首先,抑郁母亲间的养育方式有什么不同?其次,为什么一些抑郁母亲采取高干扰和疏离的方式养育孩子?而其他不会?具体来说,社会人口风险和个人资源的缺乏是否可以解释为什么一些抑郁的母亲采取明显失调的育儿方式, 而其他的选择相对正常的方式?第三,对于孩子的认知,语言,及社会情感能力的发展,这些养育方式会影响抑或暗示一些其中的差异吗?第四,与非抑郁的母亲相比,采用相对正常的育儿方式的母亲们的孩子是否都可以健全成长?


报告显示约20%幼儿母亲患有显著抑郁症状(Weissman amp; Jensen, 2002)及他们的孩子更倾向于有各种各样的问题(Downey amp;Coyne, 1990; Goodman amp; Gotlib, 2002; Hammen, 2009)。虽然这与遗传有着一定的关系,但低能的育儿方式也是一个关键的因素(Downey amp; Coyne, 1990; Goodman amp; Gotlib, 2002; Hammen, 2009)。随着抑郁症状加重,母亲们往往会变得严厉,孤僻,破坏性和感情上不可亲近(Downey amp; Coyne, 1990; Lovejoy etal., 2000)。然而,并非所有的抑郁母亲都如此,一些抑郁母亲的育儿方式是相对正常的(Dix, Meunier, Lusk, amp; Perfect, 2012; Field, Healy, Goldstein,amp; Guthertz, 1990)。这些差异并未被广泛研究. 大部分研究人员都研究抑郁母亲和非抑郁母亲育儿方式的不同,并不是抑郁母亲间的育儿方式有什么不同。本研究试图找出抑郁母亲们不同的育儿方式,促使她们采取不同育儿方式的因素,及这些方式与幼儿前三年成长发育的关系。运用相对非正式的分类方法,婴儿的研究已确定了四种抑郁养育方式:高干扰性,高疏离性,高干扰/高疏离,和较敏感(Cohn, Matias, Tronick, Connell, amp; Lyons-Ruth, 1986; Field et al., 1990; Field, Hernandez-Reif, amp; Diego,2006; Hart, Jones, Field, amp; Lundy, 1999; Tronick amp; Reck, 2009)。

为什么抑郁母亲养育方式有所不同目前尚不清楚。是抑郁症严重程度不同,生存的社会环境不同,还是母亲和孩子的个性不同?压力和应对方式可以帮助大家去理解这种不同(Brooks-Gunn amp;Chase-Landsdale, 1995; McLoyd, 1990)。它们显示当母亲严重抑郁时,养育质量是母亲所面临的环境需求和此类需求的反映交互作用的结果。(Belsky, 1984; McLoyd, 1990)。高收入和高支持的抑郁母亲更易抚养孩子,例如,可以采取比低收入和获得低支持的抑郁母亲更富竞争力的方式。此外,相比于资源缺乏的抑郁母亲,个人资源丰富的抑郁母亲可以应付抚养孩子的需求。年长,受过良好教育,且适应能力强的母亲育儿能力更高(Carr amp;Pike, 2012; de Haan, Dekovic, amp; Prinzie, 2012)。人格特质宜人的抑郁母亲可以温和对待孩子(de Haan, Prinzie, amp; Dekovic, 2009)且更好地控制负面影响(Pearman, Andreoletti, amp; Isaacowitz, 2010;Tobin, Graziano, Vanman, amp; Tassinary, 2000)。这是可能的,事实上,拥有显著的个人资源且优越环境的抑郁母亲或许可采取与非抑郁母亲媲美的育儿方式。


如果在婴儿期开始研究,不同的抑郁养育方式确实会对孩子造成不同的影响。相对于干扰性抑郁母亲,孤僻的抑郁母亲的婴儿较少地向母亲传达面部表情,不太活跃,抗议性行为和哭泣较多(Cohn etal., 1986; Hart et al., 1999;Jones et al., 1997; Tronick amp; Reck,2009)。 到6个月大小,脑波活动方式不同(Diego, Field, Jones, amp; Hernandez-Reif, 2006); 到12个月大小,智力发育测试成绩较差((Hart et al., 1999;Jones et al., 1997)。目前尚不知道抑郁母亲的养育方式不同对婴孩后期的发展是否重要。。在这项研究中,我们评估这种发展的三个方面:(1)认知和语言表达能力;(二)母子关系质量(对母亲的回应和亲近度); (三)社会情感的能力,特别是孩子们的社交能力和行为问题。鉴于有些抑郁的母亲采取敏感的养育方式(Dix et al., 2012; Field et al., 1990),我们也会评估高能抑郁母亲的孩子是否发育成长地更差, 相比非抑郁母亲的孩子,或者相反,面对零星的成长风险。


研究结果支持对于为什么同等抑郁的母亲选择不同育儿方式进行所进行的压力与应对分析。首先,相比于低能抑郁母亲,高能抑郁母亲拥有更多的个人资源,她们年长,受过良好教育,且更和蔼可亲。为什么这些特性影响着养育方式还不是很清楚,但或许与其相关的技能可以缓解抑郁母亲的伤害行为,而这些行为是由育儿过程中的沮丧和压力引起的。如果抑郁母亲拥有个人资源,那么她们可以更好的处理并调整负面情绪。教育程度也暗示了成年人和父母亲的有效应对能力(amp; Brooks-Gunn, 2002; Sommer et al., 1993)。同理,性格随和意味着温和对待孩子(de Haan et al., 2009)及有效管控负面情绪(Pearman et al., 2010; Tobin et al., 2000)。个人资源丰富的抑郁母亲拥有更好的育儿技能, 也就是更多的社会技能 ,更好的幼儿知识和丰富的有效的幼儿抚养的项目。相比较年轻母亲,高龄母亲更能有效地管理幼儿抚养的责任(Reis, Barbera-Stein, amp; Bennett, 1986; Walter,1989)及更切实际的幼儿期望(Mooreamp; Brooks-Gunn, 2002; Somm er et al., 1993)。同样地,温和的性格和良好的教育可以减少苛刻和专制控制,并指引母亲们转向自主支持,热情和细腻的方式,从而成就和谐的母子关系(Bornstein, Hahn, amp; Haynes, 2011; Bornstein amp; Putnick, 2007; Prinzie, Stams, Dekovic, Reijntjes, amp; Belsky,2009)
其次,与低能抑郁的母亲相比,高能抑郁母亲生活的环境相对压力较少而支持较多。采取高能育儿方式的抑郁母亲们历经更少的压力,获得配偶更多的支持,且拥有更多的财力资源,且不太可能面对成为美国社会少数成员的挑战。有相当多的证据表明,压力破坏养育,导致低灵敏度(Belsky, 1984), 不一致的和强制性的纪律(Rodgers, 1993)。贫困对养育的极端重要性也是有据可查的(McLoyd,1990)。生活在贫困中的母亲更易遇到产生压力和破坏健康的问题。在美国,少数民族贫困母亲,特别是抑郁时,都会处于高需求,低资源环境中,这会刺激相关的压力反应; 增加愤怒,沮丧和担心;作为父母亲,会负面且带有偏见地评估孩子和父母的能力。与之前的研究一致,婚姻关系和父母教养(Bond amp; McMahon, 1984),低干扰性和疏离性抑郁母亲也更多地培育婚姻关系,且丈夫们也更多地参与到孩子的养育中。因此高能的抑郁母亲似乎有较少的抚养孩子的责任和更多配偶的情感支持。此外,他们的养育可能不太容易受到因父亲的溺爱的互动困难而生的负面情绪的影响(see Erel amp; Burman, 1995, for a review)。所有这些压力和应对可能会缓解母亲变得抑郁,一旦抑郁,也可减少抑郁干扰孩子,或疏离孩子。


高抑郁的母亲群体中,干扰性和疏离性的育儿方式会预示着幼儿早期发展的不同。相对于低能组的幼儿,高能组的24个月大的幼儿在认知和社会竞争力方面表现的更好,行为问题较少,且跟母亲的互动会比较多。在这个时候,发展差异似乎大部分归根于人口统计学风险, 高能抑郁的母亲年纪大,更富裕,相对受教育多,似乎更多地来自主流文化。36个月大的时候,高能母亲的孩子具有更多和更稳定的优势。他们拥有更好的语言和认知能力,和谐的母子关系和更好的社会情感能力。除去较少的行为问题,36个月大的孩子的优点与人口统计风险无关, 他们似乎反映了高能与低能养育的独立影响。到36个月才观察到不同养育方式的独立影响或许反映了随着测量技巧复杂度增加或教养优势的简单的累加, 高能养育方式的重要性。低能抑郁母亲的干扰和疏离特征或许会从多方面影响到孩子的成长。抑郁抑制假设论认为孩子可以适应这种疏离式的养育 (Dix et al. , 2012) . 随着抑郁症状的加剧,孩子们会减少主动(Dix, Cheng, amp; Day, 2009),积极参与(Dix, Stewart,Gershoff, amp; Day, 2007),与抑郁母亲的沟通 (Gianino amp; Tronick, 1988), 但降低控制欲和减少发展各种不同的能力的机会,而这些一般都是从看护人那儿学来的。依恋理论认为,干扰和疏离养育破坏孩子的对父母的看法,父母是一个可靠的保护源, 其结果是,孩子们变得不能够自由地发挥,调节自己的情绪,其结果是,孩子们变得不太能够自由地探索,调节自己的情绪,参与社交。事实上,在两个低能群的儿童较少回应母亲和更容易缺乏安全感。这两种观点意味着低能母亲的孩子经历相对较少积极和谐的互动, 这些互动可以促进社交技巧的获得,情感的自我调节,认知和语言能力(Feldman, Greenbaum, amp; Yirmiya, 1999; Kochanska, 2002).高能抑郁的母亲与非抑郁的母亲养育孩子同样好?


从某些解读来看,高能抑郁母亲的孩子似乎和非抑郁母亲的发育地一样好。当人口风险得到控制,两组的孩子们在认知和语言能力,入学准备度,安全感,或对母亲的亲昵度方面没什么太显著的区别。高能抑郁母亲的孩子有更多的行为问题,但以非抑郁母亲的孩子作为标准, 近乎三分之二的偏差。取样范围非常广泛,而且可以监测到合适的组间差异,足以相信对于很多孩子来说,如果抑郁母亲不干扰和疏离, 孩子们在认知和语言能力,母子关系中的不足不会这么明显。但相比与非抑郁的母亲的孩子,高能抑郁母亲的孩子有更多行为问题和较低的社交能力。某种程度来说,这些限制反映了他们母亲在人口的缺点及有限的个人资源。他们的母亲更年轻,更穷,受教育少,更神经质,更内向,更粗鲁,从而比非抑郁母亲更加厌恶和有更少的情感。这些结果与研究一致,研究表明母亲抑


Patterns of Depressive Parenting: Why

They Occur and Their Role in Early Developmental Risk

Yiji Wang and Theodore Dix University of Texas at Austin

ABSTRACT: This study examined subgroups of depressed mothers who differ on their intrusive and withdrawn behavior. It explored the stability of these differences, why they occur, and their role in childrenrsquo;s early developmental risk.The study reflcts that stable differences in depressed mothersrsquo; patterns of intrusive and withdrawn parenting—independent of demographic risk—predicted cognitive and language development, the quality of the relationship with the mother (attachment,responsiveness to mothers), and socioemotional competence. Children of high-functioning depressed mothers were not significantly different from children of nondepressed mothers in cognitive and language development and in attachment and responsiveness to the mother, but displayed more behavior problems and less social competence. Findings reveal stable differences in parenting within a sample of depressed mothers, support a stress and coping perspective on why these differences occur, and demonstrate their potential role in determining the risk children of depressed mothers face over the first 3 years.

Keywords: depressive symptoms, parenting, intrusive

Depressive symptoms are common among mothers with infants and young children and pose significant risks for childrenrsquo;s cognitive,language, and socioemotional development (Downey amp;Coyne, 1990; Goodman amp; Gotlib, 2002). Impaired parenting is a principle reason for this increased risk (Dix amp; Meunier, 2009;Downey amp; Coyne, 1990; Goodman et al., 2011). On average,mothers high on depressive symptoms are negative, intrusive,withdrawn, and unresponsive (Lovejoy, Graczyk, Orsquo;Hare, amp; Neuman,2000). Yet, depressed mothers are a diverse group. Considerablevariability exists in both how they parent and how well their children develop (Goodman et al., 2011; NICHD, 1999). Some depressed mothers are intrusive; they are negatively reactive, interfering,and controlling. Others are withdrawn; they are nonreactiveand disengaged. Others are neither intrusive nor withdrawn.Why these differences exist and their impact on children is unknown.To address these issues, this article examines four questions.First, do stable patterns of parenting distinguish depressed mothers from each other? Second, why do some depressed mothers adopt highly intrusive or withdrawn patterns, whereas others do not? Specifically, can sociodemographic risk and low personal resources explain why some depressed mothers adopt patterns that are clearly dysfunctional, whereas others adopt patterns that are relatively competent. Third, do these parenting patterns matter; do they predict differences in childrenrsquo;s cognitive, language, and socioemotional development? Fourth, do depressed mothers who adopt relatively competent patterns display competence comparable with that of nondepressed mothers and, as a result, do their children develop without substantial risk?

Patterns of Parenting Among Depressed Mothers

About 20% of mothers with young children report significant depressive symptoms (Weissman amp; Jensen, 2002), and their children are prone to problems across diverse domains (Downey amp;Coyne, 1990; Goodman amp; Gotlib, 2002; Hammen, 2009). Although genetics play a role in these outcomes, low competent parenting is a critical contributing factor (Downey amp; Coyne, 1990; Goodman amp; Gotlib, 2002; Hammen, 2009). As depressive symptoms increase, mothers often become harsh, withdrawn, intrusive, and emotionally unavailable (Downey amp; Coyne, 1990; Lovejoy etal., 2000). Yet, not all depressed mothers display these deficiencies in equal share, and some display parenting that is relatively competent(Dix, Meunier, Lusk, amp; Perfect, 2012; Field, Healy, Goldstein,amp; Guthertz, 1990). These differences are not widely studied.Most researchers ask how the parenting of depressed and nondepressed mothers differs, rather than how parenting varies among depressed mothers. This study attempts to identify stable patterns that distinguish depressed mothers from one another, factors that predict which patterns depressed mothers adopt, and the relation of these patterns to development across the first 3 years.Using relatively informal classification methods, research with infants has identified four patterns of depressive parenting: high intrusive, high withdrawn, high intrusive/high withdrawn, and relatively responsive (Cohn, Matias, Tronick, Connell, amp; Lyons-Ruth, 1986; Field et al., 1990; Field, Hernandez-Reif, amp; Diego,2006; Hart, Jones, Field, amp; Lundy, 1999; Tronick amp; Reck, 2009).

Why Do Depressed Mothers Parent Differently? A Stress and Coping Analysis

Why subgroups of depressed mothers parent differently is unclear.Do subgroups differ in the severity of their depressive symptoms, the social contexts in which they reside, or individual characteristics of mothers or children? Stress and coping models provide one way to understand this variability (Brooks-Gunn amp;Chase-Landsdale, 1995; McLoyd, 1990). They imply that, when depressive symptoms are high, parenting quality reflects the interplay of the contextual demand mothers face and their resources for coping with that demand (Belsky, 1984; McLoyd, 1990). Depressed mothers raising easy children with high income and support,for example, may adopt more competent patterns than depressed mothers raising difficult children with little income and support. Furthermore, depressed mothers with personal resources may cope with child rearing demands better than those who lack resources. Parenting competence is higher, for example, when mothers are older, better educated, and more adaptable (Carr amp;Pike, 2012; de Haan, D



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