社会支持的模式 ——社会支持行为的量表(SS-B)外文翻译资料

 2023-01-12 11:49:39




关键词:社会支持; 措施; 有效性;

在过去的十年,社会支持已经成为大范围研究的努力目标。然而,这项工作进行中仍然未在理论建构或适当的措施达成利益一致。仅仅在过去的五年里,重要的理论问题已经被解决,证明可靠性和有效性的措施也已经得到发展(例如Barrera,Sandier,amp; Ramsay,1981; Procidano amp; Heller,1983;Tardy,1985;Thoits,1982;Turner,Frankel,amp; Levin,1983;Vaux amp; Harrison,1985; Vaux, Phillips 等人,1986)。

一个主要的进步是最近从对社会支持的含蓄的丰富性的讨论转变为明确的理论说明和对这个复杂思想的明显的不同分量的重点实证测量。第一,“社会支持”应该最好是理解为一个元构建,涉及三个附属结构:支持网络资源,支持行为,主观评估支持。许多的学者也做出了相似的区分。(例如,Barrera, 1981; Barrera amp; Ainlay, 1983; Heller amp; Swindle, 1983; Thoits, 1982; Vaux amp; Harrison, 1985)。对支持现象的完全的理解要求每一个理论结构被构建并且被独立地评估。第二区别跨越第一,构成本文的中心,并在下面作更详细的讨论:这个概念就是社会支持可包括不同类型或“模式”的帮助或援助(例如,安慰,咨询,贷款,交谊或任务型的援助)。


许多的研究人员已经区分出社会支持的不同模式。但研究出来的术语和区别是混淆不同的:工具性和情感性(Pattison, 1977)、有形的、无形的、建议和反馈(Tolsdorf, 1976)、环保行动、解决问题、情感的寄托、间接影响(Gottlieb, 1978)以及情感性支持、认知指导、实际援助、社会强化和社交(Hirsch, 1980)、自尊、鉴定、归属感和有形的支持(Cohenamp; Hoberman, 1983)。然而,相关工作的评论表明为了一组的某四到六个主要的支持模式而出现了共识(Barrera amp; Ainlay, 1983; Mitchell amp; Trickett, 1980)。

回顾了一些理论家的工作,Mitchell and Trickett (1980)认为,四种模式的支持存在的主要区别是:(1)情感支持,(2)面向任务的援助,(3)期望、评估和共享的世界观的交流,以及(4)获得多样的新信息和社会联络方式的途径。Barrera and Ainlay (1983)在他们的评论中得出了类似的结论,但是他们做了进一步的区分,指出了六个模型:(1)物资援助(包括经济上);(2)行为援助(任务共享);(3)亲密互动(传统非指导性咨询);(4)指导;(5)反馈以及(6)积极的社会互动。简而言之,许多研究人员和理论家们已经提出了支持模式的类似区分。


然而有一个根本性的问题需要我们关注,就是实际测量不同的社会支持模式的能力。不少的研究人员提出许多来区别不同支持模式的支持网络措施。(Sandier amp; Barrera, 1984;Vaux amp; Harrison, 1985),但是最终网络措施实施都失败了。(例如,Hirsch, 1980; Stokes, 1983; Sarason, Levine, Basham, amp; Sarason, 1983)。同样,存在的感知支持措施也是用于区分六中支持模式,(Cohen amp; Hoberman, 1983),最近发表的至少有四个措施也实施失败了(Holahan amp; Moos, 1983; Procidano amp; Heller, 1983; Sarason et al., 1983; Vaux, Phillips, et al., 1986)。总之,支持模式往往是概念性的模式而不是经验性的模式。

但是有一些例外,并且有些现在存在的多项目的措施,为了去独立评估这些有具体支持行为支持的社会支持模式。(社会支持行为库存,ISSB,arrera et al., 1981;社会支持行为,SSB,Vaux, 1982))。需要注意的是,关于不同模式的支持评估的研究,受到支持行为的很大限制而不受支持资源或支持估价的限制。

当然,设计一个支持措施来解决不同模式只是第一步,而且这个有效措施需要被呈现出来。最相关ISSB的研究已在进行,之前提出的本研究中采用的策略回顾这一工作指导。该ISSB有40项仪器,来评估六种模式的支持:物资援助;行为援助;亲密互动;指导;反馈和积极的社会互动。两个发表的研究已经解决了ISSB试验的维度(Barrera amp; Ainlay, 1983; Stokes amp; Wilson, 1984),每个都涉及了探索性因子分析的一些形式。

在Barrera and Ainlay (1983) 对学生的样本数据进行因子分析的研究中,他们得到四个有意义的因素:指令指导,非指导性支持,良好社会互动,实际援助。这些因素中的第一个(指令指导)因素在旋转因子模式矩阵中占了76%的方差。该分析使作者建议理性地区别反馈和指导,以及对物质援助和行为援助的区别可能是不必要的。

Stokes and Wilson (1984)对大学样本ISSB的数据进行了因子分析。从总的数据规模分析来看,最初的主要组成成分以及高度的内部一致性(0.925)来看,他们建议ISSB的单维度分析。然而,Stokes and Wilson预测ISSB测量支持的四种模式,采用了四因素斜交旋转(Promax)的解决方案。这一过程产生了四个可解释的因素。这些被称为情感支持(接受和亲密互动),实际援助和物资援助,认知信息,反馈和澄清,以及直接且高质量的指导。前两个因素对应了Barrera and Ainlays (1983)分析出来的因素,而后者两个因素是由Barrera and Ainlays (1983)指令指导项目组成的。

该研究仅是讨论的方法论特征,那些限制我们可以通过ISSB得出任何关于支持模式的测量结论的方法论特征。每个研究都涉及探索性因子分析。在一个特定的项目中这种技术产生了实证经验总结项目。验证性因子分析可能更适合于量表结构的示范(Gorsuch, 1974)。这个问题是由ISSB的重点报道支持行为发生扩增,正是Tardy (1985)称之为“制定支持”。

Barrera and Ainlay 对支持模式的最初假设的分类可能是概念上的意义,并且认为ISSB可以很好地测量支持模式,但如果在一个特定的样本里这些模式发生高度的共变(另一个不同的问题),那么在探索性因子分析其中的项目旨在测量分析他们不会整齐地分开。此外,因为ISSB的关注点在于支持性行为的出现,不是它们出现的条件给予了一些压力,这些报告更多的支持(某类)通常是那些经历了更多的压力(某种)。总之,在一个特定的因子结构中,支持的项目的共变可能反映了经历过的压力以及接受到的支持行为。

事实上,尽管研究者们都共同使用大学样品,但是其研究发现不同的因素结构。Stokes and Wilson在男性和女性样本中发现了不同的结构,这些作者指出他们的结果可能无法完全推广到名样本。这里的意图不是为了批评这项与IBBS有关的重要的工作,而是要注意的是仅在概念范畴的探索性因子分析的基础上,拒绝支持模式可能还为时过早。一些替代性的策略已经提出了。首先,这是本文的重点是对社会支持模式的措施进行描述。


SS-B的措施,虽然自主研发,与Barrera (1981)等人研究的ISSB非常相似。它包括45个项目,旨在挖掘五种支持模式:情感支持;社交;实际援助;经济援助和建议(指导)。因而ISSB和SS-B在整体范围和在支持评估的几个特定模式非常相似。然而,这些措施也有各不相同的几个点。受访者通常对于家人和朋友分别完成SS-B。不像ISSB,它通过询问受试者以指示与他们实际上接收到的特定的支持行为的频率制定支持,(Vaux, 1982)提出的原始的SS-B的重点是提供支持行为,并要求受访者指示出(基于以往的经验)怎么可能一个家庭成员或朋友会完成特定的行为。SS-B可能有轻微改变措辞,因为一直以来它是挖掘支持行为来面对一些已知的应激源。

区别可得到的支持与制定的支持是至关重要的。有些目的认为重要的是挖掘实用性行为,而不是它们的出现,因为后者会因为数量,类型,以及最近发生的问题的严重性而发生变化。在比较个人的这些报告最大的支持可能会是那些有许多经历的,遇到很严重的问题或压力的人。Barrera 等人(1981)发现了存在的联系,为发现不幸和ISSB的正相关关系提供了依据。在比较个人经历相同或相似的问题或压力时,这不会是一个问题。问题是,我们常常试图评估可用性或支持性行为的条件概率,而不是他们的(非条件)出现的频率(cf. Tardy, 1985)。附录A显示了完整的SS-B。

本文的重点不是SS-B作为可用的支持行为的一般措施的有效性。就其本身而论,该措施表明与支持网络资源,支持评估,心理困扰以及与支持利用的负面方向的预测关系(Vauxamp; Wood, 1985; Vaux, Burda, amp; Stewart, 1986)。这里的重点是SS-B作为衡量五个不同的支持行为模式的有效性。五大战略被用来实现这一目标:项目由法官进行分类,每个模式的样本的仿真模拟不足,Barrera and Ainlays(1983) 在ISSB研究收敛和发散的有效性,各种支持模式的水平测试提出了针对不同的问题和验证性因素分析。

外文文献出处:American Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1987



Modes of Social Support:The Social Support Behaviors (SS-B) Scale

Alan Vaux 1, Sharon Riedel, and Doreen Stewart

Southern Illinois University

This paper presents a self-report measure (the SS-B) designed to tap five modes of supportive behavior. Five strategies were used to test the adequacy of the SS-B as a measure of these distinct modes of supportive behavior: the classification of items by judges, an analogue simulation of samples deficient in each mode of support, convergent and divergent validity with a related measure of modes of supportive behavior, an examination of levels of each mode of support provided for different problems, and confirmatory factor analyses. Each of these strategies yielded some evidence for the validity of the SS-B.

Social support has been the target of an extensive research endeavor during the last decade. Yet this work has proceeded without benefit of consensus on theoretical constructs or appropriate measures. Only within the past few years have important theoretical issues been addressed and measures with demonstrated reliability and validity been developed (e.g., Barrera, Sandier,amp; Ramsay, 1981; Procidano amp; Heller, 1983; Tardy, 1985; Thoits, 1982;Turner, Frankel, amp; Levin, 1983; Vaux amp; Harrison, 1985; Vaux, Phillips etal., 1986).

A major advance has been the recent shift from implicit richness in discussions of social support to explicit theoretical specification and focused empirical measurement of distinct components of that complex idea. Several distinctions are important. First, 'social support' may best be understood as a metaconstruct, referring to three subsidiary constructs: support network resources, supportive behaviors, and subjective appraisals of support. Similar distinctions have been made by a number of writers (e.g.,Barrera, 1981; Barrera amp; Ainlay, 1983; Heller amp; Swindle, 1983; Thoits, 1982;Vaux amp; Harrison, 1985). A complete understanding of support phenomena requires that each of these theoretical constructs be addressed and independently assessed. A second distinction cuts across the first, constitutes the focus of this paper, and is discussed in more detail below: This is the notion that social support may comprise different types or 'modes' of help or assistance (e.g., comfort, advice, a loan, companionship, or assistance with a task).

Modes of Social Support

A number of researchers have distinguished different modes of social support. The terminology and distinctions made are confusingly varied: instrumental and affective (Pattison, 1977), tangible, intangible, advice and feedback (Tolsdorf, 1976), environmental action, problem solving, emotional sustenance, indirect influence (Gottlieb, 1978), and emotional support, cognitive guidance, tangible assistance, social reinforcement and socializing(Hirsch, 1980), self-esteem, appraisal, belonging, and tangible support (Cohenamp; Hoberman, 1983). However, reviews of relevant work suggest that a consensus is emerging as to a set of some four to six major modes of support (Barrera amp; Ainlay, 1983; Mitchell amp; Trickett, 1980).

Reviewing the work of several theorists, Mitchell and Trickett (1980) suggest that four modes of support capture the major distinctions: (a) emotional support, (b) task-oriented assistance, (c) communication of expectations, evaluations, and shared world view, and (d) access to new and diverse information and social contacts. Barrera and Ainlay (1983) draw similar conclusions in their review but make some further distinctions, suggesting six modes: (a) material aid (including financial), (b) behavioral assistance (sharing tasks), (c) intimate interaction (traditional nondirective counseling), (d)guidance, (e) feedback, and (g) positive social interaction. In short, many researchers and theorists have suggested similar distinctions in modes of support.

Measures of Support Modes

A fundamental issue, however, concerns our ability to actually measure distinct modes of social support. Several researchers have presented support network measures that address distinct modes (e.g., Sandier amp; Barrera, 1984;Vaux amp; Harrison, 1985), yet network measures persist that fail to do so (e.g.,Hirsch, 1980; Stokes, 1983; Sarason, Levine, Basham, amp; Sarason, 1983).Similarly, though measures of perceived support exist that distinguish modes of support (Cohen amp; Hoberman, 1983), at least four recenty published measures fail to do so (Holahan amp; Moos, 1983; Procidano amp; Heller, 1983;Sarason et al., 1983; Vaux, Phillips, et al., 1986). In short, modes of support more often are recognized conceptually than empirically.

There are some exceptions however, and several multi-item measures now exist which purport to independently assess these different modes of support with regard to specific supportive acts (Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors, ISSB, Barrera et al., 1981; Social Support Behaviors, SS-B, Vaux, 1982). It is interesting to note that research on the assessment of distinct modes of support has been largely restricted to supportive behavior rather than support resources or appraisals.

Designing a measure to tap different modes of support is, of course, only the first step; its ability to do so must be demonstrated. Most relevant research has been conducted on the ISSB, and it is instructive to review this work before presenting the strategies employed in the present study. The ISSB is a 40-item instrument designed to assess six modes of support: material aid, behavioral assistance, intimate interaction, guidance, feedback, and positive social interaction. Two published studies have addressed the dimensionality of the ISSB empirically (Barrera amp; Ainlay, 1983; Stokes amp; Wilson, 1984); each involved some form of exploratory factor analysis.

In the Barrera



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