
 2023-01-12 11:54:22








在1990年全国住户抽样调查里,Graziano da Silva(1996年)表明,在一个被调查的产业活动中,城镇居民的人均收入总是超过农村居民的人均收入,并且那些从事农业工作但生活在城市里的人的平均收入比那些生活在农村地区的人高出近三倍。笔者还发现,在农村居民的收入来源中,大体上非农收入比农业收入高得多。结合这两个研究结果来看,造成农村居民平均收入低于城市居民平均收入的原因是农民的农业收入较低。









Rural Nonfarm Employment and Incomes in Brazil:

Patterns and Evolution


Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil



Instituto Agrono^mico do Parana, Londrina, Brazil

Summary — In decades past, a large contingent of workers left farms and small towns to move to the large cities of Brazil. But in the 1990s, not only has this flow subsided, but one even observes an “urbanization” of rural areas via a large increase in nonfarm activities in rural areas during the 1980s and 1990s, especially in the Center-West and Southeast regions of Brazil. Exclusively agricultural rural households have lower incomes than “multiactive households” (those with activities in both the farm and nonfarm sectors) and than nonfarm rural households. One even notes a significant reduction in the number of purely farm households over 1992—97 in all regions of the country.

Key words — rural nonfarm activities, rural employment, urban—rural relations


Until recently, it was assumed that rural and agricultural employment was in decline in Latin America. It was also postulated that the smaller the rural population, the more developed is the region. The OECD countries, after decades of depopulation of their farmlands and the brutal concentration of their populations in large cities, began in the mid-1980s to design specific policies to avoid what is conventionally called the desertion of their rural areas (USDA, 1997). In the meantime, in Latin American countries, the rural exodus and abandonment of small and medium cities was accepted as inexorable.


The work of Klein (1992) and Weller (1997) identify five main dynamics (obviously not mutually exclusive) of determination of RNFE(rural nonfarm employment) in various countries of Latin America. Three of them are directly linked to agriculture, to wit: (a) activities arising from ``production-linkages between the farm and nonfarm sectors, either in the commerce, transport, and processing of farm products, or the provision of farm inputs; (b) activities arising from rural consumer demand for nonfarm products, either from rural or urban firms; (c) activities arising from the abundant supply of labor from peasant families (seeking survival employment), including domestic services, farm wage labor, and other activities to complement meager farm incomes.

The other two dynamics are not linked to agriculture: (d) the demand by the urban population of nonfarm goods and services produced in rural areas, such as handicrafts, rural tourism services, and so on; (e) public services in rural areas.

In the case of countries such as Brazil, the demand generated by the urban sectors, independently of local agriculture, can be decisive in the growth of RNFE. Brazil has in practically all its regions large metropolitan areas that profoundly influence the flows of products and persons whether in the direction city to countryside or countryside to city. The agricultural activities in a given region can be reconned by urban residents living near rural areas, urbanites in search of leisure, tourism, and environmental preservation. Thus is born another dynamic of RNFE creation, based in what we have termed ``new agricultural activities such as ``fee fishing, hunting lodges, production of ornamental plants and animals, and so on.

The term “new” was placed between quotation marks because many of these activities in reality are traditional but until recently did not attain economic importance. Some of these activities are traditional, such as hobby farms, small family firms and farms related to fish farming, horticulture, flower farming, fruit farming, raising small animals, and so on. Others are not traditional, such as fee fishing. But they ended up being transformed into important sources of incomes and employment for rural families in recent years. Many of these activities, before little developed and quite dispersed geographically, have become veritable productive chains involving agro-industrial operations, personal services, and relatively complex and sophisticated systems of distribution, communications, and packaging.


Using the PNAD data of 1990, Graziano da Silva (1996) showed that, for a given branch of activity, the average income in that activity of an urban resident always exceeds that of a rural resident. Among those working in agriculture, those living in the city earn on average nearly three times more than those living in rural areas. The author also found that nonfarm incomes were substantially higher than agricultural incomes for rural residents; the exception was farm incomes relative to personal service incomes in the Center-West. These two findings combined indicate that it is the low farm incomes that lower the average income of rural residents relative to urban residents.

One can no longer characterize the dynamic of the Brazilian rural areas as determined exclusively by agriculture. Rural employment can no longer be explained in terms of the agricultural calendar and of the expansion or reduction of agricultural production and area. There is a set of new agricultural activities and nonfarm activities such as the provision of services (personal services, leisure activities, and services linked to other economic activities), commerce, and even industrial activities, that are springing from rural population dynamics distinct from those that were important in the past, such as ``rural urbanization from temporary movement of high-income urbanites into rural areas for weekend or summer stays and more permanent movements of lower income urban households into rural areas to build affordable homes within commuting distance



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