
 2022-07-29 17:09:55

Interactive mode

Interactive process is actually a process of input and output, through man-machine interface for computer input, computer processing of the output results are presented to the user. Between man and the computer input and output forms are diverse, so the interactive form is also diversified.

3.1 data interaction

Data interaction is through the input data and computer is a way of communication, it is the important content and form of man-machine interaction. The general interaction process is: first by the system to the user tips, prompts the user to input and how the input; then the user through an input device to enter data into the computer system; and, in response to user input, give feedback, and displayed on the screen (or otherwise show); at the same time the system of user input for inspection, if there is an error to the user pointed out, allow the user to re-enter. The different data entry form determines the data interaction in different ways. Note: the data here, can be a variety of information symbols, such as numbers, symbols, colors, graphics etc..

Data interaction mainly has the following interaction form:

1). Socratic dialogue interaction with data input

Features: easy to use, but dull, slow input speed.

2) Menu selection input interaction data.

Such as: PDA interface menu input mode, there are all kinds of mobile phone in the interactive graphic options.

3) Fill in the form input interaction data.

Features: input interface is a form to be filled, the user can follow the prompts to enter the appropriate data.

4) direct manipulation of input interaction data.

Features: through the cursor to search or selection. The input is convenient, but often the preset range limit.

5). Key words input interaction data

Such as: in the design of software of the application process, the operation of skilled users, often use shortcut keys to auxiliary operation

6). The bar code data input

Bar code recognition by the bar code reader and reading, and eight bar code sequence is translated into a sequence of data.

Such as the library bibliographic number, name of commodity and prices in the supermarket are the use of bar code information.

7)Optical character recognition (OCR).

The OCR system can make the computer through pattern comparison to identify some with different font and size of the printed.

Such as: office automation in the text input, mail handling, order data input, documents, invoices etc..

8)Voice input interaction data.

Characteristics: fast, hand and eye.Especially for those who request in the input data at the same time to complete the hands and feet of the workplace, particularly applicable.

9) The input image data.

Based on image feature extraction and analysis, automatic recognition of qualified sign, character, coding structure.

Commonly used data interactive device

Data input device has a keyboard / mouse / trackball joystick / Touchscreen / handwriting board / pen / digitizer tablet / sign board / 3D input devices; data output device has a monitor / printer.

3.2 interactive image

Scientific research shows that, human information mainly through language, text and image three channels. Also, people acquire from outside has more than 70% information from the visual system, is also from images obtained in. Therefore, the image interactive research and explore the significance of innovation of product design, also has a guiding role. Image interactive applications unprecedented wide range, such as face recognition, handwritten interface, digital ink.

Image interactive, say simply, is the computer according to the human behavior, to understand the image, and then make a report. Inside this, let the computer with visual perception ability is the primary problem to solve. At present, people study the machine vision system can be divided into three levels: image processing (the lowest level) - gt; Image Recognition (higher level) - gt; image perception (the highest level).Image processing, mainly for image processing to improve the visual effect, is the input image is converted into having desired characteristics of another image of the process, is a from the image (input) to the image (output) process. Image recognition, it is mainly interested in the image of the target detection and measurement, to obtain their objective information so as to establish the image description. Is essentially a from images to data process. The so-called image perception, the focus is on the love image recognition based on further research in a target image, the nature and the relationship between them, and draw on the image content understanding of the meaning of the original as well as objective scene interpretation, thus until and planning action. Image perception, the input is an image, the output is the image interpretation.

3.3 voice interaction

The language has been recognized as one of the most natural and smooth, fast and convenient way to communicate information. In daily life, human communication is about 75% is accomplished through voice. Research shows that, the auditory channel has many advantages, such as fast speed, an auditory signal detection in visual signal detection speed; the sound changes with time extremely sensitive; auditory information and visual information at the same time provide can make people obtain more strongly on the presence and real sense. Therefore, the auditory channel is person and computer and other information devices interact with the most important information channel.

Voice interaction is the study of how people through natural speech or machine synthesized speech with computer interactive t








因此,情感和#39;影响#39;一般,都收到了最后一个(Velaacute;squez1998)几年越来越多的关注。 #39;影响#39;是指消费者的心理反应产品的符号学的内容。情绪和影响途径,可以研究在许多不同的层次,都提供不同的见解。正如Velaacute;squez指出,一些模型已经被提出来的领域和多种环境。一些例子,他给包括情绪来创建逼真的品质和性格(贝茨1994年,克莱恩和布隆伯格1999年,埃利奥特1992年,赖利1996)系统合成剂,大约在叙事情感(艾略特等人在Velaacute;squez1998年)。原因,在情绪处理系统,依靠调解社会互动(Breazeal在Velaacute;squez1998年),该模型和体系结构,行为和学习情绪的影响(Cantilde;mero1997年,北野1994年,与自我萨尔瓦多,纳塞尔等人在Velaacute;squez1998年。)。不同的做法不同领域工作的最好的,并决定按照一方或另一方在很大程度上取决于具体目标和这些模型的目的。




一个产品告诉我们,一些本身和在某些情况下,还对人类生命,谁拥有它。通过它的设计和功能,产品表现值,其重要性和价值的个人然后解释有一定的关系在接受或拒绝等方面的社会背景下,喜欢或不喜欢。然而,该产品可以通过加强其语意内容和表达,这其中一个或削弱创造积极或消极的看法,情感,价值观以及在个人(Wikstrouml;m 1996)协会的方式这个角色。

我们遇到的产品有不同的功能,例如技术,实用和语义。莫诺(在Wikstrouml;m 1996)定义了四种产品的语义功能:

bull;来形容 - 产品形态描述的事实(例如它的目的=定义的任务),使用方式,处理。 bull;为了表达 - 产品形态,表达了产品的价值和品质。

bull;要信号 - 产品形态敦促用户在一个特定的方式作出反应,例如要小心,要在他/她的工作精度。

bull;确定 - 确定产品的形态(如目的=建立的相似性),来源,性质和产品领域(与系统,家庭,产品种类等,以及各部分的功能​​和位置连接)。

语义功能提供了可能性与沟通,通过一个明确的信息产品的设计师。这意味着设计师必须明确向他/她什么,什么应该不应该通过产品(Wikstrouml;m 1996)沟通。










1、生理愉悦 - 与接触,手持产品。

2、社会的乐趣 - 与社会关系和通讯产品启用。

3、心理愉悦 - 产品时获得帮助用户建立一个任务。

4、IDEO公司,快乐 - 相关的值,一个代表产品,其使用或支持。

满意是一个属性的可用性尼尔森的定义(1993年),是多么惬意的相关产品使用。可用性和功能性是无可否认的产品非常重要的属性,但不是他们自己的快乐和传达足够的幸福#39;给用户。事实证明,积极的情绪有重要作用,例如在决策,激励和社会互动(DeCatanzaro 1999年,艾辛河1993年,马卡拉1999)基于任务的活动所需。越来越多的功能是在产品批准(商品)采取和用户的东西多看。


在情感反应系统,在固有的心理结构,价值观念和程序,承担相似的,其中神经系统之间的相互作用涉及杏仁核,海马,前额叶皮质和被认为有调解情绪,比如分配方面的一些基础情绪价不同的刺激,活化的情绪行为和情感学习(达马西奥1994年,勒社1996年,Panksepp 1995年,在Velaacute;squez,1998)。工作从不同的理论家(埃克曼1992年,约翰逊莱尔德和奥特利1992年,Panksepp 1998年)和随后的设计标准上的一个以前的研究基础,以良好的设计与评估获奖产品(Demirbilek和公园2001年),六个不同类型的影响方案涉及#39;快乐的感受,喜悦,或唤起梦想已经确定了这样如下:感官,乐趣,可爱,熟悉,转喻和颜色。





Product design, semantics and emotional response


This paper explores theoretical issues in ergonomics related to semantics and the emotional content of design. The aim is to find answers to the following questions: how to design products triggering lsquo;happinessrsquo; in onersquo;s mind; which product attributes help in the communication of positive emotions; and finally, how to evoke such emotions through a product. In other words, this is an investigation of the #39;meaning#39; that could be designed into a product in order to #39;communicate#39; with the user at an emotional level.

1. Introduction

Contemporary life is synonymous with accelerating social and technological change. Similarly, product design is being rapidly transformed through materia



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