
 2022-11-12 20:03:54

出处:Gasser J. Humor Illustration Design, a Summary of Illustrations, Designs, and Projects[C]// International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013:513-519.

Humor Illustration Design, a Summary of Illustrations, Designs, and Projects

Jochen Gasser


This paper summarizes my work as an illustrative designer; it covers details of my inspiration, ideas, final works, and specific projects that I have worked on throughout my career. This paper is organized in parts; Humor Illustration Design as a Solution Mechanism for Various Problems describes my view on how humor functions in the world today and how it alleviates issues. Illustration as a Tool is where I explain the workings behind and the outcome of an ongoing project and the goals Irsquo;m aiming for as a designer in terms of reaching my audience. I then show how I incorporate my work into marketing strategies in Humor Illustration Design as Marketing Strategy. Finally I focus on the project that I will present in Las Vegas in July.

Keywords: Humor Illustration Design, Humor, Andreas Hofer, Humanity, Emotional Connection, Gondola.

1.Humor Illustration Design as a Solution Mechanism for Various Problems

In a powerful and function-oriented world, it is more important than ever not to come short on emotions and humanity when it comes to design and illustration. The motto “Sex sells”, is an evident example of how humor functions in our society; at first the directness of this motto seems crude and grabs our attention, then it eases and brings about a laugh. Humor is a concept that can be used to reach audiences within seconds, and draws them in through amusement and emotional connection. Illustration is a way to depict humor; it is an ideal means of expression as themes can be apprehended and understood with no specific boundary. In other words, illustration allows individual opinions and views on certain themes through imagination.

2.Illustration as a Tool

Since the beginning of my career as a freelance illustrator in 2008, I have been interested in innovative ways to apply the concept of “Humor Illustration Design”. I worked together with a historian named Norbert Parschalk on my first project. It was based on the idea of historical story telling through a new style. The main idea was to

create “comics”, in which history and humor were combined, without questioning the significance and plausibility of a given storiersquo;s contents.

The first story I transformed into a comic was the biography of “Andreas Hofer”, a local freedom fighter and hero in the South Tirol (a small region of Italy, far north in the Alps). In this region of Italy – in my homeland –, the status and importance of Andreas Hofer can be compared to that of Abraham Lincoln in the USA. I designed the illustrations and Norbert Parschalk helped me formulate the texts.

But there were consequences that came with animating this historical figure and things went through the roof when the storybook was first published and released; as quoted, one cannot make “Serious historical figures into comical heroes.” However the book was soon accepted and became a best seller. It also serves as an educational tool for many middleschool students and a number of others in general.

The concept of this project was simple and came down to one question and goal: How could I get people from each age group who were historically lsquo;uninterestedrsquo;, to want to experience and learn history? The solution lay in the combination of texts and matching cartoons and comicstrips; I recreated each story based on this combination, with the intention of finding a way to give people no option but to learn the history; they would have to read the texts in order to understand the illustrations they were looking. And this worked!

I designed the humorous elements of my story books with the purpose of “rewarding” the reader, who had been “forced” to do something undesireable (i.e. to read) in order to understand the story. This concept takes after the motto: “You can learn and also laugh!”. I didnrsquo;t want to undermine or question the seriousness of the biographies however, and so, I only chose scenes that are either proven or unverifiable. This is how the subtitle of my book series, “An Illustraded History”, was founded. Based on this subtitle, my books can be considered “subjective history” rather than as “joke” or “satire”.

3.Humor as a Marketing Strategy

So far in my career as an designer the fact that humor functions independently from product or service has become clear to me. When properly combined with “customary” marketing strategies, a product can become a popular item or idea, and thus can lead to an emotional connection with the customer. My illustrated characters create a sense of connection and understanding for my clients and allow them to dive into a somewhat realistic comic world that really doesnrsquo;t seem too unbelievable.

I have displayed my illustrations and work in various ways, from simple T-shirt designs to interior designs of entire facilities. The range of possibilities seems to be endless. As an example, I have incorporated my work in restaurants where humorous details have found their place on anything from beer barrels to napkins and from bath- room walls to garden furniture.

4.Project in Las Vegas

In searching for a perfect project for the Las Vegas event, I came across and interesting object in Las Vegas which is currently being established. This object is called The High Roller Observation Wheel, an enormous ferriswheel at Caesarrsquo;s Palace on the Las Vegas str



作者:Jochen Gasser







我是在2008年的时候开始我作为自由插画师的职业生涯的,我对创新应用“幽 默插画设计”的概念十分感兴趣。在我接手的第一个项目中,我和一位被名为 Norbert Parschalk的历史学家一起工作。该项目主要目的是通过新的方式来讲述历史故事。当时的主要想法是创造一种“漫画”,其中历史和幽默会进行紧密的结合,这样就无需置疑这个给出的故事背景的意义和可行性。

第一个被我创作成漫画的故事是“霍费尔安德烈亚斯”传记,这是一个讲述南蒂罗尔当地的自由战士和英雄形象(南蒂罗尔是意大利的一个地方,在阿尔卑斯山北方)的故事。在意大利的这个地方-我的国家,霍费尔安德烈亚斯的地位和重要性可比得上美国人眼中的亚伯拉罕bull;林肯。我负责插画的设计,历史学家Norbert Parschalk则协助我来组织相关的文本。



我设计了我的故事书的幽默元素,目的是为了“奖励”读者,他们是为了理解这个故事而“强迫”做某事。这个概念采纳了座右铭:“你可以学习,也可以笑!” 我不想破坏或质疑生物物质的严重性,所以我只选择了经过验证或不可验证的场景。 这是我的书系列“插画史”的副标题。 根据这个副标题,我的书可以被认为是“主观历史”,而不是“笑话”或“讽刺”。










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