
 2022-12-12 17:20:14

Acrylic Solutions: Exploring Mixed Media Layer by Layer

[American] Chris Cozen , Julie Prichard

I like looking into a painting for a long time, to study it and see what I can find. The mystery of what I will uncover keeps me coming back for more. Looking for pieces and clues about what might be under the layers is exciting and it totally defines my painting style.

There is something completely captivating about mixed media. The freedom and serendipity of the art form allows me to get lost in the process, easily shifting between paint and paper, adding collage, line and texture. Mixed media never feels rote or formulaic. My training as a photographer provided my introduction to layering. Having the understanding that layers can be added and removed, or they can be added top to bottom or vice versa, is just as important in painting as it is in photography. Layering also helps break down the daunting feeling of making a mixed-media painting. Work on it one step at a time, knowing that one step is not in itself final but subject to whim. When teaching painting workshops, Chris and I stress that no painting is finished until you feel it is, in fact, finished.

I have a background in science. Knowing how things work is important to my methodology. I have learned about paints, mediums and grounds to understand how I can make them work for me, and throughout this book I share this knowledge with you. From this knowledge, we have compiled our favorite techniques.

We have broken down the layers in this way:

· Laying a Good Foundation: Proper surface preparation techniques along with variations to create visual interest even at the gesso level.

· Building structure: Support the composition through collage, texture, color, mark-making and image development.

·Developing complexity: Make unique and nuanced adjustments with collage, mono-printing, paint techniques, textural and sheer elements, paint skins and pattern.

· Finessing the details: Create finishing touches that may involve line, surface treatments, spray paint and special effect paint application.

At first,you might start with a simple gessoed canvas or board and move directly on to apply color or collage. As you gain

experience and confidence, we encourage you to try several techniques from each section as you build up your layers. Once you start working with layers, you will see how you can borrow ideas and techniques presented in one section to apply at another level in your painting. Remember, with mixed media you have tremendous freedom and flexibility to develop your composition as you choose, all the while adjusting and modifying as you apply layers.

When you mix and match techniques, you can achieve countless variations and looks. I hope you enjoy learning from this book and expanding your painting repertoire.

Chapter one

The Basics: Design, Color, Materials and More.

When we gaze upon a piece of art we find ourselves either captivated or bored, or somewhere in between. What makes the difference? What holds our attention? Part of what engages us is subjective: taste, style, color preferences, subject, etc. The rest comes from the artists understanding of how things work. How can we learn to hold a viewers attention? Which colors calm and which colors excite? Why use tube paint instead of fluids?

So many questions! Relax, there are guidelines even in art that will help you find the answers. Lets get started covering the basic.

Elements of Art

There are six important players in every composition: line, space, value, color, shape and texture. You will get to know them well. Each of these elements should be considered as you make art. Consider them the architectural components of successful composition and make them part of our art vocabulary.


Line refers to the path the viewers eye takes as it explores the composition. Consider how you want the viewer to follow it. Sometimes the line our eye follow can actually be seen; sometimes it is implied through the arrangement of elements, such as when use we set up a row of similar shapes. The vertical lines of the plants pushing out of the ground are supported by the vertical bands of color. Imagine that someone has drawn a strong, black diagonal line across this composition. How would it alter the way your eye responds to the piece?


Space refers to the area around and distance between elements. Without empty spaces for the eye to rest, a composition can become too busy. Ideally,you want your viewers eye to exit a composition having traveled around the entire piece. Edit things out to provide enough space for every element to breathe. The large areas of light blue around the central images provide space for the eye to rest.


Value refers to light and dark in a composition, and includes highlighting and shading techniques. If a composition is all light values, there is no contrast, and the eye doesnrsquo;t know where to focus. Digital cameras work on the same principle. The background consists largely of light values and focal elements in darker values. The two rectangular shapes fall in a middle value and add balance to the composition.


Hue is another word for color, which we see everywhere we look. We will show you what is possible with several red-blue-yellow combinations and what happens when they are mixed.

Color has a voice. Sometimes it is quiet, sometimes it is bold and audacious. Color also has a temperature. It can be warm or cool. Color includes tints and shades. And comes from pigments that also have distinct properties. As you create art, your color choices will express what your intentions are. Sometimes you



【美】克里斯·柯宗 朱莉·普里恰德





  • 打下良好基础:恰当的表面处理技巧及在石膏基底层面创造视觉兴趣点的多种方法。
  • 添加结构感:通过拼贴、肌理、色彩、做记号和拓展图像的方法支持构图。
  • 拓展复杂元素:用拼贴、单印版画、绘图技巧、肌理和轻薄元素、制作绘画图层和图案的方法进行独特微妙的调整。
  • 巧妙表现细节:进行最后的润饰,可能会用到线条处理、绘图表面的处理、喷漆和特殊效果颜料的应用。



第一章 基本要素:设计、色彩、材料等等

































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