
 2022-08-09 20:29:24

Application of Traditional Chinese Gardening Elements in Modern Garden Design


Traditional Chinese garden is not only a product of history and culture, but also a microcosm precipitated through the Chinese tradition and culture. As peoplersquo;s pursuit for living environmental quality continues to improve, use of traditional garden design ideas in the modern garden design is just one example of such pursuit. Having experienced a wave of post-modern architecture of the West, the traditional garden design has returned to its original state. People begin to abandon the so-called architectural form and function and chase compounds/ mansion once owned only by tycoons in southeast China in the past. Now, traditional garden courtyards have become the true reflector of the entire housing quality there.

The classical Chinese garden was a landscape garden style created during the Shang Dynasty more than three thousand years ago. It includes the royal gardens owned by the emperors or the imperial family, and the private gardens created by government officials, scholars, poets, merchants, etc.. The traditional Chinese garden is one of the masterpieces of Chinese culture, which integrated art, nature, and ideas perfectly to create ensembles of beauty and harmony. Not only its design and construction techniques, but also its artistic effect has made great influence on the development of landscaping in China.

Traditional Chinese garden usually integrates houses and gardens, combining leisure, recreation and residence together. The reason for this kind of residential building landscape lies in lack of natural landscape for people living in densely populated cities. They are unable to enjoy the pleasure in admiring natural scenery and inaccessible in relaxed living environment and visual experience.

China attaches great importance to cultural atmosphere construction in the traditional courtyard, such as nomination and plaques (horizontal inscribed board hanging on the hall, indicating its function or character of its owner) of the hall of a building. Such cultural atmosphere construction means to serve as an important way to add fun to garden culture, as well as to retain history and culture, house design and gardening fun, which has a significant impact on cultural life, material life and spiritual pursuit today.

Due to the influence of philosophical thoughts, culture and art, and landscaping techniques at different times, traditional Chinese garden design is endowed with a distinctive time feature, among which the most representative one is private gardens of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Courtyards of private gardens designed and built during that period were deeply affected by the socio-cultural and economic development. Artistic construction in landscaping design, winding-path-leadingto-a-secluded-quiet-place landscaping technique and exquisite carving as a fashion implicitly form the vivid beauty, fresh and elegant. Representatives of traditional garden courtyards are Humble Administratorrsquo;s Garden in Suzhou, Ying Garden in Yangzhou, etc. In traditional courtyards, man-made landscapes are the principal part and pavilions, other buildings silhouetted against each other as to form a complete and unified garden art, which reflects thoughts and cultural tastes of its owner, the prevailing cultural trends and economic development, and the cultural accomplishment and spiritual sustenance of the master of the garden.


The design of Chinese garden was to provide a spiritual utopia one to connect with nature, to come back to onersquo;s inner heart. Traditional Chinese garden landscape composes of four major elements: architecture, waterscape, plants and rocks, with significant geographical and cultural characteristics and imitative in landscape design.

A typical Chinese garden is enclosed by walls and includes one or more ponds, rock works, trees and flowers, and an assortment of halls and pavilions within the garden, connected by winding paths and zig-zag galleries. The traditional Chinese garden presented a series of perfectly composed scenery step by step to the visitors instead of letting them see all at once. The famous Ming dynasty garden designer Ji Chengrsquo;s instruction is to “hide the vulgar and the common as far as the eye can see, and includes the excellent and the splendid.” (Hardie, 1988)

Architecture is a very important and inherent part in the traditional courtyard, and plays an irreplaceable role. Classical gardens traditionally have these structures: the ceremony hall, the principal pavilion, the pavilion of flowers, the pavilion facing the four directions, the lotus pavilion, and the pavilion of mandarin ducks. Towers, galleries, bridges, Windows and doors are also important architectural feature of the Chinese garden. In traditional courtyards, buildings are often integrated with other scenes to form a style based on the architecture. In modern garden design, buildings generally do not have the functional significance, but it can obviously present a similar architectural space. This is the inheritance and development of traditional culture.

Waterscape is one of the important elements of the traditional landscape garden design. Chinese garden usually features a central pond or lake and several streams. The main buildings are usually placed beside it, and pavilions surround the lake to see it from different points of view. The traditional garden waterscape design shows superb artistic design and construction techniques in terms of the use of natural water bodies. Various water bodies have differed handling methods, but each method focuses on combined



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