
 2023-01-16 11:11:09

The books as the main carrier of language, is the human thought, spreading knowledge, accumulation of culture medium of material. Shakespeare once said: 'books are the summary of human knowledge, is the nourishment of the world'. It is because the book is bearing the weight of the history of human civilization and the crystallization of the wisdom of, at the same time, with the rapid development of science and technology and publishing industry, to make the art form of book decoration design more and more get the attention of people. In the process of the change of the binding art form, reflected the progress of the society, the development of culture, influenced peoples ideas and aesthetic consciousness at the same time, also makes the book binding design level has improved greatly. Now say a good book, in addition to its content, also look at its formal beauty, no good binding form, not the interest of others, naturally. A good book should be in a graceful covers, illustrations, choreography, word to attract readers, increase the readers interest and comfort, intuitively the vision has desire, let readers make readers in to buy a book from the materials, choreography, beautify feel enjoyable, fondle admiringly, this to reach the purpose of the book, the following I mainly talk about some views of book design.

The characteristics of the book binding design

The book binding design or books design, including the cover, the cover page, preface, text, illustrations, back cover, jacket size, paper, selection, and so on a series of design, as well as to the format design, printing, binding method choice. Book was originally designed to easy to read, easy to save, easy to carry, but today, it has already moved beyond the basic sense of the role, but by graphics, text, color and other visual elements to convey the designer concept and spirit connotation, convey the books information. Book design is design in modelling, the design language do word can not do, so we should follow certain principles, namely the need to clear the primary and secondary, dont be a presumptuous guest usurps the hosts role, and it is certain to should have creativity, beyond the traditional form, simple line. Good book design can not only promote the communication of information, and building the bridge the reader and the authors ideas. Therefore, the book binding design in addition to reflect the original design, the characteristics of another important feature is to accurately convey the center of the books content and ideas, in order to achieve the unity of content

and form. Through the choice of different materials, different technology, use, make the ideas of the books and the art of book binding design highly unified, books content and form, the thought and art become coordinated process, practical and aesthetic of art as a whole.

The traditional design concept and binding books The size selection

The books known as the size, the size of the layout in the paper of the basic computing unit, each all paper cutting and folding as many folios chamberlain is called. As a whole piece of paper folded in half once get xiao zhang, known as the 'split', folded in half again as '4' and so on, can also get 8, 16, 32, 64 open folios. At present, the domestic production of common size paper mainly has the following three types: (1) 787 mm times; 1092 mm this is the current book publishing the main dimensions of the printing paper. As we are now common 32 book and 16 folio edition book is using the specifications of the paper. (2) it is 850 mm times; 850 mm, in order to meet the need of large size book printing and production, such as many current textbooks used 32 books, is to use this paper. 880 mm x 1230 mm (3) this is a kind of international comparison of general specification, the size of paper size is bigger than the size of the other same size, the printing paper utilization rate is higher, when the form is beautiful and easy.

The current in the practice of the book publishing, typically choose different size according to the content and quality of books. Such as the poetry usually adopt more narrow little; Theory of science and technology books generally adopted the 32 and 16 folio edition; Childrens books with close to the square of small size, such as 24 size; Pocket dictionary usually use size 42 open, 48 or 64; Pictorial usually adopt approximate square size, and so on.

The books design

Both advertising and protection of the design for books, it includes jacket cover, (and the spine and le mouth), covers, belts, plug, favorites or bookmarks, book (brush or brush color), ShuKou (ladder label or ShuKou painting), and other design. General paperback cover is printed with the title, name of the author, the translators name and press, and matches by the proper design, book, display book content plays a beautification and protect the book core role. Kisses on the back cover of sichuan editor, cover design, unified with kisses and pricing, the number of intermediate configuration certain patterns or words with a nature of advertising. Spine refers to the spine, coupling cover and back cover general bearing the title, CeCi (volume, set, volumes), the author, the translators name and press, its main function is in the book shelf, easy to find. At present, the domestic book, most of the paperback book, otherwise a small amount of hardcover book. In terms of exterior design, hardcover and paperback books, mainly in the cover and back cover, jacket do have, that is wrapped in hardcover book cover and back cover the protection of the outer surface of paper, which is also called outer cover or coating. Some hardcover books, equipped with HanTao, a series of loading of cardboard boxes, its role is to protect the b


书籍作为语言的主要载体,是人类传播思想、知识、积累文化的物质媒介。莎士比亚曾经说过:“书是人类知识的总结,是世界的营养品”。这是因为书籍承载着人类文明的历史和智慧的结晶,同时,随着科学技术和出版业的飞速发展,使书籍装帧设计的艺术形式更加丰富。越来越引起人们的关注。装帧艺术形式的变化过程中,反映了社会的进步,文化的发展,同时影响了人们的思想观念和审美意识,也使得书籍装帧设计水平得到了极大的提高。现在说一本好书,除了它的内容外,还要看它的形式美,没有好的装帧形式,自然无法引起别人的兴趣。一本好书应该以优美的封面、插图、编排、文字吸引读者,直观的视觉效果使读者从中获得愉悦感,增加读者的兴趣和舒适度, 为了达到以上成果,下面我主要谈谈书籍设计的一些观点。




  • 尺寸选择

书籍的尺寸,是基本计算单元在纸张中的布局尺寸,每一种被裁切和折叠的纸张都被称为开本。整张纸对折一次得到“对开”,对折再折叠为“ 4”,依此类推,还可以得到8、16、32、64开。目前,国内生产的普通尺寸纸主要有以下三种类型:(1)787毫米times;1092毫米,这是当前出版印刷纸的主要尺寸。也是我们现在通用的32开本和16 开本正在使用纸张的规格。 (2)850 mmtimes;850 mm,为了满足大尺寸书籍的印刷和生产需要,例如当前许多教科书使用32开本,就是使用这种纸张。 (3)880毫米x 1230毫米,这是一般规格的国际纸张规格,纸张尺寸比其他相同尺寸的纸张尺寸大,打印纸利用率更高,当表格使用时则美观易用。



书籍设计的内容,包括封套以及书脊和勒口,封面,腰封,收藏夹或书签,书口(梯形标签或书口画) ,以及其他设计。一般的平装书封面印有标题,作者姓名,译者的姓名和出版社,并搭配适当的设计,起着美化和保护书籍的作用。封面设计统一了风格,中间穿插了一定数量的图案或带有广告性质的文字。脊柱是指连接书籍封面、封底的部分,带有书名,(卷,集,册),作者,翻译者的姓名和出版社,其主要功能是为了在书架上易于查找。目前,国内书籍中,大部分为平装书,少量为精装书。精装书和平装书主要区别在封面和封底的外观设计上,精装书一般有封套作为保护层包裹在书籍封面和封底外,也称为外皮或涂层。一些精装书,为了保护书籍的完整性,由一系列纸板箱装载。






  • 材料选择单一


  • 外观风格单一


  • 呆板、不灵活








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