
 2022-11-12 20:05:14

Experiencing Interactive Exhibition Spaces

Elyna Amir Sharji, Dr. Forest Lim Yan Peng, Prof. Peter Woods

Faculty of Creative Multimedia Multimedia University

63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract—Exhibition spaces are often regarded as a communal space which situates content for the pleasure of viewing. Consistent with the current development of technology emergence in digital applications, these spaces have been affected in the way that the content and tools are now being developed in the realm of digital and virtual capacity. Exploration of new media design and aesthetics has tremendously supported the new hybrid space either conceptually or visually. The local scenario is also seeing a vast participation and interest from various domains where a large number of new inventions are designed and tailored to benefit from this multimedia diversity.

Together with the shift of the situation, the built environment also faces new challenges where the physical entities are blended with digital attributes giving the users a sense of virtually participating in the space. Thus, the visual experience is also enriched when they visit these interactive exhibition spaces and able to interact with the artefacts or content in a multiple way to the otherwise static and linear story telling of exhibits.

This paper aims to study visual experience in visiting exhibition spaces of the new media and aesthetics. There are many factors that can be observed, analysed and used as a tool to gauge visual experience, spatial experience and interaction. Existing spaces that are available locally have the infrastructure and advantages to be created in such manner, and observations have to be done for analysis purposes. Similar research projects and method applied elsewhere to observe these spaces can be also used as an insight to understand the visual experience further.

Findings from the study will benefit research in areas of visual experience, engagement and how interaction proceeds in a multimedia environment. Exhibition spaces now undergo major change from a static space to a fluid, flexible one and offer a high technological platform. This opportunity contributes aptly in time to knowledge generation and societal well-being. The research outcome from this project will be in the form of some observation analysis on related spaces and a few case studies on related researches done. As the study is still in its infancy, more future works are envisioned to take place which includes prototype testing in the near future which will contribute to construct and design interactive exhibition space.

Keywords-visual experience; exhibition space; digital tools and content; interactive media arts


It is found out that there is a significant relationship between the affective qualities of experience and the physical properties of digital galleries as stated by Franz (2005). By studying both attributes we will derive to a clearer perception of the relationship and this contributes to a better design criteria of digital spaces. While this is a positive development in the area of built environment, not much research has been done on how people use and experience these new interactive spaces (Liapi amp; Oungrinis, 2006). This is evident from the current issues that define the problem such as stated by Meyboom, Johnson and Wojtowicz (2011) that the experience is often mismatched with the responsive environment as there is no proper documentation being done of the space and multimedia applications.

According to Franz (2005), the physical architectural space has strong influnce on human emotional state and vice versa. This systematic relationship has strong implications on the architectural design process and fundamental models. Lack of respective empirical knowledge has spurred the demand for a fundamental methodological framework. This is supported by Jumisko-Pyykko et al. (2008) and Biagi (2005) that there is a need to focus on affective relationship and accessibility between people and interactive spaces as research in this area is often neglected.

As much as possible, the designer and the owners of exhibition spaces intend for their spaces to be able to communicate the messages envisioned for the gallery patrons. This will have to be in the form of the space, content, tools and multimedia devices as well as human participation and user friendly environment (Elyna and Rafi, 2006). A most common approach in exhibiting will be for the arts, social sciences, historical evolution, childrenrsquo;s education, education, political gambits, patriotic approaches and many more.

In his book lsquo;The Language of Spacersquo;, Lawson (2001), mentioned that spaces form important constituent parts of what is known as lsquo;settingsrsquo;, which are influenced by behaviours and constraints. He continued to stress that a setting really consists of the space, surrounding, contents, the people and its activities. Due to the current technological advancements, we need more of high level emotional needs that require more complex kind of space to satisfy the boredom and provide amusement and entertainment instead. This is derived from some kind of stimulation that can be provided by the space that surrounds us which, at the same time provides stability and security so as not to provide uncertainty and unexpected happenings.


A.Exhibition Space - Gallery

A gallery is often referred to as a building, an institution, or a room for the exhibition of artistic work, an establishment that displays and sells works of art or a photographerrsquo;s studio. It is also known as a building, depository, exhibition, hall, institution, library, menagerie, repository, salon, storehouse, treasury and vault with the main objective of archiving (Longman Dictionary, 1991). There are two types of



Elyna Amir Sharji,Forest Lim Yan Peng博士,Peter Woods教授



摘要 :展览空间通常被视为一个公共空间,它将内容置于观看的乐趣之中。与当前数字应用中技术兴起的发展一致,这些空间已经受到现在正在数字和虚拟容量领域开发内容和工具的方式的影响。对新媒体设计和美学的探索极大地支持了新的混合空间,无论是概念上还是视觉上。当地情景也看到了各种领域的广泛参与和兴趣,其中大量新发明被设计和定制以受益于这种多媒体多样性。






Franz(2005)研究发现,体验的情感品质与数字画廊的物理属性之间存在着显著的关系。通过研究这两个属性,我们将得出一个更清晰的关系感知,这有助于更好的数字空间设计标准。虽然这在建筑环境领域是一个积极的发展,但人们如何使用和体验这些新的互动空间的研究却不多(Liapi amp; Oungrinis, 2006)。Meyboom, Johnson和Wojtowicz(2011)指出,从目前定义问题的问题中可以明显看出,由于没有对空间和多媒体应用程序进行适当的文档处理,体验常常与响应环境不匹配。


尽可能地,设计师和展览空间的所有者希望他们的空间能够传达为画廊顾客设想的信息。这必须以空间、内容、工具和多媒体设备的形式,以及人类参与和用户友好的环境(Elyna和Rafi, 2006)。展览中最常见的分类有艺术、社会科学、历史演变、儿童教育、教育、政治策略、爱国主义等等。



A.展览空间 - 画廊

画廊通常被称为建筑物,机构或艺术作品展览室,展示和销售艺术品的机构或摄影师工作室。它也被称为建筑,存放处,展览,大厅,机构,图书馆,动物园,仓库,沙龙,仓库,库房和金库,主要目的是存档(Longman Dictionary,1991)。有两种类型的图库,物理图库和虚拟图库。物理图库涉及现有的,具体的,真实的,实体的,有形的和可见的,另一方面,虚拟图库通过计算机或计算机网络存在,创建,模拟或进行。它涉及人工智能,网络空间,模拟三维环境和虚拟现实。 (Merriam-Webster Dictionary,2002)。

不同类型的画廊服务国家治理等不同群体的组织批准适当的项目是按照政府的政策,省美术馆,遵守当地政府当局传达当地国家历史和未来的愿望,大学画廊服务部门或整个大学,可能由董事、管理者的董事会或部门的教授,注册慈善机构和受托人通过赠款和专业筹款活动设立画廊的私人信托机构,描绘个人信息的行业和公司机构,以及提供私人和有限的商业关注和收藏的私人画廊(Matthews, 1991)。

有几种博物馆学方法,如科学、技术、工业考古学、社会史、民族学、人类学、考古学、地质学、自然史、美术和装饰艺术。近年来公共管理理论与实践与新博物馆学的融合,带来了空间设计与管理的新领域(Baddeley, 2009)。Matthews(1991)认为,展览内容、展览规模、展览方式等将决定展览所需的空间,如展区、仓储区、收藏区、装载区、公共用户空间和私人空间、特殊展区、永久、临时、旅游等灵活的展览空间;主题、系统、面向对象、交互、被动;开放式、线形、复杂布局的画廊设计,以及可供选择使用的适应性空间,如门厅、办公空间、会所、会议室、午餐室、演讲空间、活动空间、干湿空间、实验室、工作室、艺术家住宅、专研收藏区、移动服务和户外活动区域。


环境感知通常建立在访问水平和人们对他们所访问的空间发展的情感关系的基础上,因为他们使用感官和情感作为环境感知视角(Cohen et al。,2009)。体验不是关于设计如何单独在内部工作,而是与人与之接触并与技术交互的外部有关(Garrett,2003)。根据Sharp,Rogers和Preece(2007)的说法,良好的交互式设计意味着它可以使用,易于学习,有效使用并提供愉快的用户体验。另一方面,糟糕的设计导致混淆,愤怒,低效,难以使用,不可访问且对用户不明显。 Sharp,Rogers和Preece(2007)强调的一个重要事实是,人们无法设计用户体验,只能通过用户体验的创建唤起它的设计功能。

更重要的是,正如McCarthy和Wright(2004)所指出的那样,我们生活在技术时代,我们不仅仅使用它,我们生活在其中。这使我们在情感,智力和感官方面都有所涉及。最常见的是处理人机交互或人机交互及相关领域,因为本研究的方法是人与交互技术或信息与通信技术之间的关系。在这项研究的背景下,人们在艺术平台 -——画廊中通过互动技术进行空间体验的视觉体验。这里的共同因素是视觉体验的丰富。










博物馆不拘泥于正常的实体展览和真人大小的历史文物雕像,已采取措施通过投影,多媒体信息亭,互动面板等方式增加数字展览。空间形式和功能非常适合亲密,半私人和公共空间,室内和室外的内容和环境。视觉体验在一些房间中说得很好,例如Tin Mining History部分,用户在战前状态期间感觉几乎就像在那里一样。











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