
 2022-11-27 14:55:54

There are numerous industries in which experts offer opinions about the quality of products and brands. For example, movie critics make suggestions about a soon-to-be released movies artistic and entertainment value, BusinessWeek hosts Robert Parkers column recommending wines, Consumer Reports has long compared brands across numerous product categories, and so forth. In addition, consumers are increasingly posting online evaluations of products and brands?for example, they review books on Amazon.com, movies on Netflix.com, video games on Gamespot.com, or restaurants on Citysearch.com. Consumers find judgments from both professional critics and amateur communities to be helpful, in part because the sheer number of new products and the frequency of their launches (e.g., weekly releases for movies) can be over whelming for consumers in the choice process. In addition, many such products appear wholly unique, so a comparison of the movies Terminator Salvation and X-Men Origins:Wolverine or a comparison of the wines Argentinian Malbec and Italian Prosecco is difficult; thus, both critics and other ordinary consumers evaluations assist in decision making.

Professional critics commonly provide reviews and ratings; this information signals unobservable product quality and helps consumers make good choices (Boulding and Kirmani 1993; Kirmani and Rao 2000). Although amateur consumers can obtain useful information from critics, they are sometimes at odds with critics because of some fundamental differences between the two groups in terms of experiences and preferences (Chakravarty, Liu, and Mazumdar 2008; Holbrook 1999; Wanderer 1970). Therefore, consumers often seek like-minded amateurs opinions in various ways.

The recent development and proliferation of online consumer review forums, in which consumers share opinions on products, has had an enormous impact on the dynamics of word of mouth (WOM) by effectively connecting consumers (Chen and Xie 2008; Eliashberg, Elberse, and Leenders 2006; Godes and Mayzlin 2004; Godes et al. 2005;Mayzlin 2006; Trusov, Bucklin, and Pauwels 2009). These online forums lower the product information search costs, which motivates consumers to seek such review information (Stigler 1961). After all, consumer communities collective opinions can have as much influence on other consumers choices as professional critics opinions. In addition to these two influence groups, consumers make choices in accordance with their own judgments based on past experiences in the given product category, which can be contrary to opinions from either professional critics or amateur communities. In this sense, consumers are active information processors rather than passive information receivers (Bettman 1970).

To provide a comprehensive evaluation of how product reviews and ratings influence consumers choices and satisfaction arising from their experiential consumption, we consider the opinions from these multiple sources. Such external and internal information sources are particularly important in movie choice because viewers constantly face the problem of choosing satisfying movies among many new and existing ones. Indeed, the development of the Internet has engendered movie rental service Web sites (e.g., Netflix, Blockbuster), on which members can access a wealth of movie review information with minimal effort. Members can also post their own opinions with ease. In such an environment, the influence of online member communities general opinions on movie choice is maximized (Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006; Liu 2006). Although the contributions of this research are intended to encompass multiple industries, we focus on the movie industry, in part because of its sizable financial contribution to the general economy.

This research attempts to highlight the relationships between product ratings and product financial performance—more specifically, various sources of movie ratings and movie performances (i.e., movie revenues and viewer satisfaction)—while considering various movie quality characteristics (e.g., movie costs, original versus sequel). To accomplish this objective, we conduct an empirical analysis at two levels: the (aggregate) movie level and the (individual) viewer level. First, we focus on the movie-level analysis to examine the two-way dynamic influences between movie ratings and movie revenues. In this analysis, we view movie revenues as the collective results of individual viewers choices. In doing so, we focus on collective critics and amateur communities ratings for each movie but not on individual viewers ratings. Second, to supplement this aggregate view, we examine how individual viewers movie consumption influences their postconsumption evaluations. To do so, we conduct a viewer-level analysis, in which we test the influence of both the focal viewers viewing and rating history and the movie communitys collective opinions on the focal viewers new movie rating, while controlling for movie quality (i.e., movie characteristics).

This two-level analysis approach enables us to examine the relationships between movie ratings and movie performances from complementary angles and to provide important managerial insights. Importantly, the (macro) movie level analysis captures moviegoers collective choices in the movie industry, whereas the (micro) viewer-level analysis taps into individual consumers postconsumption experiences. We develop and test five hypotheses based on this two-way classification.

From a managerial perspective, on the basis of some key empirical findings, this research suggests that movie marketers should persistently promote movies that garner high ratings to sustain movie revenues and should cautiously consider sequels despite their originals commercial success. For movie rental firms, this study provides insights into ways to recommend movies on the basis of the focal members rating history, the membe


有许多行业专家提供关于产品质量和品牌的意见。例如,影评人对即将上映的电影的艺术和娱乐价值提出建议,商业周刊主办方Robert Parker在专栏推荐葡萄酒,消费者报告长期以来在数量庞大的产品类别中比较品牌,等等。此外,越来越多的消费者在网上的评价产品和品牌?此外,消费者越来越多地写出产品和品牌的网络在线评价。例如,他们在亚马逊上看书,在Netflix上看电影, 在Gamespot上打电子游戏, 或者在Citysearch上查找餐厅。消费者发现来自专业评论家和业余社区的判断是有益的,部分原因是新产品的数量变化和它们的开展频率(例如,每周放映电影)可以在选择过程中为消费者做出决定。 另外,很多这样的产品完全独特的出现,所以一个关于电影终结者和X战警的比较萌生:沃略日讷或者葡萄酒阿根廷马尔贝克和意大利波塞克很难比较;因此,批评家和其他普通消费者评价辅助决策。


在线消费者评论论坛最近的发展和扩散,消费者在产品上分享意见,通过有效地连接消费者对口碑动态产生了巨大的影响。这些在线论坛降低产品信息搜索成本,促使消费者寻求这样的审查信息(Stigler 1961)。毕竟,消费者群体的集体意见会像专业的评论家一样对其他消费者的选择产生很大的影响。除了这两个影响团体,消费者根据过去在给出的产品类别中的经验做出判断,这可能违背了无论是专业评论家或业余群体的意见。从这个观点上来说,消费者是积极的信息处理者,而不是被动的信息接收者。










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