
 2022-11-27 14:58:13



Merrilyn Fitzpatrick

Westerners have been making documentary films in China since the earliest years of the century. This body of work spans twentieth century Chinese history, from newsreels of the Russo-Japanese war fought on Chinese soil in 1905 to the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution. In spanning such a period, the work of Western documentary filmmakers reflects not only the changing relationship of the West with China but also the development of documentary film itself over the past eighty years.

Because of Chinas turbulent history this century, the film records of Westerners have mostly been concerned with war, with social upheaval and with political and social issues. Even Hollywood feature films have taken for the backgrounds of films set in China the turbulence of contemporary life: of peasant life (The Good Earth 1937, Dragon Seed 1944); of Western missionaries in the midst of warlord troubles (The Inn of the Sixth Happiness 1958); of the anti-imperialist movements (55 Days at Peking 1963) and the civil war (The Sand Pebbles 1966); or have used as settings pre-Liberation Shanghai, with its reputation for licence, luxury and intrigue (as in von Sternbergs Shanghai Express 1932). But these feature films were all shot in Hollywood studios or on location in other countries, not in China. Warfare, censorship and the disruption caused by war discouraged foreigners from going to China to film. For the same reasons, few documen- taries were made in China before 1949.

Since 1949, Western documentary filmmakers have been limited by the Chinese governments restrictive views of culture in general, its long bouts of xenophobia (particularly during the ten years 1966-76) and the stand-off in political relations between most Western countries and China which continued until the early 1970s. Conditions for Westerners making documentaries in China remained unfavourable until 1976, and compara- tively few were made. Those which were made generally had the invitation, support and close supervision of the Chinese government and were consider- ably restricted in their subject-matter and treatment. China experts such as Edgar Snow and Felix Greene who acted as anchormen for film series did no better, and mostly worse, in avoiding this paternal control than did filmmakers of reputation such as Chris Marker (Dimanche a Pekin 1955), Michelangelo Antonioni (China 1974) and Joris Ivens (How Yukong Moved the Mountains 1976). The films made during this period show little of the experience of individual Chinese or the filmmakers own responses to China; many of them do little more than reflect the propaganda interests of the regime at the time of shooting. In fact, these films may come to have substantial intrinsic interest precisely because they so closely reflect the preoccupations of the Chinese government at particular times. They may come to be regarded as valuable documents preserving fleeting moments of Chinese political culture.

While the Chinese government heavily influenced the content of these films, the styles used by the filmmakers reflect the changing techniques, fashions and preoccupations of Western filmmakers in the decades after World War II. Decolonisation and the emergence of the Third World strongly influenced the approach of documentary filmmakers to filming in Third World countries, including China. The development of light, compact, synchronous sound 16mm cameras soon after the war, and of much faster film stocks, provided the tools which enabled documentary filmmakers to express these changed attitudes in new documentary styles. Beginning with the films made by Jean Rouch in Africa (e.g. Jaguar 1958; Moi, un noir [I, a Black] 1958), in which Africans spoke for themselves in their own languages, socially and politically conscious filmmakers have come to accept that the citizens of these now independent countries should speak for them- selves. The new light equipment and fast film stocks have enabled film crews to be less obtrusive than before, and crews may consist of as few as one or two people. It has become possible to film in intimate settings, as in the dwellings of ordinary people, and to respond quickly and directly to events.

In the range of expression established for the documentary before World War II by, for instance, Flaherty, Grierson and the Soviet documentary film- makers, the most common approach to human subjects is as figures in a landscape, usually heroic figures. Falling somewhere between these classic documentary styles and Rouch cinema-verite there is an intermediate style which could be termed the human zoo approach, where we watch people behaving naturally and observe the visual patterns their behaviour makes within the physical environment. So in Chris Markers Dimanche a Pekin and Antonionis China, both somewhat idiosyncratic travelogues by substantial filmmakers, the camera watches life in the streets: taiichuan practice in the park, old men chatting over tea in a Shanghai tea house, people cycling. The audience may perceive much, indeed may be freed by this approach to use eyes and ears to gather non-verbal information that would be passed over if the dominant verbal cues were there. But its idea of the Chinese on the screen is limited to what is implied by their activities, their faces and gestures, and what the commentary chooses to say about them.

This behaviourist approach makes much use of the candid camera and the telephoto-zoom lens to catch off-guard expressions and activity. Antonioni used this approach in his China; the commentary states his aims plainly when it says that the film does not pretend to explain China but only wants to start to observe this great repertoire of faces, gestures and habits. Some time after the films release in the West a campaign of v






从1949年开始,西方纪录片一直受限于中国政府在意识形态方面的严格控制、中国长期的仇外心理(尤其是在1966年至1976年的十年间)以及一直延续至70早期的社会主义和资本主义两大阵容敌对状况。这种不正常的状况一直持续到1976年,一些微弱的变化开始发生。那些纪录片一般都得到了国家邀请、支持并且是在政府严密控制下拍摄,在选题和拍摄手法上也被受到严格的控制。Edgar Snow和Felix Greene这样的“中国专家”,充当了先驱的作用。然后在如何摆脱中国政府这种家长式的严格控制,坚持影片的公正性方面,他们还不如Chris Marker(《北京的星期天》,1955年),Michelangelo Antonioni(《中国,1974年》)和Joris Ivens(《愚公如何移山》,1976年)。这个时期的影片,很少反应中国人的个性或是导演对于中国的个人看法,他们大多数只是充当了宣传工具而已。事实上,这正是这些影片的最大看点所在,因为它们真切地反映了特殊时期中国政府的诉求。它们被当作记录那个年代稍纵即逝的中国政治的宝贵资料。

尽管中国政府很大程度上影响到了这些影片的内容,但制片人的风格和手法依然反映了二战后的十年间西方电影制作人在技术、潮流和习惯的变化。非殖民化和第三世界的出现猛烈地吸引了大批的纪录片导演前去实地拍摄,包括中国。随着战后的照明设备、合同制、同期声、16毫米相机的发展,以及更快的电影胶片,使得这些纪录片导演可以通过新的纪录片风格来表达自己新的观点。以Jean Rouch在非洲拍摄的影片为始,非洲人开始用他们自己的语言畅声交谈,那些着眼于时事和政治的纪录片导演开始接受,所有独立国家的公民都可以用自己的语言为自己的民族辩护。新的照明设备和快速的电影胶片,使电影摄制队不再如以前那般庞大和突兀,甚至一个摄制队只包含了那么一两个人。开放式的拍摄成为可能,比如在民宅进行拍摄,以及面对突发事件,可以很快给出反应。

二战前期,纪录片的有着固定的表达形式,比如Flaherty, Grierson和苏联的纪录片制作人,他们习惯把人作为自然景观中的一个具象,一般是指英雄人物。在这些传统纪录片风格和纪实性风格中,存在一个被称为“人类动物园”的风格——我们观察他们“自然”的行为,然后结合外部物理环境将他们区分为几个不同的模式。因此,在Chris Marker的《北京的星期天》和Antonioni的《中国》里,这些电影制作人运用类似于游记的手法,在街头用镜头记录景象:公园里的太极练习、聚在上海的老茶馆里闲聊的老人、骑自行车的人。观众可以自由地通过眼睛和耳朵去感知到更多的景观——那些一旦存在所谓的主导因素,就可能不被注意到景观。但是对于荧幕上的中国人,这一手法却被中国人的行为、表情和动作以及社会评论所限制。


虽然争端来源于国际政治斗争,但是纪录片的详细评论则更多的关注于影片拍摄手法,以及对道德激愤的真实表现。《中国重建》(1974年6月)的一篇文章讨论了电影记录图像的意义。该文是由在北京王府井商业街银行工作的两位办事员所撰写的,并描述了Antonioni创造的拍摄方法。但是,两位办事员表示,Antonioni的方法其实是为了“寻找中伤我们首都和中国人民的场景”。虽然银行允许Antonioni在银行屋顶拍摄街景,但是他拒绝了此方案,并最终选择了透过底楼一扇“仅能看见一条街道的唯一入口和王府井大街的一小块区域”的窗子拍摄。 “更让人愤怒的是,他拉上窗帘并用剪刀减出了两段30厘米长的裂缝。之后他将镜头穿过裂缝开始偷拍。他长时间的躲在窗帘后面,想方设法的拍摄可以攻击和抹黑我们伟大首都的镜头。真的是太卑鄙了!” 尽管这样的解释并不合理,这种电影技术还是受到西方电影制作人的质疑,并引发了从20世纪60年代后期开始的针对纪录片电影制作人对主题和观众的责任的讨论。在60年代后期和70年代电影制作人采用的直接引语摄制的电影中,有一部分是为了对这种独立和主观模式拍摄的一种审慎的驳斥。

由Joris Ivens和Marceline Loridan拍摄的系列纪录片,《愚公如何移山》(1976年,拍摄于1974年),是首次在中国广泛应用直接引语法拍摄的大型系列纪录片。在12小时时长的影片中,80%的片段含有没有经过添加音乐、旁白和声效的日常对话和背景噪音。该片是Iven首次尝试拍摄此类影片。他这样做的目的一方面是检验文化革命的效果,了解其优缺点;另一方面也是为了“观察普通人(中国人)在工作,玩耍,吃饭或者娱乐中的表现——那些不为西方所知的知识”。对于他在影片中大量使用对白,他说:“这是中国人民首次拥有自己的声音”。这些目标旨在表明,Ivens和Loridan对观察人类行为感兴趣,就像Antonioni一样。然而,目前随着对话的加入、摄像机的使用以及公众公开度的提高,他们还得到了一些饱含深意镜头。这些材料与1970年代民族志学电影风格类似,人们为了镜头而举行仪式或者召开会议和研讨会。实际上,在《愚公如何移山》系列的12部电影中,大多含有小型的政治和社会礼仪的固定程序,这在1970年代早期可以有效帮助外国观众了解中国小型政治团体运作或者应该运作方式(特别参见长篇《军营》和多部《足球事件》)。


1970年代早期拍摄的非批判电影通常可以在争议电影《北京鸭汤》(中文名, 一个人努力的革命 1977)中找到非解决之法的回馈。该电影是由Reneacute; Vieacute;net and Ji Qingmin拍摄的,目的在于讽刺“主义神话”破灭过程中的知识分子运动,推动左倾无政府主义观点。《北京鸭汤》是典型的法国政治纪录片,想当然的认为该片的观众都是理性的、见多识广的和政治观点鲜明的。(Chris Marker的《周日在北京》也属于这个范畴,其中含有大量关于历史、文化、马克思主义和中国政治体制理性思辨的评论,反映了来自于北京街道和旅游者密集区的巨大思潮动态。)



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