An updatable holographic three-dimensional display
Savascedil; Tay , P.-A. Blanche , R. Voorakaranam , A. V. Tunc , W. Lin , S. Rokutanda , T. Gu , D. Flores , P. Wang , G. Li , P. St Hilaire , J. Thomas , R. A. Norwood , M. Yamamoto amp; N. Peyghambarian
Holographic three-dimensional (3D) displays provide realistic images without the need for special eyewear, making them valuable tools for applications that require situational awareness, such as medical, industrial and military imaging. Currently commercially available holographic 3D displays use photopolymers that lack image-updating capability, resulting in restricted use and high cost. Photorefractive polymers are dynamic holographic recording materials that allow updating of images and have a wide range of applications, including optical correlation, imaging through scattering media and optical communication. To be suitable for 3D displays, photorefractive polymers need to have nearly 100% diffraction efficiency, fast writing time, hours of image persistence, rapid erasure, and large area—a combination of properties that has not been shown before. Here, we report an updatable holographic 3D display based on photorefractive polymers with such properties, capable of recording and displaying new images every few minutes. This is the largest photorefractive 3D display to date; it can be recorded within a few minutes, viewed for several hours without the need for refreshing, and can be completely erased and updated with new images when desired.
A considerable amount of research has been dedicated to the development of 3D imaging, because two-dimensional (2D) images give only limited information about an object or a scene owing to their lack of parallax and depth. 3D imaging techniques that rely on special eyewear have unwanted side-effects such as eye fatigue and motion sickness. Holographic 3D displays do not incur these problems because they are viewable with the naked eye (autostereoscopic) and simulate natural human vision. Humans are naturally attracted to holograms, which is why holography has found wide applications in advertisement and entertainment. Current static holographic displays are capable of displaying terabytes of data, and come in practically any size with full colour, full parallax and depth. Previously, dynamic 3D holographic displays based on acoustooptic, liquid-crystal displays and microelectromechanicalsystems-based recording media have been demonstrated. Unfortunately, these devices do not have memory, and thus do not exhibit persistence of recorded images. The lack of persistence results in the requirement of update rates faster than 30 Hz to avoid image flicker. 3D images exhibit very high information content, so this high refresh rate requirement currently limits real-time holographic displays to small sizes. Photorefractive inorganic crystals are dynamic holographic storage materials that have memory, but scaling them to the large sizes needed for 3D displays is challenging. Photothermoplastics provide reversible recording by using surface relief gratings, but they suffer from limited diffraction efficiency and usually require a post-recording developing process. To extend dynamic holographic 3D displays towards practical applications, alternative materials with high efficiency, reversible recording capabilities, memory and significantly larger sizes are needed.
Photorefractive polymers are dynamic holographic recording materials capable of fulfilling these requirements. In photorefractive polymers, a 3D refractive index pattern—a phase hologram— replicates the non-uniform interference pattern formed by two incident coherent light fields. This effect is based on the build-up of an internal space-charge field due to selective transport and trapping of the photo-generated charges, and an electric-fieldinduced index change via the photorefractive effect (ref. 5 and references therein and ref. 4). This process—in contrast to the photochemical processes involved in photopolymer holograms—is fully reversible, because trapped charges can be de-trapped by uniform illumination. The erasibility of the photorefractive gratings allows for refreshing/updating of the holograms. In a typical photorefractive material the holograms are viewed with the help of a reading beam, as long as the initial writing (recording) beams are present. When the writing beams are turned off, the photorefractive hologram decays at a rate determined by the material properties and ambient thermal processes. Photorefractive polymers that have fast recording usually have high decay rates. For updatable 3D displays, however, a material with rapid recording and slow decay (long persistence) is required. A figure-of-merit (FOM) for the design of recording media for spatially multiplexed 3D displays can be the ratio of storage time to the total recording time during which the writing beams are turned on, per holographic element (hogel). In most photorefractive materials the FOM is close to 1, which is far smaller than the FOM . 1,000 required for use in updatable 3D displays with large enough size and resolution.
We have developed photorefractive polymer composites that combine these properties, suitable for use in updatable 3D displays. The composite consists of a copolymer with a hole-transporting moiety and a carbaldehyde aniline group (CAAN) attached through an alkoxy linker. The copolymer approach is adopted to minimize the phase separation between the functional components usually seen in homopolymer photorefractive composites. A copolymer with a polyacrylic backbone was used to attach pendant groups, tetraphenyldiaminobiphenyl-type (TPD) and CAAN in the ratio 10:1 by the synthetic modification of the polyacrylate TPD (PATPD) polymer. The host PATPD-CAAN copolymer provides the optical absorption and charge generation/transport at the writing wavelength (532 nm). A plasticizer, 9-ethyl carbazole (ECZ)
Savascedil; Tay , P.-A. Blanche , R. Voorakaranam , A. V. Tunc , W. Lin , S. Rokutanda , T. Gu , D. Flores , P. Wang , G. Li , P. St Hilaire , J. Thomas , R. A. Norwood , M. Yamamoto amp; N. Peyghambarian
我们已经开发了光折变聚合物复合材料,结合这些特性,适合使用在可更新的3D显示器。复合组成的共聚物具有空穴传输基团和甲醛苯胺组(CAAN)连接通过烷氧基交联剂。该共聚物的方法是通过减少通常在均聚物的光折变材料看到功能组件之间的相分离。一个用丙烯酸共聚物是用来连接骨干侧基,tetraphenyldiaminobiphenyl型(TPD)的合成改性聚丙烯酸酯TPD的比例为10:1(聚合物PATPD CAAN)。主持人patpd-caan共聚物在写作波长提供光学吸收和电荷产生/运输(532 nm)。增塑剂,9-ethyl咔唑(ECZ)添加到复合。非线性光学(NLO)性质的加入氟化dicyanostyrene实现(fdcst)生色团。复合patpd-caan:fdcst:硝酸益康唑(50:30:20 wt%)是由熔融两铟锡氧化物镀膜玻璃电极之间用厚度为100毫米的玻璃间隔珠形成薄膜器件。这种复合材料在60天的加速老化试验中无相分离,为7天。光折变器件显示近90%的衍射效率在4 kV,四波混频测量稳态电压(图1A)。两波耦合增益系数C为这些设备在5 kV约200厘米(插页图1A)。图1b显示了一个4times;英寸有源区制成复合薄膜器件。该设备显示没有降解或介电击穿的使用时间延长(数个月)在显示记录实验,与数百个写/擦除周期,每个月在高外加电压(9千伏)和光强度约100毫瓦厘米。
记录在光折变聚合物薄膜装置的全息图可以持续在黑暗中达3小时(无需编写光束)在4千伏的施加电压,同时连续被用红色(633纳米)的激光束探测。我们已经开发了一种新的技术,以改善的是基于所施加的电压,我们称之为“电压开球技术”的操纵有机光折变材料的写入速度。在光折变聚合物的常规全息记录,一个恒定的外部电压加在聚合物来动态极NLO发色团(参考文献5和其中的参考文献和参考文献4)施加。在开球的方式,我们采用增加电压(9千伏)横跨聚合物增加全息记录在写入速度,然后降低电压到4千伏其最佳值记录完成后。临时增加的电压便于电子 - 空穴对的有效分离,并且改善了漂移特性,迫使费行进速度,并增加了NLO发色团的取向顺序参数和速度。电压到记录后其最佳值的减小确保了全息持久性。电压开球的总体益处是每个hogel写时间到小于第二,通过施加电压的微调的减少。我们已经实现了用一个总写时间在1瓦厘米辐照只有0.5秒的使用这种技术(在此期间,写入光束都导通的时间)的55%的衍射效率(图2),比1.5%高得多效率与4千伏,而无需使用电压开球写作0.5秒完成。在此复合材料中的几个小时的全息图的持续时间,这相当于一个FOM。万而不需要thermal27或其它固定的方法,这是在对全息存储和显示应用光折变聚合物的发展显著步骤。
全息立体画-一个基于视点(角度)的有限数目的到记录的不同部分的光学多路复用技术中是用于制造3D图像和显示一个广泛使用的技术。我们已建立了基于使用如上所述的光折射聚合物装置全息立体一个完全自动化的,计算机控制的三维全息打印机/显示。 3D显示被记录在整个光折射聚合物装置具有4 3 4英寸(见图3)的有源区。第一,是从三维计算机模型产生的感兴趣对象的2D透视图。二维的观点,也可使用诸如磁共振成像,计算机辅助断层扫描,共聚焦显微镜或空中和卫星成像方法生成的。然后,观点划分或“切”成多个二维图像平面。图像平面正在使用计算机算法为二维矩阵(所述hogel数据),然后将其上传到一个空间光调制器(SLM)重新组织。是与一个532纳米的激光束照射在SLM显示与翻译阶段和一个电光激光快门按顺序hogel的数据。由SLM(物体光束)调制的激光束照射聚合物装置上的预定hogel区域。相干参考光束同时照射在同一地区,它通过与物体光束和光折变效应干扰便于hogel的记录。 1 hogel被记录后快门关闭激光束,将聚合物装置被转换到下一hogel位置,以及新hogel数据上传到SLM(见补充视频1用于显示操作)。全息显示器使用从膨胀,低功率氦氖(633纳米)的激光在透射几何(图3)的光束的光被观看。
在许多应用中,水平视差仅(HOPE)成像29是一个有效近似全视差成像,因为人类使用水平偏移眼感觉到深度使用HPO记录有助于显著减少在3D显示酒店数量,导致更短的总写入时间。我们已经记录的3D显示器(4 3 4在尺寸英寸)用HPO成像在几分钟内复杂和高质量的图像(图4)(见补充视频2)。每hogel使用的总记录时间(0.83101毫米在尺寸)为0.5〜2秒变化,且所使用的总辐照度(两个光束的总和)为0.1W厘米。
在图的全息图的图像。 4,它是用一台摄像机拍摄的,是只有在直接观看所经历的影响适度传真机。这主要是由于由HPO记录技术和电子假象如饱和,向其中人的视觉系统相对不敏感引入的散光。的图像可以被完全地通过使用532纳米的光束(图4c)显示的均匀照明分钟内被擦除,并且当需要时可以记录新的图像。没有技术限制可实现的显示大小,因为大的薄膜器件可以制造甚至平铺在一起。此外,材料的持久性和效率,使之成为未来的全视差显示器,通常需要比HPO显示幅度更多的信息内容两个数量领先的候选人。对于较大的,全视差显示器短脉冲记录30和热定影的组合都可以使用,这是全息3D显示发展的未来路线。
Received 24 August; accepted 18 December 2007.
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