
 2022-12-12 17:17:54

The significance of layout design for Museum exhibition space

Text: Kutay Gurley (soil) 

Pick to: excellent layout design for the museum exhibition space to build a huge help, not only can show the theme of the exhibition with intuitive feel thoughts, but also can bring the audience visual impact. How to using the modern design thinking in the process of design to process the text, graphics, color and other visual elements. This is the designers duties.

Key words: layout; Display; space

Layout design as an important component of the modern art design, is one of the museum space display design of component, and occupies the important position. Design is endowed with text, images and other visual elements, rich emotion and spirit with visual forms, in shape, size, proportion, color, etc, showing characteristics of visual form. The audience can pass

Layout, to understand the theme of the show and the content, so the layout to express the theme of the show plays a vital role. Need to display and exhibition space for the overall planning, through the display layout design, the exhibit to be a reasonable and orderly arrangement. With colour, design and high-tech means, and exhibits perfect combination, common themes and characters for the foil

And the service. , I think in the plane layout of important role is to plan each version of the content of the relationship with the image, maintain the unity of all display page. In space, as a designer by considering the design, thus expressing ideas to the design in unity for the change of the rich, with rich artistic effect to impress the audiences heart, accomplish outstanding theme, distinct,

The structure is reasonable, the actual processing to appropriate theme, such as space exhibits consistency.

A concept

Display layout design mainly includes the layout of the composition of the principle, design methods, the basic elements of text. Content show the title and name, sign, plane or three-dimensional distribution as well as words, pictures, etc. For the layout, the first to find a location, the location is determined by the exhibition theme and content, this for accurate positioning, also seek to design thinking

Road, and then to the idea as a platform, according to the design idea about the various design elements of refining and trade-offs. Creative imagination it fully, and at the same time to carry on the design creation. Accurate and reasonable on various elements of layout is the key to establish balance and coordination. Display and its surrounding space relationships lead to different artistic effect. In view of the exhibit different properties,

On the layout to fully reflect the content of the exhibition and style characteristics, exhibition on display in the museum environment, also want to consider the environmental atmosphere to the museum.

The design of the layout of two elements

(1) the word is not the individual factors, but the part of the elements in the whole display layout design not regarded writing as a single factor, but as a plane or a line to add a form. With different size of text, to control the change of strength, emphasis on the performance of the 'face'. Text: the words appear on the page usually have a big title, subtitle, the body of the text, text and pictures

Words and digital modulation on the chart. The text of all kinds of visual factors, design factors, such as: the type of font, its size, spacing, word spacing, etc. The visual effect of the font, can influence and enhance the meaning of the text. It is also one of the major elements of information communication in the format design. People communicate the purpose of expressing the concept, the layout of the various elements, to use the writing symbol to express, hence 'word is the written symbols for record language'. In modern China, Chinese characters is one of the main public information dissemination media, while western text mainly in English. Write simple English font is fluent, have relatively good visual effect, in the application of layout design is extremely common. , in both languages to comparison, free English font concise; And Chinese characters is similar to the rectangular characters, strokes and simplified, orchestrated to some limitations. Each set text has its space structure, which requires the designers need to understand Chinese characters in Chinese characters arrangement way of reading and understanding of Chinese aesthetic brush. Single word processing is better to do, such as distortion, exaggeration, visualization can be performed to artistic effect, and arranged into a period of even more man, normally only between words, row, section between adapt change, achieve the visual effect of dot, line, face combined. Mere words can only play the role of conveying, for the purpose of design is to give words convey the content, as well as the enlightenment thoughts dual function. Layout of the Chinese character extremely, from left to right or from top to bottom vertical writing, can produce the order of arrangement, the relationship between row and column. Combination of Chinese characters and pictures from the layout looks be like simple, actually implies a series of laws. In the display layout, font type, layout is refined, stable. Font types, the picture is very rich, the more information form.

(2) the image: the image is the main content of the layout, often even someone described it is the eye of the layout. 'Elephant' refers to everything in the world, and 'like', it took the form of 'map' to explain the object. 'Image' is people after dealing with the selection, organization, integration and, to a certain philosophy for the purpose. Communication research, readers images or pages to look through the newspaper often start, then go to the title, the last to fall on the text, this shows images of the whole layout of visual



文:(土)库塔伊 居莱  译:王梓函 宋伟

摘 要:优秀的版面设计对博物馆展示空间营造起到巨大帮助,不但可以用直观感受来展示展览的主题思想,而且可以给观众带来视觉上的冲击。怎样在设计过程中运用现代设计思维来处理文字、图形、色彩等视觉元素。这都是设计师的职责。






一 概念




二 版面设计的设计构成元素


图表中的文字及数字灯。这些文字的各种视觉因素,都是设计因素,如:字体类型、大小、行距、字间距等。字体的视觉效果,可以影响并且强化文字的含义。它也是版式设计中最主要的信息传递元素之一。人们交流的目的是表达概念,版面中各种元素,要借助文字这一书写符号来表达,因此才有“文字是记录语言的书写符号”的说法。在现代中国,汉字是大众信息传播的最主要的媒介,而西方文字主要以英文为主。英文字体书写简单流畅,有相对较好的视觉效果,在版面设计中的运用也极为普遍。中、英两种文字想比较而言,英文字体自由简练;而汉字是类似矩形的方块字,笔画繁简不一,编排起来有些局限性。每一组文字群均有其空间架构,这就需要设计者在进行汉字排列时需要理解汉字阅读方式和了解汉字的审美意韵。单独的文字处理比较好办,可以进行变形、夸张、形象化等艺术效果处理,而成段甚至更多的汉子编排,一般只能在字间、行间、段间等加以调整变化,达到点、线、面结合的视觉效果。单纯的文字只能起到传达的作用,作为设计的目的是要赋予文字既传达内容又能启示意念的双重的功能。版面中,汉字从左到右横斜,或自上而下竖写 ,就会产生排列的秩序、行与列的关系。从版面看似简单的汉字与图片的组合,实际上隐含着一系列排列规律。在展示版面中,字体类别少,版面就会显得雅致,稳定。字体种类多,则画面就很丰富,信息传达形态就越多。

  1. 图像:图像常常是版面设计的主要内容,甚至有人形容它是版面的眼睛。“象”泛指世间万物,而“像”则是以“图”的方式来解释对象。“图像”是人们经过选择、组织、整合及处理后,以一定的理念为目的性。传播学的研究表现,读者浏览报纸或版面往往从图片开始,然后才转到标题,最后才落在文字上,由此可见图片对整个版面视觉传达效果有这重大的影响。在版面设计中,首先要明确展示的主题选择一系列能明确反应主题的照片或图片,图片整体色调和内容形式尽可能和谐统一。在版面设计中,图像是辅助传达文字内容的设计要素,它的最终目的是要对文字内容作清晰的视觉说明,来丰富和美化版面的作用。再则是对作品内在意义的解读、和挖掘。相比抽象的文字媒介而言,图像具有可视、可读、可感的有点,能够准确、清晰、容易理解等优势。大多数版面上的图片都是经过后期的调理处理才成为版面的内容,借助高科技的摄影、电脑软件等处理手段,打破了以往手绘的方式。照片、三维立体图等表现手法,既丰富了设计师的想象空间,而却也给版面提供了多元的选择可能。版式中恰当的运用图像,丰富了版面的层次,也赋予了信息传达的节奏韵律,给观众更大的想象空间。在设计中有时也会运用图表。版面使用的图表通常采用形象化的手法。其形式也很多样化,常用的有柱状图、饼图、线图和综合图,在展示中,设计师时常用图表的形式来进行一些数据分析等,所以图表必须简洁明了,使反映的内容简化精炼,又确保其中的文字易阅读,便于观众了解。不同展示可根据不同内容选择其适合的图标,采用图片与图表时,设计师应使其与真哥哥版面保持一定的比例。过大或过小都使人观赏起来不舒服,同时也应注意其与文字,标题的距离。此外,每一版面应该有一幅主导视觉形象的图片,突出主题,鲜明美观。






三 版面设计在展览中的时空表现








四 小结




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