
 2023-03-01 15:46:20

Entertainment Computing 30 (2019) 100298

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Entertainment Computing

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Regarding color psychology principles in adventure games to enhance the sense of immersion

Samad Roohia,, Aynaz Forouzandehb

a Faculty of Multimedia, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran

b Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran




Color psychology Adventure games Graphic design Virtual reality


Immersion is a general term widely used to describe the level of involvement in an activity. In the case of computer games, players generally experience immersion by paying no attention to the surrounding events. In a well-designed form, graphic design elements (such as colors and light) can enhance the level of playersrsquo; in- volvement in a game environment. In this paper, we argue that considering color psychology principles would enhance the level of immersion experienced by the players. For this aim, we studied color psychology principles such as association, combination, and completeness to extract an appropriate, and harmonious scheme of col- oring for an adventure game. In this research, we test our hypothesis on an adventure game called “”TikTak.” We performed a comprehensive user study to evaluate the sense of immersion, performance, and behaviors of players in intuitively designed game mode versus the version that designed regarding the color psychology principles. Our finding confirms that regarding color psychology principles enhances the sense of immersion in computer games and consequently affects the performance and behaviors of players.


Over the last decade, the popularity of game playing has increased exponentially. According to ESA latest “Essential Facts1” 2017 report, 67% of US households own a device that is used to play video games, and 65% of US households have at least one member who plays three or more hours of video games at a week.

Moreover, Newzoorsquo;s Global Game Market Report2 shows that in 2017, an increase of $7.8 billion, or 7.8% from the year before ex- pected. These reports indicate the importance of research on game fields. Considerable advances in hardware systems, especially, with the functionality of graphics processing, have paved the way for the re- presentation of computer games in a variety of technologies. It spans from classic arcade games to sophisticated online strategy games. Re- gardless of diversity in design and implementation, the common char- acteristic of successful games is their abilities to drown the attention of players in the game. Sometimes, players experience such a degree of engagement in a game that they ignore the around events, or some- times, unconsciously imagine a role for themselves in the game. Such experience of playing is defined as immersion [1]. Certain components have been studied to find the factors that make a computer game

immersive. For example, a playerrsquo;s point of view investigated as an effective factor in developing immersive games [2] as well as sound and game music [3]. Regardless of the element that causes the sense of immersion, studies show that there is a relationship between gameplay experience and immersion [4].

The normal human color vision is trichromatic in which color per- ception is done by three retinal photosphere cells known as cones [5]. Visual perception is a powerful and attractive aspect of interactions with a real or virtual world [6]. Especially, it can significantly improve user experience in dealing with a virtual environment. Color as an es- sential component of visual attributes can be effectively used for in- formation coding in virtual environments. Comprehensive user studies in [7,8] show that the graphic design of a virtual environment has the first rank of importance for the players.

Each color has an association with an element of nature or a cultural concept. This association gives deterministic attributes to colors [9]. Moreover, according to the gestalt law for colors (completeness), colors can intensify or impair a feeling when they harmonically combined with their companions [10]. However, some people are not tri- chromacy; They suffer from discriminating full trichromats colors and are partially or entirely color blind [5]. A study in [11] showed that

⁎ Corresponding author at: Tabriz Islamic Art University, Multimedia Department, Tabriz, Iran.

E-mail address: s.roohi@tabriziau.ac.ir (S. Roohi).

1 http://essentialfacts.theesa.com/mobile/.

2 https://newzoo.com/solutions/revenues-projections/global-games-market-report.




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