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英语原文共 9 页,剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料


1、The World Conservation Strategy hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;1


2、Integrating conservation and developmenthellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;16


3、The Brundtland Reporthellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;27


4、Caring for the Earthhellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;42


Sustainable development:making the mainstream


5、The Rio Conferencehellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;52


6、Sustainable development at Riohellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;62


7、The Convention on Biological Diversityhellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;82


8、From Rio to Johannesburghellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;103


9、The World Summit on Sustainable Developmenthellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;113


In Mexico in October 1974, which looked at environmental problems from the perspective of the developing world, and particularly its poor, was attended by Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Stockholm Conference, and chaired by Barbara Ward.The resulting lsquo;Cocoyoc Declarationrsquo; pointed to the problem of the maldistribution of resources and to the lsquo;inner limitsrsquo; of human rights as well as the lsquo;outer limitsrsquo; of global resource depletion. It stressed the priority of basic human needs, and called for a redefinition of development goals and global lifestyles. It called for global resource management, international regimes for the management of common resources, and development policies aimed at the poor (McCormick 1989).

1974年10月在墨西哥的可可优克举行了一次专家会议,斯德哥尔摩会议秘书长莫里斯·斯特朗(Maurice Strong)出席了会议,且由芭芭拉·沃德(Barbara Ward)主持,该会议从发展中世界尤其是穷国的角度审视了环境问题。最终产生的“可可优克宣言”指出了资源分配不均,人权的“内部限制”以及全球资源枯竭的“外部限制”的问题。它强调了人类基本需求的优先事项,并呼吁重新定义发展目标和全球生活方式。它呼吁进行全球资源管理,国际公共资源管理制度以及针对穷人的发展政策(McCormick 1989)。

These ideas drew extensively from the debates in development which had emerged through thelsquo;First Development Decadersquo; of the 1960s, and were to emerge again in the global interdependence arguments of the Brandt Report (1980). They represented the productive fusion of those debates with those of Western environmentalism. By the time The World Conservation Strategy emerged six years later, the two had, superficially at least, merged.


The World Conservation Strategy

In the 1960s, thinking within IUCN began to embrace greater concern for economic development (McCormick 1986). The idea of a strategic approach to conservation was considered at the IUCN General Assembly in New Delhi in 1969, and conservation and development were the theme of the 1972 General Assembly at Banff, Canada. Work on a strategy for nature conservation began in 1975, when IUCN joined UNEP, UNESCO and the FAO to form the lsquo;Ecosystem Conservation Grouprsquo;, and gradually the notion of a lsquo;world conservation strategyrsquo; took shape (Boardman 1981; McCormick 1986, 1989; Holdgate 1999).


在1960年代,自然保护联盟的思想开始引起人们对经济发展的更大关注(McCormick 1986)。1969年在新德里举行的自然保护联盟大会上考虑了保护战略的想法,并且保护和发展是1972年在加拿大班夫举行的大会的主题。自然保护战略的工作始于1975年,当时世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)加入了联合国环境规划署(UNEP),联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)和粮农组织(FAO),成立了“生态系统保护小组”,并逐渐形成了“世界保护战略”的概念(Boardman 1981; McCormick 1986,1989)。

In 1977 UNEP commissioned IUCN to draft a document to provide lsquo;a global perspective on the myriad conservation problems that beset the world and a means of identifying the most effective solutions to the priority problemsrsquo; (Munro 1978). Preliminary drafts were discussed at the IUCN General Assembly in Ashkhabad, in the USSR, in 1978. At that stage the strategy was effectively an extended textbook of wildlife conservation, about the conservation of species and special areas rather than the integration of conservation and of development (Munro 1978). The focus was subsequently changed substantially to include questions of population, resources and development (Boardman 1981).

1977年,联合国环境规划署(UNCN)委托IUCN起草一份文件,以“对困扰世界的无数保护问题提供全球观点,并确定优先解决最有效问题的方法”(Munro 1978)。初稿已于1978年在苏联阿什哈巴德举行的自然保护联盟大会上进行了讨论。在那个阶段,该战略实际上是野生动植物保护的扩展教科书,内容涉及物种和特殊地区的保护,而不是保护与发展的结合(Munro 1978)。随后,重点已大大改变为涵盖人口,资源和发展问题(Boardman 1981)。

Thinking about the wider issues of people and environment in the 1970s, and the attempt to imbue development with environmental ideas and principles, was often expressed in terms of lsquo;ecodevelopmentrsquo; (I. Sachs 1979, 1980). This term was coined by Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Stockholm Conference (Boardman 1981). It was subsequently developed and promoted by UNEP (1978), and widely discussed internationally – for example, at meetings in Belo Horizonte in Brazil in 1978 (the International Workshop in Ecodevelopment and Appropriate Technology), in Berlin in 1979 (the Conference on Ecofarming and Ecodevelopment (Glaeser and Vyasulu 1984)) and in Ottawa in 1986 (the IUCN Conference on Conservation and Development (Svedin 1987)). Behind the notion of ecodevelopment lay the awareness of the intrinsic complexity and dynamic properties of ecosystems and the ways they respond to human intervention, and the need to ensure the lsquo;environmental soundnessrsquo; of development projects (Ambio 1979, p. 115). The challenge was that of lsquo;improving the economic wellbeing of people without impairment of the ecological systems on which they must depend for the foreseeable futurersquo; (Dasmann 1980, p. 1331). These ideas about ecodevelopment are fundamental to The World Conservation Strategy (WCS).

人们通常以“生态发展”来表达对1970年代人类与环境问题的思考以及将环境思想和原则灌输给发展的尝试(I. Sachs 1979,1980)。这个名词是斯德哥尔摩会议秘书长莫里斯·斯特朗(Maurice Strong)创造的(Boardman,1981年)。随后由环境署(1978年)开发和推广,并在国际上进行了广泛讨论,例如:在1978年于巴西贝洛奥里藏特举行的会议(国际生态发展和适当技术讲习班)上,于1979年在柏林举行的会议(生态农业和生物多样性大会)上。生态发展(Glaeser和Vyasulu 1984)和1986年在渥太华(IUCN保护与发展会议(Svedin 1987))。生态发展概念的背后是对生态系统内在复杂性和动态特性及其对人类干预的反应方式的认识,以及对确保



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