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Philosophy: Architecture

In his copy of an Italian Translation of Platarchrsquo;s Moralia,probably acquired in Venice in 1614, Inigo Jones marks with special approval a passage in which the author draws an analogy between music and medicine. The composer, says Plutarch, does nor achieve perfection by doing away with sharpness and flatness, nor does the physician achieve health in a body by eliminating heat or cold. The extremes are to be reduced to that moderation within which harmony and health are to be found. This Platonic view of affairs Jones held with conviction and it is dearly reflected in his architecture. There is hot and there is cold, but never are the two brought into conflict. There is warm invention, but no design is ever scorched by it. There is sheer, cold identification with the antique, but never so much as would mark Jones as a copyist. In terms of the generalizing discriminations of modern scholarship one could say that Jones sometimes lsquo;Manneristrsquo; and sometimes lsquo;neo-Classicistrsquo; chat his performance is in suspension between the two and his felicity in their interplay. If this is true and he is able to bring the two attitudes into one, his own, it is because of a third tension - a philosophical rather than a formal one. At the core of his architectural thinking is the belief that design is an affair of number, of procedure by natural subdivision. To this absolute control all invention and all imitation are subordinate. The ancient orders were and are to be controlled by the module. Larger elements in building are to be thought out on the basis of squares and cubes and their simplest rational sub-divisions. Hence the cubic hall ac Greenwich, the double cubes at Whitehall. Newmarket and the Sc Jamess chapel.




Hence also Jonesrsquo;s curious elucidation of the problem of Stonehenge when challenged by James I, staying, on progress, with the Earl of Pembroke at Wilton in 1620. Stonehenge, he declared, was Roman. Having surveyed the monument and plotted its plan he had found it to be based on four intersecting equilateral triangles. This was precisely the diagram which Palladio had deduced, from Vitruviusrsquo; account, to be the basis of the ancient type of theatre. Therefore, Stonehenge, notwithstanding the barbaric crudity of its masonry, issued from a Roman mind. If, to us, the solution is ludicrous, we must also admit ic to have been, in its time, intelligent. It was developed and published as a book by John Webb in 1655 with a large and tedious overlay of his own scholarship.

Behind Jones the architect there is always Jones the philosopher? a shining intelligence in the lay intellectual circles which became a power in English society under James I. How, in these circles, he was admired and looked up co is attested by occasional dedications and references. Edmund Boltonrsquo;s aspirations for Jones have been quoted. When Bolton proposed to the King in 16x7 an academy of scholars to be affiliated to the Order of the Garter, Jones was listed in the corporation of essentials. George Chapman,dedicating his miniature Musaeus to Jones in recognized a fellowship between his own art and Jonesrsquo;s; lsquo;Ancient Poesie, and ancient Architecture, requiring to their excellence a like creating and proportionable Rapture. Ben Jonson, until his differences with Jones burst into a furious quarrel, had an unlimited admiration for the Kings Surveyor, Full of noble observaion of Antiquitie, and high Presentment.


The last quotation is from a printed text of the Masque of Augurs, the first masque to be presented in the great new Banqueting House just completed in 1622. There survives only one rough sketch of the scene - a street lined with monumental buildings, terminating in something like the Pantheon. Of the scenes for later masques up to 1625 we have little knowledge, but there is one extremely interesting sketch which cannot be attached to any of the masques but which almost certainly daces from this period. It is inscribed Cupids Pallas and shows, as docs the Augurs sketch, a classical building standing at the end of a classical street (31). Of the buildings on either side (actually, the same building drawn to different scales) only the corners are shown; they are palaces with a gia



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