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REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN(P332-348 12.2.2-12.4.3)

This method, which is the most suitable for in situ construction, involves the stressing against the hardened concrete of tendons or steel bars which are not bonded to the concrete. The tendons are passed through a flexible sheathing, which is cast into the concrete in the correct position. They are tensioned by jacking against the concrete and anchored mechanically by means of steel thrust plates or anchorage blocks at each end of the member.

这种最适合原位施工的方法涉及将未粘结到混凝土上的受力筋或钢筋压在硬化的混凝土上。 钢筋束穿过柔性护套,然后在正确的位置浇铸到混凝土中。 通过顶起混凝土使它们张紧。 并通过钢制止推板或锚定块将其机械固定在构件的两端。

Alternatively, steel bars threaded at their ends may be tensioned against bearing plates by means of tightening nuts. It is of course usually necessary to wait a considerable time between casting and stressing to permit the concrete to gain sufficient strength under in situ conditions.


The use of tendons consisting of a number of strands passing through flexible sheathing offers considerable advantages in that curved tendon profiles may be obtained. A post - tensioned structural member may be constructed from an assembly of separate pre-cast units which are constrained to act together by means of tensioned cables which are often curved as illustrated in figure 12.6. Alternatively, the member may be cast as one unit in the normal way but a light cage of untensioned reinforcing steel is necessary to hold the ducts in their correct position during concreting.


After stressing, the remaining space in the ducts may be left empty (unbonded construction), or mote usually will be filled with grout under high pressure (lsquo;bonded construction). Although this grout assists in transmitting forces between the steel and concrete under live loads. and improves the ultimate strength of the member, the principal use is to protect the highly stressed strands from corrosion. The bonding of the highly stressed steel with the surrounding concrete beam also greatly assists demolition, since the beam may then safely be rsquo;chopped-up into small lengths without releasing the energy stored in the steel.


12.3 Analysis of Concrete Section under Working Loads

Since the object of prestressing is to maintain favorable stress conditions in a concrete member under load, the lsquo;working load for the member must be considered in terms of both maximum and minimum values. Thus at any section, the stresses produced by the prestress force must be considered in conjunction with the stresses caused by maximum and minimum values of applied moment.

Unlike reinforced concrete, the primary analysis of prestressed concrete is based on service conditions, and on the assumption that stresses in the concrete are limited to values which will correspond to elastic behavior . In this section, the following assumptions are made in analysis:




  1. Plane sections remain plane.
  2. Stress-strain relationships are linear,
  3. Bending occurs about a principal axis.
  4. The prestressing force is the value remaining after all losses have occurred
  5. Changes in tendon stress due to applied loads on the member have negligible effect on the behavior of the member.
  6. Section properties are generally based on the gross concrete cross-section.

The stress in the steel is unimportant in the analysis of the concrete section under working conditions, it being the force provided by the steel that is considered in the analysis.

The sign conventions and notations used for the analysis are indicated in figure.

For direct and bending stresses, compression is taken as positive — and a positive moment is defined as one which causes a numerically greater stress to occur in fibre 2 than in fibre 1, that is f1greater than f2 corresponds to a positive moment, hence sagging is positive. To fit this convention, the eccentricity of the prestress.









对于直接应力和弯曲应力,将压缩视为正值,将正力矩定义为一个正力矩,该力矩使光纤2中产生的应力大于光纤1中的应力,即f1大于f2表示正力矩,因此下垂为 正。 为了符合这一惯例,预应力的偏心率

12. 3. 1 Member Subjected to Axial Prestress Force

lf section BB of the member shown in figure l 2.8 is subjected to moments ranging between Mmax and Mmin.the net stresses at the outer fibres of the beam are given by where z1 and z2 are the elastic section moduli and P is the final prestress force.

For this value of prestress force, substitution in the other equations will yield the stresses in the beam under maximum load and also under minimum load. Similarly the stresses immediately after prestressing,before losses have occurred , may be calculated if the value of losses is known.

For example, the maximum stress in the top of the member is given by equation 12.1

It can be seen from the stress distributions in figure 12.8 that the top fibre is generally in considerable compression,while the bottom fibre is generally at lower stresses. Much better use of the concrete could be made if the stresses at both top and bottom can be caused to vary over the full range of



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