International Journal of Steel Structures
September 2012, Vol 12, No 3, 381-389
DOI 10.1007/s13296-012-3007-5
Study on Failure modes of Steel Truss Bridge Gusset Plates Related to Tension and Shear Block Failure
Hideyuki Kasano1*, Teruhiko Yoda1, Kuniei Nogami2, Jun Murakoshi3,
Naoki Toyama3, Mamoru Sawada3, Kentaro Arimura3, and Lu Guo3
1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University,
3-4-1 Shin-okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-8555, Japan
2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University,
1-1, Minami-osawa, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, 192-0397, Japan
3Bridge and Structural Engineering Research Group CAESAR, Public Works Research Institute,
1-6, Minamihara, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8516, Japan
Tension and shear block failure is a limit state which occurs in the connection of tension steel members. The failure mechanism is a combination of tensile failure on one plane and shear failure on the perpendicular plane. The design strength equations for the tension and shear block failure are described in the well known design codes. However, they provide inconsistent levels of safety when they are used in different types of connections. In this paper, the authors survey the design strength equations in the various codes. Then, the pertinent strength equations for the gusset plates of steel truss bridges are selected. Moreover, the authors propose a pair of strength equations for compression and shear block failure for gusset plates subjected to compressive force. And to examine the applicability of proposed equations and to investigate the mechanical behavior of compression gusset plates, parametric analyses on the various thicknesses of gusset plates were conducted.
Keywords: tension and shear block failure, strength equation, FEM analysis, gusset plates, steel truss bridges
1. Introduction
Generally truss bridges are less of redundancy, than other types of bridges. The reason is that their structure is based on the statically determinate triangular members. In the case of I-35W steel truss bridge collapse in Minneapolis, U.S.A. in 2007, the cause of collapse was primarily due to the inadequate design thickness of gusset plates. Generally, gusset plates are so designed that they have enough adequacy, and they are unlikely to fail. Therefore, detailed verification of gusset plates is not put into practice in designing either in U.S.A. or in Japan. However, the fact that the collapse of I-35W steel truss bridge was originally caused by the failure of inadequate gusset plates indicates that failure of gusset plates connecting several truss members is more likely to lead to collapse of
Note.-Discussion open until February 1, 2013. This manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on Sep-tember 21, 2011; approved on August 10, 2012.
copy; KSSC and Springer 2012
*Corresponding author
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entire bridge than failure of one of truss members. Therefore, it is significant to investigate mechanical behavior of gusset plates in ultimate states and to take the outcomes into the design of gusset plates. In this study, the authors focus on one of the failure mode of connection part which is called “tension and shear block failure”.
Tension and shear block failure is a fracture mode which occurs in the connection of tension steel members. A typical fracture mode of tension and shear block failure is shown in Fig. 1. And as illustrated in Fig. 1, the failure mechanism is a combination of tensile failure on one plane and shear failure on the perpendicular planes.
Early studies on tension and block shear failure started in Canada in the 1980s (Agarwal and Shan, 2009; Orbison et al., 1999; Huns et al., 2002; Yam et al., 2007). Main targets of the studies have been bolted or riveted ends of tension members or coped beam connections of architectural structures. And now, the design strength equations for tension and block shear failure are developed in many famous steel structure standards in the advanced countries. However, the design strength equations in respective codes are slightly different for each other, and each equation provides inconsistent level of safety over a wide variety of connection types (Driver et al., 2006).
382 Hideyuki Kasano et al. / International Journal of Steel Structures, 12(3), 381-389, 2012
Figure 1. Mechanism of tension and shear block failure.
In this paper, the authors begin with overviewing the strength equations for tension and block shear failure in respective codes, Then, applicability of the strength equations for tension and block shear failure to gusset plates of steel truss bridges is examined by FEM analysis. Furthermore, the authors newly propose strength equations for “compression” and shear block failure, which is applied to gusset plates subjected to compressive force. And FEM analysis reveals mechanical behavior of gusset plates subjected to compressive force. Then the applicability of the proposed equations is examined.
The failure modes of gusset plates are various, however, this study focuses on the tension or compression and shear block failure mode.
Figure 2. Failure sections.
Eventually, maximum strength for tension and shear block is reached when the failure on one section occurs in conjunction with the yielding of the other section. This is confirmed by the past experimental data.
2.2. Strength equations in various codes
Here, strength equations for tension and shear block in some of the world famous codes are introduced for comparison.
2. Strength E
与其他类型的桥梁相比,一般桁架桥的冗余度较少.其原因是,它们的结构是基于静态确定的三角形构件。比如2007年美国明尼阿波利斯的I-35W钢桁架桥由于节点板设计厚度不足坍塌。一般来说,节点板设计的安全系数很高,足够安全,所以他们也不太可能发生破坏。因此,无论是在美国还是在日本,节点板的详细验证不付诸实践。然而,事实上,I-35W钢桁梁桥的倒塌是由不足的节点板故障引起的,这表明节点板连接的桁架构件的失效是更可能导致整座桥的崩塌而不仅仅是一杆失效。因此,极限情况下节点板的力学分析是十分有意义的,并将此结果作为节点板设计。在这项研究中,作者专注于一个连接部分的故障模式被称为“张力和剪切块故障”。 2007,在美国,明尼苏达I-35W桁架桥,完全崩溃了,司机都死了。一个节点板断裂导致整个结构的崩溃。在同一年,在日本的一个桁架桥由于腐蚀作用,被发现有一个被切断的成员。幸运的是这座桥完全倒塌了。在2010,日本的混凝土桥由于冲刷作用失去了一个桥墩,但仍没有倒塌。
早期的研究对拉剪破坏在加拿大开始于上世纪80年代(Agarwal和山,2009;奥比森et al.,1999;匈奴et al.,2002;山药et al.,2007)。本研究的主要目标是螺栓或铆接两端张力成员或应对建筑结构梁的连接。目前,在先进国家的许多著名的钢结构中,设计了拉剪破坏的设计强度方程。然而,设计强度方程在各自的代码是稍微不同的彼此,和每个方程提供了不一致的安全性,在各种各样的连接类型(驱动程序等,2006)。
图 1. 拉剪破坏机理。
图 2. 故障区段
1 |
Rb1 = fyAgt ------fuAnv |
(1) |
3 |
or |
1 |
Rb2 = fuAnt ------fyAgv |
(2) |
3 |
R =fuAnt 0.6fyAgv le; fuAnt 0.6fuAnv |
(3) |
Eurocode 3 (ENV1993-1-1, 1992)
(3) CSA-S1 (Canadian Standards Association, 2001) |
R = fuAnt 0.6fuAnv |
(5) |
R = fuAnt 0.6fyAgv |
(6) |
图3 图4
Table 1. Material properties
Steel |
Youngrsquo;s |
Poissonrsquo;s |
Yield |
Modulus |
Ratio |
Stress |
SS400 |
210000 |
0.3 |
235 |
(N/mm2) |
(N/mm2) |
Table 2. Thickness of members |
Thickness (mm) |
Gusset plate |
9 |
web (mm) |
flanges (mm) |
Diagonal (tension) |
20 |
20 |
Diagonal (compression) |
9 |
9 |
Lower cords |
9 |
15 |
Table 3. Spring constant |
Axial |
Shear |
Rotetion |
Spring |
4.43times;106 |
1.71times;106 |
1.34times;108 |
constant |
(N/mm) |
(N/mm) |
(N/mm/rad) |
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