Trans. Tianjin Univ. 2014, 20: 250-256
DOI 10.1007/s12209-014-2216-8
Numerical Simulation for Progressive Collapse
of Continuous Girder Bridge Subjected to Ship Impact *
Tian Li (田 力)1,2, 3,Huang Fei (黄 飞)1
(1. School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2. School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, the University of Manchester, M13 9PL, the United Kingdom; 3. Key Laboratory of Coast Civil Structure Safety (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300072, China)
copy; Tianjin University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Abstract:The three-stage simulation method based on LS-DYNA was introduced in this study to simulate the pro-gressive collapse of a continuous girder bridge after a ship-bridge collision. The pile-soil dynamic interaction and the initial stress and deformation of the whole bridge before the collision were considered. By analyzing the damage, de-formation, stress distribution and collapse process of the whole bridge, the results show that the displacement response of the cap beam lags behind the pile cap. The response order of the whole bridgersquo;s components depends on their dis-tances from the collision region. The plastic deformation of soil around piles has a positive effect on delaying the fur-ther increase in the displacement of piles. The impacted pierrsquo;s losing stability and its superstructurersquo;s excessive defor-mation are the main reasons leading to the progressive collapse of the continuous girder bridge.
Keywords:numerical simulation; progressive collapse; ship-bridge collision; continuous girder bridge; pile-soil in-teraction
With the rapid development of transportation indus-try, the number of sea-crossing and river-crossing bridges is increasing, which brings much convenience and leads to many ship-bridge collisions as well. According to in-complete statistics, the number of the worldrsquo;s large bridges destroyed by ship impacts has exceeded 30[1].
Liu et al[2,3] analyzed the collision process between a 40 000 DWT (dead weight ton) ship and a cable-stayed bridge using MSC/DYTRAN software and simulated the head-on collision process of the whole ship with the whole cable-stayed bridge. Consolazio and Cowan[4] put forward a coupling model for ship and pier. Wang and Chen[5] gave the crush history of a bridge pier based on the analysis of parameters of Johnson_Holmquist_ Con-crete (HJC) material model and drew a conclusion that the collision force decreases with the increase in pier damage. Tian and Zhu[6] simulated the collision process of a 2 600 DWT oil tanker with the substructure of a rail-road bridge. Jiang et al[7] simulated the progressive col-lapse of a continuous girder bridge after ship impact. It can be concluded from the above studies that the complex interaction between the upper structure and pier is nor-
mally simplified to a vertical load and the favorable ef-fect of soil is not considered. Especially, little research has been done on the progressive collapse of a continuous girder bridge considering the pile-soil interaction under ship impact.
Considering the dynamic interaction between pile and soil, this study simulated the collapse of a continuous girder bridge by three-stage simulation method[8], repro-duced the collapse process, and analyzed the dynamic response and the collapse mechanism of the whole bridge under ship impact.
1 Material constitutive models
The HJC material model available in LS-DYNA can be used to present the mechanical behaviors of concrete under high stress and large deformation[9]. On the one hand, it is difficult to obtain the reinforcing bar distribu-tion of the collapsed bridge, and the computed results of HJC material model show good agreement with the ex-
perimental results, although the tested concrete did have rebar[10]. On the other hand, this material model has been
Accepted date: 2014-01-17.
*Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51178310) and the Foundation of China Scholarship Council
(No. 201308120137).
Tian Li, born in 1970, male, Dr, associate Prof. Correspondence to Tian Li, E-mail: ltian@tju. edu. cn.
Tian Li et al: Numerical Simulation for Progressive Collapse of Continuous Girder Bridge Subjected to Ship Impact
widely used to build the smeared model for bridge[11,12]. So the HJC material model was adopted to simulate the bridge in this study. The parameters of the HJC material model after modification are listed in Tab. 1.
Tab. 1 Parameters of HJC material model after modification
Trans. 天津大学. 2014, 20: 250-256
DOI 10.1007/s12209-014-2216-8
Tian Li (田 力)1,2, 3,Huang Fei (黄 飞)1
(1. 天津大学土木工程学院,天津300072,中国;2。学校机械、航空航天、土木工程、曼彻斯特大学、M13 9PL,英国;3。天津大学海岸土木结构安全教育部重点实验室,天津300072)
刘先生[2,3]等人分析40 000吨之间的碰撞过程(载重吨)船舶和斜拉桥的应用MSC / DYTRAN和整个斜拉桥软件,模拟了整个船舶的碰撞过程。孔索拉齐奥和考恩[4]提出了船舶和码头的耦合模型。王先生和陈先生[5]通过对混凝土材料模型具体参数分析而给出了一个桥墩粉碎的过程,得出结论:碰撞力随桥墩损伤的增加而减小。田先生和朱先生[6]模拟2600吨油轮与铁路公路桥梁下部结构的碰撞过程。江先生等人[7]模拟连续梁桥受船舶撞击后的连续塌陷。通过上面的研究可以得出结
1 材料的本构模型
混凝土材料模型可在LS-DYNA可以用于展现混凝土在高应力和大变形[ 9 ]下的力学特征。一方面,要获得倒塌的桥梁钢筋的分布是很困难的,同时混凝土材料模型计算结果与实验结果吻合良好,虽然测试混凝土有钢筋[10]。另一方面,这种材料模型已被广泛用于建造桥梁[11,12]分布式模型。所以,混凝土
数据日期: 2014-01-17.
电子邮件:ltian @。
表1 修改后的混凝土模型参数和材料
0 /(kg m -3 ) |
G /GPa |
A |
B |
C |
N |
fc /GPa |
2 440 |
14.86 |
0.79 |
1.6 |
0.007 |
0. 61 |
0.048 |
T/GPa |
f ,min |
Smax |
Pc /GPa |
c |
Pl /GPa |
l |
0.004 |
0.01 |
7.0 |
0.016 |
0.001 |
0.8 |
0.1 |
0 /(kg m -3 ) |
G /GPa |
A |
B |
C |
N |
fc /GPa |
2 440 |
14.86 |
0.79 |
1.6 |
0.007 |
0. 61 |
0.048 |
T/GPa |
f ,min |
Smax |
Pc /GPa |
c |
Pl /GPa |
l |
0.004 |
0.01 |
7.0 |
0.016 |
0.001 |
0.8 |
0.1 |
D1 |
D2 |
K1 /GPa |
K2 /GPa |
K3 /GPa |
E/GPa |
0 |
0.04 |
1.0 |
85 |
-171 |
208 |
35.7 |
10-6 |
表.2 土壤材料参数
/(kg m-3 ) |
E /MPa |
摩擦角 |
凝聚力/kPa |
1 890 |
210 |
0. 35 |
0. 253 |
18. 0 |
表3 船艏的材料参数
/(kg m-3 ) |
E /GPa |
0 /MPa |
Et /GPa |
C /s1 |
P |
effp |
7 850 |
206 |
0. 3 |
235 |
1. 18 |
40. 4 |
5 |
0. 34 |
0 |
2 数值模型
- 船舶有限元模型
根据实际尺寸和3 000吨散货船的主要结构形式,建立如图1所示的整船有限元模型。用来撞击的船舶的尺寸列于表4。
图.1 3000吨货船的有限元模型
表.4 撞击船舶的的主要尺寸
长度 / |
宽度/ |
高度 / |
吃水深度 / |
载重 / |
排水量/ |
m |
m |
m |
m |
t |
t |
145. 3 |
19. 3 |
12. 8 |
8. 3 |
3 000 |
4 570 |
图. 2 船舶内部结构(半)
图. 3 船舶有限元模型的网格划分
图. 4 船舶刚性壁面碰撞能量曲线
天津大学学报 Vol.20 No.4 2014
图. 5 船舶碰撞力曲线的研究
(3 000 DWT,3.5米/秒)
- 连续梁桥有限元模型
这是一个连续的梁桥,长度为450(50times;9)米,其柱墩由桩帽、墩柱和帽梁组成[14],基岩埋深深度为2米。作为码头6 #,7#和8 #远离碰撞区,所以只建立了前五个墩桩周围的土体有限元模型。整个桥模型如图6所示。
图. 7 桥墩局部有限元模型
图. 8 在LS-DYNA的粘弹性边界
图. 6 全连续梁桥模式l
混凝土及其增强作用的HJC材料模型模拟(表1)。此外,HJC模型材料的破坏准则被定义的最大主应变和最大剪应变失败根据参考文献[ 15 ]和参考文献[ 16 ]。经过初步计算,这些参数最终分别定为0.04和0.9。在箱梁底与帽梁顶设7个简化的盆式橡胶支座[7]。桥墩局部有限元模型如图7所示。
在这项研究中使用了粘性弹簧人工边界[17]。首先,土壤边界被定义为粘性边界[18],然后,在三个方向上的线性弹簧单元建立在边界节点(见图8)对土壤边界弹性变形的可恢复特性模拟。刚度系数可以根据参考文献[ 17 ]计算。结果表明,土的平面尺寸可由设想性计算得到