
 2022-12-28 17:09:18






就像音乐或体育一样,需要练习才能精通数学。这种做法通常采取学生作业的形式。作业在数学成功的重要性是证据充分的[ 8101218192324]。分级作业可能会特别有效,因为它使教师有机会向学生提供反馈,以改善学习。对作业进行评分还可以增加学生进行实际作业的动机;根据我们的经验,除非将功课计入其成绩,否则许多学生不会尝试功课。但是,对于中等至大型班级的教师来说,对作业进行评分并向学生提供质量反馈可能非常繁琐,甚至并非不可能。激励学生做家庭作业,并提供质量反馈以改善学生的学习,一直是数学教育者面临的长期问题。

在线作业(OHW)系统可以为该问题提供解决方案。这些系统为交付和评估作业提供了某些优势。我们认为,其中最重要的是,他们向学生提供即时反馈,无论是在进行作业时以提示的形式,还是在作业完成后以分数的形式。有研究表明,即时反馈可以作为激励学生花更多的时间上的家庭作业[作用1726 ]和花费更多的时间上增加作业成绩[ 18]。OHW系统还向教师提供反馈,使他们可以监控学生的学习进度并相应地调整他们的教学策略。OHW系统的另一个优点是,与其他方式相比,OHW系统使教师可以分配更多的分级作业。有研究发现,增加作业频率在数学对学生成绩的积极作用[ 1023 ]。

自2008年以来,我们每学期就在从入门统计学到线性代数的面对面数学课程中使用OHW。我们中的一个在一家以教学为导向的综合性州立大学任教,而另一人在一所小型的私立文理学院任教。我们典型的班级规模从大约20名学生(文科学院)到35名学生(州立大学)不等。我们开始使用OHW系统,以此来激励学生做功课而又不增加自己的评分负担。我们相信,使用OHW系统可以提高学生在课堂上的参与度,并使更多的学生紧跟课程材料。此外,我们的学生也同意。在最近的学生评估中,我们中的一个人特别询问学生,他们是否认为OHW系统有助于跟上材料的进度。压倒性的84%(55位中的46位)表示同意,3%(55位中的2位)表示不接受评论,13%(55位中的7位)表示没有评论。总体而言,研究表明,使用OHW时学生的动机和满意度很高[7ensp;13ensp;17ensp;20ensp;21ensp;22ensp;26 ]。

关键问题是:OHW的使用是否可以转化为学生学习的实际收获?关于该主题的新兴研究机构尚无定论。有研究表明,将OHW与传统的纸和铅笔作业(THW)进行比较时,数学和科学课程的学生成绩有所提高;参见,例如,[ 2311162026 ]。然而,这种类型的其他研究也只发现OHW系统“不伤害”,即学生成绩时OHW和THW进行比较是统计学上等同[ 569141517]。由于研究设计和变量的差异,很难对这些研究做出总体判断。



就我们的目的而言,OHW系统是可以为学生提供作业的任何计算机系统,并可以为他们提供即时的评分反馈。OHW系统有多种形状和尺寸。有些是由教科书出版商制作的。例子包括StatsPortal(http://courses.bfwpub.com/yourstatsportal与WH弗里曼的介绍统计文本关联)的系统中,MyMathLab(http://www.personmylabandmastering.com/northamerica/mymathlab由皮尔逊高等教育)系统,以及MacMillan Education的LaunchPad(http://launchworks.com)。OHW系统的另一个主要提供者是Advanced Instructional Systems Inc.,其WebAssign(http://www.webassign.net)在线服务可为许多文本提供OHW系统。这些系统通常会在文本中显示在线版本的作业问题。教师可以通过从这些问题中进​​行选择,以及自己编码新问题来构建家庭作业。OHW系统还可能具有文本本身的eBook版本,以及各种附加内容,例如教程视频和applet。也有免费的开源OHW系统。在数学中最突出的是WeBWorKhttp://webwork.maa.org/),最初由罗切斯


Making Online Homework Work

M. Leigh Lunsford amp;Marcus Pendergrass


Online homework systems, which deliver homework assignments to students and provide real-time feedback on their responses, have the potential to increase student learning in college mathematics classes. However, current research on their effectiveness is inconclusive, with some studies showing gains in student achievement, whereas others report only that the systems “do no harm.” Our own experience has convinced us that online homework systems can increase student engagement and achievement, especially in lower-level classes, such as statistics, precalculus, and calculus. Successfully integrating online homework systems into face-to-face mathematics classes requires instructors to confront several issues, including the differing natures of online homework and in-class assessments such as tests. We explore these issues, and offer guidelines gleaned from our experience, which can help instructors and students maximize the benefits offered by these systems to improve student learning.

Keywords: Online homework, computer-aided learning, technology in the classroom, formative assessment, summative assessment


It takes practice to become proficient in mathematics, just as in music or sports. This practice typically takes the form of homework for our students. The importance of homework for success in mathematics is well-documented [8, 10, 12, 18, 19, 23, 24]. Graded homework can be especially effective, as it gives instructors the opportunity to provide feedback to students to improve learning. Grading homework also increases studentsrsquo; incentives to actually do assignments; in our experience many students will simply not attempt homework unless it counts towards their grade. However, grading homework and providing quality feedback to students can be onerous, if not impossible, for instructors with moderate to large classes. Motivating students to do homework, and providing quality feedback to improve student learning, have been long-standing problems for mathematics educators.

Online homework (OHW) systems can provide a solution to this problem. These systems offer certain advantages for delivering and evaluating homework. In our view the most important of these is the immediate feedback they provide to students, both in the form of hints while they are doing the assignment, and in the form of a grade after the assignment is completed. Research has shown that immediate feedback can act as an incentive for students to spend more time on homework assignments [1, 7, 26] and that spending more time on homework increases achievement [18]. OHW systems also provide feedback to instructors, allowing them to monitor their studentsrsquo; progress and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly. Another advantage is that OHW systems enable instructors to assign more graded homework than would otherwise be possible. Studies have found that increased homework frequency has positive effects on student achievement in mathematics [10, 23].

Since 2008, we have used OHW every semester in face-to-face mathematics courses ranging from Introductory Statistics to Linear Algebra. One of us teaches at a small teaching-oriented comprehensive state university, whereas the other is at a small private liberal arts college. Our typical class sizes range from about 20 students (at the liberal arts college) to 35 students (at the state university). We began working with OHW systems as a way to motivate students to do their homework without increasing our own grading burden. We believe the use of OHW systems has resulted in higher levels of student engagement in our classes, with more students keeping up with the course material. Also, our students agree. On a recent student evaluation one of us specifically asked students if they found the OHW system helpful in keeping up with the material. An overwhelming 84% (46 out of 55) agreed that it was, 3% (two out of 55) had no comment, and 13% (seven out of 55) said it was not. In general, research shows student motivation and satisfaction when using OHW is high [7, 13, lt;a data-cke-saved-href='https://www.tandfonli



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