
 2022-12-28 17:16:53



摘要:数学学习困难学生所占比例大约是全体学生的 6%-11%,这是一个相当大的群体。在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》(2010-2020)中也特别指出对学习困难学生的指导意见:“注重因材施教。关注学生不同特点和个性差异,

发展每一个学生的优势潜能。推进分层教学、走班制、学分制、导师制等教学管理制度改革。建立学习困难学生的帮助机制hellip;hellip;”建构和谐社会的要旨在于分清学习困难学生的不同需求,从而满足各自的需要,所谓“圆道思维、和谐共生”。工作记忆作为容量有限的存储加工系统,它的三个子系统对考察数学学习困难学生的核心认知缺陷形成具有关键作用(蔡丹,李其维,邓赐平,2013)。其中执行功能在工作记忆中起到监控和协调作用,它在工作记忆模型中占据核心地位,与数学学习关系密切。Miyake,Friedman 和 Emerson(2000)使用潜变量分析,研究了执行功能的可分离性,认为执行功能可以分为三种子成分——抑制、刷新和转换。而针对执行功能三个子成分(抑制、刷新和转换)的干预,可以促进个体的一般认知能力、流体智力和学业能力等多个方面。




研究一主要考察数学学习困难学生和数学学习优秀学生的执行功能特征及执行功能对数学能力的预测作用。此研究以上海某小学 37 名数困生,33 名数优生,共 70 名学生为研究对象,以执行功能的子成分中抑制:色词 Stroop 任务和Flanker 任务,刷新:视觉 1-back 任务和视觉 2-back 任务,转换:数字对大小转换任务和字母大小写转换任务;流体智力:瑞文高级推理测验;数学能力:数值运算、数学计算流畅性和数学问题解决这些基本任务作为测试材料。研究结果表明:1、数困生的执行功能明显低于数优生,数困生在执行功能上存在普遍性缺陷。2、数困生的执行功能与数学能力之间存在相关关系,且对数学能力具有预测作用。具体表现在:(1)数困生和数优生在执行功能的正确率和反应时上存在差异;(2)数困生的执行功能与数学能力有显著相关(r=-0.57~0.34),且数优生的执行功能与数学能力有显著相关(r=-0.36~0.40);(3)数困生执行功能中的刷新功能对数学能力变异的解释率在 27~37%之间,数优生执行功能中的刷新功能对数学能力变异的解释率在 11~13%之间。

研究二考察数学学习困难学生和数学学习优秀学生通过执行功能训练对其执行功能、流体智力和数学能力的迁移作用。研究以上海某小学 37 名数困生,

33 名数优生,共 70 名学生为研究对象。其中 18 名数困生,16 名数优生,共 34名学生作为训练组;19 名数困生,17 名数优生,共 36 名学生作为对照组。前测成绩采用研究一的数据。以数字的数轴任务、活动记忆任务和数字转换任务作为干预的工具,对训练组的学生进行共 25 次,一周 2-3 次,每次 15-20 分钟的干预训练。训练结束对训练组和对照组的学生(70 名学生)进行后测,后测材料与前测材料相同。研究结果发现:(1)训练组的数困生在训练后对执行功能、流体智力和数学能力的正确率(数)影响:除了在 Flanker 任务(F=1.97,p=0.17)和 1-back 任务(F=2.37,p=0.13)上时间和组别的交互作用不显著,在其他项目上时间和组别的交互作用都达到了显著的水平;(2)训练组的数困生在训练后对执行功能、流体智力和数学能力的反应时影响:除了在 Flanker 任务(F=0.11,p=0.74)和 1-back 任务(F=0.30,p=0.59)任务上时间和组别的交互作用不显著,在其他项目上时间和组别的交互作用都达到了显著的水平;(3)训练组的数优生在训练后对执行功能、流体智力和数学能力的正确率(数)影响:除了在 Flanker任务(F=0.65,p=0.43)、1-back 任务(F=1.42,p=0.24)、数字对大小转换(F=0.85,p=0.37)、流体智力(F=1.44,p=0.24)和计算流畅性(F=0.75,p=0.39)上时间和组别的交互作用不显著,在其他项目上时间和组别的交互作用都达到了显著的水平;(4)训练组的数优生在训练后对执行功能、流体智力和数学能力的反应时影响:仅在 Stroop 任务(F=9.51,p=0.00)和 2-back 任务(F=6.17,p=0.02)上时间和组别的交互作用达到了显著的水平。



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张晓贤 1,2,3 ,付婉鹭1,2,3 ,薛立成2,3,赵静1,2,3*,王治国4

1杭州师范大学教育学院,杭州,中国,2杭州师范大学心理科学研究所,杭州,中国,3浙江省认知障碍评估技术研究重点实验室,杭州,中国,4 SR Research 渥太华,加拿大

数学学习困难(MLD)是指数学技能方面的各种缺陷,通常与算术和问题解决领域有关。本研究通过参数化操作线索-目标起始异步(CTOA)来研究具有空间提示任务的MLD儿童注意力定向的时程。实验1 的结果表明,与典型的发育中儿童相比,注意定向的抑制后效—通常被称为返回抑制(IOR)—在MLD儿童中没有发现,即使在最长的CTOA测试中(800毫秒)。然而,在MLD儿童中观察到了强有力的早期易化效应,表明他们在注意力脱离方面而不是注意力集中方面有困难。在第二个实验中,第二个线索被引入到提示任务中,以帮助注意力脱离,并在MLD儿童中观察到IOR效应。综上所述,目前的实验表明MLD儿童在脱离空间注意力方面是迟钝的。

关键词:注意力 数学学习困难 返回抑制 波斯纳提示任务 注意力脱离


作为认知发展的里程碑,大多数儿童在短短几年的正规教育中获得了解决算术和其他数学问题的能力(Geary , 1996)。然而,尽管有足够的智力、学习机会和正常的社会文化环境,仍有大约6-14%的儿童[1]患有数学学习困难(MLD)(Barbaresi et al,2005)。以前的研究表明,患有MLD的个体在视觉空间、工作记忆方面存在缺陷(McLean和Hitch,1999;Swanson和Sachse-Lee,2001;Jarvis和Gathercole,2003;Holmes和Adams,2006;Bull et al,2008年)同时在执行功能方面也存在缺陷,如抑制、过渡和更新(Bull和Scerif,2001;Ashkenazi et al,2009年;Toll et al,2011)。 MLD儿童在执行功能方面的缺陷,特别是无法抑制与任务无关的信息,这符合众所周知的事实,即许多MLD儿童表现出与注意力缺陷多动障碍的诊断一致的行为 ( [儿童]注意缺陷多动障碍,Shalev et al,1995)。对于注意网络的警觉、定向和执行控制部分(Fan et al,2003),已经表明MLD儿童在警觉和执行控制方面都有缺陷,但在外源性注意定向方面是没有缺陷的(Ashkenazi和Henik,2010)。最近的功能性神经影像学研究表明,在执行数学任务时,有数学学习困难的儿童会使大脑皮层顶叶的激活变少(IPS),这是注意力网络中对定向至关重要的一个节点(Kucian et al,2006;Mussolin et al,2010;深入讨论参见Corbetta和Shulman,2002)。与此相关的是,MLD患者中有很大一部分同时患有阅读障碍(Lewis et al,1994;Barbarersi et al,2005;von Aster和Shalev,2007),这是一种已知的包括注意力功能障碍的疾病(Facoetti et al,2003;Ding et al,2016;关于评论参见Hari和Renvall,2001;Krause,2015)。这些事实都表明注意缺陷和数学困难之间的密切联系。

在注意力被导向一个位置后,一个抑制标签将会留在那里,以阻止注意力返回。这种被称为返回抑制(IOR)的抑制性注意力机制,被广泛认为是朝向新奇事物的主要驱动力(Koch和Ullman,1985;Klein,1988;Klein和MacInnes,1999)。IOR经常在空间提示任务中被考查到(Posner, 1980),在这些任务中,需要对未提供信息的外围线索之前的目标进行快速反应。当线索-目标起始间隔(CTOA)是短暂的,即早期易化效应时,外围线索的突然出现会自动引起注意并通常加速对目标的响应。IOR通常出现在相对较长的CTOAs中,并在对线索位置处的目标的较慢响应中表现出来(Posner和Cohen,1984;参见Klein,2000,供审查)。IOR的起始时间约为线索开始后的300毫秒(关于元分析,参见Samuel and Kat,2003)。然而,它也随着任务难度的不同而变化(Lupiaacute;ntilde;ez et al, 1997; Lupiaacute;ntilde;ez et al, 2001; 参见Klein, 2000,供讨论),反映了执行控制的灵活性。例如,老年人的IOR开始时间要晚得多,他们的执行功能正在衰退(Langley et al,2011;Muinos et al,2016;Li et al,2018)。IOR的延迟发作可能是从线索中缓慢(或失败)脱离注意力的结果。

如上所述,Ashkenazi和Henik的研究(2010) 显示MLD儿童在执行控制方面有缺陷,这对于灵活有效的定向是至关重要的。本研究的主要目的是研究MLD儿童的注意力功能,其任务以空间定向为重点。更具体地说,MLD儿童是否会表现出IOR的延迟发作,即在脱离注意力方面表现出缺陷(如在老年人中)?在空间提示任务中,对患有MLD和典型发育对照的儿童进行测试,CTOA在100、200、400和800毫秒之间变化。由于外围线索的注意捕获,预计短暂的CTOAs(如100和200毫秒)会产生早期易化效应,而IOR效应预计会产生更长的CTOAs(如400和800毫秒)。如果MLD儿童在脱离注意力方面有困难,我们期望在本研究中测试的长CTOAs(如800毫秒)中观察到较弱(或无)IOR效应。 在第二个实验中,在提示任务中增加了次级(中央)提示,以促进注意从提示中脱离(Briand et al,2000年;Pratt和Fischer,2002年;MacPherson et al,2003年)。如果MLD儿童在注意力脱离方面确实存在缺陷,那么我们期望观察到他们的早期返回抑制。

实验一 注意定向的时间进程







Study on executive function characteristics and intervention of students with learning difficulties in mathematics

Key Words: Difficulty in learning mathematics; executive function; executivefunction training; fluid intelligence; mathematical ability

Students with difficulty in math study are a group of students who have noobvious physical handicap and mental retardation, but in realistic math tasks, theirgrades are lower than those of normal students. Executive function is closely relatedto many of the advanced psychological functions of human beings. The researchshows that the defects in the three sub-components of executive function (inhibition,refresh and transformation) are the important reasons for students difficulty inmathematics learning. And in working memory training, the training aimed atcontrolling the focus of attention, namely the training of three sub-components(inhibition, refresh and transformation) of the executive function,, the function oftraining also has a research certificate can not only improve executive function, alsocan promote students fluid intelligence and math skills.

The first study mainly investigate mathematics learning difficulties students andmathematics learning excellent students perform function characteristics andexecutive function of mathematical ability prediction. This study was based onstudents from a primary school in Shanghai, 37 students with difficulty in math studyand 33 students with excellent mathematics, 70 students totally. Inhibition in thesub-components of the executive function: the Stroop task and the Flanker task,Refresh: vision 1-back task and vision 2-back task, Conversion: numeric conversiontask for size conversion task and letter case conversion task; Fluid intelligence: Ravenadvanced reasoning test; Mathematical ability: numerical computation, mathematicalfluency and mathematical problem solving these basic tasks as test materials. Theresults of the study show that: 1. The executive function of students with difficulty inmathematics learning is significantly lower than that of the excellent students inmathematics, mathematics learning difficulty students universality defects inexecutive function, 2. Mathematics learning difficulty students there is relationshipbetween executive function and mathematical ability, and executive function haspredictive effect on mathematical ability. The specific performance is :(1) there aredifferences in the accuracy and reaction time of the students in mathematics learningdifficulties and the excellent students in mathematics learning;(2) the mathematicslearning difficult students executive function and mathematical ability has significantcorrelation (r = 0.57 ~ 0.34), and the mathematics learning excellent studentsexecutive function and mathematical ability has significant correlation (r = 0.36 ~0.40); (3) the refresh function of students with difficulty in mathematics learning toexplain the mathematical ability variation rate between 27 ~ 37%, the refresh functionof students with excellent in mathematics learning to explain the mathematical abilityvariation rate between 11 ~ 13%.

The second study mainly investigate mathematics learning difficulties studentsand mathematics learning excellent students have a migration effect on their executivefunction, fluid intelligence and mathematical ability through executive functiontraining. The study was conducted at a Shanghai primary school,37 students withdifficulty in mathematics learning, 33 outstanding students in mathematics, a total of 70 students were enrolled in the study. Among them, 18 students with mathdifficulties, 16 excellent students in mathematics, a total of 34 students in the traininggroup. 19 students with difficulty in mathematics learning, 17 outstanding students inmathematics, a total of 36 students in the control group. The previous test resultsadopted the data of study 1.The students in the training group were trained 25 times,2-3 times a week, and 15-20 minutes each time, as a tool for intervention with thenumber of digital axis tasks, active memory tasks and digital conversion tasks. Aftertraining, the 70 students in the training group and the control group were tested, andthe post-test material was the same as the pretest material. Through repeatedmeasurement analysis found that: (1) after the training, the mathematical learningdifficulties students in the training group to their executive function, fluid intelligenceand mathematical ability of the correct number : in addition to the Flanker task (F =1.97, p = 0.17), and 1 - back task (F = 2.37, p = 0.13) on time and group was notsignificant, the interaction time and group interaction on other projects have reachedthe significant level; (2) after the training, the mathematical learning difficultiesstudents in the training group to their executive functions, the fluid intelligence andmathematical ability of reaction time: in addition to the Flanker task (F = 0.11, p =0.74), and 1 - back task (F = 0.30, p = 0.59) tasks on time and group was notsignificant, the interaction time and group interaction on other projects have reachedthe significant level; (3) after the training , the mathematical learning excellentstudents in the training group to their executive function, fluid intelligence andmathematical ability of the correct number : in addition to the Flanker task (F = 0.65,p = 0.43), 1 - back task (F = 1.42, p = 0.24), and the size of the number of conversion(F = 0.85, p = 0.37), fluid intelligence (F = 1.44, p = 0.24) and computing fluency (Fup interaction on other projects have reached the significant level; (4) after thetraining , the mathematical learning excellent students in the training group to theirexecutive function, fluid intelligence and mathematical ability of the reaction time:only in the Stroop task (F = 9.51, p = 0.00) and 2 - back task (F = 6.17, p = 0.02) ontime and group interactions are reac



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