
 2023-01-03 12:32:32
  1. 外文资料译文1:


摘 要

这一跨文化研究对中国大陆汉人、华裔加拿大人和欧洲裔加拿大儿童的道德判断进行了研究,在儿童们做了一件好事的前提下,他们对7岁至11岁叙述者的谦让谎言进行了评估。 这些儿童要么说谎,掩盖自己做好事的事实,要么讲述了他们所做的亲社会行为的真相。 中国孩子认为谦让更积极和夸夸其谈,而欧、加的孩子更加真实。 中国和加拿大的孩子对不谦虚的评价比欧洲裔加拿大儿童更消极,与较大的孩子的文化差异最大。 中国儿童的谦让程度明显高于两个没有差异的加拿大人群,但是年龄和文化间的相互作用表明三组在11岁时显著不同,中国孩子最为积极,其次是中加儿童,加上评估温和的欧裔加拿大儿童至少是积极的。 尊重谦让和自我增强的文化限制和文化适应因素体现在这些差异中。


在儿童对真实性理解发展的研究表明,幼儿在生活早期将谎言与真理区分开来(Bussey,1992; Peterson,1995; Sullivan,Winner,&Hopfield,1995)。 在他们的学前班,孩子们很容易认出谎言是谎言,真相是真相,尤其对反社会行为及其敏感。 然而,最近的研究表明,当儿童被要求评估言语欺骗时,他们的反应既是情境敏感的,也是文化决定的。 社会化效应和文化体验对儿童对口头欺骗的微妙评估的发展以及讲真相和说谎的道德后果至关重要(Lee,Cameron,Xu,Fu&Board,1997; Lee,Xu,Fu,Cameron,&Chen ,2001; Talwar&Lee,2008)。 然而,对儿童道德判断的经验性跨文化研究普遍缺乏; 特别是对于接触次要文化的儿童进行道德评估的研究缺乏,当他们从一个文化社区迁移到另一个文化社区时,


佐伊史密斯是加拿大四年级学生。 有一天,她在休息时呆在教室里,因为她感冒了,她决定为老师和同学打扫教室。 休息后,老师对干净的教室感到高兴。

“你知道是谁清理了教室吗?” 她问佐伊。


这在西方的课堂中并不是一个不寻常的事情。 事实就是真相,佐伊毫不犹豫地告诉老师,她为班级做了一件好事,表明她为她的工作感到自豪,她承认她已经做到了。 无论是否有奖励,她都毫不犹豫地透露自己的参与,自我推销在她的世界中并不被视为不合适。

小玲钟也是四年级生,但她在中国,她也在休息时呆在教室里,她也把它清理干净。 然而,当老师问她是否知道谁打扫了教室时,她否认了所有的事实。

小玲钟知道她曾向老师说过谎,但会不好意思承认事实,她的父母告诉她不要自夸,并强调谦让会像任何善行一样获得特别积极的社会评价。小玲钟的否认也是对社会文化习俗的遵守。 但是,如果小玲钟搬到加拿大并成为佐伊史密斯四年级班的成员呢? 她会采取她的同学的道德观点,还是她会保持她的家庭观念?

谦卑,自卑或谦让是儒家文化所强调的德性的重要因素,并且在许多亚洲社区的早期社会化经验中得到加强。 在目前的研究中,适度的说谎是为了避免针对亲社会行为的赞扬或注意。换句话说,拒绝承认为他人做出了积极的事情,因为这会让他们成为关注的中心,使亲社会行为者难堪,这在这里被认为是谦让的表达。在东方文化,特别是中国文化中,自我推销被认为是自夸,破坏了社会结构,因此在许多社会背景下不合适(Lalwani,Shrum,&Chiu,2009)。Fu,Xu,Cameron,Heyman和Lee(2007)指出文化因素是儿童评估真实和不真实陈述的决定因素,并报告了集体主义和个人主义社会教育之间的显著差异。 中国儿童的评价反映了文化强调自残和谦让的影响(Bond,1986; Bond,Leung,&Wan,1987; Kim,Kim,Kam和Shim,2003; Kurman,2002; Lalwani等, 2009),而西方文化更倾向于保护个人,即使这可能会伤害一个群体。也就是说,加拿大儿童反映出加拿大人对促进自信心和自尊心的文化欣赏(Lee et al。,1997; Fu et al。,2007),与美国儿童的观点有些相似(Wang&Leichtman,2000)。儿童在其道德评价中对道德价值的收购可以通过知识的积极建构以及社会文化背景下的社会传播来交互式地构建(Miller,1984,2001)。

仅限于西方参与者的研究可能会妨碍对其他文化群体的合理推广,因为与口头欺骗和真相告知有关的道德价值确实反映了这些不同的文化背景(Lee et al。,1997).Lee et al。 (2001)比较了台湾的中国人,中国大陆人和加欧裔儿童对亲和和反社会行为的谎言和真相的分类和评估。虽然他们发现儿童对故事人物陈述的分类没有文化差异,但当大龄儿童对这些陈述进行评估时,来自台湾和中国大陆的中国儿童做出了更多的判断,可以进行谦让的解释,而这些判断反映的更为谦让年幼的孩子的判断。此外,中国儿童对故事人物的谎言是积极行善和对好行为的负面否定。相比之下,欧洲加拿大儿童认为不正确的真相比亚洲文化的儿童更积极和谦让,而且更负面,而文化群体之间的差异也随着年龄的增长而增加。总而言之,欺骗的判断受到社会背景和文化价值的影响,证实了一种社会传统的适度谎言观点(Sweetser,1987)。



儿童对谎言的道德评价取决于谎言的内容,谎言的内容以及他们自己的文化价值。 在查看儿童对口头欺骗的评估时,年龄成为一个关键因素。文化遗产是单一文化背景下社会化效应的重要代理,并且可能是多文化背景下的文化适应效应。在原始文化中花费的年数以及在收养文化中花费的时间可能会影响儿童的经历和道德评价(Berry,1997)。很少有研究调查了不同环境下儿童对语言欺骗的评估,例如说谎的说法:例如,儿童是否更愿意公开讲述真相(对两个或两个以上的听众)或私下(当没有其他人在场时,给另一个人)。 据报道,在东亚,但不是北美的儿童中,当被公开告知而不是私下认为温和的谎言更为积极时,因为东亚的谦让规范特别鼓励公众表现出谦让并劝阻公众无罪(Fu et al。,2007,2010)。同样,较年长的东亚儿童通常提到谦让的美德,因为他们关注的是鼓励谦让表达以维持社会凝聚力(Fu et al。,2010)。

然后进行本研究以扩展Lee等人的发现(2001年),选择7,9和11岁的年龄是因为我们之前的研究已经确定了这些年龄,这些年龄是从突发事件到儿童中期童年欺骗行为的确定决定的依据。 除探索(a)中国和加拿大儿童的年龄和文化差异及其相互作用外,我们试图发现(b)加拿大西部的华裔加拿大移民儿童是否保持强烈的东方文化视角谦让,或者该角度可能是在西方文化适应过程中进行修改(Miller,1984)。此外,我们探讨(c)同辈或权威人物(例如教师或家长)是否影响儿童在困境中说出真相的决定;以及周围环境(即公共场所或私人场所)是否会影响儿童对承认真相的评价,特别是在亲社会情况下,中国(但不是美国)青少年和成人(Fu,Heyman,&Lee,2011) 。

加拿大西部的许多社区以其独特的亚太地区为多元文化,因此非常适合研究对中加儿童的差异化文化适应。考虑到他们通过采用西方式习俗进行文化适应的双重要求,以及他们维持东方价值观的家庭压力的经历,移民家庭的孩子们有兴趣证明对道德信仰问题的独特回答。 凭借其文化混合的社会经验,他们处于特殊地位; 但很少有研究调查了这种多元文化社区道德评估的发展。

根据温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚省最近的加拿大统计局的统计资料,这项研究进行的西加拿大社区中,几乎有一半的人口已经从其他国家移民(据报道有200多个民族成分),而中国移民是最大的可见少数民族比例和城市总人口的29.4%(加拿大统计局,2007年)。 在本研究中,将加拿大西部的中国籍加拿大儿童,即出生在中国,香港,澳门或台湾并出生在中国,香港,澳门或台湾并已移居加拿大的儿童与来自金华的中国儿童进行比较,浙江,中国100%的人口是汉族人,加拿大东部的加拿大欧裔儿童。 加拿大东部城市(圣约翰新不伦瑞克省)的可见少数民族仅占总人口的4.6%,社区中仅有1.3%是中国人(圣约翰社区概况:加拿大统计局,2007年)。 超过90%的人口是单一文化的,其中大部分是欧洲裔加拿大人。



共有266名儿童参加了这项研究。我们的样本共包括96名中国大陆学生:32名七岁儿童(M = 6.77岁,SD = 0.53;女性16人);32名9岁(M = 9.13岁,SD = 0.39; 16名女性)和32名11岁(M = 10.81岁,SD = 0.52;女性16名)。大陆与中国的参与者居住在一个拥有450万汉族居民的城市,并且没有欧洲或北美学生参加参与学校,因此参与者完全是汉族人,无法确定中国儿童的社会经济背景。

加拿大的参与者来自各种各样的经济背景,但平均来说,他们主要来自工作型和中产阶级家庭。 加拿大东部的90名加拿大儿童参加了:30名7岁儿童(男性= 7.23岁,SD = 0.36;女性15人),30名9岁(M = 9.35岁,SD = 0.56;女性14人) 11岁(M = 11.35岁,SD = 0.63;女性15)。参与的东部加拿大工业化城市的人口约为12万人,绝大多数居民是欧元加拿大人,仅有700人是中国人。没有一所参加的学校有任何中国儿童入学。中国大陆和加拿大东部的城市都是文化上的同质性和相对静态的。

在加拿大西部地区,90名中国和加拿大儿童参加了:30名七岁儿童(男性= 7.35岁,SD = 0.74;女性15),29岁的九岁男孩(男孩= 9.32岁,SD = 0.71;女性13)和31名11岁(M = 11.34岁,SD = 0.56;女性16人)。每个参与者参加的学校都有一半以上的家庭报告家庭语言是中文(广东话,普通话或方言),创造了高度异质的文化学校环境。 所有自愿参加研究的华裔加拿大儿童都被选中进行这项分析,其他族裔的学生被排除在这方面的研究之外。

在90名加拿大华裔加拿大人中,有33人出生于加拿大(其中三人有一人或两人都是在加拿大出生的中国父母)。 移民儿童在这个样本中所占比例最大:来自亚洲城市的57名学生支持中国传统价值观:在中国大陆,香港,澳门和台湾的城市。在加拿大度过的时间范围从最近到达11年的居住时间。表1按年龄显示了加拿大出生的儿童人数和在加拿大的移民儿童人数约为他们一生的三分之二或全部。年龄较小的儿童更可能在加拿大度过了他们大部分的生活。大多数年龄较小的两个年龄组(七岁和九岁)在加拿大生活的最近一半时间;而最年长的儿童中只有一半在他们生命中最近的三分之二时间在加拿大。


























表1 中国人-加拿大人参与者在加



Development of childrenrsquo;s moral evaluations of modesty and self-promotion in diverse cultural settings


This cross-cultural study of the moral judgements of Mainland Han-Chinese, Chinese-Canadian, and Euro-Canadian children aged seven to 11 examined the evaluations of narrative protagonistsrsquo; modest lies and self-promoting truthful statements in situations where they had done a good deed. The story characters had thus either lied or told the truth about a prosocial act that they had committed. Chinese children judged modest lies more positively and boastful truths less positively than Euro-Canadian children. Chinese and Chinese-Canadian children rated immodest statements more negatively than did Euro-Canadian children. The cultural differences were greatest with the oldest children. Chinese children rated modest lies significantly more positively than either Canadian group who did not differ from each other but an interaction between age and culture revealed the three groups to be significantly different at age 11 with Chinese children most positive, followed by Chinese-Canadian children, and with Euro- Canadian children evaluating modest lies least positively. Cultural strictures and acculturation factors respecting modesty and self-enhancement are reflected in these differences.


Studies of the development of childrenrsquo;s understanding of veracity reveal that young children distinguish lies from truths early in life (Bussey, 1992; Peterson, 1995; Sullivan, Winner, amp; Hopfield, 1995). In their preschool years children quite readily recognize a lie as a lie and the truth as the truth, especially respecting antisocial acts. However, recent studies show that when children are asked to evaluate verbal deception, their responses are both contextually sensitive and culturally determined. Socialization effects and cultural experiences are critical to the development of childrenrsquo;s nuanced evaluations of verbal deception and the moral consequences of truth telling and lying (Lee, Cameron, Xu, Fu, amp; Board, 1997; Lee, Xu, Fu, Cameron, amp; Chen, 2001; Talwar amp; Lee, 2008). However, there is a general dearth of empirical cross-cultural research on childrenrsquo;s moral judgements; and in particular, there is an absence of research on the moral evaluations of children exposed to a secondary culture—one that is significantly different from their own—when they migrate from one cultural community to another.

Zoe Smith is a Canadian 4th grader. One day, she stayed in her classroom during recess because she was getting over a cold. She decided to clean up the classroom for her teacher and fellow students. After recess, the teacher was delighted with the clean classroom.

lsquo;Do you know who cleaned up the classroom?rsquo; she asked Zoe.

lsquo;Yes, I did,rsquo; Zoe answered her happily.

This would not be an unusual narrative in a Western classroom. The truth is the truth. Zoe did not hesitate to tell the teacher that she had done a good deed for the class, and show that she was proud of her work. She acknowledged that she had done it. Whether or not a reward was in the offing, she was not hesitant to reveal her involvement, and self-promotion is not seen in her community as inappropriate.

Siu Ling Zhong is also a 4th grader but she is in China. She, too, had stayed in her classroom during recess and she too cleaned it. However, when the teacher asked her if she knew who cleaned the classroom, she denied all knowledge of it.

Siu Ling understood that she had told a lie to the teacher, but would be too embarrassed to admit the truth. Her parents had told her not to be boastful, and had emphasized that modesty will earn special positive social evaluation as much as any good deed. Siu Lingrsquo;s denial was also a bow to a sociocultural convention. But what if Siu Ling Zhong moved to Canada and became a member of Zoe Smithrsquo;s fourth-grade class? Would she take on the moral perspectives of her classmates, or would she maintain her family values?

Humility, self-effacement or modesty is an essential element of virtue emphasized in Confucian cultures, and is reinforced by early socialization experiences in many Asian communities. In the present study, modest lying is operationalized as lying to avoid praise or attention for performing a prosocial deed. In other words, the refusal to admit doing something positive for others because it would embarrass prosocial actors by making them the centre of attention is identified here as an expression of modesty. In Eastern cultures, and particularly the Chinese culture, self-promotion is considered to be boastful, disruptive of the social fabric, and is thus inappropriate in many social contexts (Lalwani, Shrum, amp; Chiu, 2009). Fu, Xu, Cameron, Heyman, and Lee (2007) showed cultural factors to serve as determinants of childrenrsquo;s evaluations of truthful and untruthful statements and reported significant differences between education in collectivistic and individualistic societies. Chinese childrenrsquo;s evaluations reflect the influence of a cultural emphasis on self-effacement and modesty (Bond, 1986; Bond, Leung, amp; Wan, 1987; Kim, Kim, Kam, amp; Shim, 2003; Kurman, 2002; Lalwani et al., 2009), whereas western cultures are more inclined to protect an individual even if that might harm a group. That is, Canadian children reflect a Canadian cultural appreciation of promoting self-confidence and self-esteem (Lee et al., 1997; Fu et al., 2007), somewhat similar to the perspectives of American children (Wang amp; Leichtman, 2000). Childrenrsquo;s acquisitions of moral values in their moral evaluations can be interactively constructed by the active construction of knowledge along with the social transmission inherent in sociocultural contexts in which they are pro



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