
 2023-01-03 12:35:31


原文作者 Čestmiacute;rSerafiacute;nJiřiacute;Dostaacute;l,MartinHavelka 单位 捷克共和国奥洛摩茨 Palack大学,教育学院,ZKOVO naacute;m.5.


关键词:探究式; 授课; 建构主义;教育;学生







人们普遍接受的目标是在教育的各个阶段对当前的年轻一代进行有效的教育,以使学生获得知识和他们在现代社会中的个人和公民生活所需的技能,使他们的知识有助于他们在当前甚至未来的劳动力市场上的未来就业能力。基于这一愿景的战略应涉及到教育系统的各个阶段的学生,从学前教育到高等教育。因此,需要确保教育系统普遍创造安全和刺激的环境,同时能够激励儿童。学生、学生和其他受教育者终身学习,这也是捷克共和国到2020年教育政策战略中提到的(Stratgie vzd laacute;vaciacute;Politiky R Do Roku,2020,2014)。



建构主义通常被理解为:“行为科学和社会科学的广泛理论流强调了这门学科的积极任务及其内在假设在教学和心理过程中的意义,以及与环境和社会互动的重要性;在这个意义上,是建构主义,也是克服经验主义和本土主义的片面性的互动理论。教学领域,是目前的主导范式之一,它将自己分成几个“溪流”(pr cha,Walterovaacute;amp;Mare,2001)。根据托普西(1994)是建构主义学派,孩子知道并来到学校,以便思考他/她的知识--组织、深化这些知识,丰富和发展自己——在合作小组内。教师确保每一个学生都能达到最高水平(认知、社会、操作),并参与所有其他人的参与和贡献。智力是通过改造自身来改造和丰富自身的一个特定领域。建构主义的教学定义主要是指学生学习的内在动机、学生对知识的主动建构、以思维学习、实现思维的过程,包括教育过程、教学中的个性化和差异化,以及学习的社会背景--互动和合作。在建构主义的教学定义中,教师的角色正在发生变化——他/她成为了这种方法的保证者,不是真理的保证人。老师成为学生学习的促进者,他/她帮助学生找到有效的学习方法,通过使用规模的激活教育方法,主要是激活小学生的思维过程,以及教学的合作策略。Bertrand(1998年P.6)指出,学生应努力在自己的认知方面开展积极的工作。为了做到这一点,激励他/她被我们想要的问题所吸引是很有用的。在教学中注意或至少使学生能够参与其制定。因此,一定程度的真实对抗是必要的。这些对抗必须使学生相信,他/她现有的概念不适合解决某些问题。建构主义理论不是建立在学生以已完成形式传递的知识之上,而是建立在学生创造(建构、重建)知识的基础上的。













Va utovaacute;(2001)提到专业主观能力是一个单位,在这个单元中,教师应该根据基础教育或高中教学的需要,对这一学科采取系统的深入知识和内容。此外,他(她)应该能够将相关科学领域的知识转化为所教授学科的教育内容,他/她应该能够整合跨学科知识实现跨学科关系。此外,他/她还应该能够借助现代信息和通信技术搜索和处理信息,并能够改变学生对自己主体的认知,形成学生的思维方式。这种能力是通过对资格学科及其方法论、教学学、教育学心理学和信息学的研究而形成未来教师。




因此,在教师教育领域中,以技术或科学为导向的学科以及必要的心理学科是在专业协同的基础上进行准备的。这种准备,如果与学生创造性的实验探究工作相联系,就能够优化学生对教育内容的教学知识的获取(Janiacute;k), 2008).由于在实践中特别合适和经常使用,可以在这一背景下理解以实验探究为基础的作品与合作教学的联系。据卡西科夫说(2006),使人们能够基于已经获得的知识,在个人同时理解的同时,创造出更高效率的群体,并为解释新信息的可能性做出贡献。约翰逊、约翰逊和约翰逊(1990,第4页)的一份出版物证明并提到了这一点:合作是为了实现公司目标而开展的一项企业工作。这些人正试图通过对他们和其他成员有利的合作活动来取得结果hellip;hellip;摘要合作学习是一小群学生为了最大限度地发挥自己的学习效果而进行的教学活动,同时也是为了实现其他学生的学习效果最大化hellip;hellip;在合作教育情境中,为了让学生实现自己的目标,正在发生一种积极的共同依赖;只有教育群体中的其他学生也能实现自己的教育目标,学生才能实现自己的教育目标。


国际范围内的教育学有许多教育模式,从实现学习的形式上反映出来,这或多或少与探究式教学有关。主要应命名为“问题型学习”(例如见du,Kirkeb k,2012年;Torp和Sage,2002年;Boud和Flecti,1997年),转型学习(见Olsquo;Sullivan,1999年;King,2005年;Taylor,2006年),体验学习(Kolb,1984年;Kilty,1982年;Jackson和Caffarella,1994年)体验学习,主动学习(Anderson和de Silva,2007年;Levine和Munsch,2011年;Settes,2012年),基于实例的学习(Gog和Rummel,2010年;Renkl,Hilbert和Schworn,2009年),或合作学习(Grisham,Molinelli,1995年)。探究式教学是一种教学方法,包括激活方法、不同的组织形式,尤其是教师不转移学科的基于问题的学习。在填写表格中使用演示文稿很重要,但他/她通过使用问题解决和提问系统来创造知识。


  • 证实性探究-问题和方法给学生,结果已经知道。调查的唯一目的是验证实践本身的结果;
  • 有组织的探究——问题和方法是由老师告诉学生,结果已经知道。学生在此基础上形成对给定现象的解释;
  • 有针对性的探究——教师提出一个研究问题,学生创造方法并加以实现;
  • 开放式探究--学生自己提问,他们思考方法,进行研究并形成结果。


  • 小学生好奇心的激活及其对科学问题的兴趣,
  • 学生的好奇心转向教育项目:挑战学生用自己的语言来表达问题的本质,
  • 从问题的定义到基于查询的项目的规划,其中的一部分也是对导致项目实现的步骤的定义,
  • 计划项目活动的实现,
  • 结果与现实的对抗;具体结果和结论与预期结果的比较;结果的个别或集体验证,
  • 处理强调已经获得的知识的结论,并进一步将这些结论与其他科学问题联系起来,
  • 科学与伦理、技术、决策和选择相结合。



Inquiry-Based Instruction in the Context of Constructivism


The education goes from its utter beginning through some changes whose momentum factors are the needs laid on the individual in a relation to his/her integration into the society, the living in it and its prospective development. During the historical development the needs change as well as the social values, therefore during the different historical eras it is possible to encounter differently focused education emphasizing the physical development, the artistic development, the acquiring of the vast amount of knowledge, the development of the manual skills, perception, thinking, and the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge in the common life. The current social needs emphasize the education of an individual (with the creative thinking), who is not only able to find the problems, but also to solve them effectively. He/she should be cooperative, active, competitive, but also tolerant and defending the weak ones. The article reacts on the tendencies in the field of education, obvious within the international context and manifesting themselves in the use of the inquiry-based instruction. Furthermore, it is focused on the description of the development of the pupilsrsquo; competencies focused on the problem solving in a relation to the constructivism. These competencies are often seen as the non-linked to the particular subjects, or as competencies superior to the subjects, however, used in the concrete activities. During a life, people have to apply what they have learned in the new situations, and for that they have to master the basic thought and other general skills which are essential for the individual competencies for problem solving.

Keywords: inquiry-based;instruction;constructivism;education;pupil

1. Introduction

For the current definition of education, there is a typical requirement of the proactivity and of the applying of the modern methods and approaches. The educational activities, which are supported by the modern information and communication technology, emphasize the innovative approaches that are close to the current youth, and they enable to master the relatively broad fields of the information, knowledge and skills. However, this definition in the functions of education requires nowadays restructuralisation and reconceptualisation with an accent laid on the changes in the fields that represent the obstacles:

1.the educational systems as a whole – e.g. Illich (2001) suggests to “school–off” the society and to create education as a self-living and self-feeding organ,

2.in the coherence of the elements of the educational system,

3.in the personality development,

4.in the preparation for the job execution

The generally accepted aim is the effort of the effective education of the current young generation in all stages of education in order to give the pupils knowledge and skills needed for their personal and civil life within the modern society, and make their knowledge helpful for their future employability on the current and even on the future labour market. The strategy built on this vision should relate to the pupils and students in all stages of the educational system, which means from the pre-school to the tertiary education, and therefore it is needed to ensure that the educational system generally creates safe and stimulating environment which also motivates the children, the pupils, the students and other participants of education to learn during their entire life, which is also mentioned in the Strategy of the educational policy in Czech Republic till 2020 (Strategie vzdělaacute;vaciacute; politiky ČR do roku, 2020, 2014).

One of the main instruments to create the challenging and stimulating environment is, in the international scale, understood as the inquiry-based instruction and the realised problem solving related to it. The significance of the development of the competency for the problem solving was also noticed by Lesh and Zawojewski (2007) who state that the highly developed ability to solve problem situations enables further education, successful integration in the society, and it is necessary for other personal activities as well. People have to apply in their life something, what they have learnt, in the new situations, and for that they need to master the basic thought and other general cognitive skills that are essential for the individual competency for the problem solving.

2. Constructivism and its image in preparation of the future teacher

Constructivism is usually understood as: “A broad stream of theories in the behavioural sciences and the social sciences emphasizing the active task of the subject and the significance of his/her inner presumptions in the pedagogical and psychological processes as well as the importance of the interaction with the environment and the society; in this meaning is the constructivism also the interactive theory overcoming the one-sidedness of the empiricism and the nativism. In the field of didactics is one of the current dominating paradigms that dividing itself into several lsquo;streamsrsquo;” (Průcha, Walterovaacute; amp; Marescaron;, 2001). According to Tonucci (1994) is the constructivist school, in which the child knows and comes to the school in order to think about his/her knowledge – to organize them, deepen them, enrich them and develop them – within the cooperating group. The teacher ensures that every pupil can reach the highest possible level (cognitive, social, operative) with the participation and contribution of all the others. Intelligence is a certain area that modifies and enriches itself by the reconstructing. The constructivist definition of the instruction means mainly the pupilrsquo;s inner motivation to learn, the pupilrsquo;s active constructing of the knowledge, the learning with thinking, realizing the thought a



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