HUANG Liyun;HE Xi 中国,重庆,西南大学,教育系
- 确立模型的基本原则
生命教育课程 |
人类和自我 |
人类和社会 |
人类和自然 |
人类和宇宙 |
darr; |
darr; |
darr; |
darr; |
健康教育 |
人际教育 |
民族教育 |
中华民族文化教育 |
安全教育 |
环境教育 |
生命价值 |
死亡教育 |
目标C层次:C1健康教育包括心脏健康教育,性健康教育。心理健康教育是为了培养优秀的性格特点,发展智力潜力和提高心理能力,以此刺激内在动机,保持心理将康,养成良好习惯。性健康教育是关于从生理上和心理上了解青春期的特点,学会自我保护。让孩子了解成长的普遍模式,明白生命的起源,明白生命的逝去会使成千上万的家庭伤心难过。 C2安全教育,包括安全知识,预防AIDS,药物教育和未知事件。安全教育的目的是使人们更了解AIDS,通过一系列科学的、有效的方法,正确的对待AIDS病人;逐渐养成安全保护的习惯;介绍药物的基本要素和相关知识,揭示药物对于个体、社会、家庭的巨大伤害。C3人际交往教育包括交往和礼仪教育。通过参加交往和礼仪课程,孩子们会明白每个人都是平等的,他们有的感觉其他人也会有。因此,他们会变得有礼貌、谦逊、乐于助人。同时鼓励孩子在小组合作活动中与他人分享自己的幸福、难过和爱。C4环境教育包括自然方面、地理方面、生态方面的教育。让孩子们走出书本,走进大自然,去欣赏和感受大自然的神奇和美好,从而他们会善待动物和植物。如果条件允许,每个孩子可以尝试种树和饲养小动物。C5国民教育,包括文化知识教育和人权教育。人类永恒发展,人类的文明源远流长。为了更好自我发展,了解他人,明白世界,生活得更好,我们需要学习更多的基础知识和基本技能,形成自我态度和价值,获得世界非物质文化遗产,参与到世界的创新与发展中。C6人生价值是指生命的价值。生命教育是通过特定的教育手段和方法,引导学习者充分的理解生命的意义和价值。目的是为了让他们爱、珍惜、尊重、感恩、丰富和发展人生。生命教育希望在一生中,人们能养成积极的人生态度。无论是在晴天还是在风暴中,都能坚持真善美,彰显生命的价值意义。C7中国传统文化教育包括儒家思想、《易经》等等。不仅有中国传统经典文化的传承,还有经典文化对社会价值和道德伦理的意识形态。也就是说,这些都是各个时期无数代人的智慧结晶。像儒家思想告诉我们关于“乐善好施”的道理,《易经》让孩子们明白世界上的所有东西都只是沧海一粟,只是宇宙的一小部分而已。因此我们要珍惜所有生物,博爱所有动植物,因为他们才有更好的明天。C8死亡教育,包括自然灾害和意外教育。再现、模拟意外事故、通过相关资料音像揭示,可以使学生明白生和死是人生必然的一部分,帮助他们建立科学、合理、健康的死亡观念。死亡教育是通过观看死亡场景,消除学生对于死亡的恐惧、焦虑和其他心理现象,教育他们珍惜生命,坦然面对死亡。
- 测试数据
指标比重 |
健康教育 |
0.0435 |
安全教育 |
0.0869 |
人际交往教育 |
0.3859 |
环境教育 |
0.1286 |
国民教育 |
0.0577 |
人生价值 |
0.2308 |
中华文化教育 |
0.0222 |
死亡教育 |
0.0444 |
H.A.O |
健康教育 |
安全教育 |
比重 |
健康教育 |
1.0000 |
0.5000 |
0.3333 |
安全教育 |
2.0000 |
1.0000 |
0.6667 |
H.A.S |
人际交往教育 |
环境教育 |
比重 |
人际交往教育 |
1.0000 |
0.3333 |
0.7500 |
环境教育 |
0.3333 |
1.0000 |
0.2500 |
H.A.N |
国民教育 |
人生价值 |
比重 |
国民教育 |
1.0000 |
0.2500 |
0.2000 |
人生价值 |
4.0000 |
1.0000 |
0.8000 |
H.A.T.U |
中华文化教育 |
死亡教育 |
比重 |
中华文化教育 |
1.0000 |
0.5000 |
0.3333 |
死亡教育 |
2.0000 |
1.0000 |
0.6667 |
- 调查结果的分析
首先,本文的调查结果推翻了一些学者的观点,删去了一部分生命教育课程定义的冗余和内容。例如“黑龙江生命教育的课程标准”的看法。本文在他们的研究基础上,对他们的讨论观点进行部分的修改。其次,本文的结果证实了某些学者的观点,例如Wang Yongmei:“整个社会都需要创造一个人文关怀的生态环境,让学生学会生活,最终实现幸福生活”(Wang,2013)。她和作者相信,课程内容可以帮助提升生命教育。而且在减轻学生学业负担和精神负担方面,适合的、有效的内容扮演着重要角色。因此,促进学生生命教育,需要让他们明白生活的真正意义,追求生活的价值,活过一段真正有意义的时间。最后,本文还存在以下不足:第一点,本文没有具体的实施途径和对未来的进一步研究;第二点,这是第一个尝试从AHP角度探究生命教育的研究,需要相关专家学者提供专业评论和指导。第三点,有限的数量样本和局部调查或许会导致在一定范围内出现片面的结论。最后,笔者希望这篇文章能帮助那些真正关心儿童的人;希望能给全球研究生命教育的学者一些灵感;希望能帮助儿童减轻课业压力和心理压力,能在轻松、安全、健康、充满爱的环境下成长!
外文文献出处:Studies in Sociology of Science,6(3),24-30
“超越5.12”是一个在四川启动的服务项目。它是由香港理工大学Huo Xiaoling教授与他的专业团队在Keswick基金会资助下实施。Huo Xiaoling教授与台湾彩虹家庭生命教育协会合作,引进春播生命教育课程。在项目的后期,她也将生命教育引进四川和重庆6所大学,希望这些大学的14位种子老师能将其理念传播给大学生。因为他们被期望能够在日后社会实践中将生命教育理念传递给小学、中学和其他领域,就像蒲公英传播种子一样(Huo,2011)。
图一 重庆、四川6所大学在“超越5.12”项目中生命教育发展模式
本文作者是种子教师成员。他们的学校,西南大学被Huo Xiaoling教授选入“超越5.12”项目,由此他们开始从事生命教育。在2011年五月四川德阳市接受第一次训练,大学就开始社会工作学院的大学生、研究生宣传生命教育的理念。一开始,每周都会组织大学生生命教育团队。团队由18个大学生和研究生组成,之前受过台湾彩虹
Reconstruction of the Elementary Life Education Curriculum From the Viewing Angle of AHP
HUANG Liyun[a]; HE Xi[a]*
[a]Faculty of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
* Corresponding author.
Supported by The Central Universityrsquo;s special Fund for fundamental Research - PhD breeding program “Curriculum assessment research of the aesthetics orientation” of Southwest University.
Received 26, Aprill 2015; accepted 11 May 2015
Published online 26 June 2015
In recent years, more and more elementary school students die suddenly, and most of them are caused by the stampede or the jumping off unexpectedly. The Blue Book China Education Development Report (2014) announced by the Social Sciences Documentation Publishing House and Institute of 21st Century Education in May 2014, collecting 79 cases of suicide of primary and secondary school occurred in 2013. Whatrsquo;s more,there are many cases happened in 2014, such as the “September 26” murder case of Guangxi province, causing 3 deaths and one injury; The “September 26” stampede case of Yunnan, causing 6deaths and 26 injury; The “April 11” Elementary jump off event of Purple Tea House and “June 23” face- hitting to die event of Guangdong; The jumping event in Chongqing of a primary girl in May; And the “May 23” Nai xi Village pupilsrsquo; mass brawl event of Beijing. The above cases are all occurred in 2014. The frequent occurrence of the stampede and suicide, have beening causing the communityrsquo;s attention. This paper attempts to analyze the elementary life education curriculum from the perspective of AHP, finding out and reconstructing a new elementary life education curriculum to reduce the mortality rate of primary school students.
Key words: Reconstruction; AHP; Primary school
AHP is a decision-making analysis method of re-level rights, raised by T. L. Saaty, the American operational research expert Professor of Pittsburgh University in the early1970s. This method is to combine quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis together, to make the judgment with experience of decision makers, and to measure whether the target could be achieved or not between the relative importance of each criterion. And then will give out us a reasonable weights number of each standard of every decision program, which is using weights number to order the programs from merits to inferiors, and solving the difficult issue effectively that quantitative methods cannot solve.
1 The Basis and Principles of Model Establishment
According to China Taiwan “The life education dimension of nine-year kindergarten to middle school learning stages,” and “The curriculum standards of life education of Heilongjiang province,” the author constructs a hierarchical model of elementary life education curriculum, as shown in Table 1.
Target layer A: Learning from Taiwan, China of the nine-year study of kindergarten education dimension of life stages, that the life lessons could be constructed on the four criteria. Then in accordance with the Heilongjiang life education curriculum standards, the life education can be roughly divided into eight indicators program. Only to construct the elementary life education curriculum reasonably children will pay more attention to life and to love life. Life education curriculum is to put all the health education, mental health education, sexual health education, safety education, HIV prevention education, drug prevention education, environmental education, national education, international education, life value education, and death education as an important part to make an organic integration, then create and design it purposefully, plannedly, systematically. In order to help students know about life, experience life, cherish life, revere life, and develop life, to improve the ability of surviving and quality of life, and to lay the foundation for studentsrsquo; lifelong development and happiness.
Target layer B: Men and himself is to know about
ourselves, to appreciate and respect ourselves, and do best to bring to bear our latent energy; men and society is to care about others and to live harmoniously with other people; men and nature is to build a community of life, and to seek Sustainable development of the natural environment and human environment men; men and the universe is to pursue a transcendent sense, to seek and to build the ultimate faith and eternal value (Chen, 1999).
Target layer C: C1 Health education, including heart health education, sexual health education. Mental health education is to cultivate good character traits, development of intellectual potential, and enhance mental ability to adapt to stimulate intrinsic motivation, maintain mental health, develop good habits. Sexual health education is about the form of life, on physical and psychological characteristics of adolescence, and the self-protection of adolescent. Making the children to understand the regular pattern of growing-up, to understand the origin of life is indeed difficult, to understand the falling of life will break the heart of thousands of families. C2 Safety education, including safety knowledge, AIDS prevention, drug prevention education, and unexpected events. To make people know more about AIDS and treat the AIDS patients correctly through a variety of scientific and effective ways, and to form the habit of security guards gradually. To introduce the basic factors of drugs and related knowledge, revealing the great harm of drugs for individual, family, and society. C3 Interpersonal education, including association and etiquette education. By taking the curriculum of association and etiquette, children can understand that everyone is equal, the feelings they have will also happen to all the others. Therefor