
 2023-03-21 18:14:00


作者 James Taylor

单位 American Institutes for Research

摘要:由威廉和弗洛拉·休利特基金会资助的“深度学习研究: 机会与成果”是一项“概念验证”研究,旨在确定高中学生是否采用成熟的、至少实施得当的方法来促进深度学习体验,从而获得比不上这些学校时更多的深度学习机会和成果。这项研究包括一组高中,它们属于与深度学习方法相一致的网络。本文旨在提供准实验经验证明,探讨经验过这些网络学校教学方法的学生是否比其他方法取得更好的成绩。具体来说,就读于这些网络学校的学生: 在与经合组织基于 pisa 的学校测试相关的内容知识和批判性思维技能测试中得分较高; 报告内容和技能水平较高。


人们一直担心,没有足够多的学生掌握复杂的知识和技能,这些知识和技能能够转化为他们在大学、职业和公民生活中将面临的新情况。因此,人们对评估深度学习方法是否与改善各种背景学生的教育结果有关的研究兴趣日益增加。然而,迄今为止,对于更深入的学习方法是否能产生更好的学生成果,还没有严格的经验证明(国家研究委员会(NRC) , 2012; 元和乐, 2010) 。




1) 在与经合组织基于PISA的学校测试相关的内容知识和批判性思维技能的测量中得分更高


















基于经合组织PISA的学校测试:为了评估学生的内容知识、批判性思维和解决问题的能力,我们对每个网络和非网络中所有抽样并同意的11和12年级学生进行了基于OECD PISA的学校测试学校于2013年春季入学。出于本研究的目的,我们获准将测试用于比国际规范样本年龄更大的学生,并使用个别学生的最大似然估计作为我们的主要结果。我们总共对1,267名学生进行了评估,平均回应率为61%。





调查样本中包含了一对学校, 但未包含在经合组织基于PISA的学校测试样本中。使用来自综合高等教育数据系统的数据合并了关于机构选择性的信息。选择性机构被定义为四年制机构,其中至少80%的学生是全日制学生,学生的考试成绩使该机构成为美国学士学位授予机构的前五分之一。


下面, 我们总结了我们对学生调查和经合组织基于PISA的学校数据测试的总体分析结果,该分析基于汇总了11个学校对的结果的元分析。结果见附录表2。主要发现包括:



除了上述结果之外,我们目前正在分析地区现有数据,以便我们可以衡量就读网络学校对州成绩测试分数和毕业率的影响。我们还从国家学生信息交换所(NSC) 获得了最年长学生群体的数据,以便我们可以观察就读网络学校是否影响了高等教育入学率、高等教育持续性以及学生就读机构的选择性。这些初步调查结果目前在内部审查完成之前被禁止使用,但将在夏季提供,以便在秋季的会议上进行介绍。



外文文献出处:Taylor J . Evidence of Deeper Learning Outcomes: Findings from the Study of Deeper Learning.[J]. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2014:38.


Evidence of Deeper Learning Outcomes: Findings from the Study of Deeper Learning


The 'Study of Deeper Learning: Opportunities and Outcomes', funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is a 'proof-of-concept' study to determine whether students attending high schools with a mature and at least moderately well-implemented approach to promoting deeper learning experience greater deeper learning opportunities and outcomes than they would have had they not attended these schools. The study includes a set of high schools belonging to networks that are aligned with a deeper learning approach. The purpose of this paper is to provide quasi-experimental empirical evidence on whether or not students who experienced these network schools approaches achieved better outcomes than they would have otherwise. Specifically, did students attending these network schools: score higher on measures of content knowledge and critical thinking skills associated with the OECD PISA-based Test for Schools; report higher levels of intrand.

Problem / Background / Context:

Concerns persist that not enough students are acquir


作者:James Taylor

单位:American Institutes for Research

外文文献出处:Taylor J . Evidence of Deeper Learning Outcomes: Findings from the Study of Deeper Learning.[J]. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2014:38.


Evidence of Deeper Learning Outcomes: Findings from the Study of Deeper Learning


The 'Study of Deeper Learning: Opportunities and Outcomes', funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is a 'proof-of-concept' study to determine whether students attending high schools with a mature and at least moderately well-implemented approach to promoting deeper learning experience greater deeper learning opportunities and outcomes than they would have had they not attended these schools. The study includes a set of high schools belonging to networks that are aligned with a deeper learning approach. The purpose of this paper is to provide quasi-experimental empirical evidence on whether or not students who experienced these network schools approaches achieved better outcomes than they would have otherwise. Specifically, did students attending these network schools: score higher on measures of content knowledge and critical thinking skills associated with the OECD PISA-based Test for Schools; report higher levels of intrand.

Problem / Background / Context:

Concerns persist that not enough students are acquiring the complex knowledge and skills that transfer to the novel situations they will confront in college, career and civic life. As a result, there has been increased interest in research to evaluate whether a deeper learning approach is associated with improved educational outcomes for students of all backgrounds. However, to date there is little rigorous empirical evidence on whether deeper learning approaches produce better student outcomes (National Research Council (NRC), 2012; Yuan amp; Le, 2010)


Purpose / Objective / Research Question / Focus of Research:

The Study of Deeper Learning: Opportunities and Outcomes, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is a proof-of-concept study to determine whether students attending high schools with a mature and at least moderately well-implemented approach to promoting deeper learning experience greater deeper learning opportunities and outcomes than they would have had they not attended these schools. The study includes a set of high schools belonging to networks that are aligned with a deeper learning approach. In paper #2 of this proposed symposium, we have established that students in network high schools did indeed experience greater opportunities to learn deeply, that those opportunities were broadly spread across students, and that deeper learning opportunities were associated with deeper learning outcomes.

The purpose of this paper is to provide quasi-experimental empirical evidence on whether or not students who experienced these network schoolsrsquo; approaches achieved better outcomes than they would have otherwise. Specifically, did students attending these network schools

1) score higher on measures of content knowledge and critical thinking skills associated with the OECD PISA-based Test for Schools

2) report higher levels of intra- and inter-personal competencies and dispositions

3) attain a higher rate of graduation or

4) attain a higher rate of post-secondary matriculation than they would have if they had not attended the network schools?

Improvement Initiative / Intervention / Program / Practice:

As discussed in the abstract for paper #2, the Study of Deeper Learning examined a sample of network schools that were implementing instructional approaches aligned with deeper learning.The networks and schools differed in their approaches to deeper learning, but some features were common across network schools. For example, all schools engaged students in some form of project-based learning that focused on the development of problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, and/or communication skills, while engaging students in real-world experiences. Schools were engaged in authentic assessment practices including portfolios and exhibitions, and teachers used frequent formative assessments to gauge student learning and inform instruction. In addition, schools provided personalized learning environments to engage students in learning and provide individualized support.


As in the previous papers, this analysis relies on student-level data from schools located in six districts across two states: California and New York.

Population / Participants / Subjects:

As in the previous papers, the sample of schools for this analysis included a set of moderate to high-implementing network high schools and a set of schools serving similar student populations in the same jurisdiction as the network school, but not belonging to one of the 10 networks. Our goal was to identify and recruit a “non-network”school with similar student characteristics for

each network school so that we could conduct student-level analyses with similar student populations across the two groups of schools. Specific criteria for sampling of the network and non-network schools are included in the abstract for paper #1.

For the analysis and findings described in this paper, we collected data from students within 12 network high schools, which represented 8 of the 10 networks and were located in five different districts across two states.Analyses also include students attending 10 non-network schools located in six districts across two states. One non-network school was matched to two network schools, for a total of 11 school pairs.

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