
 2022-08-09 11:46:46

Drama Goes Viral: Effects of Story Development on Shares and Views of Online Advertising Videos

Porter and Golan (2006) defined viral video advertising as“unpaid peer-to-peer communication of provocative content originating from an identified sponsor using the Internet to persuade or influence an audience to pass along the content to others.” Later, Eckler and Rodgers (2010) redefined viral advertising as “a persuasive message distributed by an advertiser through an unpaid channel among peers on interactive digital platforms.” Since then, scholars have researched online ad videos searching for the characteristics that make videos go viral through increased shares and views.Southgate, Westoby, and Page (2010) established that enjoyment and involvement predicted viral viewings of TV ads. Eckler and Bolls (2011) approached viral ad video research from an information processing perspective discovering that pleasant emotional tone elicited strong intention to forward.Hsieh, Hsieh, and Tang (2012) utilized Lasswells classic formula of communication theory and found that humor had positive influences on forwarding intentions while awareness of persuasion had negative influence. They suggested disguising commercial intent to attract viewers and persuade them to forward. Berger and Milkman (2012) identified online content evoking high-arousal positive (awe) or negative (anger/anxiety) emotions as more viral than low-arousal. Similarly, Nelson-Field (2013) studied viral ad videos discovering highly arousing videos eliciting positive or negative emotions were shared most. Yet, videos eliciting positive emotions were shared 30% more than negative ones. The amount of branding seen in the viral ad videos did not affect their sharing potential (McNeal 2012).

In 1979 Esslin first demonstrated that TV ads contain elements of drama. Later, Wells (1988) and Deighton, Romer,and McQueen (1989) studied TV ad forms separating drama from lecture or argument. To measure argument versus drama Deighton, Romer, and McQueen (1989) created a three-point dramatization scale indicating that argument has no characters or plot. Additional researchers followed (Boller 1990; Boller and Olson 1991; Stern 1991, 1992) and studied TV ads as either dramas or arguments discovering that having a dramatic form influenced consumer response through vicarious participation and evoking empathy. Stern (1994) explained these effects through attribution theory where consumers make inferences about behavior in the observed world interpreting a cause-and-effect progression from the unified plot of a drama.Later, Escalas and Stern (2003) found that both empathy and sympathy enhance positive attitudes toward television ads.

Of course, there is not only one way to put a story together.Alternatives include events selected, the order they appear,characters and points of view. Setting, time period, and style can change the way a story is told, but that does not change the base story or plot. In order to have a story you must have a plot,or an interrelated sequence of events represented as a dramatic arc. Not all viral ad videos tell a story and tell it in a fully developed manner. Despite the various specific ways a story (events, characters, setting, perspective, style) can be told,could simply having a story create social value and something worth talking about?

Scholars have drawn from varied theories and frameworks to uncover what influences virality in viral ad videos.Researchers have approached studies from an information processing and referral decision making process perspective.They have utilized Lasswells classic formula of communication theory and emotion regulation theory. They have drawn upon theoretical memory-based frameworks, tested psychological motivations and researched brand and interpersonal relationships. This study advances previous explorations by adding a dramatic theory perspective to viral ad video research and by identifying a new dimension of video content that affects digital virality. Previous research found sharing associations based on outcomes such as evoking emotions and distinctiveness. This study advances those findings,providing insight into how to create those outcomes to increase virality from direct consumer social media share and view data.

Long before interactive marketing and the Internet researchers have studied what elements of TV ads influence consumer response. Research has established strong connections between drama in TV ads and consumer behavior. Despite a multitude of previous research, none have applied dramatic theory (dramatic form) to viral ad videos. This study advances dramatic form theory to viral ad videos in social media answering calls in previous research. It was the first to find a correlation of story development (five-act dramatic form) with consumer online shares of viral ad videos answering calls to study big data through industry partnerships applying academic research and theories to open web consumer behavioral response data. Most previous viral ad and dramatic form in TV ad research has relied on survey data and behavioral intent versus more direct measures.

The broader topic of story and storytelling has been researched in relation to marketing and advertising from many different perspectives, disciplines and within varying theoretical frameworks. This study attempted to illustrate how these diverse lines of research (e.g., drama, story grammar, narrative,and transportation theory) could potentially converge around a unified model for creating dramatic structure producing effects measured by previous studies and theoretical perspectives.

When viral ad video reach is obtained by organic sharing of consumers, marketers need to know what makes a viral ad video worth sharing. These findings indicate viral ad videos are more likely to be shared if they tell a story, and the more developed the story (four- and five-












尽管研究发现积极和消极的情绪都会增加受众的兴趣,但积极和愉快的情绪基调会增加传播的可能性。一个正面的故事结尾能加强对信息意义的反思,增强故事信念。更具体地说,讲述充满敬畏和情感的故事会创造出值得谈论的故事,因为这些都是人们希望在社交媒体上与他人分享的情感。纳尔逊·菲尔德(2013)发现,幽默、灵感、惊讶和兴奋等积极的高唤醒情绪产生了更多的分享和观点。后来,尼科利纳库和金(2018)增加了进一步的洞察,指出基于趋势和产生强烈反应的独特故事增加了分享意图。然而,当创造一个故事来产生强烈的反应时,我们需要小心保持积极的反应。引发负面评论的故事会降低推荐接受率(海斯、山和金 2018)。

开始与结尾对创作一个故事来说是最重要的。第一幕应该引起注意,这样视频就不会被抛弃。故事也应该发展到完整的第五幕,因为它对可爱性和转发意图的影响最大(谢胡、比杰莫尔特和克莱门特 2016)。吸引和保持注意力的一种方法是将人物与目标观众联系起来。故事通过促进移情与同情,增加受众的参与感,增强了受众对广告的积极情绪。米勒、斯托伊卡和基利奇(2017)发现,为视频选择的演员应该与预期目标观众的演员匹配,以产生强大的社会关系。扎克(2014)在生物学角度指出,观看相关角色的故事有助于人体释放催产素,而释放的催产素量会干预消费者行为,如慈善捐赠等。

病毒式营销机构梅卡尼姆建议营销人员不要讲任何随机故事。他们进行消费者研究,以确定目标受众的独特兴趣和需求,然后围绕这些兴趣和需求编造故事。例如,梅卡尼姆针对千禧一代的视频以前卫、幽默的派对故事为特色,而查尔斯·施瓦布的视频则以在高尔夫球场上有严肃故事的中年男性为目标。策划“金色格拉姆汉麦片”这款食品时,梅卡尼姆直接在推特上上向大学毕业生询问有趣的采访故事,并将这些真实故事转化为成功的病毒式广告视频活动(特谢拉和卡弗利 2012)。此外,视频度量公司昂热里开展了一项研究,确定了人们与他人分享视频的10个主要原因,其中就包括了视频中植入目标受众感兴趣故事或他们关心的事件(戴斯迈拉丝 2014)。另一种病毒式广告视频创作的方法不是专注于品牌故事的讲述,而是试图围绕品牌信息讲述目标消费者的故事。这样一来,病毒式广告视频制作可以更多地从以客户为中心的营销模式中进行协同创作。

另一个病毒广告视频创作的考虑因素是推广。良好的传播策略是病毒广告视频成功的一个组成部分。这包括选择第一批传播视频的消费者。重要的是要选择与品牌关系密切、对他人有强烈影响力的消费者。对于影响者营销,这意味着选择特定领域或兴趣领域的社交媒体影响者,如微影响者,而不是那些拥有最多追随者的人。然而,目标消费者的范围不应该太窄。研究表明,适度的需求重叠是最好的,因为过于同质的群体可能会限制扩散(刘汤普金斯 2012)。

病毒式营销公司梅卡尼姆建议,首先将病毒式广告视频植入受欢迎的博主和其他知名网络影响者。然后,营销人员应该在品牌社交媒体页面上免费分发内容,以促进分享和品牌参与。第三,他们建议通过传统的线上和线下广告来支持病毒式营销,包括盈利、自有和付费媒体(特谢拉和卡弗利 2012)。视频度量公司昂热里进一步增加了洞察力。通过对200个顶级视频的逐日研究,他们发现视频发布后的前三天对短期和长期的成功至关重要。因此,他们建议提前开展一项活动,提前大量分发视频,让广大观众看到并分享视频(戴斯迈拉丝 2014)。




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