
 2022-09-18 17:39:33

Early Western feminist literature on the impact of Western society


The purpose of this paper is to understand the generation of western feminism and the influence

of modern feminism. The history of feminism involves the story of feminist movements and of

feminist thinkers. Feminists are 'person[s] whose beliefs and behavior[s] are based on feminism.'

(The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin,

3d ed. 1992 )) The first wave of the western feminism refers mainly to womens suffrage of

movements of the 19th and early 20th. The feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s fueled

creative energies for many women writers. As the womens movement gained more acceptance,

however, women wrote less in protest and more in affirmation. Only in the 1970s did other

ethnic groups begin to find their literary voice. The writers there mostly effected by

Toni Morrison and some of them won the Nobel Prize. They went through the Civil Rights

Movement , the Anti-War Movement and Womens Liberation Movement and Gay Rights Activities,

etc. And they gain some rights. For example, feminists are often proponents of using non-sexist

language, using 'Ms.' to refer to both married and unmarried women. In the aspect of effect of

social status, the increased entry of women into the workplace beginning in the 20th century

has affected gender roles and the division of labor within households. All these samples

indicates the modern feminism and nowadays social change of heterosexual relationships results

from the effort of the first wave of the western feminism


A. The definition of 'feminism' in the first wave and that in modern .

B. Feminism has been an important part of modern life. It also through a rough development

——a long history began in the 1800s.

C. The movement of the early feminism.



'Feminism' is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Cambridge British Dictionary) Its concepts overlap with those of

womens rights. Feminism is mainly focused on womens issues, but because feminism seeks

gender equality, some feminists argue that mens liberation is therefore a necessary part of

feminism, and that men are also harmed by sexism and gender roles. Feminists are 'person[s]

whose beliefs and behavior[s] are based on feminism.' (The American Heritage Dictionary of the

English Language (Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 3d ed. 1992 )) In the nineteenth century,

it focused on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for

women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused primarily on gaining

political power, particularly the right of womens suffrage,though some feminists were active in campaigning for womens sexual, reproductive,

and economic rights at this time

Main History of First Stage

The feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s fueled creative energies for many women writers.

As the womens movement gained more acceptance, however, women wrote less in protest and more

in affirmation——particularly black women writers, such as Toni Morrison(1931- ) and Alice

Walker(1944- ), who are African American women writers, portrayed strong black women as the

source of continuity, the preservers of values in black culture. Only in the 1970s did other

ethnic groups begin to find their literary voice. They went through the Civil Rights Movement,

the Anti-War Movement and Womens Liberation Movement and Gay Rights Activities, etc. 2003,

a magazine named 'shook the tree'(2003) (editor, MeiLi · nana armagh DanJi ), recorded 23

black women writers literature and booming the American Women Writers. The writers there

mostly effected by Toni Morrison and some of them won the Nobel Prize. In the U.S., leaders

of the feminist movement campaigned for the abolition of slavery and Temperance prior to

championing womens rights. American first-wave feminism involved a wide range of women,

some belonging to conservative Christian groups (such as Frances Willard and the Womans

Christian Temperance Union), others resembling the diversity and radicalism of much of

second-wave feminism (such as Stanton, Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage and the National Woman

Suffrage Association, of which Stanton was president). In the United States first-wave

feminism is considered to have ended with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the

United States Constitution (1919), granting women the right to vote.. In the U.K. and U.S.,

it focused on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for

women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused primarily on gaining

political power, particularly the right of womens suffrage, though some feminists were

active in campaigning for womens sexual, reproductive, and economic rights at this

time(Botting, Eileen H, Houser, Sarah L).[1]

Literature Achievements in the First Stage

Jeremy Bentham: The remarkable utilitarian and classical liberal philosopher Jeremy

Bentham said that it was the placing of women in a legally inferior position that made

him choose the career of a reformist, at the age of eleven. Bentham spoke for a complete

equality between sexes includ


Early Western feminist literature on the impact of Western society


The purpose of this paper is to understand the generation of western feminism and the influence

of modern feminism. The history of feminism involves the story of feminist movements and of

feminist thinkers. Feminists are 'person[s] whose beliefs and behavior[s] are based on feminism.'

(The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin,

3d ed. 1992 )) The first wave of the western feminism refers mainly to womens suffrage of

movements of the 19th and early 20th. The feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s fueled

creative energies for many women writers. As the womens movement gained more acceptance,

however, women wrote less in protest and more in affirmation. Only in the 1970s did other

ethnic groups begin to find their literary voice. The writers there mostly effected by

Toni Morrison and some of them won the Nobel Prize. They went through the Civil Rights

Movement , the Anti-War Movement and Womens Liberation Movement and Gay Rights Activities, etc. And they gain some rights. For example, feminists are often proponents of using non-sexist language, using 'Ms.' to refer to both married and unmarried women. In the aspect of effect of social status, the increased entry of women into the workplace beginning in the 20th century has affected gender roles and the division of labor within households. All these samples

indicates the modern feminism and nowadays social change of heterosexual relationships results

from the effort of the first wave of the western feminism



本篇论文的主旨所在是:去帮助读者了解西方女性主义的产生及其对于现代女性主义的影响。女权主义的历史包括了女权运动的故事以及女权运动的历史女性主义思想家。女权主义者是指:某些将自身信念和行为基于女性主义基础之上的人(美国传统英语词典 波士顿 霍顿米夫林 三维版 1992}。西方女权主义第一次的浪潮主要是为了争夺女性的选举权,而在十九世纪和二十年初发起的。而到了后来的20世纪60年代和70年代,女权主义运动为当时许多的女性作家提供了创造性的能量。由于女性运动逐渐被更多人所接受,女性写作中逐步减少了对抗议的描写,从而更多更大篇幅的写到肯定。仅仅是在70年代,其他的少数族群也同样开始寻找他们自己的文学声音。那里的作家大多受墨里森托妮的影响,而且他们中的一些人还获得了诺贝尔奖。 他们通过展开民事权利运动、反战运动、妇女解放运动和同性恋权利斗争等一系列的活动,因此获得了一些权利。比如说:女权主义者开始成为使用非性别歧视语言的支持者。例如“Ms”这个单词,是在不知女性对方是否已婚的情况下而使用的专属性别名词前缀。至于在社会地位方面的影响,在进入到20世纪后,妇女进入工作场所的现象开始明显增加,此现象也影响了性别角色定义和在家庭中的劳动分工。所有这些实例都反证了:现代女性主义与当今社会异性恋关系的产生改变的原因皆是受西方女权主义的第一次浪潮的影响。


A. The definition of 'feminism' in the first wave and that in modern .

B. Feminism has been an important part of modern life. It also through a rough development

——a long history began in the 1800s.

C. The movement of the early feminism.







'Feminism' is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Cambridge British Dictionary) Its concepts overlap with those of

womens rights. Feminism is mainly focused on womens issues, but because feminism seeks

gender equality, some feminists arg

feminism, and that men are also harmed by sexism and gender roles. Feminists are 'person[s]

whose beliefs and behavior[s] are based on feminism.' (The American Heritage Dictionary of the

English Language (Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 3d ed. 1992 )) In the nineteenth century,

it focused on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for

women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused primarily on gaining

political power, particularly the right of womens suffrage,though some feminists were active in campaigning for womens sexual, reproductive, and economic rights at this time



“女权主义”是一项旨在为女性而确定、建立和维护平等的政治、经济、社会权利的运动以及赋予女性与男性平等的生活机会。(韦氏词典,英国剑桥字典)它的概念与女性权利所重叠相同。女性主义主要关注女性的问题,但因为女性主义追求性别平等,一些女权主义者认为:性别平等。因此,男人的解放也是一个必要的组成。部分女性主义使得男性同样也受性别歧视和性别角色限制。女权主义者是指她们的信仰和行为都是以女权主义为基础的人群。”(美国传统词典英语 波士顿 顿米夫林 3D版 1992)在第十九世纪,女性主义专注于为女性促进平等契约,婚姻,养育子女,和财产权.然而到了第十九世纪末,活动更多的主要集中于获得更大的政治权力,尤其是妇女的选举权。在这个时候特别是一些女权主义者积极地为妇女的性、生殖以及经济等方面权利作斗争。

Main History of First Stage

The feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s fueled creative energies for many women writers. As the womens movement gained more acceptance, however, women wrote less in protest and morein affirmation——particularly black women writers, such as Toni Morrison(1931- ) and Alice

Walker(1944- ), who are African American women writers, portrayed strong black women as the

source of continuity, the preservers of values in black culture. Only in the 1970s did other

ethnic groups begin to find their literary voice. They went through the Civil Rights Movement,

the Anti-War Movement and Womens Liberation Movement and Gay Rights Activities, etc. 2003, a magazine named 'shook the tree'(2003) (editor, MeiLi · nana armagh DanJi ), recorded 23

black women writers literature and booming the American Women Writers. The writers there

mostly effected by Toni Morrison and some of them won the Nobel Prize. In the U.S., leaders

of the feminist movement campaigned for the abolition of slavery and Temperance prior to

championing womens rights. American first-wave feminism involved a wide range of women,

some belonging to conservative Christian groups (such as Frances Willard and the Womans

Christian Temperance Union), others resembling the diversity and radicalism of much of

second-wave feminism (such as Stanton, Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage and the National Woman

Suffrage Associat



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