
 2022-09-23 17:07:49

China Compared with the US: Cultural Differences and the Impacts on Advertising Appeals

Charles Emery

Erskine College

Kelly R. Tian

University of Chicago

An important first step to successful global marketing is to understand the similarities and dissimilarities of values between cultures. This task is particularly daunting for companies trying to do business with China because of the scarcity of research-based information. This study uses updated values of Hofstedersquo;s (1980) cultural model to compare the effectiveness of Pollayrsquo;s advertising appeals between the U.S. and China. Nine of the twenty hypotheses predicting effective appeals based on cultural dimensions were supported. An additional hypothesis was significant, but in the opposite direction as predicted. These findings suggest that it would be unwise to use Hofstedersquo;s cultural dimensions as a sole predictor for effective advertising appeals. The Hofstede dimensions may lack the currency and fine grain necessary to effectively predict the success of the various advertising appeals. Further, the effectiveness of advertising appeals may be moderated by other factors, such as age, societal trends, political-legal environment and product usage.


Previous research indicates that the effectiveness of advertising is highly dependent on cultural variations (Cheng and Schweitzer, 1996; Culter and Rajshekhar, 1992; Monga and John, 2007; Shavitt and Zhang, 2004). Scholars have studied whether advertisements with appeals adapted to the audiencersquo;s important cultural values (e.g., individualism for North Americans and collectivism for Chinese) tend to be more persuasive and better liked than appeals unadapted to such values (Zhang, 2004). More recently, Hornikx and OKeefe (2009) conducted a meta-analytic review of the research and found that adapted ads are somewhat slightly more persuasive and better liked than unadapted ads.

Generally, researchers have paired countries to test for differences in several values portrayed in advertising to determine the most effective methods. Albers-Miller and Gelb (1996) conducted the largest and most widely recognized study of this nature using Hofstedes (1980) four cultural dimensions and Pollays (1983) list of common advertising appeals. Unfortunately, they did not

International Journal of China Marketing Vol. 1(1) 2010


compare the value systems and perceptions of effective advertising of the Mainland Chinese with those of the United States. As such, smaller marketing firms are forced to develop advertising programs based on data extrapolated from research on Korean and Taiwanese value systems (Emery and Tian 2003).

Chinas gross domestic product is reported to be $1.335 trillion by the middle of 2010, surpassing Japans GDP of $1.286 trillion, making China the second largest economy in the world (Gustin 2010). Accordingly, the Chinese consumer market is the second largest in the world in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and is growing at a double-digit pace since 1990s (Sun 2007, Fraser and Raynor 1996). As early as in 2001 it was predicted that the Peoples Republic of China would be the second largest Internet user and that the Chinese language will be the most used language on the Internet by 2005 (Rodrigues, 2001). This prediction was witnessed to be true in the end. As of June 2010, the population of Chinas Internet users climbed to 420 million, 36 million more than at the end of 2009 (Gao, 2010). The fast growth of the economy, coupled with Chinrsquo;s enormous population of over 1.4 billion people, has made China attractive for global marketers. It was reported that multinational agencies mostly headquartered in the United States have been seeking markets in China and bringing their offices to China. At the same time along with their increased incomes, the Chinese people have started to demand a wider choice of products and services. Chinese consumers have become more used to employing advertising as their information source to make purchasing decisions, and in addition, more and more companies use advertising as the means to promote their products and services (Chang and Chang, 2005; Gustin, 2010).

Advertising has become one of Chinarsquo;s fastest-growing industries. According to Nielsen Media Research, the United States ranked first in advertising in 2005, and China ranked third, after only the United States and Japan (China Advertising Yearbook, 2006). At the current annual advertising spending growth rate, China is expected to become one of the worlds top five advertising markets within a few years (China Association of Advertising, 2009). All this equates to tremendous opportunities for international advertising firms to help their present clients expand into China or to assist the Chinese with marketing their products abroad.

This task, however, is particularly daunting for companies trying to do business with China because of the scarcity of empirical research. Cultural differences serve as the hardest barrier to overcome as they have been deeply ingrained in the Chinese citizens over thousands of years. In fact, as some American firms have learned advertising that are effective in other markets may not work at all in the China market; more interestingly, that some advertisements which are effective in certain areas of China may not work in other areas in the same country (Kurlantzick, 2002, Tian, 2000). Meanwhile the cross-cultural pragmatic failure in English advertisements translated from Chinese has been identified as a significant issue for Chinese marketers to consider when launching advertising campaigns in the Western country markets (Sun, 2007).

A review of cross-cultural advertisin






一般情况下,研究人员已经配对的国家,以测试在广告中描绘的几个值的差异,以确定最有效的方法。阿尔伯斯米勒和盖尔布(1996)进行了大最大的和最广泛认可的这种性质的研究利用Hofstede的文化维度和四(1980)(1983)常见Pollay广告诉求清单。 不幸的是,他们没有比较大陆与美国大陆有效广告的价值体系和看法。因此,规模较小的营销公司被迫制定广告计划基于数据外推的韩国和台湾价值系统研究(Emery and Tian 2003).

中国的国内生产总值是2010美元中的1兆3350亿,超过了日本的GDP为1兆2860亿美元,使中国成为世界上第二大经济体(Gustin 2010)。因此,中国的消费市场是世界上第二大的按购买力平价(PPP),是自上世纪90年代以来,以两位数的速度增长(太阳2007,弗雷泽和雷诺1996)。早在2001的预测,中国人民共和国将成为中国的第二大互联网用户,中国语言将是互联网上使用最多的语言2005(罗德里格斯,2001)。这一预言在最后被证明是真实的。截至六月2010日,中国互联网用户的人口攀升至4亿2000万,比3600万年底的2009(高,2010)。经济的快速增长,再加上中国庞大的人口超过14亿人,使中国成为全球市场的吸引力。据报道,多家跨国公司的总部设在美国一直在寻求在中国的市场,并使他们的办事处到中国。同时随着收入的增加,中国人也开始对产品和服务的需求进行更广泛的选择。中国消费者越来越习惯于采用广告作为信息源来进行购买决策,此外,越来越多的公司将广告作为毕业舞会的手段通过他们的产品和服务 (Chang and Chang, 2005; Gustin, 2010).


然而,这项任务,对于那些试图跟中国进行贸易交易的企业,是特别艰巨的,这是因为缺乏实证研究。文化差异是最难克服的障碍在几千年的中国公民中根深蒂固的文化观念、思想。事实上,由于一些美国公司已经明白了在其他市场上有效的广告,在中国市场上可能并不会有效; 更有趣的是,一些在中国某些地区有效的广告在其他地区可能并不会起效(Kurlantzick, 2002, Tian, 2000). 同时,在英语广告中的跨文化语用失误已被认定为中国营销人员在针对西方国家市场的广告投放时考虑的一个重要问题。(Sun, 2007).跨文化广告研究发表在18大期刊80和90年代初之间,发现只有一个研究涉及到中国,并且没有一个中国与美国之间进行比较(Samiee and Jeong, 1994). Emery and Tian (2002a, 2002b) 更新这项研究在2001和1992之间,并发现了三项有关中国的研究,只有一个是有关美国和中国的比较。 自那时以来,虽然在这方面没有系统的研究,但是相关学者已经开始关注它。例如,在她最近的新书《新中国品牌》中 ,Wang (2008) 为我们提供了一个独特的视角对中国的广告和营销文化,展示了美国品牌理论和模型在中国广告的影响。 本研究的目的是通过比较中国与美国的有效广告诉求,部分解决这一运动。



成功跨文化营销的第一步是了解文化差异(Briley and Aaker, 2006; Lillis and Tian, 2010). 原因是消费者在特定的文化中成长,并且习惯于文化的价值体系、信仰和感知过程。因此,他们对广告信息的反应是一致的,他们的文化,奖励广告主了解文化和广告,以反映其价值 (Cheng and Schweitzer, 1996; Culter and Javalgi,1992, Desmarais, 2007)。 阿尔伯斯Miller(1996)的研究表明,55个国家对类似的文化也有类似的广告内容和不同的社会有不同的广告内容。 霍夫斯泰德(1980)最常引用的跨文化理解的基准是开创性的研究,对于民族文化和职业价值观之间的关系(Tian, 2000) . Hofstede认为,一个国家的价值体系可以被描述在四个维度:个人主义(IDV)、权力距离、不确定性规避(PDI)(UAI),与男性(MAS)。


权力距离维度指的是权力差异被社会接受和认可的程度。换言之,这说明不同社会在社会地位和威望上的基本人类不平等,财富和权力的来源。在一个高比分的国家,在一个国家的社会规范是强大的人看起来尽可能强大。有能力的人被认为是正确的和良好的。强大的人将拥有特权。在权力距离大的国家,权力的行使提供了满意和有权势的人尽量保持和增加功率的差异(霍夫斯泰德 1980)。



霍夫斯泰德的研究一直在推进跨文化消费的认识工具并经常被用作定制和全球营销的方法之间的选择的基础 (Tian, 2000).不幸的是,霍夫斯泰德在他1980项研究的时候,他不能够绘制中国大陆文化。后来霍夫斯泰德解释说他的1980研究在世界各地的办事处用IBM员工的文化价值观。当时中国没有IBM办公室和访问的同类员工被拒绝(霍夫斯泰德,1993)费尔南德兹等 (1997) 。然而,更新原有的文化研究,首次包括中国大陆维值。但是,重要的是要注意费尔南德兹等在他们的研究过程中的对象本科和研究生的学习。中国与美国的关系在这项研究中被作为一个标准化的表1。




















成功跨文化营销的第二步是了解一个社会对广告诉求的敏感度。广告诉求是广告主使用他们的产品如何通过嵌入一个文化的价值观,规范和特性来传达他们的产品如何满足客户需求的具体方法(Arens and Bovee, 1994; Hornikx and OKeefe ,2009)。这些诉求通常是在广告的插图和标题中进行的,并得到广告文案的支持和加强。研究人员认为,文化价值观是典型的广告信息和广告的核心支持,美化,必然加强文化价值观 (Desmarais, 2007; Pollay and Gallagher, 1990)。

广告一直被视为反映特定文化的价值观的一面镜子,以前的研究报告指出,广告内容在不同文化背景上有所不同(Cheng and Schweitzer, 1996; Nelson and Paek, 2005)。有证据表明,不同的文化似乎强调不同的广告诉求。例如,日本广告被发现含有更多的情感和较少的比较上诉比美国广告(Hong, Muderrisoglu and Zinkhan, 1987)在中国的广告中,广告被发现含有更多的功利诉求,即关注生活的状态,并保证更好的生活。(Chan and Cheng, 2002)。


虽然稀疏,对跨文化广告诉求的研究一般都是通过对国家进行的配对测试来检验广告中的几个值的差异,以确定最有效的方法 (Zinkhan, 1994)。阿尔伯斯米勒和盖尔布(1996)进行的,也许,最大的参考测试跨文化广告诉求采用霍夫斯泰德(1980)的四个文化维度和pollay(1983)列表十一个国家的共同广告诉求。pollay列出了42种常见的诉求,通过借鉴前人的广告文学和其他学科的价值研究。然而, Albers -Miller and Gelb,没有研究中国,因为霍夫斯泰德措施缺乏。阿尔伯斯米勒和盖尔布(1996)用六者来自不同国家(如台湾,印度,法国,墨西哥,和两个来自美国)涉及Pollay呼吁霍夫斯泰德的理论。程序员被要求与每个上诉到一个单一的文化维度的一端或表明的尺寸没有相关的上诉。诉求保留其研究那些至少四的六编码表示相同的假设的关系。42的十二个上诉被消除,因为缺乏关于一个假设的关系的协议,或因为上诉没有涉及到任何的尺寸。此外,其余30个上诉中的10个未能支持虚拟的三维价值观。表20中总结出的2个显著上诉之间的关系。




















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