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Research report

Evolutions in food marketing, quantifying the impact, and policy implications

Georgina Cairns

Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, United Kingdom

article info:

Article history: Available online 31 July 2012

Keywords: Interactive digital marketing ;Food marketing; Children Monitoring and evaluation ;Measuring effects; Marketing policy ;Marketing co-creation ;Marketing data


A case study on interactive digital marketing examined the adequacy of extant policy controls and their underpinning paradigms to constrain the effects of this rapidly emerging practice.

Findings were interactive digital marketing is expanding the strategies available to promote products, brands and consumer behaviours. It facilitates relational marketing; the collection of personal data for marketing; integration of the marketing mix, and provides a platform for consumers to engage in the co-creation of marketing communications. The paradigmatic logic of current policies to constrain youth-oriented food marketing does not address the interactive nature of digital marketing. The evidence base on the effects of HFSS marketing and policy interventions is based on conceptualizations of marketing as a force promoting transactions rather than interactions. Digital technologies are generating rich consumer data. Interactive digital technologies increase the complexity of the task of quantifying the impact of marketing. The rapidity of its uptake also increases urgency of need to identify appropriate effects measures. Independent analysis of commercial consumer data (appropriately transformed to protect commercial confidentiality and personal privacy) would provide evidence sources for policy on the impacts of commercial food and beverage marketing and policy controls.

2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Historically marketing theory and marketing control policy paradigms have cast marketers as the producers of marketing communications and consumers as the recipients of these communications (Wilkie amp; Moore, 2003). The emergence of interactive digital technologies is driving a rapid evolution from marketer-driven promotions aimed at consumers to interactive co-creational and user-generated marketing communications (Precourt, 2009).

This paper reports on a case study that examined the adequacy of current food marketing to children policies to control digitally mediated, interactive marketing of high fat, salt, sugar (HFSS) foods to children.

Interactive digital marketing

Interactive digital marketing (IDM) describes a broad range of communication platforms and tools, including mobile phone text and visual media messaging, social networking sites, product review websites, wikis, blogs, chat rooms, online gaming sites and websites hosting user generated content such as video, photos and consumer reviews. Digital technologies collect and process marketing-relevant personal data. This data can be aggregated to inform mass marketing activities or processed at a micro-level to support highly targeted marketing such as online behavioural advertising, personalised purchase incentives and to encourage consumer engagement in brand-based promotional activities.

Digitally mediated communications are enabling a shift from traditional, centrally produced and distributed marketing to more lsquo;conversationalrsquo;, collaborative marketing relationships. Conversations comprise a mix of spontaneous commentary and dialogue and commercially initiated brand-based content. The commercial sector is well aware of the significant potential benefits and risks of such conversation. A 2007 global survey by the Nielsen market research company found more than seventy five per cent of respondents rated peer to peer recommendations as the most trustworthy form of advertising (cited in IAB, 2008). Conversely, digitally mediated sharing and dissemination of information and opinion exposes brands and corporations to public scrutiny and comment. Negative reactions can quickly develop into reputational damage which is difficult to reverse and companies seek to minimise risk, but must simultaneously avoid being perceived to be manipulating interactions (Kozinets, de Valck, Wojnicki, amp; Wilner, 2010; Laczniak, 2006). Unsurprising therefore, that expertise and technology to monitor and evaluate user generated content and secondary social responses independent of confidential commercial strategy has already been developed (see for example http://www.liveworld.com/).


lsquo;Connect, collect, and co-creatersquo; are a bundle of unique IDM functions which can be employed independently of other marketing strategies and activities or integrated to enhance synergies.

Connecting consumer and producer is a prerequisite for marketing relationship. Codes on packaging or in television advertisement entered into a website or as a text to an SMS (short messaging service) for example can be used to initiate a new relationship, reinforce an existing one, or introduce an individual to a virtual community built around a brand or package of consumer interests, such as music and food. IDM and particularly social media have proven to be particularly efficient platforms through which to collect personal data. It has been suggested that the user data associated with the social networking site, MySpace, was the primary reason that the Murdoch News Corporation paid nearly US$600 million to own it (Chester amp; Montgomery, 2007). Social networking, blogging and micro-blogging sites, even photo and video sharing sites for example are a rich sour



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