An Exploration of English and Chinese Affixoids
Affixoids, which are pervasive both in modern English and Chinese, are a continuum of word-building elements from content words to prototypical affixes. From the perspective of the grammaticalization theory, along with the lexicalization one, this thesis attempts to probe into the semantic and word-building features of English and Chinese affixoids and their forming mechanisms as well. Meanwhile, it also seeks to look into the relationship the evolution process of affixoids. What have been observed in this thesis can enrich the theory of universal grammaticalization.
Based on the above discussion and analysis, the thesis comes to the following conclusions. Firstly, it is hypothesized that English and Chinese affixoids are the marginal members within the category of derivational affixes in the light of the prototype theory. They are a continuum of variants from content words to prototypical affixes and their forming process is the process of grammaticalization. Secondly, it is concluded that English and Chinese affixoids exhibit different degrees of semantic weakening and bleaching, and these new meanings are usually adhesive to stems or roots. In addition, in English, semantic bleaching sometimes results in the derivation of new forms detached from affixoids and become prototypical affixes. However, Chinese affixoids tend to develop into word-internal elements. It is also found that both English and Chinese affixoids possess the word-building features of productivity and fixed-position. Thirdly, it is assumed that metaphorization, metonymization, lexicalization and analogical extension are the important mechanisms for the formation of affixoids and they interactively promote the process of affixization. Metaphorization and metonymization transfer the meanings of content words which gradually evolve into affixoids from concrete to abstract to different degrees. Promoted by analogical leveling and reanalysis respectively, the lexicalization of unidirectional collocative phrases and hierarchical adjacent constructions ensures some elements to be fixed in the positions of affixes, and thus these elements ultimately become the sources of affixization. Furthermore, analogical extension operating along the “paradigmatic” axis advances the use frequency of the acquired new meanings of these elements or the new structures on the basis of metaphorization, metonymization and lexicalization. Generally speaking, the overwhelming majority of English affixoids undergo the second forming pathway, but Chinese affixoids do not go in that way. The reason that may account for the phenomenon is that English and Chinese belong to the different types of languages. English is an inflectional language possessing rich variations in forms and derivatives, which are quite salient in English native speakersrsquo; cognition. It is relatively possible that a variety of derivative-like words show up as a result of lexicalization based on analogical leveling or reanalysis. Nevertheless, Chinese, which is commonly viewed as an isolating language, is poor in derivatives, and thus Chinese affixoids are less likely to develop through this route. Finally, it is demonstrated that meaning and form are interactively correlated and influenced during the evolution process of affixoids both in English and Chinese, and they together prompt the lexicalization of the holistic construction and the grammaticalization of one unit in it, which corresponds with the research of Wang Canlong (2008). The analysis of the relationship between meaning and form also provides a hint to the relationship between grammaticalization and lexicalization. That is, grammaticalization often involves lexicalization, and vice versa. They are the complementary and interdependent processes which should be elaborated on within the framework of language change.
Key Words:affixoids, semantic and word-building features,
grammaticalization, lexicalization
1 Introduction
1.1 Rationale: the Reasons for the Investigation of English and Chinese Affixoids
In the traditional view of language, the field of linguistic theory may be said to include four
major subfields. They are phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Among these, it is not until now that the study of phonology, syntax and semantics have taken the lionrsquo;s share of linguistsrsquo; particular attention. Morphology, as the study of “forms of words”, has been attached far less importance, especially less than syntax to which part of morphological study was assimilated. According to Bauer (1983:2), American structuralism was not interested in word-formation (part of morphology) because its major interest was in units smaller than the word; Transformational Forming Grammar was not interested in word-formation, either, because its main concern was with units larger than the word: the structure of phrases and sentences. Part of the reasons for this is that linguists could not devise an operational definition of word, since there is no single watertight criterion which can identify word boundaries in whatever language (Matthews 2000:4). Another reason may be the distinction between synchrony and diachrony drawn by Saussure, which has had a profound effect on linguistic studies ever since 1916, but such distinction has effectively precluded the study of morphology where synchrony and diachrony are most fruitfully considered together. Despite these handicaps, the study of morp
摘要 :
- 介绍
理论说明:研究探讨英语和汉语词缀的原因。传统语言学观点认为,语言理论领域可以说包括四个主要领域。它们是音系学、词法、句法和语义。这些领域,到目前为止,音韵学、句法和语义学的研究已经引起了语言学家们的广泛关注。形态学作为对“词的形式”的研究,一直受到重视,尤其是句法研究的一部分被同化。根据鲍尔(1983:2),美国结构主义不感兴趣(部分构词形态)因为它的主要兴趣是在单位小于字;转换形成语法也不感兴趣的字的形成,要么,因为它主要关注的是单位大于字:短语和句子的结构。原因是语言学家不能想出字的操作定义,因为没有一个单一的防水标准,可以识别任何语言的单词边界(马休斯2000:4)。另一个原因可能是共时性和历时性之间的区别通过索绪尔,自从1916对语言学研究产生了深远的影响,但这种区别已经有效地排除在共时性和历时性形态最卓有成效的研究结合起来考虑。尽管存在这些缺陷,国内外对形态学的研究也在不断扩大。现在似乎有越来越多的语言学家,如鲍尔(1983,1988,2001),马休斯(2000),帕卡德(2000),Carstairs Mc Carthy(2002)、(2002)、haspelmath哈雷(2006),Spencer amp; Zwicky(2007),陈光磊(陈光磊1994)、汪榕培和路小娟(汪榕培、卢晓娟1997)、卢国强(陆国强1999),王蓉佩(2000),lirulong amp;苏欣春(李如龙、苏新春2001)、董秀芳(董秀芳2002,2004)、王文斌(王文斌2001,2005)、刘素欣(刘苏新2006),等,谁首先关心他们的兴趣,在形态如何反映语言一般。我们相信,形态学的研究将提供新的见解,语言的性质,提高我们的理解,词汇共性。在形态学研究的范围,我们希望对类词缀在英语和汉语中都能为读者提供一个连贯的立场反对目前的研究。在现代汉语和英语,大量的词语吸引了极大的关注,例如,“后”在事后,余辉,后效,再生,再生草,余热,业余的,晚饭后,病后调养,后作,来世,后像,产后痛前,售后服务;“动听”在奇怪的冠冕堂皇的后面,有趣动听,古老的发声,值得测深,厚测深,阴险的测深,休闲测深;(零)在(零距离),(零污染),(零益),(零风险),(零拒绝),(零首付),(零缺陷);(虫)在王充(网虫),书虫(书虫),(房虫),(车虫),(馋虫),懒虫(懒虫),(寄生虫),(可怜虫),(跟屁虫),(千年虫)等等。这是一个相当有争议的定义,如项目后,冠冕堂皇,泠和冲。它们是内容词还是词缀?看起来他们好像在从内容词变成词缀。他们可能不容易归入一类。既不可能事后,听起来怪怪的,零距离,王充等结构适应衍生物或化合物的类别。他们似乎有点之间。对其语义、构词特点和形成机制的研究,一方面可以揭示英汉语言的本质和发展趋势。另一方面,由于英语是屈折语词的形式呈现丰富的变化,其中一个最有趣的和有价值的问题是探索派生词缀的来源。
类词缀,我们关心的是在这篇论文中可能是一个。相比之下,中国人普遍认为它“没有形态”,被认为是“形态贫乏”。 因此,它被确定为一种孤立的语言。然而,现代中国人民新的经验概念表征显示一个新的外观产生大量特定的构词要素本文如实例说明以上称为类词缀,这可能需要我们反思中国前外延。如上所述,语言单位的选择,无论是在英语和汉语类词缀,具有十分重要的意义,暗示这两种语言中词汇的变化规律。最后但并非最不重要的,更大的研究价值似乎更明显,如果考虑到新的类词缀显示英语和汉语之间的关联性很大,如软英语(软件、垒球、平装、软芯、软对接,软着陆,软衬,柔音踏板,软摇滚,软饮料,软水果,软钱,软科学、软技术)和软(软-)在中国软着陆,软广告,软通货,软装饰,软新闻,软饮料,软杀伤,软科学, 软技术,软推销),–门英语(囚犯的门,牛栅,智能门,辩论门事件,酒门,伊朗,莫尼卡门)和–男人(-门)在中国艳照门,质量门,华南虎门,空姐门,电话门,解说门,拉票门,桃色门,鞋带门,月饼门,火腿门),等。