
 2022-12-22 17:45:30

How to Do Things with Words



N embarking on a programme of finding a list of explicit performative verbs, it seemed that we were going to find it not always easy to distinguish per- formative utterances from constative, and it therefore seemed expedient to go farther back for a while to fundamentals—to consider from the ground up how many senses there are in which to say something is to do some- thing, or in saying something we do something, and even by saying something we do something. And we began by distinguishing a whole group of senses of doing some- thing which are all included together when we say, what is obvious, that to say something is in the full normal sense to do something—which includes the utterance of certain noises, the utterance of certain words in a certain construction, and the utterance of them with a certain meaning in the favourite philosophical sense of that word, i.e. with a certain sense and with a certain reference. The act of saying something in this full normal sense


I call, i.e. dub, the performance of a locutionary act, and the study of utterances thus far and in these respects the study of locutions, or of the full units of speech. Our interest in the locutionary act is, of course, principally to make quite plain what it is, in order to distinguish it from other acts with which we are going to be primarily

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concerned. Let me add merely that, of course, a great many further refinements would be possible and neces- sary if we were to discuss it for its own sake—refinements of very great importance not merely to philosophers but to, say, grammarians and phoneticians.

We had made three rough distinctions between the phonetic act, the phatic act, and the rhetic act. The pho- netic act is merely the act of uttering certain noises. The phatic act is the uttering of certain vocables or words,

    1. noises of certain types, belonging to and as belonging to, a certain vocabulary, conforming to and as conforming to a certain grammar. The rhetic act is the performance of an act of using those vocables with a certain more-or-less definite sense and reference. Thus He said 'The cat is on the mat', reports a phatic act, whereas He said that the cat was on the mat reports a rhetic act. A similar contrast is illustrated by the pairs:

He said 'I shall be there', He said he would be there;

He said 'Get out' , He told me to get out;

He said 'Is it in Oxford or Cambridge ?' ; He asked whether it was in Oxford or Cambridge.

To pursue this for its own sake beyond our immediate requirements, I shall mention some general points worth remembering:

      1. Obviously, to perform a phatic I must perform a phonetic act, or, if you like, in performing one I am performing the other (not, however, that phatic acts are

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a sub-class of phonetic acts—as belonging to): but the converse is not true, for if a monkey makes a noise indistinguishable from go it is still not a phatic act.

      1. Obviously in the definition of the phatic act two things were lumped together: vocabulary and grammar. So we have not assigned a special name to the person who utters, for example, cat thoroughly the if or the slithy toves did gyre. Yet a further point arising is the intonation as well as grammar and vocabulary.
      2. The phatic act, however, like the phonetic, is essentially mimicable, reproducible (including intonation, winks, gestures, amp;c). One can mimic not merely the statement in quotation marks She has lovely hair, but also the more complex fact that he said it like this: She has lovely hair (shrugs).

This is the inverted commas use of said as we get it in novels: every utterance can be just reproduced in inverted commas, or in inverted commas with said he or, more often, said she, amp;c, after it.

But the rhetic act is the one we report, in the case of assertions, by saying He said that the cat was on the mat, He said he would go, He said I was to go (his words were You are to go). This is the so-called indirect speech. If the sense or reference is not being taken as clear, then the whole or part is to be in quotation marks. Thus I might say: He said I was to go to the 'minister', but he did not say which minister or I said that he was behav- ing badly and he replied that 'the higher you get the fewer'. We cannot, however, always use said that

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easily: we would say told to, advise to, amp;c, if he used the imperative mood, or such equivalent phrases as said I was to, said I should, amp;c. Compare such phrases as bade me welcome and extended his apologies.

I add one further point about the rhetic act: of course sense and reference (naming and referring) themselves are here ancillary acts performed in performing the rhetic act. Thus we may say I meant by 'bank' ... and we say by 'he' I was referring to. . .. Can we perform a rhetic act without referring or without naming? In general it would seem that the answer is that we cannot, but there are puzzling cases. What is the reference in all triangles have three sides ? Correspondingly, it is clear that we can perform a phatic act which is not a rhetic act, though not conversely. Thus we may repeat someone elses remark or mumble over some sentence, or we may read a Latin sentence without knowing the meaning of the words.

The question when one pheme or one rheme is the same as another, whether in the type or token sense, and the question what is one singl



How to do things with words第八章



我们对发声行为,发音行为和表意行为这三种行为做了粗略的区分。发声行为仅仅是发出某些噪音的行为。发音行为是某些字词外壳或词的发音,即某些类型的噪音,属于某种词汇,符合某种语法。表意行为就是使用那些字词的行为的表达,或多或少地会涉及到意义和参照。因此,“他说lsquo;猫在垫子上rsquo;” 是一种发音行为,而“他说,猫在垫子上”是一种表意行为。这些例子有类似的对比:









但是,我们说的是一种表意行为,在说明的情况下,通过说“他说猫在垫子上”,“他说他会去”,“他说我要去” (他的话是“你要去”)。这就是所谓的“间接引语”。如果大家认为意义或引用不是明确的,那么整个或部分应该用引号引起来。所以我应该说“他说我要去找lsquo;部长rsquo;但是他没有说哪个部长”,或者“我说他表现不好,他回答说lsquo;表现得越好得到的越少rsquo;”。但是,我们不能总是简单地用“说”:我们还可以用“告诉”,“建议”等等,如果他是急切的心情,或使用差不多的短语如“说我是”,“说我应该”等。将这些短语与“欢迎我”和“延长他的道歉”的短语进行比较。











作出鉴定或给予说明,还有许许多多类似的。(我不是在暗示这是一个明确定义的分类。)关于eo ipso没有什么神秘的。问题在于针对“我们以什么样的方式使用它”这种模糊不清的表达有不同意义的数量,这甚至可以涉及一种说话行为,我们进一步理解可以在一分钟内进入言外行为。当我们在完成一个说话行为的时候,我们使用言语:但在特定的场合我们究竟怎样才能正确使用它?因为我们使用言语的功能和方式非常多,在某种意义上它会使我们的行为有很大的不同——意义(B),使用哪种形式、哪种意义取决于我们“使用”它的场合。在我们通知、建议、命令、发表严正声明或者只是说明一个模糊的意图时,都有很大的不同。这些问题也许会有一点渗透,语法也会有一些混淆(见上文),但是我们不断地辨析它们,在这种条件下一个词都会变成一个问题。







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