
 2022-11-16 15:14:39

A Westernerrsquo;s Reflection on Mo Yan

October 12, 2012 Robert Con Davis-Undiano

When it was announced yesterday that Mo Yan is this years winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, it echoed the case made by WLT executive director Robert Con Davis-Undiano, who delivered the following paper at Beijing Normal University in spring 2012. Mo Yan was also featured in the July 2009 issue of WLT.

Since 1986, Mo Yan has gradually been recognized as one of the significant writers in the world—often ranked with Yu Hua and Su Tong as an influential voice in Chinarsquo;s post-Cultural Revolution period that started in 1976. He is frequently praised by international critics as the writer of his generation most likely to reach the first rank as “a truly great writer” (Inge 74:3, 501). His supporters cite the scope and clarity of his vision, his innovative narratives, especially in the novel, and his remarkable productivity. His translated works in English include Red Sorghum, The Garlic Ballads, Explosions and Other Stories, The Republic of Wine, Shifu: Youll Do Anything for a Laugh, Big Breasts amp; Wide Hips, and Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out, along with many other published works in China, including White Dog Swing, Thirteen Steps, Man and Beast, Soaring, Iron Child, The Cure, Love Story, Shen Garden, and Abandoned Child. Among serious writers, his ability to write challenging works that continue to surprise with their quality and variety is stunning.

Given Mo Yanrsquo;s stature and productivity, I propose that we view him as a possible test case to gauge the depth and quality of Western engagement with Chinese literature. He is only one writer, but Western critics have responded strongly to his work, and how critics and readers react to a major writer is always revealing. A Frenchman in the nineteenth century unhappy about reading Jane Austen and unwilling to read Charles Dickens was probably not open to English literature in any form. I will argue that the Western active appreciation of Mo Yan signals a Western openness to Chinese literature and a deepening engagement with Chinese culture.

I will also argue that Mo Yanrsquo;s Red Sorghum (1986) is especially valuable for probing the Western response to his work and Chinese literature, owing to the significance of this novel in his production overall, the bookrsquo;s grand scope, and the Western attention that the film Red Sorghum has already brought to the novel. Deeply influenced by reading William Faulkner and Gabriel Garciacute;a Maacute;rquez, especially by their creation of large fictional worlds like Yoknapatawpha County and Macondo, Mo Yan views Red Sorghum as part of “a full saga [that] is far from finished,” with as many as three sequels still to come (Inge 74:3, 502). Red Sorghum is a large novel with a Tolstoyan scope, and if any sequels appear, it will instantly become one of the grand fictions of our time. Even without sequels, this novelrsquo;s focus on the Gaomi Township in Shandong Province suggests Chinarsquo;s direction as a country—making Gaomi Township, as Howard Goldblatt explains, “a metaphor for Chinarsquo;s fate” (260). Over time, I believe that this book will be recognized as one of Mo Yanrsquo;s masterpieces.

My task here is to examine the Western response to this novel, mainly American-based scholarly articles that have addressed this book—its content, form, and vision—since its translation into English by Howard Goldblatt in 1993. Western criticism and interpretation of Mo Yanrsquo;s work are robust, and I will discuss them in the four areas that George Steiner names as the inevitable difficulties of understanding any literature. 1) First is cultural knowledge, what George Steiner calls a “contingent difficulty” (27)—in this case, efforts to unpack and gloss the Chinese cultural and historical contexts of Mo Yanrsquo;s work. This is cultural information, as Steiner notes, that one could “look up” in history books and references sources. For a Western reader, access to such knowledge is critical in that Western critics and readers often know little outside of European culture. 2) Next are discussions of literary forms that Mo Yan uses, what Steiner calls a “modal difficulty” (29). This area would typically include discussions of Mo Yanrsquo;s version of the novel and short story and how he adapts them for his purposes. 3) Third is what Steiner calls a “tactical difficulty” (33)—in this case, how Mo Yan deploys narrative to shape his material, probe it, and raise questions. 4) Finally, there is what Steiner calls an “ontological difficulty” (41)—Mo Yanrsquo;s broader vision and what he may be saying about China and its future. This is the grand perspective where we see the significance and direction of Mo Yanrsquo;s work overall.

Accessing Chinese culture and history to read Mo Yanrsquo;s work is not difficult, but it is a critical task for understanding his novels. A paucity of background knowledge will lead to misreading and misunderstandings on every page. For example, Red Sorghum is set during the second Sino-Japanese War that ran from 1937 through 1945, the time immediately preceding Mo Yanrsquo;s childhood. This is a dark time when the Japanese attacked China with mass killings and unthinkable cruelty. Without a functioning central government, each regional township in China was unable to keep order and protect its people. With conflicts arising even among townships and Chinese warlords, and with failed social and civil institutions, the Chinese were at Japanrsquo;s mercy, and the depth of hunger, poverty, and suffering inflicted on China is beyond simple description. Such a story cannot be a single plot line or tragedy, so all understanding of this novel must begin with awareness of this complicated human drama during the years 1937-1945.

Such complex historical material does not fit neatly into book reviews, scholarly essays, or even extended literary criticism as usually practiced in the West. Western scholarly publ



Robert Con Davis-Undiano









然而,虽然这样的实验有一个后现代的外观,莫言一贯引用民间传说和中国的故事告诉传统,最传统的来源,作为他的主要影响。这样,莫言的模态困难(通常在西方后现代的技术相关的)酷似“寻根文学”像韩少功相关的作者,因为他们都出现“通过文言和口头文学传统和西方读者比喻利用后现代”。莫言,例如,学习中国传统故事作为一个年轻的孩子,“我的祖父母和我的父亲都是伟大的讲故事的人。但我祖父的弟弟hellip;hellip;我是一个讲故事的高手,一个老中草药医生的职业使他陷入与各行各业的人接触。” “在冬天的晚上,在山东省的家中,“我们孩子求他告诉我们一个故事”(2010,224),从这个故事大师莫言一个人的“记忆起三百故事。”(225)。










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