
 2022-12-27 16:09:29

中国比较文学2014 年第4 期(总第97 期)

Classical Chinese Novels in Hungarian Translation

Peacute;ter Hajdu

(Institute for Literary Studies,Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Abstract: In the socialist period (1957 - 1989),Hungary experienced the golden age ofprojects,producing good books due to their reliable editing staff and good translators.Three of the four classical Chinese novels and Jin Ping Mei were translated in that periodinto Hungarian,although only the Water Margin (1961 ) and the Journey to the West(1969) were translated directly from Chinese by a leading sinologist,while the Dream ofthe Red Chamber (1959) and Jin Ping Mei (1964) indirectly from abridged German translations.However,those indirect translations were the bigger hits,published and sold in several consecutive editions possibly because the two-step domestication of the texts foreignness solicited more active response from the Hungarian readers,or those family stories seemed more like western novels and more accessible. The situation of Chinese translations has dramatically deteriorated after 1989,but let us hope for its improvement.

Key words: direct translation; indirect translation; classical Chinese novel; Hungarian tradition of translation; Mo Yan

The Socialist period seems to have been the golden age of literary translation,especially prose translation in Hungary [1:26]. Not the first couple of years with a rather orthodox Stalinist regime,which forbade not only translation and publication,but also library reading of every author who lived or had lived in countries running capitalist economic system that time. The extreme censorship actually killed Hungarian culture for about 6 years. From appr. 1954,but definitely after 1956 to 1990,however,the regime tried to finance the communist enlightenment program of culture. Translations were regarded as a means of educating the masses. It was an ideologically based and therefore state sponsored activity of the publishing houses to make all the important works of world literature ( supposed they did not evidently present unacceptable ideologies) available to the working masses. They had time,staff,and resources for that. Since publishers were not market oriented,they could invest many years in a project without any need of fast (or any) return.They also had a relatively reliable staff of editors and correctors,since political counter-selection did less harm on that rather low level of the intelligentsia.Publishing houses also had money,and translation payed relatively well. relatively,since we are speaking of a period when nobody was really well paid。

The situation was also rather fortunate ( at least from the viewpoint of translations) in labor supply. Many of the most talented prose writers were treated as suspicious persons by the communist party. Those writers were rarely allowed to publish their works or to have any job connected with the written culture. But they were allowed to translate to make their living. Geacute;za Ottlik,a towering figure of modern Hungarian prose,had to learn English in order to be able to translate Dickens,because it was the only activity with which he could avoid starvation[2:257 - 260]. As a result we have excellent Dickens translations on the level of the best contemporary Hungarian prose. I have to admit that some scholars tend to criticize Ottliks translations because of frequent inaccuracies,which is hardly a surprise,since he actually was learning English while translating Dickens,and others have the suspicion that the real translator was actually Ottliks wife,since she knew English. Be it as it may: from the viewpoint of a target oriented approach to translations they are excellent,since the quality of the target text is rather high.

This example is not at all exceptional. Many great Hungarian intellectuals preferred translation to writing original books,since it was a safe activity.The representatives of the publishing houses took the risk both for the selection of works to be translated and for the publication. A translator just created Peacute;ter Hajdu Classical Chinese Novels in Hungarian Translation texts as good as their talent allowed,and took the money. Writing essays or academic books was riskier: one could become the target of political attacks for his or her ideas,while there was nothing to win,since people did not need to publish anything to keep their jobs. And the situation was the same everywhere in Eastern-Europe: classical scholars for example rarely published books during the socialist period,but they translated a lot. With this said we arrived at the third aspect of the golden age of translations: the influence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the humanities or scholarship in general.The Academy,in cooperation with the publishers,of course,developed plans of what should be translated. Such lists contained socialist versions of the canon of world literature,and scholars had to find reasons to include something in a list that could convince party authorities,but once that was done,a piece of literature very probably had everything to get translated: a good translator,time,money,editing staff.

It is hardly a surprise in such circumstances that the prestige of translation is relatively high even now in East-Europe,although the situation of translators has change immensely,and unfavorably. We should not mind that there is no central planning for translations,since it also meant that if a work was not included in the central plan,it could easily be regarded as forbidden.But there are no state owned publishers any more,and business enterprises always try to cut the costs ( paying less to the translators and not employing text editors) and to have as fast return as possible ( forcing translators to work with short deadlines) . Talented intellectuals may have bette


中国比较文学2014 年第4 期(总第97 期)


Peacute;ter Hajdu(文学研究机构,匈牙利科学学院)

摘要: 社会主义时期(1957 - 1989)的匈牙利迎来了翻译的黄金时代:不以盈利为目的的国有出版社能够赞助长期的翻译项目,并因拥有可靠的编辑人员和众多优秀的译者而生产佳作。在此期间,《金瓶梅》和中国古典小说四大名著中的三部被译为匈牙利语,不过,其中只有《水浒传》(1961)和《西游记》(1969)是由一位杰出的汉学家直接从中文译入的,而《红楼梦》(1959)和《金瓶梅》(1964)均转译自德文删简版。然而,那些转译的作品却更受欢迎,不断再版。究其原因,也许是原作的异国因素在经过转译后,更易引起匈牙利读者的共鸣,但也可能是因为家族题材的小说与西方小说更为相类,更易为本土读者所接受。1989 年之后匈牙利对中国文学的翻译急剧减少,此种状况今后或许会有改善。

关键词: 直译; 转译; 中国古典小说; 匈牙利的翻译传统; 莫言

中图分类号: I106 文献标识码: A 文章编号1006 - 6101(2014)04 - 0110 - 10


这种情况也相当幸运的(至少从翻译的角度)在劳动力供给时期,许多最有才华的作家被视为共产党疑似分子。那些作家很少被允许发布自己的作品或有任何工作与写作文化相关,但他们被允许为了生计进行翻译工作,Geacute;za Ottlik,现代匈牙利的散文的巨人,为了能够翻译狄更斯不得不学习英语,因为那是唯一使他避免饥饿的工作[2:257-260]。因此,在高水平的匈牙利现代散文作品中,我们有了优秀的狄更斯作品译本。我不得不承认一些学者因为作品中频繁的错误质疑Geacute;za Ottlik,这并不奇怪,因为他其实是为了翻译狄更斯而去学习英文,并且有些人怀疑真正的翻译者实际上是欧立克的妻子,因为她通晓英语。就算是这样:从目标导向的翻译观来讲,他们

are excellent,since the quality of the target text is rather high.



preferred translation to writing original books,since it was a safe activity.


The representatives of the publishing houses took the risk both for the selection


of works to be translated and for the publication. A translator just created



is relatively high even now in East-Europe,although the situation of translators has change immensely,and unfavorably. We should not mind that there is no central planning for translations,since it also meant that if a work was not included in the central plan,it could easily be regarded as forbidden.But there are no state owned publishers any more,and business enterprises always try to cut the costs ( paying less to the translators and not employing text editors) and to have as fast return as possible ( forcing translators to work with short deadlines) . Talented intellectuals may have better occupations,like writing their own books,but there are still many good

升高,虽然译者的情况已经极大地改变。我们不应该介意没有中央计划翻译,因为这也意味着,如果一个工作没有被纳入中央计划,它很容易被认为是被禁止的。但是没有国家允许出版商有其他更多的,并且企业一直试图削减成本(付更少的工资和不使用文本编辑器),并且尽可能得到快速的回报(迫使译者缩短工作期限)。优秀的知识分子可能有更好的职业,喜欢写自己的书,但市场上还是有很多好的译者--与没有天赋的,便宜的译者们有着激烈的竞争关系。我知道一个例子, Petra Gizella szaboacute;,他是一位优秀的双语翻译,无论德语到匈牙利语,还是反过来。她总是产生高质量的文本,但她翻译得缓慢小心。在1990年之后,没有出版社的耐受性,她不能以翻译为生,以前她或多或少能够做到。


frequently express wishes for new translations of important classic poetry or voluminous novels,but such translations need probably years,while nobody will pay the translator a penny. Who can afford to do this? To work on a translation project for years while one has to support themselves from something else? As a counterexample I would like to refer to the example of Zsuzsa Rakovszky,a good poet who nowadays,in a rather late phase of her career became an excellent prose writer. Since 1986 she has made her living as a freelance translator of English texts. In 2008 - 2009 it was she who translated Stephanie Meyers Twilight trilogy. On the one hand,she could translate very fast,since the English text is rather plain and simplistic,and then

经常表现为有想要翻译重要古典诗歌或长篇小说新译本的愿望,但这种翻译大概需要几年,然而没有人会为译者支付一分钱。谁能负担得起?为一个翻译项目工作多年,但是一个人必须支付自己生活中的其他开销?作为一个反例,我想指的是zsuzsa rakovszky,如今是个好诗人,在她职业生涯较晚的阶段成为了一个优秀的散文作家。自1986以来,她为了生活作为一个英语兼职翻译。2008-2009是她翻译的斯蒂芬妮梅尔的暮光三部曲。一方面,她翻译得很快,因为英语原文是平稳简单的,然后get paid; on the other hand,she wrote a much better text than the source text was,since however fast she worked,a first rank prose writer rewrote a best seller. It was possible due to the still high prestige of literary translation and the pressure of free market. Nevertheless we cannot help feeling it is a waste of talent: a good writer,when translating,should rather invest her energies in first rank texts.


我想有必要介绍一下背景,以展示一下在匈牙利的中国古典小说。因为那的确是很长的文本,如今似乎没有机会得到翻译,但这又是合乎逻辑的,社会主义出版商已经把这项工作放在他们的议程上,将它们提供给劳动群众,因为它们被视为世界文学经典的一部分。一个著名的匈牙利的汉学家,Barnabs Csongor 提供四个古典小说的翻译,即《水浒传》1961[3],和《西游记》1969[4]。可以说,他曾经是一个重要的汉学家,因为他是 1963年到1983年chair of Hungarys single Department of Chinese in Budapest for twenty years(1963 - 1983). He published important papers,but he never wrote a book.Just like I told earlier about the typical achievement of East-European intellectuals in the socialist era: probably the most important part of his output was his translations. He translated Chinese poetry and minor prose works too,but two such great translation project are also enough to respect him. And actually he did not finish the scholarly care about those novels with the publication.The 1977 second edition of Water Margin indicates it is an“extended edition”[5],although nothing indicated in the first one that it was abridged.The fact itself that the first edition appeared in two while the second in three volumes does not necessarily mean that the latter has a longer text. He also




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