Brian D. Joseph
1. Introduction
It is clear that the set of changes effected by speakers in their languages include those
that are often labelled “grammaticalization”, “grammaticization”, or even
“grammatization”. This notion is variously defined, 1 but especially in recent years,
almost always in such a way as to refer to something that, first of all, morphemes do,
as opposed to (referring to) what is done by speakers, and that, second, echoes the
characterization of Kurylowicz 1965: “an increase of the range of a morpheme
advancing from a lexical to a grammatical or from a less grammatical to a more
grammatical status”. Indeed, several other chapters in this volume — Bybee, Fortson,
Harrison, Heine, Hock, Mithun, Rankin, and Traugott, to be exact — are concerned, to
one degree or another, with grammaticalization.
As Heinersquo;s chapter points out, the notion of “grammaticalization” has been
extended by many practitioners to cover other sorts of change than strictly the
movement of an item along a scale (“cline”) of increasing grammatical status (from
content word gt; grammatical word gt; clitic gt; inflectional affix, cf. Hopper amp; Traugott
1993:7), and thus Kurylowiczrsquo;s definition is probably too narrow. McMahon (1994:
160), for instance, notes that grammaticalization encompasses essentially all types of
language change, since “grammaticalization is not only a syntactic change, but a global change affecting also the morphology, phonology and semantics”.Still,
Kurylowiczrsquo;s definition is generally accepted as a basic characterization of
grammaticalization, and it is so endorsed by Heine (this volume).
In the present chapter, by contrast, a rather different angle on the emergence of
grammatical elements and related phenomena is taken. In particular, the focus here is
on what can be called “morphologization”.
2. Scope and Motivation for Two Types of Morphologization
There are two directions for morphologization: either something that is syntactic at
one stage can turn into morphology (the major focus of this chapter), or something
that is a matter of phonology at one stage can become morphological (as discussed in
Jandarsquo;s chapter in this volume). These directions could be characterized as
morphologization from above and morphologization from below, respectively,
reflecting the customary view of the components of grammar as hierarchically
arranged from the level of sound “up to” the level of sentence structure, though
nothing crucial hinges on this characterization.
Elsewhere, in Joseph amp; Janda 1988, these two types of morphologization have
been referred to as desyntacticizing and dephonologizing, respectively. Although they can be given these different labels, they are actually quite similar, having the same
outcome, i.e. morphology, and the same motivation.
Reduplication in Sanskrit provides examples of such local generalizations,
since the patterns of reduplication found for instance in the perfect tense formations,
including (where V = a vowel that usually copies the root vocalism) V-, VV-, CV-, and
occasionally even CVV-, as well as the highly specific n-, tend to cluster around particular root-types, e.g. V- with roots that begin with v-, n- with certain vowel-initial
roots, CV- with alteration of the root-initial consonant with a handful of roots, CV- as
the default case, and so on. Significantly, also, local generalizations tend to result
from, and show fragmentation of, once quite general phenomena — perfect tense
reduplication in Proto-Indo-European, for instance, was almost exclusively8 CV- —
and thus they suggest that speakers focus on the analysis of just a restricted set of data
at a time, and thus come up with quite particularized analyses.9
That is to say,speakers view language through a relatively small “window” at any given time, andthus the size of their focal area is relatively small.10 This access to only limited data ata given time translates into solutions that are cast in terms of highly particularproperties of stems, affixes, and the like, and which are usually best accommodated inthe morphology, since phonological solutions are usually to be interpreted quite generally, referring as they do to properties of sound only; thus local generalizations,being defined often in terms of idiosyncrasies and sometimes extending only over a few forms, are usually morphological in nature, as well as quite concrete, in that they are based on surface representations and categories that are overtly marked rather than on abstract properties of phonological form.
In that way, Joseph amp; Janda claimed, speakers opt for morphological accounts
over phonological or syntactic ones whenever the analysis of a given phenomenon
offers any ambiguity as to the extent of its generality. It was further argued there that
grammars should therefore be viewed as being “morphocentric”, or more accurately,
“morpholexicocentric” (see below), with a greater role for the morphological
component, in order to explain this preference speakers give to morphological accounts.
It must be realized that the lexicon is taken here to be connected closely with the
morphological component, and thus is part of what is to be considered “the
morphology” of a language. The lexicon, after all, is where (at least root) morphemes
are found and where (at least) idiosyncratic information about morphemes resides.11
Thus references to “morphological” phenomena here include “morpholexical”
information as well. Morphology,
Brian D. Joseph
很明显,一系列由说话人的语言影响的变化包括那些通常标有“虚化”,“语法化”,甚至“共时语法化”。这个概念有不同的定义,但特别是在最近几年,几乎总是以这样的方式来指代事物,与Kurylowicz在1965年的描述相呼应:“一个语素从一个实词向一个语法词演变或者从一个语法化程度较低的的词向一个语法化程度较高的词演变的情况越来越多”。事实上,在本卷其他几个章节——Bybee、 Fortson、Harrison、Heine、Hock、 Mithun、Rankin和 Traugott,准确的说都或多或少涉及到了实词虚化。
正如海涅在文章指出的那样,“虚化”的概念已经被许多人扩大,并用来涵盖所有的变化而不仅仅是一个词逐渐语法化的过程(从内容词gt;语法词gt;附着词素gt;屈折词缀,Hopper 和Traugott(1993),因此Kurylowicz的定义可能过于狭窄。例如,McMahon(1994)表明语法化包含基本上所有类型的语言的变化,因为“语法不仅是语法的变化,同时也影响了形态,音韵学和语义学的变化”。 但是,Kurylowicz的定义通常被认为是语法化的基础描述,这个观点与海涅是一致的。
- 两种形态化的范围和动机
形态化有两个方向:一是在句法在某一个阶段形态化,或是音韵在某个阶段可以变得形态化。这些方向可以被表征为从上而下的形态化以及从上而下的形态化。在其他地方,Joseph和 Janda在1988年指出: 这两种类型的形态化被分别称为desyntacticizing和dephonologizing。虽然他们可以被给予这些不同的标签,它们实际上相当类似,具有相同的结果,即形态和相同的动机。
因此,在这个例子中明显体现了以上所给的词汇化定义,但体现了语法化吗?有可能体现了,但只有在语法化被包含在一个渐进过程中并成为一个词的某个成分时,我们才会解释为词汇化。例如,一个词缀,我们更多的是通过语法化解释,而不是通过句法来解释。然而这样的渐变过程完全是一种约束,因为有自由词语具有语法功能,例如英语或法语、德语中的各种标句词,还有法语中的 agrave;和代词等等,也有无语法功能的词缀可以实现语法化,例如:-al可以为说英语的人加在syntactic使其构成新的词syntactical(注意必须都是形容词且是近义词),同样的英语使用者可以在 competence后加-y变成competency等等。因此一个词在 一个渐变词中的位置与它在语法化参与程度之间没什么联系。语法化理论学家也在一定程度上意识到这个问题,以C. Lehmann为例给出了六个标准:磨损、固化、词形变化、聚结、有约束力、定位,并声称这六个连起来才是一个等效点才能说是语法化。然而原则上每个标准都是独立于其他的,所以这就要求要把这几个分到一个包含它们标准里,同时采取同等的措施进行渐进的语法化。
这里是有关这一类的减少,例如我们可以从德语中看出,从古德语的假设性功能短语hiu tagu*(今天) 变为heute(今天),hiu jaru(今年)变为heuer(今年)。现在并不能确定与语法化相关的事情已经发生,对于这种组合的短语可能是语法化前也有可能是语法化后的减少。